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Turn your current CV into Dream-job Interview magnet with this 2 secret techniques |
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Imagine how it'd feel like, knowing that you could submit a few applications, and turn those application into Dream-job interviews,
Imagine the confidence and the security you'd have knowing that even if things went south in your current job, with a few applications, you could have multiple Dream-job interviews lined up for you!
See, there's a way to stop the constant rejection when you apply for your Dream-job.
There's a way to Turn Your Current CV Into A Dream-job Interview Magnet.
There's way to Write Your Own Ticket Into Your Dream-job Interviews.
And today, I'd like to share with you how to do that.
I'd like to share with you 2 Powerful CV-writing secret techniques, that'd Turn Your Current Cv Into Dream-job Interview Magnet, so you write your own ticket into Dream-job interviews.
Sure, I've written dozens of valuable CV-Writing materials here on this blog, but I've always kept these 2 secret techniques to myself ( I spent more than 3 years to uncover them)
What you'll learn today, you'll never find it anywhere else in any blog, and as far as I know, you'll not find it in any online article anywhere on the internet!
Some career experts, Professional CV-Writers and recruiters would charge you for this, but I want to give it to you for FREE!
Why? Well, my reason for doing this is very simple. I want to invest in you, and help you jump-start your career growth, so you can start investing in your own career growth.
So, let's get started...
The 2 CV-writing Secrets Techniques To Turn Your Current CV Into Dream-job Interview Magnet
Today, you'll learn the secret to stop endless job application, and start getting job interviews right away.
I'll share with you, the 2 CV-writing Secret Techniques, that virtually guarantees job interviews.
And the best way to share this with you, and help you not only see how they work, but most importantly, understand how you can implement them, is to do it practically.
So, we are going to get an average CV, then, using these secret techniques, turn it into a compelling CV, that virtually guarantees job interview--when submitted.
Secret Technique # 1: Don't Just Tell Show Proof
Average CVs--which is over 90% of the CV--say "I did X and Y". A Winning CV say, "This is is what I did, and here are the results I generated."
And there's a great difference between the 2. The first one tell, the second one show PROOF.
The 2nd also shows transferable skill, which are in line with the target position.
And eliminates any SELF-SABOTAGING phrases line "Corporate Speak" and useless segments.
Hring manager want to know you have the the right skills, and you can use them to deliver tangibles results--in solving company's burning challenges around the target position.
They want PROOF that you've done that before. Show that proof.
Don't make these 2 costly mistakes in your CV:
She you show skills matching the target position challenges, and show proof--with specific results--that you can solve those challenges, everything hiring manager would want to meet you.
Forget about minutiae advice--from so called " Professional CV-Writers' or 'Resume-Writers' about what font-size you should use for your name in the CV.
Hiring manager care about the results you can offer them. The value you bring on the table--not the font-size you use name title!
Always remember, your CV MUST answer—SATISFACTORILY-- the potential employers’ question…
Let me show you how this works, practically.
Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. And, let's assume you're have an IT job position in your company.
You get two CVs from candidate A and candidate B. Candidate A's CV look like this.
CV Example # 1:
. *** *** *** *** ***
Network troubleshooting Information Systems Management Systems Networking
College: Cape-town College
Jan 2003 – Dec 2005 Diploma Information Communication Technology
Secondary School: 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
April 2015 to date Timeko Institute Of Technology—ICT Officer
January 2004 to December 2004 Sports captain Cape-town College
January 2005 to December 2005 Student councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College
*** *** *** *** ***
Here's the CV, for candidate B.
CV Example # 2:
Network troubleshooting; Information Systems Management; Software Installation; Hardware Maintenance.
ICT Officer - Timeko Institute of Technology 2015 January – 2016 January
• Troubleshooting & maintaining the Institute’s Communication Network Systems
• Built the entire Campus Computer Network System from the Control-Room to the Administration offices and Library
• Advised the Institution on the best Information System Software and hardware
Sports Captain Cape-town College 2004 Jan – 2004 Dec
Student Councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College 2005 Jan – 2005 Dec
Diploma Information Communication Technology 2003 - 2005 Cape-town College
Secondary School 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
. *** *** *** *** ***
Which of the 2 candidates would you contact for an interview first--based on their CVs?
Which CV is more IMPRESSIVE? …Which one is more compelling to you, as the hiring manager?
It’s axiomatic. The second one!
Because this CV not only shows the “Specific Measurable Transferable skills” this candidate has, but it also gives you PROOF that he’s been applying these exact skills.
In the "EXPERIENCE" section, he shows you how he's applied the indicated skills to offer solution and what solution he's offered his former employer in the past jobs.
Your rationale as the hiring manager is:
“…Well, it seems like this candidate has been using these skills—as an IT officer--in the past working with Timeko Instutue of Technology. He’s most likely a great fit for me”
In other words; YOU can tell from the CV, that this candidate might be a “good fit”.
He shows PROOF--unlike candidate A--by indicating the EXACT 3 things he did in his former job position...as far as Network troubleshooting; Information Systems Management; Systems Networking” skills are concerned.
The CV not only answers the employer’s question…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”,
But it handles almost all the objections, doubts, reservations...you as the hiring manager, might have at this level!
Notice, we didn’t add anything new. What we did is:
We just made our value EASILY NOTICEABLE. We re-constructed the existing segment of the first candidate's CV, to show PROOF that we can offer solutions.
And by doing that, you’re telling the hiring manager: “Look, this is what I did for my former boss, using my skills.”
Which implies you can do the same for them. They’re seeing the solution in Blueprint!
But there are 2 more things we’ve done.
Look, most of us have CV with a section they call 'PERSONAL PROFILE". And in this section, we put mundane ststements like "Well organized with leadership skill"
Average CVs--which is over 90% of the CV--say "I did X and Y". A Winning CV say, "This is is what I did, and here are the results I generated."
And there's a great difference between the 2. The first one tell, the second one show PROOF.
The 2nd also shows transferable skill, which are in line with the target position.
And eliminates any SELF-SABOTAGING phrases line "Corporate Speak" and useless segments.
Hring manager want to know you have the the right skills, and you can use them to deliver tangibles results--in solving company's burning challenges around the target position.
They want PROOF that you've done that before. Show that proof.
Don't make these 2 costly mistakes in your CV:
1.Don't leave the hiring manager to "figure out" on his own why the value you bring on the table--because he WON'T.
HE DOESN'T HAVE THAT TIME--and that will hurt your chances.
It's your job to make his WORK EASIER, so he can EASILY see "Why You". If you let him firgure it out, he won't, because he doesn't have that time.
2.Don't leave hiring manager with some DOUBTS and RESERVATIONS about you.
You want your CV to CLEAR all possible doubts he might have about you. Remember he does not know you.
You want the CV to show PROOF, that you can do for him what you’ve indicated you can.
I will tell you this…with everything else held constant, when the above two are done correctly, what follows is an interview-call. All that oftentimes, trumps things like number of years of experience.
She you show skills matching the target position challenges, and show proof--with specific results--that you can solve those challenges, everything hiring manager would want to meet you.
Forget about minutiae advice--from so called " Professional CV-Writers' or 'Resume-Writers' about what font-size you should use for your name in the CV.
Hiring manager care about the results you can offer them. The value you bring on the table--not the font-size you use name title!
Always remember, your CV MUST answer—SATISFACTORILY-- the potential employers’ question…
…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”
Let me show you how this works, practically.
Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. And, let's assume you're have an IT job position in your company.
You get two CVs from candidate A and candidate B. Candidate A's CV look like this.
CV Example # 1:
. *** *** *** *** ***
Network troubleshooting Information Systems Management Systems Networking
College: Cape-town College
Jan 2003 – Dec 2005 Diploma Information Communication Technology
Secondary School: 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
April 2015 to date Timeko Institute Of Technology—ICT Officer
January 2004 to December 2004 Sports captain Cape-town College
January 2005 to December 2005 Student councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College
*** *** *** *** ***
Here's the CV, for candidate B.
CV Example # 2:
Network troubleshooting; Information Systems Management; Software Installation; Hardware Maintenance.
ICT Officer - Timeko Institute of Technology 2015 January – 2016 January
• Troubleshooting & maintaining the Institute’s Communication Network Systems
• Built the entire Campus Computer Network System from the Control-Room to the Administration offices and Library
• Advised the Institution on the best Information System Software and hardware
Sports Captain Cape-town College 2004 Jan – 2004 Dec
Student Councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College 2005 Jan – 2005 Dec
Diploma Information Communication Technology 2003 - 2005 Cape-town College
Secondary School 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
. *** *** *** *** ***
Which of the 2 candidates would you contact for an interview first--based on their CVs?
Which CV is more IMPRESSIVE? …Which one is more compelling to you, as the hiring manager?
It’s axiomatic. The second one!
Because this CV not only shows the “Specific Measurable Transferable skills” this candidate has, but it also gives you PROOF that he’s been applying these exact skills.
In the "EXPERIENCE" section, he shows you how he's applied the indicated skills to offer solution and what solution he's offered his former employer in the past jobs.
Your rationale as the hiring manager is:
“…Well, it seems like this candidate has been using these skills—as an IT officer--in the past working with Timeko Instutue of Technology. He’s most likely a great fit for me”
In other words; YOU can tell from the CV, that this candidate might be a “good fit”.
He shows PROOF--unlike candidate A--by indicating the EXACT 3 things he did in his former job position...as far as Network troubleshooting; Information Systems Management; Systems Networking” skills are concerned.
The CV not only answers the employer’s question…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”,
But it handles almost all the objections, doubts, reservations...you as the hiring manager, might have at this level!
Notice, we didn’t add anything new. What we did is:
1. We showed the hiring manager the specific and actual things we did, as IT officer--for our former boss.
2. We reinforced the "TRANSFERABLE" section by 'showing' with a proof--rather than 'telling' with lame statements--that we have the indicated skills, and experience. That we can deliver tangible results.
We just made our value EASILY NOTICEABLE. We re-constructed the existing segment of the first candidate's CV, to show PROOF that we can offer solutions.
And by doing that, you’re telling the hiring manager: “Look, this is what I did for my former boss, using my skills.”
Which implies you can do the same for them. They’re seeing the solution in Blueprint!
But there are 2 more things we’ve done.
1.We also changed the “lame” segment-title ‘RESPONSIBILITY’ to ‘WORK EXPERIENCE’.
And that means a lot to the employer.
Experience, is a key word in your CV—even if that experience is just a 3, 5, 7 months experience.
RESPONSIBILITY is a ‘lame’ word…that doesn’t impress employers.
EXPERIENCE is a sweet word that employers are looking for…and want to hear and see.
Your job is to use the right professional language in your CV…that gets hiring manager's attention!
Look, most of us have CV with a section they call 'PERSONAL PROFILE". And in this section, we put mundane ststements like "Well organized with leadership skill"
Well, like I've mentioned on a number of materials in this blog, that's all useless!
First of all, you don't need such section in your CV, because it unnecessarily makes your CV lengthy.
Second, hiring managers don't read that section of your CV, because it contains subjective opinions of yourself. And even when they read it, they don't believe it.
Because nobody writes--in that personal profile section: "I'm disorganized candidate, who can lead but wants to be led all the time" ... even when they are.
Because nobody writes--in that personal profile section: "I'm disorganized candidate, who can lead but wants to be led all the time" ... even when they are.
So, instead of having that in our CV, we had a section for " LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE ", and then, showed proof, that we actually possess leadership skills, by indicating how we led back in college.
This is a most powerful, believable, and effective way of communicating your leadership skills, rather than putting a “PROFILE” segment which says: “I have leadership qualities”…which no one will ever believe!
Remember, hiring managers have doubts about you...about your abilities, and the best way to eliminate that doubt is to " Show proof", rather than "tell with statements".
Hiring managets have hired the wrong candidate before by ‘trusting’ statements like: “I have leadership qualities”
They went through the pain and COST of RE-HIRING, and they cannot afford to make that mistake again. They have reservations!
So, don’t ‘TELL’ them about your qualities. ‘SHOW’ them your qualities.
Hiring managets have hired the wrong candidate before by ‘trusting’ statements like: “I have leadership qualities”
They went through the pain and COST of RE-HIRING, and they cannot afford to make that mistake again. They have reservations!
So, don’t ‘TELL’ them about your qualities. ‘SHOW’ them your qualities.
Everybody thinks they're Martin Luther and have all those leadership qualities in the world, until it’s time to lead--and they withdrawn!
By re-constructing our CV with ‘LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE’ section, and backing it up with a PROOF and EVIDENCE--showing where we led before-we are making it believable.
We are showing we can lead.
There's even more to this re-construction. Which is: by re-constructing this segment we make it EASY for the potential employer to NOTICE a key quality, plus MORE EXPERIENCE.
Rather than let our leadership qualities get buried under ‘RESPONSIBILITY’ segment (notice that’s where it was buried in the first candidate's CV)…we make it easy to spot, so hiring manager can see it right away!
If you leave it buried in the ‘RESPONSIBILITY’ segment, and assume the hiring manager will see you were a Sports Captain & Student Council General Secretary, and understand you have leadership qualities.
You'll have already lost!
He will NEVER spot it…or even make the connection!
What we're doing is making this key quality and ability--of being a leader--easily noticeable.
This is how you make hiring managers make the interview call!
By the way, can you spot "lazy statements" in the first candidate's CV?
Notice how, instead of using 'lazy statements' like: “April 2015 to date Timeko Institute Of Technology—ICT Officer” ....we re-constructed it into a more valuable piece, that earns us more score in hiring manager's eyes.
We interpreted for the hiring manager what being Sports Captain at Cape-town College…and Student Councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College meant. It meant we are great leaders.
Unlike the first CV, where candidate A unknowingly hide that, from the hiring manager, to his own loss.
See all that? And how a few tweaks can dramatically improve your CV without adding more info?
“…What if I don’t have a working experience?” you might say.
My response: Don’t get obsessed with ‘EXPERIENCE’. Use your internship as experience!
Show what you did, in the position you were, because here’s the thing: as much as employers will ask for experience, hiring manager are not just looking for EXPERIENCE…there’s something more!
They also know that a candidate might not have that 10-year experience…but might be more suitable for them, as compared to another with many years of experience!
Note: We cover more on how to circumvent the experience barrier and outperform candidates with years of experience in for interviews in my CV-Writing Course (which is currently closed but I shall open it soon)
And by the way, there is a counterproductive side to EXPERIENCE!
And employers are aware of this, too.
And this is it: Generally, people who have many years of experience tend to be LESS INNOVATIVE …less CREATIVE …have and do employ LINEAR THINKING,
and RARELY look at things with “FRESH EYES! And none of that is a BENEFIT to employers…and they know it!
(Of course there are highly experienced people who look at things with ‘Fresh eyes’…and who are more innovative)
The point is, don’t allow people with more experience to scare you! Or the fact that you don’t have that experience, stop you from going for that job opportunity.
In fact, if you can just craft a good CV--not even a ‘Compelling’ one--and play your interview game well…you can beat a more experienced candidate!
If you still want to learn more about how you can overcome the experience barrier, and out-shine more experienced candidates, join my CV-Writing Course when it opens up.
Secret Technique # 2: Show Value & Quantify
This is the war at rare-levels of sophistication! This is the level were you crush your competing job applicants--even when they're more experienced.
This is the second secret technique that makes your CV float on top of other CVs, and get the hiring manager to make that interview call.
And here’s how you do it.
Rather than just showing “PROOF” and every other thing we’ve learnt so far, you need to go a step further, and show QUANTIFIED RESULTS!
Think about, and ask yourself this question, before you ever start writing your CV:
What did deliver for my former boss?
What tangible results have I delivered for my current boss?
What results did I deliver in my internship--if you haven't worked anywhere before?
And then, be very specific about those results. Quantify them.
Notice how this requires some work.
It's totally different approach from what most candidates do, which is, thoughtlessly slapping together a CV that gives education history, job history, and personal opinions of themselves.
Over 90% of job candidates' CVs is itemized inventory of their education and work history.
Such CVs will never help you skip the endless frustrating job applications process, right to the end of that process, and start getting interviews.
So, let me give you the exact 9 tactical question to ask yourself, so you can dig your value, and quantify.
A Winning CV should tell a compelling story about yourself...and not a boring itemized and chronological list of your education and work history!
So, to implement this technique # 2, what you need to do is dig out your value, by asking yourself these tactical questions:
1.) Have I SAVED my former boss/company MONEY? If yes, how much?Then show the EXACT AMOUNT and HOW you did it--in your CV
2.) Have I EARNED /have I been EARNING my former/ current boss/company MORE MONEY? If yes, how much? Then show the EXACT AMOUNT, and HOW you've done/did it--in your CV.
3.) Have I IMPROVED or am I IMPROVING my former/ current company systems/ team's PERFORMANCE? If yes, by what % compared to before? Then show the % of IMPROVEMENT and HOW you’ve achieved that.
4.) Have I REDUCED or am I REDUCING any cost for my former/current company (it could be customer acquisition cost, customer turnover cost, cost due to high production waste, manufacturing cost, marketing cost, )? If yes, which area any by what percentage or what monetary value did that cost have? Then, how the EXACT AMOUNT of money you saved the company, or the % COST REDUCTION and how you managed to do that.
5.) Have I REDUCED service delivery time for my former/ current boss/company? If yes, by how many hours, days, weeks, months, years? Then show in terms of days (e.g. say, from 7 days to 3 days) the reduced time…and how that impacted the company positively.
For instance: you were able to serve more customers in a week...which led to more customer loyalty due to quick service delivery.
The point is: what did that change in service-delivery time mean for your company/boss in terms of profits.
6.) Did I make my former boss look SMARTER (and by ‘smarter’, I mean ‘more intelligent’)? If yes, how and what was the positive impact of that for him and the company? Show how, and how that positively impacted on his/the company's success
7.) Did I contribute specific ideas/ implement specific strategies that led to positive impact on the company bottom line?If yes, what was the specific results of that contribution? Then show what that idea was and the EXACT QUANTIFIED RESULTS it brought or the positive change it made for the company.
8.) Did I do something that saved my former/current company’s reputation? …Or even the reputation of your former/current boss? if yes, what was the positive impact--on the company/boss-- on doing that? Then show what you did, and how that ‘Saving of Reputation’ positively IMPACTED the company…or your boss.
9.) Did I lead a team in my former/current company to achieve great results? If yes, how big was the team, and what results did the team achieve under my leadership? Then show the scale of the team, your role, and the EXACT QUANTIFIED RESULTS the team achieved for the company—under your leadership.
The underlying principle here is RESULTS.
And DON’T BE VAGUE with your results!
We’ve all done something VALUABLE in our forme or current jobs--in the position we held. Or we’ve done it for our bosses.
It’s always there, but most of us never take time to dig it out.
By doing that, whoever is looking at your CV can clearly see the impact and value you'll be bringing into the company. And they would want to hire you.
That's how you skip to the end, and start getting job interviews, right away!
When you show those RESULTS that you’ve achieved for others; you turn a good/average CV, into a compelling CV that cannot be ignored.
Notice those results don’t have to be big. No. Even 1% company systems performance IMPROVEMENT is great results.
Quantifiable RESULTS cannot be IGNORED by hiring managers. They cannot be IGNORED by anyone.
And you’re HIRED to bring RESULTS!
Such a compelling CV answers much more important question all hiring managers have, which is:
“…What TANGIBLE RESULTS will I get, by hiring this candidate?"
Again, here’s the straight up truth:
“…Employers HIRE you so you can get them RESULTS…not so you can EARN. But, in reciprocation, they PAY YOU for it!”
Your job is to SHOW them how you can solve their burning challenges…with a PROOF…and some RESULTS you’ve got others you’ve worked with—in the past.
I've had the opportunity to look at, and review dozens of CVs, and over 95% of those CVs, non of them shows RESULTS!
I've had the opportunity to look at, and review dozens of CVs, and over 95% of those CVs, non of them shows RESULTS!
The top 3-4% of job candidates who use these 2 secret techniques I've shared with you so far, almost invariably gets the jobs
Or at least the opportunity to interview, and prove that they deserve that position.
If you want to be among the top 3%, who skips right to the end and just land their Dream-job interviews right away, implement what I've shown you today.
And if you want more valuable material on How You Can Turn Your Current CV Into Dream-job Interview Magnet, join my email list where I share more valuable insights with readers in my email list.
Valuable advice, guidance and help--that I never share on this blog.
To join my email list, all you need to do is click Exclusive Access Link I provide you with, at the bottom of this material.
And when you click that link, you not only have access to more valuable materials I share with th readers in my email list, but I send you a FREE GIFT, to get you to start attracting job interviews.
So, take this...
Just for being one of my readers, I have FREE GIFT for you. If you want to land amazing jobs, and get more jobs interviews, almost every time you apply,
...I have a FREE INTERVIEW-GENERATING TOOL, that will generate job interviews for you--almost effortlessly!
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In the mean time, click HERE, I'd like show you 3 Steps to How To Virtually Guarantee Your CV Will Land You Job Interviews, Before You Ever Submit It!
And when you've gone through the material, implement what you'll learn, and start crafting CV that will generate you job interviews.
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