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It's Hard To Search For what You Do Not Know! |
Hey guys!
On Monday I introduced the DJP Exclusive Material Series; where we will be covering “Critical Dream-Job Career Decision” that will help you build a successful career around what you love doing.
Notice; this is different from “having a job”!
We will also cover tough and unconventional choices that almost no career adviser tells you about—mostly because they do not know--which top performers make; that gives them a competitive edge; not only among their peer competitor ; but most importantly in the job market!
Stop Following The RINKY-DINK Career Advice
Guys, it’s time we put this to bed, forever. It’s time you stop following outmoded career advice; or you will end up like “them”!
See, I am not like the unscrupulous career advisers; who tell us:
“…You need to work in that job for 10 years to gain experience—even if you don’t like it. Remember experience is what your potential employer is looking for!
“...Besides, even if you don’t get to land another job; as long as your current job is pensionable; you are okay!”
What? 10 years of my life invested in a job that will never get me anywhere? … in the name of ‘gaining experience?’ I hate that kind of advice!
This is what infuriates me. People, what are we doing with our lives? “Pension” is not a buzz word anymore! At least; not to my generation! The best way to gravitate backwards is to follow that 18th century career advice!
Btw; who are these vieux jeu career advisers who give these threadbare advice?
Mostly they are the ones who; the last time they worked with an employer or interviewed candidates for placement was more than three decades ago. Yes, they used to do that when you and I were on a pacifier!
It’s insane to expect better than rinky-dink advice from them!
What Happens When You Listen To Them:
See, this is what happens when you follow their advice.
- You Don’t Get RESULTS
You also get by-passed by your peers with little; or even no experience at all!
(Hint: I have shown you what employers want in a dozen of my materials on this site--including this and this and even this)
- You Lose Your Ambitions And Compromise Your Career Dreams
Get exposed to lousy working environment and an unenthusiastic people around you for 10 years; and your ambitions will get dampened.
You can’t ever think of even getting a Dream-job. You can’t even think of an employer who will ever value; recognize; reward and compensate you fairy for your performance. In short; you get “mentally conditioned” and “intoxicated” with wrong the “mental frameworks”; and you stop seeing your career dream happening.
Am I saying that you can’t spring-back after 10 years? Not exactly; but what are the odds? Let’s be realistic here; and this is even psychological: “Your environment is more powerful than your will power.” Over time if not checked; it can torpedo your greatest ambitions.
If you would be honest with yourself; you would agree that you have met people who have resigned to fate; after a few years of tying to even get the ‘mundane job’--leave alone the Dream-Job.
And btw; it’s human to respond like that; and that doesn’t mean you are weak!
See, unless you have put in structures; orchestrated environment; and established systems that keep you at the top of your mental-game; you will naturally find yourself caving in to the external factors.
That’s why I am here; and will always be here to show you how to do that! I want you to win!
So; you persevere through the 10 years working in a ‘lousy job’--just to gain experience--then by the end of ten years; you are accustomed to your daily grind. The desire to step out aggressively is gone. And you just stick where you are!
That’s how you get hung on the line to dry alone; by listening to the wrong advisers!
- Increased Years = Being MORE Risk Averse
Think about it: 10 years from now; you will not be able to take the kind of risks you can take right now. Not because you shall be a coward then; but because other things will have come into play in your life; and they will have to be factored in; before you take the leap.
What these advisers never factor in; is the fact that “Years will not wait for you to get that experience”. Not to mention that the experience is not going to help you as they purport.
- They Never Tell You Where To Start
Yes, employers don’t salivate for you; when they see your years of experience on paper. They don’t necessarily care about how many years you have been “killing it”; in your previous “crummy job”!
Your potential employer is smart. They have “seen it all”; and your experience is NOT the magic wand; or the magic pill that gets you to “pass the bar” in search for your Dream-job!
That said, what happens when you step out with your “10 year experience”? Where do you start to get that Dream-job? What does it even look like?
How do you go about nailing it—assuming your potential employers are like moths and will magically be drawn to you by your experience—now that you have the experience?
What steps do you take to make the ‘job switch?’
Yes, you do your “10-year thing”; then step out and realize you do not know where to start. That’s when you realize you were sold a “bill of goods” of an advice. Not to mention wasted 10 years of your life!
Most of these so called ‘Career Coaches’ never show you how to navigate all that; and ‘make the job switch’ to your dream-job.
So you just stay; because time is far much gone; and settling for what you have is safer; than stepping out into your Dream-Job.
And then what happens? Well, you waste the rest of your life in your initial ‘lousy job’! And even worse; if they happen to fire you; then you are gone!
Yes, you are gone because you were learning nothing in this job; and your professional skills have already taken a dip! Plus, I noted when people settle; they stop learning; as long as they can keep by! Who wants to keep by in life? Plus who would want to employ such people?
- You Drown Into Resentment Because You Can’t Possibly Close The Gap
You resent your situation. You beat yourself up. You feel like a loser. You resent those who are doing well in their career. Not to mention you lose your quality friends. And by the time you are 47; you look like you are 70 years!
That’s why you can’t afford to lend them your ears. The stakes are too high…
See why I get furious about them? Just do the math!
Guys; 1 year of your life in the wrong place is no joke; let alone 10 years!
And I am here to show you how too ethically short-cut the process! I am here to help you start moving forward in your career!
Time is up people; and it’s time to divorce antique career advisers!
Defining The Meaning Of A “Dream-Job”
So, before I walk you through the real meat in the DJP Exclusive Material Series; like my proficient veteran chemistry teacher in high school; I would like to have the meaning of a “Dream-Job” clearly defined.
I want all my Elite-class Dream-Job students and readers to get it clear. WHY? Because I want them to be different; and differentiate themselves from “General Thinking” of the masses; about what a “Dream-job” is!
So, let’s “Deconstruct The Myth Of a Dream-Job.” Let’s look at what the Dream-Job IS; and what is NOT.
Dream-Job is NOT an abstract and idealized term I concocted just to sound cool; and make my readers feel good when reading my materials! I have no business; neither time for such conjecturing and fairy tales!
I leave those ‘fairy-tales’ and ‘cooked up sweet-sounding words’ to other career bloggers who have no REAL VALUE to offer to their readers. These are the bloggers who slap together… “5 Career Tips That Will Get Your Results” posts!
So, when most people hear of a dream-job; or think about a dream-job; they think of working at the “Top-Of-The-World” companies. The truth is; that is a wrong perception and it’s delusional. Am I saying that you can’t work in the one of the world leading companies? No, you can!
But the truth is; that initial perception is fantasy per se!
And here is why?
You ask people: what is that company specifically? What does it do? What do you have to offer them in return for working there? And why do you want to work there? And they look at you blankly; as if you were a mannequin in boutique exhibition mall!
And right there; you know they don’t know what they are talking about; neither do they have an idea about what a “Dream-job” is! You can also tell why they may never land a dream-job in the first place; because they are talking about fairy-tales!
I have always promised to be realistic and brutally honest with you. Why? Because taking realistic and honest approach to your career and life; is what separates you from “career dreamers” who never take a single step to achieve their dreams.
These are the ‘dreamers’ who will always talk about how they ‘WANT TO’; but never do anything—or even have systematic steps on how they are going to achieve what they ‘claim’ they want to achieve.
See, it’s easy to ‘dream’. Anyone can do that. Anyone can have a ‘fantasy company/job’! But that is not what it takes!
So, let’s me scale this down to specifics about dream-job!
The Truth About Dream-Job
Dream-job is not a blanket kind of idealistic job that “fits us all”. It varies from one person to another!
Definition of a Dream-job: This is the job that aligns with individuals present professional skills; values; ambitions; aspirations; personal style of delivery; passions; and one that enables him/her to achieve to both professional and personal growth; as she or he offers great value to the company in return.
It’s both practical and ideal to the individual.
Notice I say ‘ideal’ here to mean; it meet most of the key professional and personal catalyst for growth; that this individual is looking for in a great job. And that is just for the present moment; because after working there for some time; those career catalysts are likely to evolve!
Yes, the fact that your considerations or career catalyst change as you move up the career ladder; is what I call career growth.
Do you see the difference in the above description of a DJ and the previous general “one-fits all” description of “On Top-Of-The-World job”?
In my description of a DJ; I am being both realistic; and idealistic at the same time. That is very important.
And This Is Why...
With that kind of detailed and specific definition:
- I Can Easily Identify My Dream-Job Company
This is what gives you the power to “Pre-qualify” your dream-job company; before you get into it. Meaning I can save myself a LOT OF TIME as I eliminate trial and error approach. It also SHORTENS my dream-Job Search-phase; because I know some companies are not in my list.
So I don’t waste time even trying to apply; plus I also get to know who check with; for assistance! Top performers know saving time is critical!
- I Can Match-Up My Professional Skills
Notice this is how you make yourself “a good fit” for your dream-job company before you ever set your foot at the company’s door; for your dream-job interview.
How often do you ask people where they want to work; and then you take a look at what they are learning you go like: “Wait a minute! Are you kidding? How is this going to help you; if what you are saying; about where you want to work is true”
You see them pursuing and studying things that will never get them the Dream-Job they want. They do these because they are not specific about WHAT they want; WHERE they want to work; and WHO they want to work with.
Apart from their vague description of a 10-year about what their Dream-job is; these people succumb to the earthbound advice and pressure of the society—include our well-meaning parents—that: “They need MORE STUDIES”
And then they go and study the wrong things and get screwed! Not to mention student loans and other costs like opportunity cost and lost time!
(Btw; do you find it very interesting; ridiculous; ironical; paradoxical and hilarious when people sing the classic song: “You need more studies!” and then after more studies; they come out and the song changes to: “You can’t get that job; there are so many people who are more educated than you; but they haven’t gotten jobs”?)
My question to these two choruses is: Why did you go for MORE STUDIES if you knew that there were SO MANY EDUCATED people without a job? And if you did not know; why didn’t you learn what is happening around you; by first observing; before you invested MONEY and TIME in MORE STUDIES?
If there are MORE EDUCATED people around us with no jobs; doesn’t it make more sense; that the problem is not lack of EDUCATED candidates? And that your potential employer is not looking at your GRADES?
You guys know I am a fan of ethically taking the shortest route and time possible; to get where I want—where it is applicable. And that is what I teach you here! Or else; what are we doing with our lives?
My advice: "Your Dream-job company does not employ academician; it employs producers! Get it through your head!”
- Takes Peoples’ Pressure Off Your Shoulders
You see; if you are not specific about what your Dream-job is. If you do not know WHERE you want to work; WHO you want to work with; WHY you want to work there; and what your professional skills are; people will tell you why you should become: An engineer; a doctor; or even a land lord—they will come up with anything.
What I find more fascinating with this human tendency to want to decide for other is: when you follow their advice. When you succumb to their pressure; then things backfire; or you are unhappy about where you work; they leave you. And then you are on your own.
Those people literally walk away! And those who stick with you; they tell that you should probably stick with your “icky job”; because... “That is how life is!”
So, besides taking peoples’ pressure off your shoulders; knowing your Dream-Job guards you against self-delusion; and self-deception
You see this “self-delusion thing” all the time as you listen to other people talk—and even as you watch yourself. You see people working in a certain company; and you want to work there; because they seem happy. This is one of the highest degrees of self-delusion.
You think they are at the top of their world and happy! If you only know what they feel about working there—they hate it—you would never think twice about it.
But what do you see from the outside? The glamour; the dressing; the excellent furniture in their offices; and their half-smiles when you meet them; but you will never know the REAL TRUTH. Why? …Because they will never tell you!
Ever heard of people resigning from companies you admired? And you wonder…“What the hell were they thinking?”
Well, you might probably NEVER know what the hell they were thinking. But the truth is; they didn’t have a mental disorder when they resigned; otherwise they would have been dismissed by their employer to see a psychiatrist before their resignation!
You want my advice? They were sober!
The key to nailing your dream-job is to first identify what it is in a very specific manner. Once you have that nailed—as I have just shown you—it’s very easy to take it forward from there!
What We Have Covered Today:
So, here is some of the critical things—with regard to your Dream-Job--we have covered in today’s DJP Exclusive Material:
- NEGATIVE RESULTS of Listening To WRONG CAREER Advisers—You are left to dry on the line alone
- The Definition And The Truth About Dream-Job—Honest and Realistic Approach to Dream-Job get you there faster than ‘dreamers’!
- Why Its critical To specifically Be Able To Define Your Dream-job—Shorten Dream-Job Search phase; Easily Match-Up your Professional Skills to give your employer what he wants; enjoy the FREEDOM of being yourself and doing what you love.
In the next material; we will zero in to what a Dream-job IS; and how top performers look at it. We will dig deeper into their ‘Process Of Decision Making’ about WHERE to work; WHO to work with and WHY!
The truth is; if you can’t answer those three questions—WHERE; WHO; WHY; you will spend your days spinning your wheels in place. Or landing and settling for any other job like everyone else!
But for today; here is your ‘HOMEWORK’ from elite-class…
Tell Me What Your Dream-job Would Look Like…
Leave a comment; and tell me what your Dream-Job would look like to you. Remember it varies from one person to another; and so there is no pressure of saying/writing what everyone else says/writes.
We are all looking for different things in our Dream-job. So be yourself and describe it your way. This is where personal freedom come s in. Nobody is going to judge you. Remember; we all have different aspirations; ambitions; professional skills; and personal style of delivery.
Just be you; but be as specific and as descriptive as possible.
Don’t worry even if you cannot pin-pointedly describe it. Just leave a comment with your best description. I will be showing you how to hone some of your descriptions as we move on in the DJP!
I will also use this comments and feedback to offer you real career transforming advice; in the DJP Exclusive Material Series.
Can I Talk To You Directly?
Yes of course, you can! And I would love to respond to your concerns and struggles. It’s very simple. Just go and subscribe to my Elite Inner-Circle; by entering your email and then clicking “GET ME IN”. Once you have subscribed; send me a direct email to: princemulwa@yahoo.com
What are you struggling with; in your career?
How can I help you to take control of your career this year?
Just shoot me your questions and struggles using the above email; and I will get back to you!
Want to tell me what you’ve learnt from my materials; and how they have helped you improve your career? Awesome! Send me those stories using the same email—and we can celebrate together.
I love to hear your success stories!
(Notice: You have to subscribe to my Elite Inner-Circle first; before you drop me a direct email—I will only respond to direct emails from readers in my Elite Inner-Circle)
Until next week; have a smart weekend!
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