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The one interview question that over 95% of job candidates fail, and ruin their entire interview. Here's how to answer it! |
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Okay, so...
A few days ago, I’d an interesting conversation with one of my readers. She asked me how you should respond to one of the # 1 interview question that--unknowingly to many--affect NEGATIVELY or POSITIVELY, how your entire interview turns out.
Here's the conversation thread we had…
Unfortunately, if you fail this question, the interviewer forms a “negative opinion” about you as a candidate.
Unfortunately, if you fail this question, the interviewer forms a “negative opinion” about you as a candidate.
And your entire interview if affected negatively from that point toward
(Hint: Over 95% of job candidates fail this question)
Fortunately, if you answer this question perfectly, the interviewer forms a “positive opinion” about you--and you’re set for a great success in your interview.
SAD NEWS! ….over 95% of job candidates FAIL this question!
A few days after our conversation, I thought to myself, “Mmmm...why not share how to go about it with all my readers on my blog…!!!?”
And so today, I’ll show how to give the perfect answer, to this question.
You’ll get the exact “behind-the-scene” email response which I send my reader,
where I show you exactly how to respond like a top performer--and instantly build your credibility on the spot.
Alright, so here’s the “behind-the-scene” email response…
“Tell us a little bit about yourself?” ...or...“Tell us about yourself?”
This is one of the most common questions you’ll get in almost every job interview.
And, it’s also one of the most important questions that set you up for interview success--if you handle it well.
There's a ‘secret’ reason hiring managers and interviewers ask this question--all the time, and in every job interview.
From the outside in, it appears like a simple and “obvious” question. But it’s one of the questions that tell the interviewers--based on how you answer it--whether or not you’re an average job candidate.
Based on your response, they “form an opinion” about you, which can be hard to change later along the interview.
I’ll show you how to crush it, and set yourself up for success in the interview room, and have an amazing interviewing conversation with the panel of interviewers and hiring managers.
In this email, you'll learn:
- The # 1 thing to do to give great answers to this question--and any other tough interview question.
- How NOT to ANSWER this question and WHY--with very specific example.
(Hint: Over 95% of job candidates answer this question wrongly, which leads to potential failure in the job interview.)
I’ll show you how the average job candidate respond, and why you should not respond like that.
- How to respond to this question and GIVE the “PERFECT ANSWER” .
I’ll give you the exact “Word-for-word scripts” to use. Then, I’ll show you why they work.
- Bonus: I’ll give you 3 cool links to IN-DEPTH materials, where I show how to handle this question in details.
Plus how to answer 3 toughest interview questions so you give PERFECT ANSWERS which separate you from every other interviewee, and get you hired.
Sounds good?
Let's dive in…
The # 1 Thing To Do To Give Great Answers To This Question (and Any Other Tough Interview question)
When it comes to responding to interview questions, whether it's “Tell us about yourself”...
...or any other interview question, most job candidates make a mistake of answering the question asked.
Don't make that mistake.
When interviewers ask you a question, there's always deep underlying questions they're asking, beyond the surface-level question they’ve just asked.
They’re looking for answers about deep concerns they have.
And so, rather than answer the surface-level question they’re asking, your job is to uncover the deep underlying questions they are asking, then respond to those.
I call these deep underlying question the “The Questions-behind-the-Question”
Uncovering the ‘below-the-surface’ question is the first step to mastering interview question.
Notice, average interviewees answer the question asked.
But top job candidates answer the Questions-behind-the Question (Q-B-Q)
Let me give you a specific example to show you what I mean.
Take one of the toughest interview question like:
“Why do you want to work here?”
So, when the average candidates is asked this question, they respond in this version:
“I want to work here because I’m interested in XYZ”
And sure, that's true...we want to work in different companies because we are interested in something.
Otherwise, if I’m not interested in anything in that company, why would I want to work with them?
But the above answer is superficial and ONLY answers the surface-level question.
There's nothing that sets you apart as a job candidate, when you respond like that.
And while the interviewer will never tell you this, truth is, when you give such an answer, you’ve failed!
Yes, your answer is “technically correct” but you’ve already failed the question.
This is why most of us go into an interview room, respond to all the interviewer's questions, giving the ‘right answers’, then later wonder why we failed the interview.
We wonder: “But I answered all the questions correctly?!?!”
And sure, you did answer all the questions asked correctly. But you missed on what the interviewers were REALLY ASKING.
You missed the deep underlying questions.
You didn't answer the Q-B-Qs (the Questions-Behind-the-Question)...and so you lost the game!
So, assuming we were to respond to this question: “Why do you want to work here?”
You’d need to uncover the Q-B-Qs (Questions-behind-the-Question) of this seemingly straightforward question (hint: it's not as straightforward as you might think)
So what are the underlying question(s) behind the above question?
Well, here they are: what the interviewer is asking is:
“How do you fit in here, or did you just apply because you saw the job advert / posting?”
“What motivates you to want to work with us, and how is that personal motivation factor beneficial to us?”
“Do you really have strong personal and mutually beneficial reasons to want to work with us or are you here just here for the paycheck?”
These are the questions you should answer when responding to this question. They are the interviewer's deep concerns!
When you respond to those deep concerns, you stand out in the interview room.
You decommonditize yourself from the rest of interviewees.
You dominate the job interview, and get the job offer!
So, the # 1 thing to giving great answers in any job interview, and land job offers, it to uncover the Questions-behind-the-Question.
When you do that, you are set for interviewing success, and landing Dream-job offers!
Okay, now that I’ve shown you that, let's zero in to our question...Tell us about yourself”...and see How to NOT answer this question and why.
How NOT TO ANSWER This Question And Why
Alright, so, like I mentioned, over 95% of job candidates answer this question wrongly, which leads to potential failure in the job interview.
Not their fault, by the way...because nobody teaches us how to respond perfectly to interview questions.
I’ll show you how the average job candidate respond, and why you should not respond like that.
And then later, how you should answer this question--perfectly.
So, when the interviewer ask you: “Tell us about yourself”
...what they’re asking is not about your personal life, or where you schooled, or where you’ve worked, or what could be missing in your CV or a summary of what's in your CV.
By the time they call you for the interview, they’ve read your CV, and know what you pursued at the university/college, where you’ve worked and the years of experience you have.
And they don't need that info again.
So, instead, this is an open question to get you at ease.And it’s also ‘layup question’ to get a quick ‘feel’ about whether or not you qualify for this position.
But here’s what's even more important: this question gives you a great opportunity to sale yourself and set the stage for the rest of the questions.
So, what the interview is really seeking to know is:
How you stack up to this position, in terms of:
- Your background and personality
- Your skill and education, and...
- Your experience
And once you know that, you can now TELL a STORY around that, responding to all those concerns, rather than giving the a chronology of events as listed in your CV--from when you joined school to your current job.
This question appears simple, yet carries more weight. And the way you answer it determines--for the greater part--how your entire interview goes.
The sad news is, most interviewees get it all wrong!
The good news is, I’ll show you how to nail it, once and for all!
Now, before I show you how to nail it, let’s see how most job candidates (over 95%) respond to this question, and why responding like that lumps you up with the average job candidate.
Here’s how the average job candidate respond to this:
Interviewer: “Tell us about yourself.”
Average candidate:
“I finished high school and joined university where I studied Business Management & Administration. I worked at ACME company as a Sales Representative. Then, I worked at LYSAK Intl.company as Sales Executive. And I’m passionate about XYZ”
So what do you notice with this answer?
First, it may look great, because you’re pointing out what you studied, and the companies you’ve worked with--pointing out specific positions you’ve held.
You’ve also highlighted your passion.
But, that’s not how you’re supposed to answer this question.
Why this answer will not work: Looking at that answer, for a starter, it’s just a chronological list of events, based on what's in your CV.
Hiring manager, already have all that from your CV. That kind of answer doesn't set you apart.
Second: the candidate talks about his passion. But truth is, hiring managers don't care about our passions. They only care, as long as you show them how it helps them get the results they want.
Third: there’s TOTALLY NOTHING in this answer, which tell the hiring manager that this is a great candidate whom he should move on and interview--because he could be what he’s been waiting for.
The answer is flat out plain, boring, and just what every other average candidate says.
Having all those other candidates lined up, which he should interview, he’ll just finish pretty first with this candidate, and get him out of the room.
...Because he has already formed an opinion that he’s dealing with average candidate--who’s not what the company is looking for.
Something I’d like you to know about interviewers and interviewing process:
Interviewing is pretty hard, time-consuming, energy-sucking process.
If you’re boring candidate (like when you give such boring answer), the hiring manager want to spend the least minutes possible with you.
(Hint: this is one of the reasons interviewers may start yawning after 1 or 2 questions with a job candidate. They're bored by the candidate, and while he answers questions, they're wondering when they'll finish with him!)
Hiring manager want to easily spot a great candidate right from the word go (which is one of the main reasons they ask this question),
so they can be sure it’ll be worth their time interviewing the candidate.
And this question is their litmus-paper-test.
If the candidate is boring and average, they'd want to take the least time possible with him, and save their energy and time to interview the rest and find one who could be a good fit.
In short, interviewers and hiring managers are just people like you. They're your to-be co-workers...and human beings-- just like you.
What they want to do in the interview room is not sit their and keep on talking.
Instead, they want to EASILY spot a great job candidate right from the word go.
...Take a few more minutes having engaging conversation (not a boring one) with the candidate to ensure they got the right one.
Then check the box saying “HIRED”... and then go to lunch!
Yes, they want to go to lunch!
They don't want to spend their entire lunch-time having boring conversations with boring candidates, in the interview room.
They want to hire you as soon as possible, check the box indicating “HIRED”, take the hiring form to their boss (yes they’ve a boss), and go to lunch!
This is your LEVERAGE if you know that.
If you’re engaging in your answers and addressing their deep concerns in this interview question, they’d want to spend a few more minutes to know they've the right candidate, then give you the offer, and go out!
But if the opposite happens. If and when you give boring answers--like most job candidates do--they’d want to finish with you fast, and find out from the rest of the interviewees whether there’s a suitable candidate.
Don't bore them. Don't give them flat out plain answer like the one above. Make them feel like they're talking with the right candidate from the word go.
And don't be intimidated by their suits and ties.
This is just Vicky and Mike--trust me. They put on those suits and ties because they knew they were going to be interviewing you today.
They’re human beings like you, and will be your future co-workers, so treat them like human beings.
Give engaging answers in a conversational tone, just like you’d if you met them outside the interview room.
Always keep that in mind when you step into a job interview.
With that mental frame (that interviewers are just human beings and potential co-workers) you can give engaging answers, and not superficial flat out boring answers--like our average candidate above!
So, the above answer is “technically correct”, but the candidate has failed.
And if you give such an answer, you'll fail too.
Okay, so here's…
How To Respond To This Question, And Give The “Perfect Answer”
First, before we even try to respond to this question, let's do thing # 1.
Let's dig out the Q-B-Q (the Questions-behind-the-Questions)
Here’s the Question-behind-the-Question:
What the hiring manager are looking for,when they ask you: “Tell us about yourself”
...is a general ‘feel’ on how you stack up to this job.
In other words they’re asking:
“Do you know the key abilities and experiences--in general--that sets apart for this job?”
“Are you self-aware, as to why you could be a fit, for this position? In brief, tell us about it.”
And top job candidates, rather than talk about their personal life, or give chronological order of their career history, they address the real concerns the hiring manager has.
And not just addressing the concerns, but they always have an engaging STORY to TELL, which answers those concerns. And they have it ready in advance.
They weave their answer around that story.
Let me show you how to respond, with exact Word-for-word scripts answer.
Here’s the Exact ‘Word-for-word Scripts’ to crush this question--like a top job candidate.
Interviewer: “Tell us about yourself.”
Top job candidate Answer:
“Sure, [a smile], thank you for the opportunity. I’ve had the opportunity to work with ACME company, where I helped them improve their customer retention by 3%, and built a strong experience on conversions. As you’ll notice in my CV, I’m fascinated by business development side, that’s why I pursued BA/ Marketing at college.
Recently, as a Marketing Executive, I worked with small start up company LYSAK Intl. for 1.5 years, where I helped them get the company off the ground, by driving more sales with an an average conversion rate of 7%.
And now, I want to take the skills, unique knowledge and experience I have on marketing and business development to a big stage. That’s why I’m here.”
That’s a great answer!
What do you notice? Why do you think that'd be a great answer?
Let's analyze it, so I can show you why this answer set you up for interviewing success. And why responding like that instantly raises your credibility--as the right fit for the position.
Why such an answer works:
First: I’m talking about my unique knowledge (relevant to the job--marketing),
Second: I’m talking about my relevant experience,(relevant to the job position--over 1.5 years of experience helping businesses)
Third: I’m talking about the results I’ve generated in my former similar positions using that experience. Hiring manager care about results.
Four: I’m talking about the skills I posses which have helped generate tangible results in my former positions (sales conversion, customer retention --so, the hiring manager can see how these skills bring value to him and the company)
That shows I know what I’m taking about, and what makes me a ‘good fit’ for this position--in this company.
Five: I’m showing him I’ve deep passion and motivation in this field, meaning I’m not just their for the paycheck, but I love doing what I do.
Notice the phrase... “I’m fascinated by business development side,”
But here's what even subtle. Notice I bring my passions in a different angle that shows him how that passion serves him.
Hiring manager want to hire candidates who are passionate about the job they're applying for, and not just because they're looking for a paycheck. (And I settle that concern)
...Because such candidates do great job.
Six: I’m sealing my candidacy and bringing everything back to why I’m the interview room right there with him, by strategically using this phrase… “That’s why I’m here.”
In other words, I’m saying “End of story? I’m here to help you grow your business/company--as I also apply all these skills and experience I’ve acquired on a bigger stage. So let's talk about it”
Seven: I’m TELLING an engaging STORY: I’m basically giving compelling story--all along eliminating any irrelevant information, that doesn't serve to further my candidacy.
And because I’m telling a story, my answer is “conversational” and just flows...because I’m talking about things I’ve done.
Do you notice how TOTALLY DIFFERENT this answer is, from the average candidate’s answer?
The hiring manager /interviewer cannot wait, but want to hear more.
I just threw him a bait.
And he cannot resist, even if he wanted!
He’ll bait!
This is thoughtful well crafted answer. And it’s not an accident.
I took time to construct the right answer that answers the Q-B-Qs and weaved an engaging story around it, which makes it flow naturally and in a conversational way.
Just like I’d talk to anyone in a normal conversation.
And this is exactly how you answer that question.
And it's exactly how you differentiate yourself… and stand out in an interview room.
It’s exactly how you win job interviews and land dream-job offers, while the rest of your peers wonder why you seem to effortlessly win job interviews.
Takes a little bit of preparation, and putting some work, and reaching out to learn how to do it--like you’ve done.
If you out in a little bit of work and time, once you master how to spin job interviews, the rest become a history.
You start Writing Your Own Ticket To Your Dream-job, and never have to worry about the competition anymore.
Good news is, most job candidates are average and don't know how to interview, even those with 10-year experience’s more than you.
If you learn how to interview, you can interview 99% better than your peers.
And land amazing jobs others would ONLY dream about.
Interviewing is a game. And you can learn how to play the game!
So, that's your comprehensive, answer right there!
Finally, I promised you a BONUS ( 3 COOL LINKS to in-depth material) on,
So you give perfect answers which separate you from every other interviewees, and land job offers.
Before I give you those cool links at the bottom, here are 2 simple Action steps I’d like you to take,
Action Step # 1
If this "behind-the-scene" email was helpful, email me, and tell me 1 or 3 things you’ve learnt.
(If you're not in my email list, I'll give you an ACCESS LINK at the bottom, so you can join my Exclusive Inner Circle, where I share valuable materials--like this--with my readers)
(If you're not in my email list, I'll give you an ACCESS LINK at the bottom, so you can join my Exclusive Inner Circle, where I share valuable materials--like this--with my readers)
Action Step # 2
Do me a favour, and share this post to your co-workers, friends, and colleagues on Facebook, who could benefit from it.
Actions Step # 3
Click the 3 cool links below and get 3 IN-DEPTH material on how to handle tough interview questions.
Here are your cool links to IN-DEPTH materials:
Cool Link # 2:How To Perfectly Respond To The Most Toughest, Most Dreaded Interview Question: What's Your greatest weakness?
Cool Link # 3:Use These 3 Steps. Dominate Job Interviews. Beat Job Candidates With 5-year More Experience Than You
Enjoy the reading, and implement what you'll learn.
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