The Seventh DJ Exclusive material.
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You Can Step-Up If You Use The Right Strategy To Do It! |
Hey guys!
Early last week, as we were talking with a friend of mine; she told me of job opening opportunities I didn’t know about. She was actually asking me whether I knew anyone who would want to apply for such positions!
And that left me thinking!
See, we have talked about the IMPORTANCE of building your professional network; here for more than once.
In fact, I have written dozens of materials about how: consciously building your professional network can have positive impact in your job-search. And the importance of how these networks gets to source you job opportunities that you never knew existed.
We’ve covered the importance of keeping your friends in the “In-The-Loop”. And how this plays a great role in getting job opportunities you didn’t know about.
But the question is: how many of us take this advice and put it into ACTION? Most people read these materials; shrug their shoulders; and think:
“That’s pretty a good advice for business people; but it certainly doesn’t apply to me”—and then never do anything about it!
If you had a bunch of great friends with their “ears on the ground” to let you know of any job openings; wouldn’t that increase your chances of getting a job? Think about it!
You never win by “Doing It Yourself”
But that’s not what I want to talk about today!
How Top Performers Step-Up
Today I want to talk about “Stepping-up”.
Yes, we covered about "Getting Your Feet In The Door" of your “dream-job company” in the last material—using Unconventional Approach.
In this material; we are going to cover how you Step-up to a higher position. In other words: moving from your current level to a higher capacity (aka “Earning your promotion”)
My aim is to show you how you can search for your dream-job; identify it; get in; and then gravitate upward; rather than getting stuck in one place--and not knowing what to do.
In this case; “Stepping-Up” could mean: moving literally upward to a higher position. Or it could also mean: moving laterally across to a “New department”.
I will show you one Unconventional Approach top performers use to make this move. And all I ask is to not just learn it; but take a DECISIVE ACTION and implement it.
Think about it this way: If you will not make a change today; the when?
The Self-Probation Take-On Technique
The Self-Probation Take-On technique is simple. But it is not only sacrificial—at least initially—but also unconventional and strategic.
Here is what you do. First; understand that; “having demonstrated that you are a top performer”; (LINK LAST MATERIAL) in the current role you’ve got some LEVERAGE (that statement is based on what we covered in the last material).
You have--in the past—unofficially taken pro bono work in the area you want to upgrade to; and have proven that you have what it takes to get things done.
You’ve even had your immediate supervisor acknowledging and recognizing you for your great contribution.
You’ve got all your documented results with you; and it’s time to move up!
So you schedule to meet your boss; to discuss your possibility of taking more challenging roles. Notice; the trick here is to make it about your boss/company--not about yourself.
In the meeting; you show how you’ve been contributing in ‘higher capacity roles’ in the past—despite the fact that you were not yet in that position.
You then suggest that you would love to take on bigger roles in higher capacity; because you feel you can be of MORE BENEFIT to the company—or your boss. Plus you see it as an opportunity to maximize on your potential.
Then you let your boss know that you are willing to do that for a period of time—maybe six months--with no salary change. But after you’ve proved yourself; you would love to discuss your promotion to that capacity; along with salary adjustment to match.
With your past records showing great performance; and offering to take on new roles for higher capacity for six months with no salary adjustment. No sane boss will say no!
Note: The months you offer to work in that capacity before discussing your promotion and salary adjustment; depends on you and the context of your job. It can even be less than six months.
The quintessential part of this technique is:
“You are willing to TAKE ON “New Roles” in a “Higher Capacity”; and setting a PROBATION PERIOD for yourself to prove you can. And you are doing this with no “down-side” for either your boss; or the company during the “SELF-PROBATION PERIOD”
The Why And How It Works:
#.1. The Psychology Behind Risk Mitigation
What differentiate top performers from the masses; is not their “special brains”. It’s not because they went to Stanford or Harvard University—or the best universities in the planet!
What differentiates these two; is the fact that elite performers use uncommon approach to common issues. They are creative; and deeply understand the power of psychology to get other people on board with them.
They focus on other people; versus focusing on themselves. They know if they can offer solutions to other people; they can get them to invest in getting their help.
Notice how this is different from what most “promotion-candidates” do: they walk up to their bosses; and theoretically “Tell” their boss why they DESERVE to be PROMOTED.
It never happens!
The Risk Mitigation scheme contains three deep; and deceptively subtle; yet powerful psychological tactics.
Let’s unearth them:
- NO Down-side To Your Offer
That is something your boss would love to hear! And will buy into. Remember your boss is your client; and you are the smart company acquiring this client.
Again, Big Picture: You want to set your foot in the door!
Most young people feel entitled; and think “They deserve it”; simply because they have been in the company long enough. So, far; you and I know that’s not how things work. That’s not how your boss sees it!
But even those who do offer to work “for free”; never grasp the psychological nuances behind it; and how to weave it together--to get what they want. So they do it—offer free services--and nothing comes by.
Instead; they end up being taken advantage of; and their services get DEVALUED —regardless of how PRICELESS they are!
So; notice this is not just about “pro bono work”. No! There is more to this than volunteer work. And I show you how to anchor value on it; so you don’t come across as “desperate to impress”.
- Employers Love In-Sourcing Rather Than Out-Sourcing
That’s a psychological tactical LEVERAGE; if you know how to “pull the strings”
- You Are Not “Telling” But “Demonstrating”
You have been “Unofficially” taking key interest in the “New capacity” and making a real contribution; before you ever came up to discuss your possibility of moving up.
You already have a “Great Track-Record” of your previous contribution. And you are now suggesting that given opportunity you can do a great job—with no salary adjustment at the moment.
So, you are not just “TELLING” your boss. No. You’ve already “DEMONSTRATED” your abilities. Your employer can not ignore your past record. They speak for you—instead of you “Telling tales”.
Average job-candidates “Tell”. Top performers “Demonstrate”!
Notice how; all these mitigate the risks for your employer! It gets your feet in the door—but this time round; toward a “New position”!
#. 2. Psychological Preparation
This is the second reason why the Self-Probation Take -On technique works.
See, one of the best ways you can get people to say “YES”; is to get them psychologically prepared—early in advance—before you get to ask for something.
You don’t just appear from nowhere—like most promotion-candidates do--and make demands! More often than not; most people will turn you down--without a second thought. And your boss is not different.
And it has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t qualify. No. You get turned down because you are not tactical about your approach.
That’s why I teach you “The psychology of Persuasion”; so you know how to get in other peoples’ head; and have them give you what you want! In an ethical way—not by being manipulative!
When you make your “Promotion-discussion” a thing of the future with stipulated time-frame; you are psychologically preparing your boss for that day.
You are also not being “pushy”. You are putting him at ease in the moment--and making it easier for him to say “YES”.
This prior psychological preparation takes the edge out of the big decision. You don’t want your boss feel ambushed with your request.
It’s that very feeling that gets most people negative response—even if they qualify!
#. 3. A Chance To Pre-Qualify Yourself.
Human beings are inclined to “Show” versus “Tell”—it’s psychological. And the easiest way to get anyone on board with you; is to “Show Why”; rather than “Tell Why”.
Let’s be realistic; not every time you will have the opportunity to “SHOW”--but smart people seize this opportunity when they spot it.
The Self-Probation Take-On Technique is not only an irresistible offer to your boss with NO DOWN-SIDE-- for a period of time--but it also does something else.
It gives YOU the RARE opportunity; to “SHOW” instead of “TELLING” why you qualify for a certain position.
Here Is How This Works:
You’ve just had a meeting with your boss; about him—not you. You offered to take on “New Roles”; and agreed that if you do an extraordinary job; then you would love to discuss—in the future—about being promoted to the target capacity.
That gives you an opportunity to work closely with your boss. It gives you the grounds to ask him what great performance looks like in this capacity.
You can ask what TRULY MATTERS in this capacity; and how he wants those things done. You have the opportunity to ask what REAL RESULTS exactly looks like--to him.
You are in self-probation; so you can ask these questions without feeling like you are dumb.
Here is the opportunity this presents to you:
- You Work “With Your Boss” Versus “For Your Boss”
You already know what great performance looks like in the eyes of your employer; and you narrow your efforts to achieve that!
Notice how this gives you the opportunity to: “work with your boss”; versus “working for your boss”
That is critical because; it means you can achieve MORE in LESS TIME. Pay attention that I am not using the word “MORE” in the conventional sense of the word. No.
I’m using “MORE” based on your boss’s perspective on what “MORE” means to him. And paradoxically; this can be “LESS” based on “outsiders’-judgment”. And often it is!
But it doesn’t matter. You are there to impress your boss; not your peers; or on-lookers!
While you may not appear to be “Doing A Lot” to the on-lookers—this could be your average workmates--when you do what your boss REALLY CARES about; you are “Doing MORE” than anyone else!
This is different from what most of your co-workers do: “Working for their bosses”
Notice that; people who “Work for their bosses” never get to learn exactly what gets their bosses’ attention. They “just do things”. They work hard. They focus on everything.
And that’s how they drown in the crowd of average performers; where no one ever remembers your LONG HOURS.
That explains why; from the surface-level; top performers seem to do less; and drive MORE RESULTS. And yet get recognition; compared to the average performers who seem to put in LONG HOURS; and no one seems to care enough to notice them!
See, the average performer think he gets paid for putting in LONG HOURS. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
On the other hand; Top performers know the game is entirely different!
Your boss doesn’t REALLY care about the hours. All he wants is GREAT RESULTS. And that is according to his definition of what “GREAT RESULTS” means--not yours!
It’s this wrong perception that gets average performers “killing themselves for it”; yet they seem to drown in the crowd; with no one rewarding them for their long hours.
“But Prince… That’s UNFAIR.”
Really? And who cares? No one cares! See it’s easy to blame others for what’s happening; rather than look at where we are failing! So, I don’t care about what’s fair or unfair!
And this is WHY: see, we can sit around—you and I--and start analyzing what is “Fair” or “Unfair”; but that’s not going to help either of us. Plus, it’s not worth the time!
You want to know what’s NOT FAIR? It’s you DOING NOTHING; after I have shown you what you need to do; to get what you want.
You want to know what I CARE ABOUT? I care about the fact that you should take action to change what you have control over; and stop whining over things you do not have control over! Like wanting to dictate what is fair or not fair to your boss!
So, you can come along with me to learn how to “turn things around”; or you can keep commiserating over things that you have no control over. And btw; it’s easy to do the latter—keep whining!
If you are on-board with me; here is what you need to know…
“The truth is: there are things that matter more to your boss; than others—even though all may need to be done.”
Most people work hard; doing everything! They then look forward to the “magical-day of reward”--when they will be recognized; and their promotion handed-over to them on silver platter.
And it never happens!
Yes, they “do a lot” and earn almost no recognition. They “work hard” but accomplish little; because--according to their boss--they have done routine tasks which any one can do; but of little importance.
And your boss will never tell you that!
- The Power-Shifts: From Adversarial To Mutually-Beneficial Meeting
It’s fascinating; how they handle opposing teams with finesse; and get both parties to come to agreement.
See, after six months—or whatever the self-probation period is—you will never have to “Try and convince” your boss.
There is a POWER-SHIFT; because you will have the REAL DATA speaking for you. Yes, you will have TRUE PERFORMANCE METRICS under your belt; and would never have to come across as “Trying to convince”.
Your bullet-proof track record of outstanding results would be hard to argue against!
Notice how this “flips-around” a normally “awkward promotion-discussion meeting” with your boss; to one of “mutual-benefit” for both of you.
It’s like going into to your boss’s office to discuss about your great performance. You are at ease; confident; and proud to talk about it.
You enter in the office with the RIGHT-FRAME of MIND! Only this time; you are anchoring a reward (promotion); to that performance meeting.
Your boss knows. He has been aware of it for six months; and so doesn’t feel ambushed. He’s psychologically ready for the discussion.
With real data to back you up; you kick-back in the meeting and let the data; and the numbers speak for you! And you are sure it’s going to be a WIN-WIN discussion.
That’s how top performers do the “HARD WORK” upfront; and get what they want. Compare that with the average performers who are “HARD WORKING”—courtesy of crude career advice. The never seem to get anywhere!
Top performers do 80% of the work upfront; so by the time they step into the office for promotion-discussion with their boss; everything is tilted to their favor.
- Takes The Edge Off: Don’t Have To Be Pushy or Demanding
In other words: You don’t have to be demanding; pushy; and rap yourself in the wrong way--coming across are ‘greedy” to your boss.
Compare all these with what the most people do: they enter their boss’s office; pushing/demanding for promotions. And they are shown the door!
Not only do they not get the promotions; but rap themselves as greedy! The across the wrong way!
The SP-TO Technique is both RESPECTABLE and RESPECTFUL way of “earning your promotion”. You do not have to use chicane means to move up.
This is ethical; and gives you the respect of legitimately “earning your way to the top”. You do not have to employ canny and technical means to get your promotion--and feel guilty about it later or have it backfire on you!
The Beauty Of This Systematic Approach
Do you notice how all this is a Systematic Process?
These are not random tactics. This approach is not based on wishes. It’s both systematic and ethical. It gives you step-by-step ACTIONABLE steps.
And the beauty about this systematic process it that: it gives you both the powerful and effective tactics; plus the strategic approach that you can always apply; and know that you’ll get results.
The best part about this Systematic Approach to promotion is the fact that: you can always wake up every morning; knowing exactly what you need to do; to move a step forward; and toward your promotion.
And not just know exactly what you need to do; but also how you are going to do it. It gives you a concrete step-by-step plan to follow; and you know you are heading in the right direction.
Compare that with the conventional approach of the vast majority. Using disjointed tactics; and focusing on things that will never earn them any promotion. Or wake up confused about exactly what they need to do; to move up.
And just so your grasp the process; here is a break-down—for yours to apply:
First step: A Meeting About Your Employer—Not You
First; there is the initial meeting with your boss where you offer to give him VALUE for certain duration; with no risk at all. You make this meeting ALL ABOUT HIM –not about yourself.
The first meeting is all about giving value to the company; where you are willing to work in “New capacity” with no salary adjustment for a stipulated period of time. That is an irresistible offer.
Notice also; how; in the course of that period; you work closely with your boss; so you know what “Great results” mean to him. You work “With” NOT “For” him—that’s powerful tactic!
You then do those exact things your boss cares about.
Second Step: A Meeting Of Mutual Benefit
Technically, the second meeting is about you; but the edge is already taken off. You have also warranted the meeting because you’ve proved yourself. And is okay to talk about yourself at this stage.
If you have done a great-job after the first meeting; there would be no “hard-feelings” about this second meeting.
But what’s even most fascinating; is the fact that; you are not going to seat across your boss’s table to toot your own horn.
You are not there to “Tell tales”. You are there with “Results about you” but for the employer’s benefit. He can’t dispute that!
Notice that; you have already RE-FRAMED the promotion-discussion from an “Adversarial one”; to a “Mutually-Beneficial” one. And you can virtually guarantee the positive outcome of the meeting with your boss.
You have everything tilted to your favor; and you can afford to talk less; but convey more.
You have every prove to back your request; and your boss knows it—because you been getting him/her involved throughout the process after the first meeting.
The Results?
You get what you want –your promotion—and your boss feel equally great to give it to you!
That’s how promotion victories are won. That’s how career growth is achieved!
The Challenge
When you wake up every morning; and head to your job; do you have systematic and concrete steps that you can follow to earn your promotion? Or do you wake up wondering what’s going to take to move up?
If you already have a concrete step-by-step approach to your next level; congratulations!
But if you feel fuzzy about what to do; to move up from where you are; then I am here to help you! I can show you a systematic way to do it; and what to do in each step; so it doesn’t feel like you are running through a maze.
So, here are three things I want you to do today:
1) STOP using random tactics; and “pushy” techniques to get your boss’s attention. That’s not how it works. For now; go apply what you’ve learnt in today’s DJ Exclusive material.
2) Enter your email into the subscription form; and sign up to my Elite Inner-Circle so you get my career-shifting materials directly into your inbox—so you don’t have to miss any!
Then send me a direct email to: ; with your specific question. I would be glad to respond and connect with you!
3) Leave a comment below this material telling me about your experience when you faced your boss for a promotion. If you did it; tell me…
How exactly did it go? Be specific.
If you were turned down: Why; and what did your boss exactly say? Use exact phrase if possible.
If you got the promotion: What specific technique did you use?
I read all your comments.
In the next material; we’ll be looking at the third Unconventional Approach top performers use to move ahead; especially if there is no opportunity for growth in their current company!
Don’t miss out!
P.S. You haven't got any of my materials in the past 2 weeks! Just to let you know that something cropped up; but I am back!
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