The Dream-job Exclusive Material Fourth Series
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With The Right Mindset I can Win In This! |
“…You know what? I HATE marketing! I have always avoided any job that involves marketing. I would accept an administrative job that allows me to sit in the office; but not walk around; telling people about a company’s product/ service or even myself”
“…I once worked in the Hotel industry; and couldn’t hold up. So I called it a quit without notice; because I am not the girl to smile to every customer who comes in!”
A friend of mine told me that; early this year. And yes; I could relate!
See, I used to think all marketers are unethical bunch of human beings. I saw them as people who will use the slightest opportunity to take advantages of others; plus walk around “selling a bunch of lies”.
They were not my friends; and I avoided any marketer by all means.
Yes, my mentality then was: “Marketers and sales persons are cousins; and bunch of manipulative lot; who will use all gimmicks to exploit others.”
And so, I avoided any job—like my friend—that would involve marketing!
In fact; at one point early in my career—this was a year after college--I almost walked away; from a job offer because the hiring manager told me that the first assignment was to market the organization.
But I Was Wrong…
My mentality was as result of experience and occurrences. I had met many of these manipulative scummy marketers. I had been tricked more than once to purchase “useless stuff” that I didn’t need!
So, that very experience solidified by believes about marketers until one day…
The one day; is the day I met a guy who was an entrepreneur. This guy is one of the few people I know; who will never get you something you are not in need of.
It suffices to say that he is a highly ethical marketer; and he focuses on solving your problem; versus getting you to buy what he has to offer.
He actually advices you on what to do to solve your problems; and will refer you to someone else if his business cannot offer the solution to your challenges. He is radically and brutally honest; in his interaction with both existing and potential clients.
He taught me that you do not have to play gimmicks; be scummy; and manipulative or sleazy to get clients to buy from you.
He helped me learn that you can authentically; and ethically let the world know what you offer; and you can communicate that in a way that gets you do business with the people you want to do business with.
He wrote to me…
“You don’t have to be manipulative. Your primary focus should be on solving your clients’ issues. NOT yours”
“…Marketing is not moving around shoving your services/products into people’s throats. NO. It’s having a “natural”; and “genuine conversation” with your clients/potential clients; to see how you can BEST help them with; in their struggles.”
“…And helping them doesn’t necessarily mean they will have to get your services/products. It means PUTTING THEM FIRST; and even REFERRING them SOMEWHERE ELSE; if you can’t solve their current challenges”
When your clients WIN; you WIN; because they will PAY YOU for the problems you SOLVE for them! And that’s what a good business is all about.
I was awestruck. I did not know such people exist. Since then; I have surrounded myself with high-integrity friends and expert advisers!
These are people who are straight forward; and brutally honest. Yes, guys who will hold an honest conversation.
They are forthright about what they do; and what they can offer you. People who will freely redirect you to someone else who can help and support you; if they can’t!
And Then my Mentality Changed…
Overtime; I started to change my mind about how I viewed “marketers”. I stopped stereotyping.
I noticed and learnt that you can be HIGHLY ETHICAL; yet talk about whom you are; what you do; and the solutions you can offer others; so they can live better lives!
While that looks very simple from the surface-level judgment for most people; it was one of my professional and personal life-changing lesson I have ever learnt.
And it has had a snowball effect in other areas of my life; including my social interactions. The most important of all; is the MENTAL-SHIFT that took place in me. Among others; here is THREE THINGS I learnt:
- The fact that MOST people do things THE WRONG WAY; doesn’t mean that ALL PEOPLE DO THINGS THE WRONG WAY.
It’s until I changed my interactions; that I learnt I was DESTROYING MYSELF in the way I THOUGHT. I changed my MINDSET and became free.
My obstruction to GREAT OPPORTUNITIES was in the WRONG MINDSET that I had; about what “Marketing’ was all about. I thought I would have to go around tooting my horn and being manipulative.
What That Has To Do With your Career
Today I will tell you something that I haven’t told you before in this site. And we are going to cover lessons that when you implement them; you will start “flipping-open”; doors of opportunities in your dream-job search.
The Honest Truth about Life and Career...
“Whether you are in the process of finding your Dream-job; already in your Dream-job; or running your own side business; we are all marketers.”
Top performers know that their resumes/cover letter/CVs are their “Marketing materials” and they treat them as such.
They know they need to market themselves to their potential employers. They know they need to market themselves to their immediate supervisor; and professional networks.
They know they need to market themselves for a salary raise. The deeply understand that marketing yourself is what you do every day.
It’s what you do when you wake up in the morning. Marketing is what you do when you are working on that project with the rest of the team members. Marketing is what you do when you are in those company meetings.
Marketing is what you do; when you are in your social interactions. Marketing is what you do when you are responding to people. Marketing is what you do when you are contacting your professional networks.
And marketing is what you are doing right now. And you can do it authentically; and ethically; and it doesn’t have to “negative connotation”; because others do it the WRONG WAY.
Marketing is all about authentically POSITIONING YOURSELF as the ONLY OPTION in a given “market niche”; when it comes to solving its burning problems.
In your career; your “market niche” could be your department; and your potential client is the head of that department.
It could be the next executive position you are eying; and your potential client is your immediate manager who can account and recommend you for your performance.
If you are searching for your dream-job; your market niche is the industry you want to work in; and your potential clients are those specific companies you want to work with.
And who are your competitors? Your peers and work mates!
For your potential clients to pick you over your competitors; you have to position yourself as the only options for the position. And because elite performers know that; they do it right and you can do it right too.
If you have or cherish a negative attitude toward it—like I did—then you are “KILLING” your career; because unless you tell people about what you can help them accomplish; then they will not hire you for any placement.
The Art Of Marketing For Your Dream-Job
Today, I am going to walk you through an “EXPERT ADVICE” when it comes Finding your Dream-job. This is a pull-off article from Daily Nation Newspaper dated April 17, 2015” I read the other day.
The article was written by Mr. WILSON MANYUIRA and this guy really did his “HOMEWORK.” These are the people you want to listen to; when it comes to what they have to say.
My focus is on the last part of his article; where he eluded to KEY ADVICE by Colleen Aylward, an American Job search Expert and Executive Career Coach.
I have taught you these techniques over and over again; but I though today it would be good you hear from another expert.
I will pull off the exact “word-for word script” advice; and then we will be digging deep into each.
(Hint: If you want to read the whole article; I will give you the link at the bottom of this DJ elite material)
The nugget advice I will be highlighting; according to Mr. WILSON MANYUIRA; is from Colleen Aylward’s book, From Bedlam to Boardroom: How to get a derailed Executive career back on track.”
Personally I haven’t read the book; but you can always tell; when the expert speaks. Having read a few of her advice in this article; you can tell this author is smart.
So, let’s dive into it:
From a Job Search Expert And Executive career Coach Colleen Aylward…
- It’s Not About You. It’s About Them
People, how many times have we covered this? The answer is: So many times!
Yes, I have shown you that in a dozens of my elite materials in the past on how to do exactly that
We have covered this in almost all the possible different angles there is to it. But the truth is: It not understanding it that makes the difference; its implementing it that differentiates you from most candidates.
I started off the today’s material with “MINDSET story”. WHY? Because; as we covered in the last DJ Exclusive material series about the Mental-Game Of Top-Performers"; we are held back—for most part—by our mindset; than lack of professional skills.
As Colleen Aylward advices: A CHANGE in your MINDSET in the way you approach your Dream-job search; precedes landing your dream-job.
To put it bluntly; no one cares about you! No one TRULY cares about your papers. No one REALLY cares about the “HOW EDUCATED YOU ARE”.
If what you learnt in college; and the degrees you added to your CV doesn’t MATCH with “WHAT YOUR POTENTIAL EMPLOYER WANTS”; you are out of league.
It’s time you stop thinking that you are interviewing for that job; so you can at least get a job in which you are paid to “PAY YOUR STUDENT LOAN” or “PAY YOUR BILLS” or do whatever else you think you want to do.
While that may be the version of your story; keep it to yourself; and focus on your potential employer!
Your potential employers will only get you on board; if you can only do one thing: “SOLVE his/her or the company’s PROBLEMS. Any other reason that you may think is valid; is delusional!”
Your potential employer is your client. You need to FOCUS on him/her; and prepare—before you ever submit your CV—on how you are going to solve his or her problems. Once you do that; 80% of the job will be done; before you ever step into the company’s door for an interview.
(Hint: We covered how to SAVE TIME and MONEY and MATCH your professional skill on this DJ Material.
WHY This Is Critical…
It takes less than a minute—in the interview room--to know whether you are interviewing a top performers; or “ENTITLED CANDIDATES” who thinks the world is going to bend low; and beg him/her to take “ALL THE MONEY” in this planet!
You can dress to the nines; but it doesn’t matter; you hiring manager can tell more about you; based on how you respond to common questions. You MINDSET “sells you up” to great opportunities; or betrays you.
Focusing on yourself like a bunch of 13 year-old girls; demonstrates low competency; and anyone can pick that out in the first half a minute in the interview-room.
Elite performers almost “naturally” say the right things; because they know it’s about the potential employer; not about then.
I can show you all the word-for-word scripts about interviewing; and setting informal interview with other people to give you “insider information” about a certain company in your dream-job search. But if your “MINDSET” does not change from “ME to THEM”; it will always come up in all those interactions; and you will screw it up.
So to WIN in the career-game; start focusing on your potential employer/recruiter/hiring manager; and not yourself!
- It Is Your Job. NOT His/Hers
And then she adds… “It’s NOT the recruiter’s job to FIGURE OUT what your strengths might be; IT’S a job seeker’s PREROGATIVE”
Colleen Aylward even goes deeper; in her advice; and drops one of my favorite advices—and I make fan of those people who never get this one right.
She says… “The days of LOFTY COVER LETTERS are long gone so it’s better to STREAMLINE your STRENGTHS right into the job recruiter’s eyes”
I have made fun of people who never get to the bottom of answering one of the introductory interview questions…“Tell Me about yourself?” …on this site. And I will continue to do so!
You know why? Because of two reasons:
# 1. This Is A Common Opening Question In All Interviews
Every one of us knows this is usually the first question; that you always get in almost all interviews.
Doesn’t it make sense; to learn how to answer it?
By now; you should be world-class at this one opening question—even if you are not great in any other interview question.
# 2. I Wrote About How To Answer This Question Many Months Ago
I wrote about how to respond to this question; in one of my elite materials right here (And that material is still available) in this site.
Meaning if you’ve been a serious TEP reader for while now; you should already be well equipped to give a “knock-out punch” to this question.
Surprisingly; it’s possible someone visits my site; yet they are not able to answer that question.
Unluckily these could be the TEP freeloaders; and whiners who complain… “But Prince, your materials are too long; I can’t get to the bottom of any them”
Fortunately these whiners will NEVER get it right; or learn anything.
And btw; if you are one of those random readers; that’s a good thing! You know WHY?
...Because it gives my VALUABLE readers who read almost every single one of my material a competitive edge over you!
Meaning they will not be competing with you in the interviews—because you can’t get past the introductory interview question--and so the competition is minimized. You are not in their league!
So, keep it up, whiners!
See, I said this before; and I will say it again: TEP is not a "10 tips to...blah...blah..blah" career site.”
TEP is for people who are ready to do what it takes; to alter their careers. And part of that is “reading CAREER-CHANGING material” with REAL ADVICE on finding a dream-job; interviewing like a pro for your dream-job; and moving up their career ladder.
These are smart people who are willing to put in the time; to read a career advice material worth of thousands in terms of cash; which I give you for free—because I want to help you. They know they shall Reap The Benefits In The Long-Term.
So, here is my stance for all the whiners who say:
“...Prince; if your material were SHORTER I would be reading them. I would even subscribe to your Elite Inner-Circle”
1. You have been reading what you call “Shorter career post”. What have you gained from them? What real career-changing advice have you gained that you have used to change your career?
You are still struggling with “Tell me about yourself” Interview question! If what you’ve been reading hasn’t got you started; how is it going to get you moving?
2. My materials are not going to be SHORTER. Mine is not “Career Tips” site. TEP is an “REAL career advice” that you will never find anywhere else; and is for people who want to move forward in their career—not a job listing.
3. You are in the WRONG site. WHY?
Because I have noticed that people who are not willing to PUT IN EXTRA MINUTES to do/read something that will be worth years of BENEFIT; also do not IMPLEMENT what they LEARN.
Yes, they NEVER TAKE ACTION even if they are spoon-fed; and baby-sat!
And because I have been very clear that TEP is not for “The lazy lot”; but SMART and ACTION-ORIENTED READERS; that’s why you are on the wrong site. So, I am sorry; I can’t “fit in your pocket”!
When I hear young people say…“I don’t have time.” which is what these freeloaders say; my usual response is: “Who has?”
We create time for what is important. We create time for what matters to us.
We create time for what will have long-term benefits. And I will not allow you to use that phrase; because top performers “CREATE TIME”—they do not have an EXTRA of it.
Like you and I; they have 24 hrs in a day; and so, none of us is exceptional!
So, before I let off-the-hook all the snivelers; here is a simple math for them:
Yes, you cannot set 20 minutes to read a worth career-advice materials because it’s; as you say… “TOO LONG” and…“YOU DO NOT HAVE THE TIME!”
So, what about the fact that you are going to be in the SAME job position for years and years—or maybe for the remaining years of your career.
Or you are going to be searching for a job for 7 years; and even when you land one; it will be the mundane job you “just survive” for remaining years of your life?
And then; for those mean and MANY YEARS of your career; you are going to have PLENTY OF TIME in the evening to rummage online and in job magazines for “10 Career Tips” articles —because you can’t sleep—seeking for help; and imagining that you will have to wake up the following day for the “same old daily-grind”?
How cool is that?
It’s time to do the math! Do you need to put 20 minute MORE; or MORE YEARS of career misery?
Enough of my tussle with freeloaders…!
Back to Colleen’s career advice:
“…It’s up to the job seeker to gather his/her portfolio, polish it and place it where people can find it” writes Colleen Aylward.
Part of “gathering” and “polishing your portfolio” is to focus; and develop the MOST CRITICAL professional SKILLS that match with exactly SOLVING SPECIFIC PROBLEMS in your industry.
That doesn’t necessarily mean ADDING ANOTHER DEGREE...wait a minute!…We’ve had this conversation about “MORE EDUCATION” before. Hadn’t we?
It’s time you stop; buying into this lie that: Adding More degrees will make me a qualified candidate!
Polishing your portfolio could mean:
- Creating time to work with someone who does what you want to be doing in 2 years’ time; to get real expertise. Maybe on part-time bases--after your job—or even on weekends; with the sole purposes of learning new skills. Or it could also mean taking “Internship” if you are still in college.
- Gathering and polishing your portfolio could mean STRATEGICALLY offering to work for/with an expert in your field for “free” for a certain period of time; until you master a certain skill.
- That could mean reaching out to people in your professional network who are expert in a position you are eying; and taking them out for coffee just to learn from them.
Do you see how nowhere in all these strategies; am I telling you to go back for DEGREES and MASTERS?
WHY? Because; for most jobs; that “ADDED EDUCATION” doesn’t matter; or mean much—if at all it means ANYTHING--to your potential employer for a number of reasons:
1. There is a great DISCONNECT between what they teach you in Higher Education; and what your employer WANTS.
2. Being learned doesn’t make you a PERFORMER; it makes you KNOWLEDGEABLE; but your employer wants PERFORMERS. Notice even those people who never got any degree “know stuff”
3. “On-the-field-learning”; makes you an EXPERT in a given field; while the “MORE EDUCATION” gives you "CREDENTIALS'. Credentials are good; but that’s not the whole story.
Employers don’t REALLY care much about “CREDENTIALS”; they care about getting things done FASTER; and EFFECTIVELY to deliver DESIRED RESULTS! As it turns out having 'CREDENTIALS' doesn’t mean you can deliver anything!
The truth is; few jobs require “MORE EDUCATION”.
Notice how she says in her advice: “…and placing it where people can find it.”
A few months or so ago; I walked you through why "DIY Is A Career Dead-End"; and it was for a reason.
If your professional network does not know what you are up to; what you are doing; the direction you are heading; and the level you want to take your career; then you might as well migrate and erect straw-woven tent on the SAHARA desert.
The point is: you have to keep your supporting network in the loop; about your achievement; and where you want to go. They are the people that will point out opportunities for you. They are the ones who will recommend you.
These are the people who refer you; to jobs and opportunities that no one knows about. If you choose to go DIY; then you might consider migrating to SAHARA desert where you will weather and dry up alone!
Colleens Aylward’s advices:
… “It’s NOT the recruiter’s job to FIGURE OUT what your STRENGTHS might be; it’s a job seeker’s PREROGATIVE”
She says… “The days of LOFTY COVER LETTERS are LONG GONE so it’s better to STREAMLINE your STRENGTHS RIGHT into the job recruiter’s eyes”
When you tell your interviewer that you are “Always punctual; and hardworking” the interview-room; you are telling him or her to “figure-out” why he/she should hire you.
The truth: He/she’s not going to do that.
The interview room is not the place to use platitudes! If you can precisely show him/her “Why you are the perfect match”; then you might as well not show up for the interview.
This is where “Dream-job Research Phase” comes in. This is where HIGH LEVELS OF PREPARATION matters; because it gives you a “window” into what your potential employer is looking for; in the candidate he/she would hire!
You get to know what to “highlight” and give priority in all your “marketing materials” (aka: your CV/Resumes/Cover letters). By the time your interviewer calls you for an interview; you want him/her to be totally sold-out to you!
Those problem-solving strengths that he/she is looking for; is what you want to anchor on; right from the word go; in the interview-room.
And because you strategized for your career move early before you even made it; and “gathered + polished” your portfolio by working with the right people to built it; you can ‘kick-back’ in the interview-room; as you give your interviewer solutions to her paining-points.
That’s how you do your job!
- The Tie-Back Technique. Seal the deal
“According to Colleen Aylward, employers think that if you can’t sell yourself, you can’t sell their product…”I showed you early this year; how to wrap-up your candidacy as the ONLY OPTION in the interview room; leaving the hiring manager with no option; but you.
See, if you do everything else; and leave the door open; all your previous work may not hold up. Smart interviewee use highly edgy; but subtle psychological techniques to get the interviewer to see them as the ONLY CHOICE.
You need to SEAL the DEAL; and let the interviewer continue interviewing the rest of the candidates; not because he/she needs to; but just for formality purposes;--because in his or her mind; the best candidate had already been found when he/she interviewed you.
Click the link below to see how you wrap-up your interviewing game like master interviewee; leaving the interviewer with no choice but you!
Interviewing Like A Top-Performer: The Word-for-word script Tie-Back technique"
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After you’ve done that; drop me a direct email at: And let me know how I can help you!
Your WINNING my joy!
(Note: I promised to give you a link to the Mr. WILSON MANYUIRA’s article—the one I have been referring to—so here it is the link: Tarmacking 2.0? The Job Hunt Is Now A Digital Affair)
Enjoy the article; and have a great weekend!
Until next week…
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