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How to virtually guarantee your CV is a WIN, before you even submit it! |
Alright, before we dive into it, I've got something realy good for you, if you are new and first time reader to my blog. It's a FREE GIFT for YOU, for just dropping by. Seriously!!!
And here's the deal. I'd like to give you a TOOL that'd help generate multiple job interviews and job offers for you, even while you sleep.
Here's the FREE GIFT!!!
Just click the link below and I'll send you this FREE GIFT right away!... |
Yes, it's that simple. Here's the link ๐ YES, SEND ME MY FREE GIFT!
Got your FREE GIFT? Alright, let's dive in right below ๐...
Okay, so...
..What if there was a way you can guarantee your CV is going to be a WIN, before you submit it to hiring managers?
What if you don't have to play the "trial & error" game, where you send your CV to human resource managers, and just hope they'll consider it, and invite you for an interview?
What if you learnt a "Secret process" that virtually guarantees your CV will generate job interviews for you, once it lands on hiring manager's office desk?
...What if you could learn Foolproof, yet simple 3-step process, that guarantees your CV is going to be a WIN, before you even write it?
How would that make you feel--knowing you are no longer at the mercies of the job market?
...But you can get virtually amy job you want--at will?
Imagine how secure would you feel, ...knowing that you can step into the competitive job market, and just nail any job you dream of!
...And you no longer have to worry about losing your current job!
Is that evem possible?
Well, YES, it is!
...And today, I'll show you how to make that a reality--whether you are a new graduate, looking for job, or you already have a job, but want a even better job!
It doesn't matter where you are in your profession--experienced or inexperienced!
I'll show you how to make that a reality.
And by the way, if that sound impossible for you, I understand.
But you can take solace in the fact that I've had some of my readers land amazing jobs just a few days using a fraction of my FREE materials!
And if they've done that--with just a fraction of my material--why not you?
You can do it too--even if it seems impossible!
How do I know that?
Well, because they didn't have any special advantage. And just like you--at first--they thought... "Would this even be possible?"
They had reservations and doubts too--like you and me.
...But they decided to follow the material, the techniques, the tactics, and step-by-step processes I showed them.
Few weeks later? They came back to me, with success stories! I couldn't be happier for them!
Today, it's your turn.
But first, before we dive into this, there is a warning: what I'm about to show will require you change the way you approach the job market.
Yes, it will require you to change the way you think about job, employers, and yourself.
It'll also require you to do some work. But the results are disproportionately rewarding. You'll get more than 10x pay off for the little work and time you'll put in!
To be brutally honest with you, if you are here to learn how you can land amazing jobs, without solving any problem for your employer, and just being another head-count in the organization, then this is not for you!
In fact, you should not be reading this material! And you should not be in this site!
I will tell you where you should be: you should be reading posts saying "Earn $1000 Today, While You Sleep!"...on scammy sites, which sell the idea that you don't have to work.
These are the sites where lazy and delusional people hang out! HAHA...if that was true--Earning $1000 While You Sleep-- why isn't everyone doing it?
But I bet you are not that kind of a person. You are someone who knows that we are paid for the value we bring on the table.
...You are ambitious, and ready to TAKE ACTION, when pointed in the right direction. And you are--just like most of my readers' a someone who'll go and implement what I'll show you today!
If that is you, then I'm glad to share with you a few simple steps you can take right now, which will help you craft a CV that will start generating job interviews!
Specifically--for today--I'll share with you 3 Simple Steps to take, and turn your CV into an INTERVIEW-GENERATOR TOOL!
But, before we dive into those 3 Simple Steps, let me show you 3 pitfalls to avoid in your CV.
These are the 3 most horrendous CV mistakes most of us commit...and we don't know they kill our chances of landing interviews and amazing jobs!
Or, maybe we know, but then, nobody shows us what to do!
Today, you'll learn what these mistakes are, and what to do instead!
Okay, so, let's dive in...
The 3 Most Horrendous CV-writing Mistakes
First, if you're reading this material, it means you're ambitious, and want to get better jobss!
Ambition is the key to changing our lives.
Also, it means you're probably not getting as many positive responses--from your submitted CVs--as you might want!
Again, kudos!
...Because it means you are ready to change that!
Plus, it also means you're smart! Why? Because the first indicator that someone is smart is not them to have solutions for their challenges, but being able to identity where and when they have a problem!
See, once that happens--when they identify they've a problem--the next step would be..."well, how do I solve this problem?"
And that's what we are doing today. Solving a problem!
So, here are the 3 horrendous mistakes most job candidates make when it comes to writing their CV. Learn them, so you can avoid them.
By the way, don't worry if you've committed these mistakes in your CV. Most of us have--and I am the number one culprit!
A month ago, I asked a number of my readers whether they've committed some of these mistakes, and most of them admitted they have.
CV-Writing Mistake # 1: Copy Someone Else's CV Format.
Alright, I'm guilty of this one, because it's exactly what I did, when I wrote my first CV (this was way back after college).
Unfortunately, most of us do this, and keep on doing it, years after college--even after being in the job market long enough to know better.
...Well, because almost no one shows usa better way.
The irony is, when we finish college, "they" expect us to know how to write a CV, ...which is funny, because "they" don't teach us how to do it!
It's neither your fault, nor mine!
Think about this: how did you come up with your last CV?
I'll bet you either copied the exact format of your previous one (without putting a thought into it)...
...Or you "googled" and downloaded a PDF CV-fomart. Or you copied your friend's CV format.
If you used any of the above, that's a grave mistake. And here's why?
First of all, almost everyone does what you did. And that means, your CV looks like everyone else's.
Second, your CV is the most powerful tool that should get the HR to get that phone and give you that interview-call!
Now, if you never gave a thought to it.... If you just just slapped together your Work History, and Educational Background, why would the HR consider it?
...You'll find yourself waiting for years--and you'll probably never hear from the company!
But don't beat yourself up, I'll show a simple process to solve and fix such mistakes, in a while!
CV-Writing Mistake # 2: Focusing on the Wrong Things
Look at your current CV. What have you put in there? I can almost tell you how it looks like.
Does it start with your "Personal info", followed by "Career Objectives", then your "Work-history", plus your "Education Background", then your "Hobbies" and finish up with "Referees"?
I bet it's close to that, if not exactly like that!
Look, if I can tell how it looks like--before I even see it--how many CVs do you think the hiring managers have seen, which looks exactly like that?
Answer: hundreds--if not thousands!
So, why do you think that kind of a CV is going to get HR's attention?
With such a mundane CV, you'll never standout!
And if there's nothing that gets his attention, do you think he'll spend more than 5 second reading it,...let alone giving you an interview call?
Hint: hiring manager spend between 7 - 10 seconds on CV!
Such CV rarely gets their attention. And if it doesn't, it doesn't matter how professionally competent you are.
You've already lost the game!
By the way, most people think learning how to write a winning CV is for recent college graduates, new job-seekers and less experienced candidates.
And they're WRONG!
Why do you think EXECUTIVE RESUME-WRITING Companies exist?
These are companies that help Executives--someone who's been in the job market for years, someone who's at Executive Level--craft CV that will enable them to land their next executive level job!
Listen, if CV-Writing was for newbies in the job market, no executive-level professional would need to be shown how to craft their CV!
They would just do it themselves, because they have years of experience. And have written several CV before they got to that executive level.
So, why don't they do it themselves? Why get someone...and pay someone, to help them with the CV?
Well, 2 reasons:
1) They know you can be the most competent, smartest job candidate, but if you don't find your way into the interview to demonstrate that, you never get the job!
(And less competent, less experienced, and less learnt job candidates who've mastered CV-Writing, will get the job offer). Simple and clear.
2) They know that getting someone to help you with your CV, is the best way to accelerate your career growth, land amazing jobs you would have land otherwise, and separate yourselves from the average candidates who never invest in their own career growth.
(They send their CVs, and wait for years, wondering why companies aren't responding to them even when they were sure the job vacancy was there)
Note: you can be a highly competent candidate, but if your CV doesn't get HR's attention, and make them want to interview you--you'll not be different from other incompetent candidates!
That's why your CV matters more, than might thing!
CV-Writing Mistake # 3: Asking the Wrong Question When It Comes to CV-writing
Most job candidates ask the wrong questions when it comes to writing a WINNING CV. They ask about how long it should be, and other unnecessary stuff.
When you ask the wrong questions, you get the wrong answers. Telling you how long or shot your CV should be...of focusing on minutiae stuff like font size, is not going to help.
A WINNING CV is more than that!
Truth is, CV formats and fonts are the least of your problems--if you aren't getting enough positive response when you submit it.
If that is ALL what mattered; most candidates' CVs would be generating interviews! And subsequently earning them job offers
A Winning CV entails much more than format, font size, the length etc
It's about:
- What you've put in there.
- The work you do before you ever put a single word on that page...
- The language you use.
- The psychological positioning, and the framework you employ.
- The tactics, and the techniques you employe to get the HR's attention, and appeal to him/her.
- And much more!
And none of those things have any relation with how competent you are as a job candidate, your years of experience, your CV font size etc.
That is way much more, beyond what most of job candidates know!
Now, I just want you to pause for a moment and ask yourself:
- "Which of these 3 mistakes could I be committing?"
- "When I was writing my last CV, what did I put in there...
- ...Or which psychological tactics did I employ to ensure it gets the HR's attention?"
If you found yourself commiting the above 3 mistakes...
....And wondering what specific steps you can follow...to guarantee that your CV is a WIN, then stick around!
...Because I'm about to share that with you, right now!
The Exact 3 Simple Systematic Steps To Guarantee Your CV Is A WIN--Before You Even Write It.
Alright. So, let me walk you through 3 Simple Steps you can employ, and virtually guarantee your CV is a WIN--and is bound to generate job interviews--before you ever write a single word on the page!
By the way, if you are like me, you want to virtually guarantee success before you ever start sending your CV out!
I hate "TRIAL & ERROR" method... when I have a way to guarantee my success before I start!
If you follow these 3 Simple Steps, you'll be able to virtually guarantee the success of your CV, before it ever gets on the table of the hiring manager.
Yes, you can do that--even if you are less experienced, or are competing with dozens--or hundreds--of candidates!
With these 3 specific steps, by the time you sit down to write the CV, you know it's going to be a WIN!
Notice, what you are about to learn, is totally different approach, from what most job candidates do.
Which is...they write their CV, submit it, and hope they'll get a chance. Then, they wait...and wait...and wait!
Ultimately, they give up on waiting...and try it once more with a different company!
And the same thing happens!
In the words, they spends lots of time writing the CV, spend money submitting it, only to realize that their CV would never going to get them job interview--and they wasted their time and money!
My approach is: Virtually guarantee the success of your CV, before you ever spend time writing it, and submitting.
Before we dive into these 3 Steps, here's the specific mindset you need to embrace: It's about the potential employer and their specific challenges. Not about the position I want.
In otherwords, when you sit down to write your CV, stop thinking about yourself, and starting thinking about the specific employer challenges, that he needs solved, by someone in that position you're applying for.
This shift of mental focus only, can be the difference between landing multiple interviews--and a job offer in your next job application--
...and having your CV ignored by HR almost all the time.
And this is not just a mental shift, it's a strategic approach that helps you get the HR on your side in your CV. And make them want to work with you!
When you've shifted your focus, to focus on the company's challenges, that revolve around the position you're applying for...and then take these 3 Simple Steps I'm about to show you...
...you virtually guarantee your CV would be a success, before you even start writing it, let alone submitting it!
Okay, so, with the above mindset, here are the 3 Simple Steps to take to guarantee your CV is a WIN...
- Step # 1: Uncover What the Employer Challenges are
It's job is to show the your potential employer that you can be a solution to something they are struggling with.That you can solve their problems.
That's what you get hired for!
Think about this: Isn't a naivety, (not sure whether this is a naivety or insanity) that we sit down to pitch a hiring manager on a piece of paper, without first knowing what their paining challenges are?
(By the way, your CV is a pitch. Yes, that is what it is)
I mean, what do you tell them on that piece of paper?
Ever had an experience with those sales people who meet you on the street/ or pop in the office, and start selling spoons...when in reality you are thinking about other stuff that matter to you?
What do you do? If you are a nice person, you tell them "No thanks!"
...If you are not so nice person, you walk past them, as if you didn't see them!
And it can get irritating if they have that habit with you in particular!
That is exactly what we are doing when we sit down, write CV to a random company which we haven't dug out to uncover their real challenges...
...and then submit that CV, hoping that the hiring manager would consider us!
You wait forever! That CV is bound to FAIL!
What are the chances that that spoon-seller sales person will succeed selling you spoons, when you are almost late for MAN U Vs CHELSEA game?
Because, they are telling you things you care less about!
And that's not different from what most of us do--with our CV!
Okay. So this requires some work.
You'll need to do a little research about the company and position--which is why most lazy job applicants will not take this step.
And that's your greatest advantage!
See, lazy job applicants would rather update their previous CV, changing a few statements here and there and then send it...
...rather than research the company and position before crafting their CV!
Why would they do that?
Well, first, because it's easy to do that--it requires almost no work.
And second, for most of us, that's the only thing we know, because no one shows us a better way!
Here's the thing: if you put a little research, and get to know the company or potential employer's challenge--for the position you're applying for--you'll be way ahead of your competitor applicants.
Plus, you'll be able to address your potential employer's key problems--and how you fit in in solving them--in your CV!
And when you start writing your CV, you'll customize it, to show the potential employer that you have what it takes to help them solve their specific challenges!
Which is why, once they see that in your CV, that gets their attention, making them want to meet you...as the rest of the generic CVs get thrown into the waste tray!
That's how you stand out in the crowded job market.That's how you start getting job interviews!
It requires some work on your part, but it pays off 10x more.
Now, before I show you step # 2, here are 3 ways you can conduct that little research about the company or employer's challenge for that position.
# 1: Contact someone working in that company, and get insider-information about the position and the real challenges the company is facing...
...which is pushing it to hire for that position. Then use that information to guide you when crafting your CV.
Okay, while this is the best way, it may not be easy, as you might not know someone inside the company (that's not a permission to be lazy--find out who works in there).
...But if you totally can't get someone on the inside, then option # 2 below will be your best approach
# 2: Carefully read the job description.
If you carefully read the job description, you'll see a certain theme that tells you what the company is looking for, in the candidate they want to hire.
That will give you a basic understanding into what they are looking for and what they are struggling with--for that position. And you can even combine that with option 3 below
# 3: Talk to someone who has been/ is in that position in a different--and probably similar company.
Even though different company have different specific challenges, for certain same jobs, the challenges tend to overlap.
By talking to someone who has, or is executing the same job tasks in a different company, you are better equipped to know what to put in your CV.
That's way better by far, than slapping a lousy CV-- clueless of what the company is looking for...or what key problems and tasks that entail the position at hand.
In fact, by combining number 2 and 3--if you cannot get insider-information--you'll be in a way better position than almost anyone else.
See how simple that can be?
DON'T be the clueless spoon-seller!!
Once you uncover those challenges, here's the ACTION STEP you take:
Action Step # 1:
Write the challenges down on a piece of paper.
We haven't started writing our CV yet! We are just prepping!
...Almost no one of your competing candidates will do this. So by doing this before you craft your CV, you'll be way ahead of them!
- Step # 2: Uncover the skills, experience, & special knowledge you have that would help solve such challenges
The second step is to look deep within yourself, and ask yourself:
"What specific skills, experience, and special knowledge do I posses in solving this challenges?"
Take your time and dig deep into yourself.
To get you started, here are 5 tactical question you can ask yourself to uncover the skills, experience, or /and special knowledge you have...
...that would help you solve those specific challenges--you uncovered in step # 1-- for your potential employer:
Tactical Question # 1: Where else have I solved these sort of challenges?
Tactical Question # 2: What skill, experience, or special knowledge did I use to solve such challenges?
Tactical Question # 3: If I haven't solved the problem before, how would I solve it? What natural talent do I have to solve such a challenge?
Tactical Question # 4: If I have solved the problem before, what did I do to solve it? What deeper experience and skill did I gain and develop when I was solving such challenges?
Tactical Question # 5: Whom did I solve the problem for? (Hint: previous employers or clients)
When you have dug out the answers to those questions, take this ACTION STEP:
Action Step # 2:
On the same piece of paper, below the challenges, list your answer to the above 5 tactical questions.
Notice how these steps are geared toward helping you write a CV that tell the potential employer why they should meet you for an interview, over someone else!
Okay, one more step, and then we can sit down to write our CV!
...and that you have the skills, the experience, and special knowledge required to solve those challenges.
And then, go a step further, and show them the results of what you've done in the past, solving--for others--the challenges similar to what they are struggling with!
That seals you as the possible right fit. Someone worthy meeting.
If you show that in your CV, potential employer or HR can't help but want to meet you--and your years of experience would matter less--because what they are looking for is solutions.
...And if you can offer solutions, then they know they have the right candidate.
But there's no way doing that, unless you've done the hard work first: taking time to dig out what tangible results you've produced for others--with similar challenges.
In this 3rd step, you want to uncover the tangible results you've delivered in the past, solving the specific challenges at hand.
To give you a head start on how to dig that out, here are tactical questions to ask yourself--and uncover that:
Tactical Question # 1: Whom or which specific company/organization...or client have I solved these challenges for in the past, and what measurable results did I get them?
Notice how these specific question are getting you uncomfortable!
...These is the level of specifics top performers go into, which is why they ablento land amazing, while the rest of the crowd wonder why they aren't getting jobs!
Tactical Question # 2: How were those results a solution, and what benefit(s) did they bring--monetary or otherwise--to the company or employer?
Tactical Question # 3: What tangible positive impact did those results bring to the company/organization or the client?
Make sure the results you come up with are quantifiable or measurable--not generic!
Take your time on this. It's important!
Then take this ACTION STEP:
Action Step # 3:
Write them (the results) down on a piece of paper!
Okay. Now, in your piece of paper you have:
1) The company challenges
2) The skills, experience, and special knowledge you have in solving those challenges.
3) The tangible results you've delivered in the past for others--solving similar challenges.
What next now?Now you are ready to craft your CV, based on what you have.
Put together your CV now.
Focus on showing the exact skills, experience, and specific knowledge you uncovered, which you can employ to be a problem-solver to your potential employers.
Show them quantifiable results you've generated in the past, handling similar/such challenges (that implies to the potential employer you can generate the same results--or more--for them).
That, is what separates you from every other job applicant!
That's how you virtually guarantee your CV is a WIN, before it ever gets to hiring manager's desk!
That's how you guarantee your CV would be a WIN, before you ever put a single word on the page!
This is how you give yourself UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in the competitive job market!
And write your own ticket to job interviews and land amazing jobs! My readers have done it. Why not you?
Yes, it takes some work and time, but once you land that amazing job that pays you well, you start enjoying the benefits and the rewards of your little time you invested.
Truth is, you'll almost never find such valuable material anywhere else. One that walks you through, and teaches you everything you've learnt today!
Other people would charge you for such valuable material and advice--because what I've shown you works--but I won't!
...Because I want to invest in you. I want to help you start winning, landing amazing jobs, because once you do, you can start investing in yourself!
I aim at making my FREE material the best, compared to other paid material and career advice you'll get anywhere else!
I want you to start winning!
Now, here are 3 things I want you to do now:
Thing # 1: Share this material with your friends on Facebook. ...if you've found it valuable.
Thing # 2: Go sit down, and follow the 3 Simple Systematic Steps, to craft your IRRESISITIBLE CV
Thing # 3: FREE GIFT for you
Just for being one of my readers, I have FREE GIFT for you. If you want to land amazing jobs, and get more jobs interviews, almost every time you apply...
...I have a FREE INTERVIEW-GENERATING TOOL, that will generate job interviews for you--almost effortlessly!
If you've clicked the above link, I'm now packing your FREE GIFT, and before long, it will be in your inbox.
In the meantime, (before you even start working on your CV) it's good to know the key mistakes to avoid so your CV doesn't fail you.
And I've a material for you, where I walk you through the most deadly mistake to avoid, so your CV is a winner.
If you've not gone through it yet, here's the link to, The Fatal CV Mistakes That'd Keep You From Landing Job Interviews, Even When You're Qualified Candidate
When you've gone through it, implement what you'll learn (plus what I've show n you in this material) and start crafting UNIGNORABLE CV!
Tactical Question # 4: If I have solved the problem before, what did I do to solve it? What deeper experience and skill did I gain and develop when I was solving such challenges?
Tactical Question # 5: Whom did I solve the problem for? (Hint: previous employers or clients)
When you have dug out the answers to those questions, take this ACTION STEP:
Action Step # 2:
On the same piece of paper, below the challenges, list your answer to the above 5 tactical questions.
Notice how these steps are geared toward helping you write a CV that tell the potential employer why they should meet you for an interview, over someone else!
Okay, one more step, and then we can sit down to write our CV!
- Step # 3:Uncover the results you delivered where you helped solve the specific problems uncovered in step # 1
...and that you have the skills, the experience, and special knowledge required to solve those challenges.
And then, go a step further, and show them the results of what you've done in the past, solving--for others--the challenges similar to what they are struggling with!
That seals you as the possible right fit. Someone worthy meeting.
If you show that in your CV, potential employer or HR can't help but want to meet you--and your years of experience would matter less--because what they are looking for is solutions.
...And if you can offer solutions, then they know they have the right candidate.
But there's no way doing that, unless you've done the hard work first: taking time to dig out what tangible results you've produced for others--with similar challenges.
In this 3rd step, you want to uncover the tangible results you've delivered in the past, solving the specific challenges at hand.
To give you a head start on how to dig that out, here are tactical questions to ask yourself--and uncover that:
Tactical Question # 1: Whom or which specific company/organization...or client have I solved these challenges for in the past, and what measurable results did I get them?
Notice how these specific question are getting you uncomfortable!
...These is the level of specifics top performers go into, which is why they ablento land amazing, while the rest of the crowd wonder why they aren't getting jobs!
Tactical Question # 2: How were those results a solution, and what benefit(s) did they bring--monetary or otherwise--to the company or employer?
Tactical Question # 3: What tangible positive impact did those results bring to the company/organization or the client?
Make sure the results you come up with are quantifiable or measurable--not generic!
Take your time on this. It's important!
Then take this ACTION STEP:
Action Step # 3:
Write them (the results) down on a piece of paper!
Okay. Now, in your piece of paper you have:
1) The company challenges
2) The skills, experience, and special knowledge you have in solving those challenges.
3) The tangible results you've delivered in the past for others--solving similar challenges.
What next now?Now you are ready to craft your CV, based on what you have.
Put together your CV now.
Focus on showing the exact skills, experience, and specific knowledge you uncovered, which you can employ to be a problem-solver to your potential employers.
Show them quantifiable results you've generated in the past, handling similar/such challenges (that implies to the potential employer you can generate the same results--or more--for them).
That, is what separates you from every other job applicant!
That's how you virtually guarantee your CV is a WIN, before it ever gets to hiring manager's desk!
That's how you guarantee your CV would be a WIN, before you ever put a single word on the page!
This is how you give yourself UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in the competitive job market!
And write your own ticket to job interviews and land amazing jobs! My readers have done it. Why not you?
Yes, it takes some work and time, but once you land that amazing job that pays you well, you start enjoying the benefits and the rewards of your little time you invested.
Truth is, you'll almost never find such valuable material anywhere else. One that walks you through, and teaches you everything you've learnt today!
Other people would charge you for such valuable material and advice--because what I've shown you works--but I won't!
...Because I want to invest in you. I want to help you start winning, landing amazing jobs, because once you do, you can start investing in yourself!
I aim at making my FREE material the best, compared to other paid material and career advice you'll get anywhere else!
I want you to start winning!
Now, here are 3 things I want you to do now:
Thing # 1: Share this material with your friends on Facebook. ...if you've found it valuable.
Thing # 2: Go sit down, and follow the 3 Simple Systematic Steps, to craft your IRRESISITIBLE CV
Thing # 3: FREE GIFT for you
Just for being one of my readers, I have FREE GIFT for you. If you want to land amazing jobs, and get more jobs interviews, almost every time you apply...
...I have a FREE INTERVIEW-GENERATING TOOL, that will generate job interviews for you--almost effortlessly!
Here's your FREE GIFT...!!!
Click the access link below to claim your FREE GIFT! And I'll send it to you, right into your inbox!
If you've clicked the above link, I'm now packing your FREE GIFT, and before long, it will be in your inbox.
In the meantime, (before you even start working on your CV) it's good to know the key mistakes to avoid so your CV doesn't fail you.
And I've a material for you, where I walk you through the most deadly mistake to avoid, so your CV is a winner.
If you've not gone through it yet, here's the link to, The Fatal CV Mistakes That'd Keep You From Landing Job Interviews, Even When You're Qualified Candidate
When you've gone through it, implement what you'll learn (plus what I've show n you in this material) and start crafting UNIGNORABLE CV!
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