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Exactly how to get the hiring manager to sign 'you're hired'...after the job interview! |
Alright, before we dive into it, I've got something realy good for you, if you are new and first time reader to my blog. It's a FREE GIFT for YOU, for just dropping by. Seriously!!!
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Alright, so...
Let's be honest.
...job interviews can be nerve-wrecking, scary experience.
And no matter how many interviews you’d before, you'll still get a bit nervous--if not very nervous--the moment you step into the interview room.
Now, a few days ago, I showed you 3 steps you can take to win your next job interview, even if you don't know what questions the hiring manager might ask.
In that material, we covered:
- The 3 costly misconceptions most job candidate have--when it comes to interviewing-- that could be costing you jobs.
- The 2 types of interview questions you can focus on, in your interview preparation to virtually guarantee success in your next job interview. Plus,how to focus on a few BIG-WIN QUESTIONS, to score 80% of the overall interview score.
- How to uncover the Q-B-Qs, and give the answers the interviewer is looking for, rather than answering the direct questions asked! (Hint: most job candidates answer the questions asked--which is a BIG MISTAKE!)
Now, if you haven't read that material, I suggest you read it first, before you dive into this PART II.
Here's the link to the material:
Once you’ve read it, you'll be ready for this part 2.
And don't worry, I’ve added a link to this material, right at the bottom of the PART I material, so you don't have to find your way back here. You'll just need to click the link, and it’ll bring you right back here.
Read part I already? Let’s dive into this final part--step # 3…
Alright, so when you walk into the interview room, you should only have one goal: turn those few minutes in there, into a job offer. Period.
And guess what? That's not hard, for 2 reasons:
- Reason # 1: Most Job candidates are lazy!
Most interviewees don't prepare for job interviews--not because they can't--but because it needs doing a little bit of work. And they’re not willing to put in the work.
By definition, human beings are lazy, and YOU CAN USE THAT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!
(Hint: this is the reason why most of us upload our CVs to job sites, subscribe for job alerts, and the sit and wait for job interviews to come our way--applying for every job alert we receive. If that's your strategy of getting job interviews, and landing jobs, you’ve already lost!)
- Reason # 2: You don't need to get all the questions right. You only need to get really good at those questions that matter--the 80/20 RULE.
(Hint: no one ever failed job interview, because they could not answer the question: “If you were an animal, which one would you be?”)
Rather than worry about questions that do not count much, you must focus on the ones that matter. The ones that give you the opportunity to INSTANTLY RAISE your CREDIBILITY...and set up yourself for success.
Because most job candidates are average, if you do just a little bit of work--in your preparation--you can interview 99% better than any other candidate.
And walk away with the job offer!
But the real game in the interview room is in HOW YOU ANSWER the QUESTIONS THAT MATTER!
If you master HOW TO CRAFT, and GIVE PERFECT ANSWERS (not just factually correct answers), to the BIG-WIN QUESTIONS, you easily stand out from the crowd.
You differentiate yourself from the masses, become memorable, demonstrate your competency--and get the job.
The question is: how do you do this?
Today, I’ll teach you how to exactly do that. By the end of this material, you'll be able to walk into virtually any job interview confidently, knowing you can interview 99% better that your competing candidates.
Here's what you’ll learn:
- The Exact Framework to use to craft COMPELLING ANSWERS to TOUGH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS (Hint: no one’s ever shown you this framework)
- How to INSTANTLY RAISE your CREDIBILITY as the right job candidate during the interview (your "secret sauce" to landing amazing jobs)
- How to communicate--to the hiring manager--that YOU'RE an ACCOMPLISHED candidate, WITHOUT saying it.
- How to BUILD INSTANT RAPPORT with the hiring manager, become “LIKABLE”...and make them want to hear more from you, rather than start yawning--in less than a minute.
- How to SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS in that interview room, right from the start (Hint: this is how you change the dynamics of the interview from interrogation to a conversation)
- How to STAND OUT and BECOME MEMORABLE--even if you don't have enough experience--and make the hiring manager want to work with you!
- EXACT Word-for-word ANSWER SCRIPT to one of the toughest interview questions that will make you stand out (Use this Answer Script to get the interviewer want to hire you right away)
- Plus much more
Unlike most bloggers who write articles about “10 Common Interview Questions”--which is essentially useless, if you cannot show the readers how to handle the interview questions--this material is different.
You'll learn how to dominate your next job interview. Period!
Let's get into business...
When we walk into the interview room, we all have the same level playing ground.
When we walk into the interview room, we all have the same level playing ground.
Usually, the stakes are high for both the interviewer (he’s to make the right decision about who to hire)...
...and interviewee (you’ve few seconds to make the right impression to the interviewer, and set yourself up for success), or you’re out!
If you make the wrong impression in the first few seconds, the interviewer forms an opinion about you as a candidate, and it's almost impossible to change that opinion.
If you make great impression about yourself in the first few seconds, you get the interviewer on your side...setting yourself up for success throughout the interviewer. And that impression lasts!
Here's something no one tells you: the first opening question interviewers ask sets you up for success or failure!
Hiring manager can tell what kind of candidate you are, based on how you respond to the first question. Your answer instantly forms an impression of you, as to whether or not you are a competent candidate!
This is one of the BIG-WIN QUESTIONS in the interview room. It can MAKE or BREAK your interview.
It gives you the opportunity to instantly raise your credibility--as the right job candidate-- engage the interviewer, build rapport, and demonstrate competency.
By big magnitude, it gets the interviewer to form the right impression about you. It gives you the chance to decommonditize yourself from the rest of the interviewees, and become memorable!
Nail this BIG-WIN QUESTION, and you’ve set yourself up for success. Fumble with this question, and you’ve lost the game already!
This question matters!
Yet, most job candidates will fail in this. What's even worse is, they don't know they fail.
(Hint: if you respond like any other candidate to this question, you'll just be another head-count in the interview)
And you’re forgotten the moment you step out of that room!
It’s no wonder, most job candidates never hear back after the job interview!
The hiring manager forgot you the moment you walked out of that room!
I’ll not allow this to happen to you again!
Today, I’ll show you how to respond to this first question, and build lasting impression, demonstrate competency…
...and instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate-- in a way that makes you memorable--that the hiring manager cannot help, but want to hear more from you!
Here’s the question: "Tell us about yourself?"
This is one of the BIG-WIN QUESTIONS in the interview room. And it can break or make your interview.
Do you know why they ask this question as the opening question in every interview?
It’s because, this is a lay up question.
The interviewer uses this question to make quick judgement about your competency, in less than a minute, and to tell whether or not he’s talking with the right candidate.
And based on how you answer this question, the hiring manager forms an opinion about you, that influences the rest of the interview--including final decision.
Average candidates think this just happens to be the first question. So they never put weight into it. And they're wrong!
(Hint: hiring managers have limited time. And so, they use this question to asses and eliminate wasting more time on average candidates.)
On the other hand, top job candidates know the interviewer is asking this question to “size them up”.
They know that this question presents one of the greatest opportunities in the interview room. An opportunity to DECOMMODITIZE yoursself, INSTANTLY RAISE your CREDIBILITY, and set yourself up for success--right from the start.
So, let me show you how most candidates respond to this question (they think it doesn't matter much), and why this kind of response, puts you into the unwashed masses of other interviewees.
"Tell us a little bit about yourself?"
Average candidate:
“I’m [ INSERT NAME ], finished high school [INSERT YEAR ] and joined X university where I studied Y. I worked at company Z, as a [INSERT POSITION]. Then, I worked at Z company as [INSERT POSITION]. And I’m passionate about XYZ”
By the way, that answer is even better than what most job candiadate would respond.
Hint: many job candidates result in to talking about their personal life, and educational history-- which is a BIG MISTAKE.
Okay, so, let's tear this answer apart, and analyze it, so I can show you the FLAWS in it.
Flaw # 1: It's chronological events of the candidate's life
Looking at that answer, it’s just a list of chronological events of the candidate's life from high school to the present.
The hiring manager already know all that, because it's in your CV...which he already has in his hand.
The hiring manager already know all that, because it's in your CV...which he already has in his hand.
Do you really think that's what he’s looking for?...a chronology of your life events? He already know what you're telling him!
If that's what he was looking for, he could have just read your CV!
There are “hidden questions “ here, you are not responding to.
You’ve already lost the game! That kind of answer doesn't set you apart!
You’ve already lost the game! That kind of answer doesn't set you apart!
Flaw # 2: There's nothing in this answer that “sells” the candidate:
There is nothing in this answer that truly sells this candidate. He even mentions his passions!
Note: hiring managers only care about your passion as long as you show them how it helps them get the results they want.
Otherwise, they don't care. Keep it to yourself!
Flaw # 3: Here's responding to the surface-level question asked, rather than the Questions-behind-the-Question.
Rather than respond to the “deep hidden questions” behind the question, the candidate is responding to the direct question asked. And that's a big mistake
The answer is flat-out plain boring. Nothing in this answer that makes this candidate outstanding and memorable!
When you respond like that, the interview can tell--before they even ask further questions--that you're just another average candidate.
...And from that point forward, the decision is almost already made, that you're not the right candidate for the job. You're not competent enough!
You're out!
....And they're looking forward to interviewing the next candidate!
(Hint: that's what happens in the interview room. That's exactly what hiring managers do, but no one will ever tell you. But I will.)
...And from that point forward, the decision is almost already made, that you're not the right candidate for the job. You're not competent enough!
You're out!
....And they're looking forward to interviewing the next candidate!
(Hint: that's what happens in the interview room. That's exactly what hiring managers do, but no one will ever tell you. But I will.)
So, the question is: how does an outstanding answer...one that separates you from other job candidates,...one that sets you up for success, ...one that helps you build instant credibility as the right candidate, look like?
And how do you even craft such an answer?
Let me show...
The 3 Steps To Craft Perfect Answer To Virtually Any Tough Interview Question.
First, I’ll show you the 3 steps to craft the ‘perfect’ answer to this question--and any other job interview question.
And then, I’ll show you how to implement these steps right away, and we’ll craft the perfect answer to this question.
Here are the 3 steps to craft perfect answers, to not just this question, but any interview question.
Step # 1: Understand the DEEP QUESTION they're asking ( I call this the Questions-Behind-the-Question)
There's usually deep questions the interviewer is asking, beneath the surface-level question.
There's usually deep questions the interviewer is asking, beneath the surface-level question.
Understanding the “hidden questions” and responding to them, separates you from the rest of the interviewees.
Step # 2: Use Interview-question Answer-Framework to construct the perfect answers.
Step # 2: Use Interview-question Answer-Framework to construct the perfect answers.
Great answers to interview questions have structure. A FRAMEWORK that keeps you from deviating, and responding in a rambling manner.
Most job candidates have no framework to respond to interview questions, and so they make 2 mistakes:
- They give long-winded answers until the interviewer starts yawning, and cuts them short, before they ever finish what they are saying
- They give very shot answer that does not give the interviewer the information he’s looking for.
Commit either of those 2 mistakes, and you've already losed the game!
Rambling is a complete turn-off to the interviewer. Giving shallow answers, is why most candidates fail job interviews.
Having an Answer-Framework ensures you don't commit either of these costly mistakes.
Step # 3: Telling A Story
Giving dry boring factually correct answers is one of the biggest mistake most job candidates make.
Step # 3: Telling A Story
Giving dry boring factually correct answers is one of the biggest mistake most job candidates make.
Your answers may be factually correct, but if they are flat, you’ve already lost it!
Telling ‘GREAT STORIES’ is one of the “secret techniques” you can use to turn your next interview into a job offer.
Great stories make your answers engaging, demonstrate your social competency, eliminate nervousness, make you memorable, and drive the point home more effectively.
Aright, now that I’ve shown you the 3 steps to crafting, and delivering the perfect answer to tough interview questions…
... let’s see how you can implement these steps in the inteview room, so you:
- Deliver the perfect answer to tough interview questions--in virtually any job interview.
- Instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate--in front of the hiring manager.
- Decommonditize yourself, stand out in the interview room, and set yourself up for success-- in under 60 seconds.
Implementation: Employing The 3 Steps To Deliver The Perfect Answer
Now, let’s use the above 3 steps and deliver the perfect answer to the question:
Now, let’s use the above 3 steps and deliver the perfect answer to the question:
Tell us a little bit about yourself?
As we do this, I want you to notice how our answer would be different from the average answer above. Also, see whether you can spot how the 3 steps are perfectly employed to crafting and delivering our perfect answer.
Later, I’ll breakdown our answer to show you, not just how the 3 steps have been employed, but also, why the answer works.
Okay, so, here’s how you can respond to the intervew question… “Tell us a little bit about yourself?...and separate yourself from the rest candidates.
“Tell us a little bit about yourself?”
Word-for-word Script Answer
“Sure, [a smile], thank you for the opportunity. I’ve had the opportunity to work with company X, where I helped them save 1.5 million within a year by negotiating down prices with the suppliers, and built a strong experience on negotiation.
As you’ll notice in my CV, I’m fascinated by the financial aspect of business, that’s why I pursued CPA at college.
Recently, as an Assistant Accountant, I worked with small start-up company Z for 2 years, where I helped them save up 1.7 million from KRA penalty fees--within that duration of time--, by processing KRA returns in time.
And now, I want to take the skills, unique knowledge and experience I have on the financial aspect of business to a big stage. That’s why I’m here.”
Recently, as an Assistant Accountant, I worked with small start-up company Z for 2 years, where I helped them save up 1.7 million from KRA penalty fees--within that duration of time--, by processing KRA returns in time.
And now, I want to take the skills, unique knowledge and experience I have on the financial aspect of business to a big stage. That’s why I’m here.”
Now, I want you to pause, re-read that answer script again, and think about it for a while.
Let it sink...
Okay, now, put yourself in the shoes of the hiring manager, who's been looking for a candidate to fill in a position of Accountant, or Assistant Accountant.
You’ve met several or even hundreds of candidates, interviewed them, and all you get from them--when you ask them to tell you a bit about themselves--is a chronological list of what's in their CV.
...From when they joined primary, to when they finished secondary, when they went to college, when they finished and all the way…..
And then, you meet this one candidate who responds to your question in the above ‘perfect’ natural manner. What would be going on in your mind--as you listen to him?
You’d being sighing with RELIEF...that finally, there's hope! And here you’re, with a candidate who seems to “get it”!
By the time this interviewee finishes, you have that feeling that you are talking with the right candidate.
You're not yawning, getting bored, listening to another lullaby, wondering when to finish with him so you can try another candidate.
Instead, you’re hooked--totally engaged in what he has to say. You want to hear more from this candidate!
Now, can you spot the 3 steps at work? Can you tell why this answer is extremely compelling, and it instantly raise the candidates credibility in less than a minute?
How is it different from our original answer from an average interviewee?
Why This Answer Works, And How The 3 Steps Have Been Employed To Hook The Hiring Manager Right Away!
Alright, so let's break it down, so I can show you why this answer works. Why it will separate you from any other interviewing candidate.
...Why it will instantly raise your credibility, and signal to the hiring manager that he’s dealing with the right candidate.
Plus, why it tells--the interviewer--you are competent, and accomplished candidate without you saying it.
It addresses the ‘Hidden Questions’: What the hiring manager is looking for--when he asks this question--is a general feel on how you stack up to this job.
In other words, his deep questions and concerns are (and this is what you should respond to):
In other words, his deep questions and concerns are (and this is what you should respond to):
- “Do you know the key skills and experience--in general--that sets you apart for this job?”
- “Are you self-aware, as to why you could be a good fit, for this position? In brief, tell us about it.”
- "Why are you here?"
To handle these deep-sitted concerns (the hidden questions), in my answer:
- # 1: I talk about my skill, unique knowledge, relevant personal quality and experience
I talk about my NEGOTIATION SKILLS, my skill in COMPILING KRA RETURNS, combined with PERSONAL QUALITY of being able to BEAT DEADLINES (we never incurred any KRA penalty fees for the time I worked in my previous company.)
I also talked about my UNIQUE KNOWLEDGE (relevant education--CPA) and highlighted my now robust EXPERIENCE in negotiations.
I also talked about my UNIQUE KNOWLEDGE (relevant education--CPA) and highlighted my now robust EXPERIENCE in negotiations.
- # 2: I showed how my skills, experience and personal qualities generated tangible Results
I mention the exact numbers of tangible results I generated for the company (saving the companies Ksh. 1.5 million, and 1.7 million)
When hiring managers hear this, their ears perk! You know why? Because:
- It tells them you are result-oriented: average candidates have no idea the VALUE they've offered others. They can't tell the results they've generated in their past positions. Only result-oriented candidates--like you--talk about results.
- It shows you know what matters: top job candidates, can tell 3 things they’ll do to ADD VALUE to the company--upfront. And the exact skill, experience they posses, which they'll use to do that, and how they can do that.
- # 3 I talk about my passion in doing what this position entails.
I talk about my fascination in financial aspect of business--which is what they are looking for, in the candidate to hire.
Here's something you need to know: hiring managers want to know what motivated you to apply for the position.
Do you love doing what this job entails, or are you here because you need monthly salary?
They'd rather get someone who's motivated doing what the position entails, even if he doesn't have much experience, because such candidate will ultimately do a far much greater job--as opposed to some who's experience, but is there for the salary.
The latter ultimately becomes a liability! Hiring managers know that.
Notice how these 3, addressess the Questions-behind- the-Question--the ‘hidden questions’. This is why this answer works.
Now, let's look at the second reason why this answer works...
It Follows Simple Answer-Framework: the construction of the answer follows interview question Answer-Framework.
Great interview answers have structure (a very specific answer-formula you can use, and guarantee a perfect response).
If you carefully analyze that answer, you'll notice I used a Simple 3-Step FRAMEWORK to craft my perfect answer.
Here, I break the Simple 3-step FRAMEWORK down for you, so you can see how it works.
If you carefully analyze that answer, you'll notice I used a Simple 3-Step FRAMEWORK to craft my perfect answer.
Here, I break the Simple 3-step FRAMEWORK down for you, so you can see how it works.
- Step 1: Highlight my strengths and abilities: I focus on relevant skill, experience, education and my passion (only the ones that add value to the hiring manager)
For every interview you'll ever get, all the hiring managers are looking for is your relevant skills, experience, unique knowledge, and motivations (passion), that make you the right candidate for the job!
The above answer provides that right away, and so I’m raising my credibility upfront--right from the start!
Step 2: Highlight my specific achievements from your past: it's one thing to point out your skills, experience and special knowledge. But it's another thing to show the results you’ve achieved using them.
No one can argue with QUANTIFIABLE RESULTS! Hiring managers cannot. They want to know how you’ve used your unique ability to deliver tangible results--and what those results were.
And this framework shows exactly that.
By showing results, you’re telling the hiring manager what you can do for the company, without actually saying it!
Step 3: Tie-in your answer together & finish with a punch: Most candidates end their answers so weak, that it’s hard to see why what they are saying is important, or remember the key things they’ve said.
Everything gets forgotten, by the time they're through with their answer.
You need to TIE-IN YOUR ANSWER TOGETHER and FINISH WITH A PUNCH, to keep your answer memorable, and the key things you’ve highlighted at the top of intervirwer’s mind.
And that's what the 3rd element of this framework does.
Notice the exact phrase in the last sentence:
"...And now, I want to take the skills, unique knowledge and experience I have on the financial aspect of business to a big stage. That’s why I’m here.”
That phrase seals my candidacy.
It shows my ambition to grow doing a more challenging job and also, reinforces a shared goal of achieving great results for the company.
It shows my ambition to grow doing a more challenging job and also, reinforces a shared goal of achieving great results for the company.
It's evident from the way I wrap up my answer, that I know why I’m here. And the value I’m bringing on the table!
I end my answer strong, and the way I wrap it up cannot be argued.
Do you notice how powerful this framework is. The 3 elements of this answer framework focus on giving the interviewer what they're looking for.
Always, the interviewer wants to know how you stack up to this job. They want to know about your unique abilities, the results you've achieved using those abilities, your motivations, and whether or not you’ve any ambition for professional growth--because that tells them you are a top performer.
This is exact framework you must use to answer any job interview question, and turn your interviews into job offers.
Here's the 3rd thing why the above answer work...
I Tell Compelling Stories: when you look carefully into that answer, I’m basically taking the hiring manager into a journey, whie TELLING COMPELLING STORY--along the way.
And because it's a real story of things I have done, it comes off as a natural conversation.
I'm not giving ‘canned’ answers.I’m not using tired lines. I’m not trying too hard to sound great (if you try too hard in an interview to sound professional, you come across as inauthentic, and disgenuine!)
And I’m not giving “dry facts”.
Rather, I’m being natural, and my story-answers are not boring responses of factually correct answers. Instead, they’re engaging stories of who I’m, what have done in the past, what I’m bringing on the table, and why I’m here!
Which separates me from any other interviewee, makes me memorable, and leaves the hiring manager wanting to hear more!
This instantly raises your credibility as the right candidate, right from the start. It tells the hiring manager that you’re highly accomplished candidates--without you saying it.
And now, he’s totally engaged, and want to hear what else!
Do you now see why this answer works?
These are the exact kind of answers that make you stand out in the interview room, immediately decommoditize yourself, and set yourself apart from any other candidate--who's interviewed before and...or after you.
Use the above Word-for-word Answer Script to instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate--in less than a minute--demonstrate your competency without saying it, and turn that job interview into a job offer!
Use the above Word-for-word Answer Script to instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate--in less than a minute--demonstrate your competency without saying it, and turn that job interview into a job offer!
Feel free to tweak that answer script and use it in your next job interview, and stand out from the crowd.
Winning job interviews is not hard, if you follow what I’ve shown you today.
- Understand the Questions-behind-the-Question
- Follow the PROVEN ANSWER-FRAMEWORK, I’ve shown you
- TELL GREAT STORIES in your answers
And turn your next job interview, into a job offer!
To get even deep valuable materials that will help you turn virtually every job interview into a job offer, plus, secure your first job interview, clink the link at the bottom, and I will:
- Send you more valuable materials on interviewing--that you'll never get anywhere else, online or offline--so you start turning your job interviews into job offers
- Send a FREE GIFT of an INTERVIEW GENERATING TOOL, that will help you to start securing job interviews almost effortlessly.
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Below are 2 more material on how to handle some of the most trixy and toughest interview questions.
Click HERE and I'll show you The # 1 Interview Question That Affect Your Entire Interview (Over 90% candidates FAIL it) and how to handle it.
Click HERE and I'll walk you through How To Handle The Most Toughest Interview Question: What's Your Greatest Weakness?
Implement what you've learnt to turn your job interviews into job offers!
Click HERE and I'll show you The # 1 Interview Question That Affect Your Entire Interview (Over 90% candidates FAIL it) and how to handle it.
Click HERE and I'll walk you through How To Handle The Most Toughest Interview Question: What's Your Greatest Weakness?
Implement what you've learnt to turn your job interviews into job offers!
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