How To Approach Your Job-Search

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Hey guys!

Happy POST-Madaraka Day!

The holiday is way over; and most of us are back to work since Tuesday. And since the start of this second quarter of the year; we’ve been covering a lot about your dream-job; in the “DJ Exclusive material series"

What We Covered
We looked into how to Pre-Qualify your Dream-Job; the right definition of a dream-job; and how that definition varies for different people. (Hint: There is no blanket definition)

We learnt the most important aspects to consider when choosing your Dream job. We dived deeper into the stupendous importance of making sure you match your skills to that job. 

Plus “word-for-word Intelligent Question Scripts” you can use during your search phase to know more about a SPECIFIC job position.

 I showed you how you can use these same questions to get to determine which company is a good fit. (Hint: You need to look into whether a company is a “good fit” for you prior; rather than wasting your time applying only to want to bow out after a few months)

We explored how you can leverage these “Intelligent Questions” to build a network of supportive smart people. These are the people who will help you out in your career decisions.

(Hint: The average job-applicant “Merely applies for a job”. But the smart job-applicant usually seek advice before they make their career moves.)

We looked into the POWERFUL ethical “trick” of giving VALUE FIRST; and how that positions you to WIN in the DJ interviews.

Along the course of these materials; we also unearthed the “Myths” of what a DJ is NOT.  (Hint: Forget about the GRANDIOSE THEORIES of what a Dream Job is.)

I walked you through how being SPECIFIC and REALISTIC about your DJ plays the greatest role in knowing where to start your DJ search.

Toward the end; we uncovered how you can get your “Foot In The Door” of your DJ company—using unconventional techniques.

 And then I showed you some POWERFUL psychological techniques you can use to get the hiring manager to hire you.

In the last material; we uncovered a technique you can use to ramp-up rapidly; and move up the career ladder.

As you can see, that was a lot for this quarter 2nd quarter of the year. As always, my aim is to help you get in control of your career.

…So, today I figured-out that it would be great to give you all the DJ Exclusive Full Package in one single elite material. Savor it; learnt from it; and all I ask is: TAKE ACTION on the lessons; and techniques you learnt in all this.

Here is all the DJ Exclusive material series; for you to enjoy and step-up…

How To Pre-Qualify Your dream-Job

How Smart Candidate Approach Your Dream-Job Search

The "WINNING MINDSET" In Your Dream-Job Search

Dream-Job Search: How To ask "Intelligent Questions"

The Unconventional Approach To Dream-Job Application: How Top-Performer Candidate Apply Jobs

How Top Performers Get Promotions

Great weekend !



P.S. I had promised to give you one more material; but the truth is: Solutions to our careers does not lie in  "more information"; but the implementation of what we already know.


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