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Image Credit:Rudyanto Wijaya! |
...The one thing every one of us agree on is: WE ALL WANT TO EARN MORE MONEY…whether that is at your job (as an employee), or at your side-business, or at your full-time business.
And almost all of us can agree that, this is WHY WE work!
It is WHY YOU went for that job. It is WHY YOU started that side-business—keeping your full-time job. It is WHY YOU left that job, and went full-time on your business.
But here’s the thing: while there are a lot of theories (intellectual knowledge) on how you can earn more money—whether that is by getting salary increase at your work-place or running a business—when it gets into actual implementation of those theories, most of us get stuck.
And if you’re an engineer, for some reason, this can be even more challenging!
(Note: As engineers, we tend to be more practical, and want a more direct path to where we want to go!)
Yes, we want to be able to eliminate the never-ending theories on how to get things done—whether that is earning more money, or solving a problem at hand—and get a direct practical path to fixing it, so we can move on.
We have the least patience, when it comes to dealing with theories. We want practical.
Now, if you are an engineer reading this, I’ll show you a more direct path—down the line--to earning more money. Whether you’re employed or working for yourself.
I’ll give you 3 PRACTICAL STEPS to cutting through the theories, so you can start earning more money right away, in the next few months.
But this is not just for engineers (though I write for engineers). Anybody in any field can implement the 3 PRACTICAL STEPS I’m about to reveal to you, and start earning more money—this year.
So, even if you’re not an engineer, and want to earn more money this year, keep reading. Because I’ll show you how, in just 3 steps—which anybody can implement (even if you are currently a student).
So, let’s get started…
Step 1: Understand That to EARN MORE MONEY You Need To OFFER MORE VALUE
Our earning is directly proportional to the VALUE WE OFFER others--whether that is your employer or customers in your business.
By the way, take note of this: WE ARE ALL IN BUSINESS—whether we are employed or running side/ full time business.
This is a very important MIND-SHIFT to embrace for you to start EARNING MORE MONEY.
And it doesn’t matter whether you’re a student, employed professional or are running your own business.
Embrace this MINDSET, and you’ve done over 50% of the work, to earning more money. Ignore it, and you’re setting yourself up for a frustrating path to earning more money!
So, let me explain this…
If you’re employed professional engineer, you’re in business, and your employer is your client/customer.
If you’re running side-business while keeping your full-time job, you into 2 types of businesses--and have 2 types of clients/customers.
The first type of customer is your employer. And the second type of client/customer is the customers for your side-business.
If you’re running your own full-time business, then it’s obvious that the people your business serves are your customers.
Notice that, to be able to implement what I’m about to show you, and start EARNING MORE MONEY—embracing this MIND-SHIFT is important.
Without realizing WE ARE ALL IN BUSINESS—whether employed or self-employed—and understanding who your clients/customers are, it’d be hard to start EARNING MORE MONEY as faster as we’d like to.
But once you embrace this MIND-SHIFT (and stop looking at yourself as an employee—if you’re employed), implementing what I’ll show will be much easier, and you’ll be able to EARN MORE sooner.
So, back to our first step to earning more money: our earning is directly proportional to the value we offer—our clients (whether that is your boss/company or the customers in your business serve).
Now, what that means is: If you could OFFER MORE VALUE to your clients (than you’re currently offering), you can EARN MORE MONEY.
It also means: it’d be HARD to EARN MORE MONEY than you’re currently earning, if you KEEP OFFERING THE SAME VALUE, you’ve been offering.
It’s a simple formula that cannot be disputed. And you don’t need an MBA to implement it.
“But Eric” you’d say, “how can I IMPROVE MY VALUE OFFERING? What’s that value?”
Now, as an engineer, there is MULTIPLE WAYS you can improve your value; then use that to earn more money (I’ll show you ONE SPECIFIC WAY to do that in step # 3).
And there is MORE THAN ONE WAY to discover what your VALUE is effortlessly, so you can set yourself up to earning more (I’ll show you 2 ways to do that in step # 2).
None of these are complex--as you might start to think. They are all direct, but counterintuitive, yet practical.
So, let’s get to step # 2, where we’ll deconstruct what value is, and how you can discover it for yourself, so you can position yourself to earn more money—whether employed or in business.
Step 2: Realize What Your Clients/Customers Considers “Valuable” to Them
Remember we are all in business, whether employed or running business. And I’ve shown you who your clients/customers are, and the mind-shift you need to embrace to get yourself into the path of earning more money.
Now the second step to earning more is: knowing what your customers considers valuable to them.
You may think you’re offering value to your customers (your boss/company or your business clients) by doing what you do. And you’re right.
But if you want to earn more than you’re currently earning, there are high chances what you’re currently offering may not get you to do that, unless you offer more.
Here’s a very important MIND-SHIFT: VALUE is determined by your CLIENT/CUSTOMER’S POINT OF VIEW. Not yours.
Here’s what I mean: If what you’re offering now doesn’t seem that valuable to your customers, no matter how you may think it is, they’d not be willing to PAY YOU MORE FOR IT.
Most of us have wrong concept of what VALUE is. And because of that—oftentimes--we get frustrated, and feel we are not getting better compensation for our work—even though we are delivering.
But more often than not, when you dig deeper, you’ll realize the problem is: we are measuring the VALUE of what we are delivering from OUR OWN POINT OF VIEW, as opposed to CLIENT/CUSTOMER’S POINT OF VIEW.
It’s not delivering that really matters. It’s how VALUABLE it is, that which we deliver.
We can deliver a lot, but if the customer does not view/perceive what we are delivering as REALLY VALUABLE TO THEM, that will not have POSITIVE IMPACT our earning.
They’ll not be willing to “PAY MORE” for it, than they are currently paying--whether that client is your boss or customers to your business.
When it comes to VALUE, it’s your client’s point of view that matters. Not yours.
Here’s what all that means is:
- If what you offer them seems very valuable from your point of view, but they see it as less valuable, they aren’t going to pay you more for it. It’s their point of view that matters. Not yours!
- If there’s something you can offer them, but seems of less value to you; but they’d consider it very valuable to them, you can immediately start earning more by offering that to them. They’d be willing to pay you more for it. It’s their perception (view) that matters. Not yours.
By just understanding the above CONCEPT OF VALUE, and applying it at your job, you can increase your salary, get bonuses, etc. And your boss would be glad to pay you more, because he/she is GETTING MORE VALUE from you.
By applying the above CONCEPT OF VALUE to your side-business, or full-time business, you can charge more for your services or products, or hourly rates. And your clients/customers will be happy to pay, because they’re getting MORE VALUE working with you.
It’s a SIMPLE CONCEPT. But very few people understand and implement it.
And the few that do “intellectually understand it”, they’ve no idea how to implement it in real-life--at their jobs or businesses.
They get stuck on the implementation part of it.
Now that you’ve understood this CONCEPT OF VALUE, let me show you how to IMPLEMENT it at your job or business, so you don’t get stuck.
How To Discover “YOUR VALUE” Which Your Clients/Customers Would Care To Pay You More For
There are 2 FUNDAMENTAL WAYS to discover what is “VALUABLE” to your clients (this can be your boss/company or customers to your business), so can deliver it and EARN MORE MONEY.
The first one is very simple: ASK THEM.
This is the simplest and direct way. And it’d take less than 10 minutes.
Yet, those less than 10 minutes you take to discover what matters to your boss (what he/she considers IMPORTANT & VALUABLE), then focus on delivering that, can results to not only salary increase, but promotions and recognition.
Now while you could be afraid to go directly to your boss (if you’re employed) and ask them what results really matter to them for your position, consider these 3 things:
- You’ll gain instant respect if you do that: maybe your boss doesn’t even know you now. But if you go ask your boss what results they’re looking for from your input, they’ll not only recognize you, but you’ll gain instant respect from them, because almost no one does that. And it shows you’re a brilliant team member—even if you’re not the smartest in the team.
- You know what really matters to your boss WITHOUT GUESSING: there a lot of things that you do in your position, but there only a few things that REALLY MATTER to your boss (client). If you directly ask them what that is, then you’d know what it is without guessing, and you can focus on delivering that, and become indispensable to them.
- It’d take less time to know it, so you can implement it immediately and start earning more sooner than later: the moment you start to deliver REAL and MORE VALUE to your boss (clients) you can ask for more compensation in return and start earning more (Note: if you’re delivering what you’ve been delivering, you can’t ask for more and get it. Plus you are replaceable since you aren’t offering unique value)
This is the simplest and easiest approach to discover what your VALUE is, and start earning more sooner.
But if you’re really afraid to use this approach, there’s a second approach:
- Listen to them when in meetings as they talk about your department, your role, or discuss the results they’re looking forward to, from your input. As you listen to them, you’ll get to know what matters most to them. What they value most.
This approach may take a little longer, and could be less accurate, but can still get you there. I challenge you to take the first approach.
How about if you’re running a side business, or are a contractor, or are in full-time business as an engineer?
That’s simple: Ask your clients.
That’s easy.
But here’s the thing: engineers ARE THE WORST at asking their customers/clients what VALUE they’re looking for in engaging with them.
We are logical and practical people, so we assume we know.
And what happens is: we keep offering every other client what we’ve been offering, and wonder why we cannot charge more for our service/products—and earn more!
But what if you sat down your clients, and ask them the results they’re looking for, by engaging with you? And then listen—instead of assuming you know!
As an engineer—or whatever field you are in--you’d be surprised to realize that some things you thought are important (in your services/products) aren’t that important to the clients.
You’d also discover things you didn’t consider important—or even never even thought about--which the client would truly value if you added them to your services/product.
Then you could add them to your services/products, and charge more. And your clients would be happy to pay, since your services/products (according to their point of view) would be MORE VALUABLE to THEM.
It’s easier than you thought.
And since most engineers never do this (generally, engineers are the worst at dealing with customers), by doing this, you could differentiate yourself from any other engineers offering the same services/products.
You could build a long-term relationship with your clients/customers and grow your business and make more money.
But now, let’s get even more specific.
Let me show you ONE WAY you can add more VALUE to yourself, so you can deliver MORE VALUE to your clients/customers—whether you’re employed or running a business—and start earning more money—in just a few months.
By the way, if you’re a professional engineer—or student—in Civil, Architectural, Building & Construction, and Electrical field, this last step applies directly to you. And you can implement it right away, and start earning more sooner.
Step 3: Develop Rare Skill That Enable You to Offer the Value the Client Wants (If you’re an engineer in the above fields, I’ll show you what that Skill is)
Well, since I write for professional engineers—and students-- in Civil, architectural, Building & Construction and electrical engineering field, let me show you a practical and straightforward way to start earning more.
It’s simple: determine the one rare skill required in your field, develop that skill, and leverage it to become indispensable to your boss (if you’re employed), or offer more valuable service to your clients/customers if you’re running side-business or full-time business.
“And what would that skill be for me as an engineer?” You’d ask.
My response? Here it is…
There’s one particular skill that’s become indispensable for professional engineers--and students--in Civil, Architectural, Building & Construction, and electrical engineering.
This rare skill can double, triple, or even quadruple your earning--if you master it.
And whether you’re employed, running side-business, are a contractor, or running your full time business, you can apply this skill—once you develop it—to make more money.
It takes a few months to develop. And it’s a PRACTICAL /TECHNICAL SKILL—not theoretical.
It has very high return on investment (ROI). Investing on this skill alone can dramatically change—by increasing—the value you offer to your boss or clients, or both, and get you to start earning more right away.
And you’ll reap the benefits of this skill for the rest of your career life!
So, what’s that skill? It’s Architectural Design Skills.
Architectural Design skills—specifically the use of ArchiCAD software in engineering design—has not only become increasingly indispensable, but ArchiCAD has become the World’s NUMBER ONE design software in the engineering field.
Imagine you—as electrical engineer who has mastered Architectural Design by learning the ArchiCAD program—being able to take not just the electrical installation job from a client, but also the Architectural Design of the building for the same client.
How much money would make for the Design Project ONLY, before you ever get to the electrical installation job? A lot!
You’d be able to take 2 projects from the same client. And just that alone can double or triple your income from every single client you get, as opposed to taking the electrical installation job only!
What that means is, by learning and developing the NEW SKILL—in Architectural Design—you’ll:
- Have added more value to yourself, and would be positioned to offer more value to the same customers you’re already serving by taking their Architect design-work, so they won’t have to go looking for someone else. Which is a big relief to the customers.
- MAKE MORE MONEY from the same customers, while you MAKE THEIR WORK EASIER, since they can get both the Architect Design and Electrical Installation from one professional. (It’s normally a big and strenuous task when a client has to look for different professionals to handle one project. If they can get one professional handling most of the work, it’d be a Christmas to them and to you too. You both benefit)
- Make 2X to 3X more money, without necessarily increasing the number of clients you have. When you’ve different projects for different clients at different locations; that can be very strenuous and sometimes less cost effective. Imagine how it’d feeling, knowing that one client can be worth more than 2 separate clients. And that you can make much more money from that one client—since you’re handling 2 separate stages of their project-- than you’d dealing with 2 separate clients. That’d be more profitable, and less strenuous. Christmas time for you!
- You’ll have long-time engagement with clients since you’re taking more than one project with the clients—architect design and electrical installation. The longer the engagement the more money you make—with proper planning.
- Build long-term good relationship with clients--as a result of the long-term engagement—resulting to more client-referrals from the satisfied clients. And that would be giving you never-ending jobs/contracts.
And it doesn’t matter even if you’ve a full-time job. You could take side-client Architect Design projects and do them after work. And you would be earning MORE MONEY on the side.
Imagine you—as Architectural engineer—enjoying all the above 5 BENEFITS just by learning and developing this ONE RARE skill in ArchiCAD Design.
How much more would you make by the end of this year, than you made last year?
You’d have a never-ending contracts and fully-booked the entire year.
And if you’ve a full-time job, you could take side-clients—for Architect Design projects and have a side-business that’s generating income outside your day job.
Imagine you—as a Civil/Building & Construction Engineer—enjoying all the above 5 BENEFITS. Doubling…Tripling or even quadrupling your income, with just the same amount of customers!
You could make much more money in the next 6 months, than you’ve made the entire last year. You could make more in 3 months, than you’d be making in 9 months—because you’d be offering more value.
And it doesn’t matter even if you’re employed in a full-time job. You could take side-client’s Architectural Design projects, and earn more money on the side.
This is the straight path to earning more this year. And not just this year, but for the rest of your career life.
Developing rare and indispensable (in-demand) skill like ArchiCAD Design can not only INCREASE YOUR INCOME, but can even dramatically change your career for good.
Even if you don’t want to take side-clients, you can use those NEW SKILLS to get salary increase or promotion at your work-place since you’re offering more value than the rest of your colleagues.
And if you’re still a student, once you’ve developed the Architectural Design skills, you can take on Architect Design Projects while still learning and start making money as you learn.
If you’re a professional engineer (or student) in the above fields, and are ready to start earning more this year by developing this rare skill, I can get you started.
Click the link below, and you’ll get access to my ACRCHICAD TRAINING COURSE—which is absolutely FREE.
It's a Mini-Training Course which does not require you to attend any classes—because it’s all online.
You’ll get Video Lessons from me, where I’ll get you started with developing key skills in Architectural Design—with ArchiCAD Training.
This is 1-WEEK ArchiCAD Training Course Program (completely online—you’ll be getting Video Lessons from me throughout the week) and it’s entirely FREE!
You can start EARNING MORE MONEY this year, by developing this rare skill in your filed. And I can show you how.
Click the link below, to JOIN the Free ArchiCAD Training Course, and we’ll get started tomorrow.
Here’s the link:Yes, Give Me Access to the FREE ArchiCAD Training Course Program
You can earn more this year than you earned last year, whether you are professional engineer or student. Whether you’re employed or running your business. But you’d need to TAKE ACTION now.
Click the link above, and I’ll help you turn all that I’ve shown you in this post into a reality. I’ll see you inside the course.
By the way, even if you’re not in the engineering fields above (or aren’t interested in earning more money by becoming architectural Designer), you can apply what I’ve shown you in this post in your field and earn more money.
And I’d like you to do that, starting from now.
Apply this material and change your earning this year!
If you’ve found this post eye-opening, please share it with your friends on social media. I’d appreciate if we can together help more people see what’s possible in their earning potential—whether engineers or not.
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