How To Pre-Qualify Your Dream-Job--Introduction Phase!
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Is This The Kind Of Job I Really Want? |
Hey elites!
…A year ago; a ‘new friend’ entered in the office at around 11 am. I was reading a newspaper magazine. After greeting and ushering him to have a seat; and having a small talk; he said something that I found fascinating; yet one that I could totally relate to; because I did and thought the same thing before and after college; until years later.
He asked me:
“…So why are you idle? What are you doing now? I mean, you are just sitting here and reading magazine!”
At first I thought… “Wait a minute! Who is this? And why does he ask me such questions?”
But his idea that “…I was IDLE… and…. doing NOTHING”—simply because I was reading a magazine at around 11 am on a weekday in the office-- was so interesting to me; that instead of asking him who he was; and why that—reading the magazine-- mattered to him; I just smiled!
Then I said… “Wow…that’s interesting! Why do you think I’m idle; just because I am sitting here?”
Later on we got to know each other; and became friends.
(Notice when he came in; none of us knew each other; but he had been to our offices before; and he felt like everyone knew him; so he could freely ask such questions--I wasn’t aware)
The point of the story? Well, I will tell you that at the bottom of this material. In fact; the mind-shifting career-approach techniques you are about to learn starting from today; centers around that very story!
Introducing: The DREAM-JOB PRE-QUALIFICATION Exclusive Material Series
Today is the day I introduce to you the: DJP (Dream-Job-Pre-Qualification) Exclusive materials series.
• The Unconventional Career Decisions/Choices Top Performers Make That Create All The Difference In Their Career.
• The TOUGH; Yet REWARDING Decisions Top-notch Performers Make Early On When Choosing Their Career Path--which the average performer knows nothing about.
Notice: These are the very decisions that make them stand out; not only when interviewing for their dream-job; but also; the ones that make them shine in the work place and get all the enviable recognition.
See, it’s easy and natural to look at the top performers in the workplace; and from the surface-level judgment; think that they are all about ‘SALARY’! But as we get into their minds in the DJP Exclusive Material Series; you might be surprised that; for most; that is never at the top of their list.
Yet, you will see and learn why top performers get rewarded outstandingly even when deep in their minds; their focus is not all on the ‘MONIES’.
Getting deep inside the high-performers’ head is very critical. This is because; once you get a handle of how they think; approach their career; and grasp the ‘Mental Models’ they use to make Critical Career Decisions; you can do the same and harness the results they get.
In the 1st quarter of this year; I showed you how to "Get Into Your Interviewer's Head" with the GYIH Mini Course materials. But the truth is; that is the “Second-Phase Of Career Dominance”.
In this 2nd quarter of the year; we are covering the “First Phase Of Career Dominance"; which is the Dream-Job Pre-Qualification. These are the “Mental Frameworks” of the top performers and the unconventional ways in which elite performers perceive and go about their career choices right from the start.
It’s going to be counter-intuitive and most of what you will learn in these forthcoming Exclusive Materials flies in the face of the conventional myths about being a top performer.
In this DJP Exclusive Material Series we will be covering real specifics like:
- What do Top-performers factor in; when they are fresh from graduate school; and it’s time to enter in the job market?
- What do they consider when it’s time to make a “Job Switch” and why do they ‘switch jobs’ more often?
- What are those decisions that they make; which create such a difference between them and their peers; over the course of their career?
Why Am I Covering This?
See, I have always said here time and again—and this is what TEP stand for:
“You do not have to take any job that comes—that is not what being in control of your career means. Taking control of your career means being able to decide which job you want; then strategically and masterfully going for it.”
We can talk about interviewing; gravitating upward in your career; and strategically going for promotions. But what if you failed from the word go—because you did not Pre-Qualify the job--and you land the ‘wrong job’?
“But Prince; isn’t Mastering the Art Of Making a Job Switch part of what we learn here at TEP?” might say! And you would be 100% right!
But I also believe that getting prepared early in advance; and getting armed with the right advice with regard to making the RIGHT career decisions/choices plays a great role; in accelerating your career growth.
I want to shorten the path to your career growth. I want to save you the misery of being in a “stale job” in the first place. Yes, I know how it feels like to be ‘Locked up’ in a stale job! I did that right after college; and I know the feeling of waking up to the ‘daily grind’ like everyone else.
I have been there and I know…
I know how it feels to be stuck in a job in which you know you are ‘wasting ’ your years there; and the ultimate pay off is not worth the effort and daily input.
You look at yourself in the first year; and you wonder where you are heading to; with that job. You not only see a bleak future for yourself; but you also don’t see the company/organization existing in the next three or so years.
Internally; you know there is no future for yourself there—even the company. Then you wonder what would happen if it downsizes!
You go back to your house in the evening; sit there in your room; turn off the lights; but you know you are not going to sleep--thinking. You question if this is what you wanted to get yourself into; after studying hard in college.
You know it’s not; but then again; you don’t know what else to do. You know that if you stay there for five more years; you will be worse than you came in; because of the toxic negative attitude and mindset most of your surrounding workmates have.
No one; or at least very few—if any—of your workmates seems to have a dream for their lives. They all seem okay with where they are; and what they do. You know that is not what you wanted; and when you applied for that position; you never meant to stay in the same position doing the same “paper-shuffling” for years!
Your workmates are not excited about either life or work. No one is eager to learn anything new—even your supervisors and immediate managers! And so there is no one you can look up to; or learn from.
You have to “punch in” when you get to the office in the morning; and “punch out” when you leave the office in the evening. Is this a prison? But who is going to answer that question for you? Everyone does it; and it’s a routine; and they all seem okay with that!
You can tell you got yourself in the wrong job; and even though you might be earning a lot of money; you start to realize the paycheck doesn’t matter anymore! You dreamt of a job that will help you GROW your professional skills; help you to BECOME a BETTER person; and be RECOGNIZED for your input.
It was your dream to work with people who appreciate you for your efforts; not because you feel inadequate about yourself; but because you want to know you are making a contribution; and building something worthwhile; with your skills.
There is nothing challenging in your job; and so nothing exciting about what you do. No one in the top management communicates where you are heading as a company. So, you are not sure whether the company has any vision; and the deep feeling of having no purpose as you work there haunts you every day.
This is the job in which your contribution and performance is based on “The Hours You Have Been In”; that’s why you have to ‘punch in’ and ‘punch out’.
You want your PERFORMANCE EVALUATION to be based on RESULTS; not “THE HOURS YOU HAVE BEEN AT THE OFFICE”; but they never see the point of your argument. They think you are lazy!
There is no question about upward gravitation; because again; the top management in this company bases promotions on THE NUMBER OF YEARS YOU HAVE WORKED THERE; instead of PERFORMANCE. Your new ideas are not received; and considered for implementation—even when they have the potential to add to the bottom line--because the workplace comprises of the old-timers.
You know social activities matters; and building a social life around what your company does is critical for building a good relationship with its clients. But, hey, this company seems to be wrapped up and obsessed with its own products instead of its clients. Their clients are seen as people who just exchange their money for the company product/service.
There is no life in this company. There is no even flexibility; not even a chance to try ‘something new’ for the company. It’s all rigid and structure! Not that you don’t want to be in the office; but you know that even the very flexibility can be leveraged to deliver more results.
Yet, when you try to drive the flexibility idea to the management; no one listens; and you are branded “unrealistic and demanding’.
You wonder what they mean when they tell you are “unrealistic”; because again; “What is being unrealistic?” Isn’t it closing your eyes to potential breakthrough ideas that can help grow the company—which is what they are doing?
You even tried to engineer your own creative ways of building strong client-relationship for the company. By strategically using your very limited free minutes; you have established quality social interaction with potential clients; and turned them into real client for the company.
In your limited flexibility; you have used it to mingle with existing client and caused a repetitive sales. Yet, none of this drives the point that: if you can leverage on your limited flexibility to bring in new clients and cause repetitive sales; you really don’t need to operate with such a rigid structure.
Even with a proof that you are not being unrealistic; and demanding—because you have results to show for it—still the top management ignore everything you say. They cling to their old way of doing things; and you can tell that in few years time; they might not exist.
This is the job where people prefer “ACTIVITY”; versus “PRODUCTIVITY”. This is the workplace where management prefers “ROUTINES”; versus “RESULTS”
You didn’t apply for the job to give your professional skills and efforts in exchange for a paycheck. You wanted to work in a place where apart from the paycheck; you know you are helping building something that makes a contribution to the world. But as it turns out; this is not the place to be!
“…It’s time to resign!” you start thinking after several years. “…It’s time to make a job switch!” You are even ready to leave money on the table; and walk away!
The Reality Question Is…
Who wants to work in a place where people are talking about “pension”; instead of building; growing; serving clients; Building client-relationship and moving forward?
Yes, I have been there. I have felt all those frustrations. I have seen all that; and encountered all that; and lived those confusing days early in my career! And I had to make critical and unconventional career decisions and choices!
I literally resigned more than once from jobs. At one point; I knowingly and intentionally left “money on the table”; and walked away! I didn’t want to live like everyone else. I know how it feels…
And That’s Why I Am Here…
I am here to help you; so my struggles become your salvation. You do not have to go through those turns and twists. No need to experience the frustration; emotional turmoil; anxiety and apprehension about making the wrong choice and being in a job that you do not see your future in.
My aim is to walk with you and show you key career decisions; so that you can cut your losses in time; and take not only the right path; but also the right approach. And I will be here for years and years to help you!
I want to save you the “HARD WORK” you will have to put in; to make that “Career/Job switch”; so that you don’t plunge yourself in that boring job you would want to storm out after less than a year.
I want to show you what to look and go for; before you make the job switch; if you are already planning to call it a quit.
If you are a fresh graduate from college; I’m here show you what to consider; and take into account before you choose the job you want; so that you don’t go and interview for the ‘wrong job’ (The kind you want to get out before your probation period is over); plus work with the wrong people.
And if you are not in the above category (thinking of quitting or recent graduate); but you feel quit okay in your job; that’s great! Stick here; because there is a ton of value in the DJP Exclusive Material series.
Besides; you might need to use some of the lessons we are going to cover in this materials; probably in the future—when that time to make a ‘job switch’ comes. Or you might even find yourself changing your mind; after realizing your ‘current job’ doesn’t offer what you really need to build an awesome career.
The things we will be covering will play critical role in:
- Finding Your Dream-job—The Dream-job search phase
- Deciding ‘WHY That Job?’—The ‘WHERE’ ‘WHOM’ and ‘WHY’ phase
- Your Interviewing Game—The Self-differentiation phase
My goal in this series is to give you COMPREHENSIVE; INCLUSIVE; yet EXCLUSIVE master-level career advice.
Like a hard-boiled CIU detective; I am going to cover all the bases in “Dream-Job Pre-Qualification”; so you have a Strategic Approach to your career and job search.
I want you to be able to approach it from the position of power; rather than approaching it from the position of weakness; and confusion--following wrong sporadic and disjointed tactical career advices that get peddled around.
In other words; I want you to be able to Pre-Qualify the job; before you get into it.
We are shifting gears. We are moving aggressively. We are accelerating at a very high speed; this second quarter of the year. I want you to get to the top; and circumvent hurdles that would not have cropped your way--in your career--if you knew beforehand; what I will reveal in this DJP Exclusive Material Series.
Setting The Ground
Today I am preparing you on what to expect in the next few weeks--just setting the grounds ready for a take-off!
So, if you haven’t subscribed to my Elite-Inner Circle; go right ahead and do it today—not even tomorrow--or you will miss.
Remember: just one idea or insight of what we will cover in this DJP Exclusive Materials can dramatically impact your career forever!
As for today; here is your HOMEWORK; I want you to stop for a moment and look around you; and make observations about this:
- Do you see around people who graduated the same year; majored in the same career-course; got started in their career the same year in related industry and companies? Yet, one ended up gravitating upward; and the other one got stuck?
- Do you often notice people who started earning very less in their early years of their career compared to their peers; but ended up building enviable careers; while their pears got stuck—or even downsized?
- So, what is it that creates that BIG DIFFERENCE between them?
(Hint: Often than not; this difference has nothing to do with their intellect; or external circumstance--external factors contributes a small fraction of that difference)
See whether you will observe such differences in the people around you. Don’t do this judgmentally; we are not judging anyone on this. We are just making observations so we can learn something.
In fact; go a bit further; and try to see whether there are people who started far behind you; and have ethically got passed you; or vice versa. I know this is hard; but seeing those differences; and taking the time to learn what others have done to get where they are is critical to starting to do things differently; in a way that creates results.
Caveat: As you do this; don’t compare yourself with others. Just make a neutral observation; and as we get deep into the DJP Exclusive Material Series you will be able to see common patterns among those who have moved faster than anyone else in their career.
This is a practical career scenario. It happens all around us; and to us. And that is okay. The problem is when we don’t ask ourselves: “What is happening here?” and learn; then improve!
Once you make the observation; try to answer the last question above (about what you think makes the big difference) with a comment to this elite material.
I read all the comments and will be responding to them as we cover this series.
Talk To Me Direct
Want to respond to me with questions but you fear to place them on comments? No need to worry!
See, because I truly want to help you with your career; I will give you an email you can use to respond directly to me. But you will have to subscribe first. Go to the subscription form; enter your email address; click “GET ME IN” button; and then using the email below; write directly to me!
If you would have loved me to help you in anything as far as your career is concerned; what would that be?
If you would have wanted me to respond directly to your questions or struggles in your current job or career; what would they be?
Send me your paining questions and struggles directly to:
I would love to help you and would do my best to respond to all of them!
(Notice: Remember I will respond to my inner circles only; and you will have to subscribe to my Elite Inner-Circle first)
Until Thursday; here is a fascinating career article you might need to read:
"The New Definition Of A 'Job' With The Rise Of Millennials"
(Hint: This is a test; and that very article contains my answer to my opening story about the ‘new friend’ who asked me ‘why I was IDLE’. Much of that on Thursday)
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