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Sending more and more job applications is not the solution. Instead, do this... |
Alright, before we dive into it, I've got something realy good for you, if you are new and first time reader to my blog. It's a FREE GIFT for YOU, for just dropping by. Seriously!!!
And here's the deal. I'd like to give you a TOOL that'd help generate multiple job interviews and job offers for you, even while you sleep.
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Okay, so...
Look at these online comments, sentiments and emails I see and receive from readers...
"I have B.com(accounting option and CPA II,10YEARS EXPERIENCE IN AUDIT,NGO and MICROFINANCE. I have applied for MORE THAN 100 ACCOUNTING JOBS...but NONE HAS EVER BEEN POSITIVE for EVEN SHORT LISTING.What could be the problem…?”
“...I am a former Recce squad member,having 10 YEARS IN KENYA and 4 YEARS WORKING ABROAD,have applied for many jobs but no interview.what could be the problem and I GOT ABROAD COLLEGE PAPERS and GRADUATED FROM THE BEST MILITARY COLLEGE with GOOD PASS…?”
“My concern is ,My CV... I seem not to get an interview despite constantly making applications.What could I be doing wrong?”
How many of us are experiencing this, and haven't voiced it yet, but are dying from within?
The answer?...many.
The hopelessness is almost palpable. And these are great job candidates, most of which are not fresh graduates.
These are job candidates who are technically skilled, with experience, got great grades, with good papers, and went to the best colleges/ universities.
Look, I know I promised to be releasing part II material on how to ace job interviews. And I’ll definitely honor that promise.
...But since mid this week, I’ve been seeing the above comments, and receiving such emails, and so I could not hold on any longer!
(Normally, I don't release material on this site that frequently, but I had to respond to these readers, and address their challenges)
By the way, it's a sad state of things, and I feel for everyone going through this!
By the way, it's a sad state of things, and I feel for everyone going through this!
And if you're facing the same unfortunate predicament, come along with me!
All is not lost, and I’ll show you the solution…
We go to college, put in the work, get the Degrees and the Masters...and we are told that once we do, we’ll get jobs!
Well, that's half-truth.
The degrees are important. We need them, but they don't directly translate into jobs!
Your academic credentials are important, but in the job market, hiring managers--when you apply for a job--are looking for something else, beyond those papers.
Here's the hard truth: for all your efforts in college/university. For all the time you put in. For all the hard work. For all the money you invested to earn your education. For all the years you spend learning to get great papers…
...there's only one document that matters in the process of landing you a job. YOUR CV.
THIS ONE PIECE OF PAPER, WILL DETERMINE ALMOST THE ENTIRE DIRECTION OF YOUR CAREER...whether you are new to the job market, or have been there for years. Doesn’t really matter.
And that's something almost no one tells us. Or at least, no one shows us exactly how to make our CV work for us, rather than against us.
You could be the most technically competent candidate. You could be the most experienced candidate. You could be the most educated candidate.
...But if your CV is generic. You're toast!
You know why?
...Because hiring managers have a world of their own, different from every job candidates' world. Yes, totally different from your world!
And understanding their world is important, because once you do, you can step into it, and get their attention!
Here's something you need to know...
When you submit your job application, it will land in the hiring manager's desk, or human resource manager,...or a recruiter.
And they don't know you. They don't know your technical competency. They don't know how experienced you're in your field. They don't know how knowledgeable and skillful you are.
...All they have and see, is your CV in their hands.
And based on what's in that piece of paper, they are supposed to make important decision as to whether or not, they should give you a call for an interview, and see whether you're a good fit for them.
They've so many CVs coming to their desk, for the exact job position, and they've limited time.
Yet they're supposed to check the CVs, and decide which candidate seems like a good fit--based the 3-page document, so the hiring process can move into the next phase.
With no time on their side. And this being a decision that matter to the company (hiring the wrong candidate is way too costly), and bearing in mind that they'd need another time-consuming process of interviewing...they've 3 things they'll need to do.
- Pick the least candidates possible for interview (they're filling just one spot)
- Pick the highest quality candidates--from the submitted CVs-- possible (they want to max their chances of getting the right candidateo--from a small pool. They don't have time, and lots of resources to RE-DO this again)
- Use the least time possible to do the above (they've don't have the time, yet they've to do it, and do it right.)
And because of the above 3 things, you have ONLY 7 seconds of their attention.
You miss that ONE SHOT...and that's it!
If your CV doesn't MAKE IMPRESSION in those 7 seconds, you're forgotten. No matter how smart and competent you are!
And your application becomes another entry in the CV pile!
Now, I'm about to make a statement that might get you irritated. But don't.
...Because I'll be making this statement to show you what happens behind the closed-doors of hiring manager's office.
Here's the statement: do you ever see how we get irritated about the fact that, they'll not only didn't get us shortlisted for interview, but also, didn't tell us why we did not? Truth is, they didn't see all what's in your CV.
You could still have been the best, but they'd only 7 seconds to look into your CV.
Yes, it sounds unfair...
...Especially, having spent years and lots of money to earn your education, and now, you’re given only 7 SECONDS, and, a critical decision that will affect your life is made based on 2-page pieces of paper.
But that's how it works.
I wish it were different. But it's not!
But, all that is also GOOD NEWS...
..Because the moment you know, how frame the ONE DOCUMENT THAT MATTERS in security job interview, then you can use that, and beat even more experienced and technically competent candidates--and get interviews!
I'll show you how to do that in a while, down the line...but first, here's something you need to understand...
Let me show you one of the worst career advice of all the times. It's old enough for all of us to know it's the worst career advice in the world.
...Yet, for some reasons most of us still follow it, because
a) No one shows us an alternative solution, and so that's all we know
b) because we don't know it's a bad advice.
What do ‘they’ tell us, when we’ve applied for jobs with no results--not even a single job interview?
They tell us: “keep trying. Keep sending more and more applications, you shall succeed”
You know what happens if we follow that advice? Just read this sentiment…
“4 years with my degree and Masters and still tarmacking . 1000 of applications but nothing. Can I call this being unlucky?”
1000 job application with ZERO RESULTS! That's not little effort!
And then, they tell us: “...keep on applying to different companies. Send more applications”
If it were them, would they be excited to keep on doing that?
Listen, if you've sent hundreds or thousands of job application with ZERO RESULTS, my advice is: DON'T SEND ANY MORE APPLICATIONS. STOP IT! (I'll show you what to do instead)
Yes, most people will tell you to ‘keep sending more’. And probably have been telling you to do that.
Now, "keep trying more and more" is a good advice when teaching a kid how to ride a bike. It can work. But for a critical area of your life like career????
Here's what to do first: IGNORE their advice. That's a BAD ADVICE.
Let’s be honest, if the SOLUTION was sending more and more applications, how would they explain the many job applications--even 1000 applications-- you have made?
And when would you say “now I’ve made enough applications”? When do you know when they're enough? When is more, more enough?
When something doesn't work, doing more of it would not change anything. I mean, applying for jobs doesn't cost 2 shillings. It costs money!
And if you’re not getting the results you want, would doing more of it get you different results? ...apart from the fact that you’ll be putting your money into “black hole”?
So, the SOLUTION is not ‘sending more application’, but finding out “WHY” it's not getting you results, fixing that problem and then, you can send your application.
So, rather than sending your applications into that black-hole of doom, here's what you’re supposed to do instead…Focus on the most important document that matter, and will get you in front of the hiring manager: Your CV
How? I'll show you!
Not many of us have connections. Not many of us know or have inside-people in the companies we want to work with or have the opportunity to work with.
And for most of us, our ONLY BEST SHOT to get the attention of the hiring managers, get called for job interview, is our CV. Job application comes later!
Like I mentioned earlier, this SINGLE DOCUMENT. That 2-page piece of paper you have...HAS THE POWER TO LAND YOU GREAT JOBS…
The best approach to follow in your job search is being SYSTEMATIC, METHODICAL, and following a PROCESS that virtually guarantees results.
...Rather than following random tactics, where we send our CVs to random company, never hear back, and keep on doing the same for years!
1 year of your life...2 years of your life...3 years of your life, is not a joke!
Unlike what most people tell us…”Finish college, then start applying for jobs”...which only leads into frustration, lose of hope, and self-doubt about our abilities…
...let me give you a simple STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS that will help you change your career, and land jobs in months--INSTEAD of years.
Follow this process, and you can virtually guarantee success in--months.
I love following predictable STEP-BY-STEP PROCESSES. Because that means, I can tell--if I'm not getting the outcome I want--where the problem could be, at any stage in the process.
And I can go back to that step, in the process, and fix the problem. Make adjustments, and measure the results again.
I hate feeling confused, stressed, frustrated about something, not knowing where to start, what to do, how to do it, and what's the next step from where I am.
We are human beings, and when faced with such situations, usually we do NOTHING. We just sit, because, even if we were to do something, we don't even know how to do it, or where to start!
Our brains are wired to work better when we have direction. When faced with daunting and complex task--like searching for a job--and we’ve tried what we know, and failed--due to stress and frustration--we just stop and do nothing about it, over time.
Not because we are lazy, or aren't proactive enough or ambitious, but because that's how our brains are wired to work.
When we follow random tactics--like making continuous job application--and they fail. And we are left not knowing whay else to do, it becomes hard to move ahead in our career!
But, when you have a systematic process that shows you where to start, what to do, how to do it, and the next step after that--until you get the results you want--things become easier. And most of us are ambitious, and aggressive enough to take action, and make the change they want in out careers.
And so today, I want to show a simple STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS, that once you follow, and IMPLEMENT all the steps, will virtually guarantee landing you your next job--and end the rat-race of frustrating endless job application.
The Simple 5-step Process That’ll Land You Job, And Stop The Frustrating Rat-race Of Endless Job Application.
This is just one of the steps that goes into writing a CV that turns your job application into an INTERVIEW MAGNET.
Now, here’s what I mean by “Your VALUE”:
- Experience: You could have certain experience that you can use to solve a problem/challenge. Eg. You could have a year or 2 in auditing, sales etc. What experience do you have, THAT CAN BE TRANSLATED INTO TANGIBLE RESULTS? Dig it out.
- Transferable Skills : The exact skills you have that can be TRANSLATED INTO REAL QUANTIFIABLE RESULTS when applied. E.g: training sales team to get them to sale more, that's sales training skill. What are they? Dig them out!
- Personal Quality: It could be you're analytical by nature. Or you have an eye-for-details. That's a really valuable quality in accounting positions. Dig out your valuable applicable personal quality THAT CAN BE TRANSLATED INTO VALUABLE TANGIBLE RESULTS.
- Special Knowledge: There are certain subject matters we are really good at. It could be marketing, or technical know how. That's a valuable knowledge that, when utilized can be turned into tangible results. What's yours?
The above 4 is what VALUE is--and are always what hiring managers are looking for. That's what VALUE, to them.
Now, you don't have to posses all 4, dig out at least 3--but you'll notice you’ve almost all four.
Dig out which of the 4 you have that would be translated into REAL RESULTS.
When writing your CV, that VALUE is what should go into your CV.
Keep in mind that your CV is your SECRET WEAPON, to get the hiring manager's attention. And every single word should earn its space into the CV.
Remember you’ve only a time-frame window of 7 seconds to impress the hiring manager!
So every single word that goes into your CV should count. Otherwise, it does not earn its space into the page!
Showing your VALUE is what leads to interview-calls.
And when you get that interview-call, that gives you the chance to demonstrate your skills, your competency, and experience--to hiring managers.
If your CV does not “SELL YOU” on VALUE, you almost always never get the chance interview.
It denies you the chance to demonstrate your competency. And thus, no one will ever give you any job offer--even though you’ve great technical skills, experience, and are good at what you do-- because they don't know about that!
Note, this is the reason why technically competent job candidate would fail to land job interview, yet another not so smart, applying for the same, lands the interview.
Your CV is your SECRET WEAPON. It’s the one document that matters--in getting your foot in the door of that company--more than anything else.
Here’s the great mistakes most job candidates make: they use one CV to apply for different jobs. Do that, and you’ve already lost the game!
DON’T DO THAT. If you’ve been doing that, STOP IT!
You need to get SPECIFIC about your TARGET EMPLOYER. Who are they, and what are their real challenges?
This is important, because once you do that, you can present your VALUE in your CV, based on their challenges.
No two employers have the same challenges.
What could be a VALUE to one target employer, is usually IRRELEVANT, and useless to another employer. Which is why your CV should be different for every job you apply!
You’ve uncovered your VALUE. You’ve your target employer in mind, and know what their challenges are. Now sit down to write your CV, and show your VALUE based on who your TARGET EMPLOYER CHALLENGES associated with the position you're applying.
Notice, we are into step 3, and haven't started applying for any job yet. You want to virtually guarantee your CV gets your results?
This is the process you follow.
Let me say this again: it's pointless to send random applications to random companies--just because you saw the job advert--if you don't even know and can't show your value yet. And if you don't know the REAL CHALLENGES, and the SOLUTION you can offer them, and how you can offer that solution.
Get those things right first, before you ever thing of applying for any job.
If you haven't taken time to uncover your value yet, and understood how you can solve the hiring manager's challenge how would he know about all that himself?
Everybody can apply for a job, but not everybody applying has value to offer, even worse most applicants don't know what their value is!
Give them what they want, and you get their attention and their interview call. Do otherwise, and you’ll never hear from them.
Having taken the first 2 steps, this step 3 is where you write your CV. And your CV would be targeted, not generic.
Once you have it ready, head to step # 4 below...
The way to get jobs is being SPECIFIC, not GENERAL. You want to make your every job application count, rather than being another entry in the CV pile.
Apart from gross mistakes most job candidates make when writing their CV, the second big mistake, is applying for any job, just because your CV is "well written".
Your CV could be "PERFECT" and full of value, but if the job you're applying for doesn't consider what's in your CV valuable. They’ll never get back to you.
Not because your CV is generic, but because you're targeting the wrong employer.
It's easy to be tempted to apply just for any job- especially if you currently don't have a job. Resist that temptation.
They're not going to call you, anyway. Plus it's a WASTE of your TIME, and RESOURCES.
Most importantly, when you get rejected over and over again--for making the above mistake--something else happens internally.
You resort into negative frame of mind, develop self-doubt about your abilities, hopelessness sets in, resulting into almost ZERO DRIVE to apply even for job opportunities that would really get you hired!
It's hard enough to get rejected once. But getting rejected 1000 times??
And if you still don't get what I mean, read this comment from a job candidate…
“I have applied many jobs on the position of accounts assistant, which is the job am currently in for the past 4 years, but surprisingly i have never been invited for a single interview. what could be the matter?”
Or this..
“I have tried like 60 applications with 40 unreplied, like 19 regrets... Should I give UP?”
The moment you resort into into negative mental frame because you've been rejected all the time for making the above mistake--sending random applications to random companies--that works against you.
In this step # 4, you guard against that and guarantee to start getting interview calls.
If you carefully take the above 4 systematic steps in that order, you should start seeing results, in form of job interview-calls.
Now, if you don't see results, iterate step 1 to 4, to refine and fine-tune your CV, and make it start working for you.
Once you start getting interview calls, then you know you're ready for step # 5.
You now have interview calls for most job application you make. That means you’ve got good at writing a CV that gets the right potential employer’s attention.
Now, take the fifth step, and get good at interviewing. Once you learn the interviewing game, you start attracting job offers. That Simple 5-Step process--if you IMPLEMENT it, and pay attention to each step--and iterate, based on the outcome--willl not only land you jobs in months, but will change the direction of your career.
Follow that SYSTEM, and you should start seeing results. Avoid generic career advice like a plaque. If something’s not working, doing more of it doesn't SOLVE the problem.
Just because everybody’s says that's what we should be doing doesn't mean it’s TRUE!
If you want more help on how to implement all the above, so you start getting job interviews, and never have to do a 1000 applications with ZERO RESULTS, I can show you how.
My paid Email Course…THE IRRESISTIBLE CV…a STEP-BY-STEP CV-WRITING Course that’ll turn your CV into INTERVIEW MAGNETIC...walks you through everything you need to turn your job applications into job interviews.
If you want to stop the rat-race, and the frustration plus the stress of endless job applications with zero results, this course will show you exactly how to do that.
Unlike anything else I have released in public,in this course, I hold your hand, and STEP-BY-STEP show you where to start, what to do, why we are doing it...
...so by the end of the course, you'll have not only turned your CV into an INTERVIEW MAGNET, but are able to craft your own CV for any job you want, any time you want, and attract job interviews
And you'll be able to do that a year, 2 years, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years from now. You'll use the skill you'll learn in that course for the rest of your career. And you'll never need a "CV professional" to review your CV!
Note: you can only be able to access this course through being im my email list. Yes, only readers in my email list can have access to the course. If you're not in my email list, the first step join my email list, then you can get more information about the course.
To be able to gain access into my email list, click the link I'll give you at the end, and you'll not only be able to know more about the course, but I will do 2 things:
- I’ll send you FREE INTERVIEW GENERATING TOOL, so you start getting job interviews--almost effortlessly.
- You’ll get POWERFUL, EDUCATIVE, and HELPFUL emails from me on CV-WRITING and INTERVIEWING. Powerful stuff that I only share with my readers, and you'll never see them on this site.
Here's the link to gain access to all of the above:
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See you on the inside, and thanks for reading.
- Eric
P.S. I'll honour my promise, so, PART 2 material on how to ace job interviews is coming soon. If you missed part I, click HERE.
P.P.S: I wrote today's material, as a response to a reader who had asked why she’s not getting job interviews, even after completing her Master's Degree, it's 4 years now, she’s send out 1000 applications, and has got nothing out of all those efforts. And other readers who've faced the same challenge.
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