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What if you could write the perfect CV? |
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Alright, so let's talk about landing job interviews,
And this is the part II material on 'How to construct the Perfect CV' which land you job interviews.
If you haven't read part II, click here to read part I.
Today, I'll be taking you ‘behind-the-scenes' of what happens when you submit your CV!
I will show you EXACTLY how the hiring manager analyzes your CV ( they take less than10 seconds to look at your CV), before deciding whether to call you for an interview or not.
This "behind-the-scene" is very importat. Why?
...Because if you can know what happens behind-the-closed-door of hiring managers--when they receive your CV--then, you have a better chance to write, and position it, in a way that gets their attention, in 5 seconds!
Without understanding this, your chance to get your CV to float on top of other CVs (yes, hiring managers receive dozens, if not hundreds of CVs, for that position--not just yours) is slim to none.
And so today, I want to show you 7 fatal mistakes you are currently committing, which have been costing you job interviews, and job opportunities.
By the way, this material is unlike any other material I have released publicly on this blog. Which is why, I'll be pulling it down any time, and make it exclusively accessible to readers in my email list only!
But before I do that, I want to help you first (I don't want you to ever say I never did anything to help you). So, make sure to read through to the end, before I take it away from this site.
Okay, so, here's...
What You'll Learn Today
I'll walk you through 3 important things. We'll be doing a complete CV-teardown. What that means is, we are going to take a REAL CV, and then:
- You'll Learn How Most Generic/Average CVs look like
Well, it's important because everyone thinks their CV is not generic. That it's different. But what if your your CV is generic, and that's why it's not generating for you job interviews?
Seeing what we're I calling 'Generic' or 'Average' CV gives us a baseline of improvement, also enabling you to make a comparison, and ask yourself
"Does my CV really look like this? If 'Yes', what can I improve?"
And that would lead us to the second thing...
- You'll Get a Complete CV-Teardown
Remember what I said how, we all think we are good; until someone else points SPECIFIC things we are doing wrong. And then we improve; and become better. Don’t take my word for it—you will see it for yourself.
- You'll Learn What these Mistakes Tell the Hiring Manager about you
I'll be point all that to you, so by the end, when you ever sit down to write your CV, you not only know which mistakes to avoid, but how those mistakes seriously hurt, your chances of landing a job.
What If You Could Write The Perfect CV?
Think about this: What if you could write the perfect CV? What if you knew how HRs, and hiring managers analyses your CV & the common mistakes to avoid, so you get their attention?
...What if you knew what you can change in your right now, and make it compelling?
What if you knew what matters in your CV so you don’t get frustrated and worried about what to put in that CV to show yourself as a competent job-candidate?
What would happen if you knew all those things? How would that dramatically and positively change—plus impact--the trajectory of your career?
- Maybe, you would wake up excited every morning, knowing that even if you lost your job today, you can submit 2 to 3 CVs, and get another job.
- Or maybe you could improve your current CV, submit it to that company you've always wanted to work with, and get that job.
- Maybe you could feel good about generating multiple job interviews, and having the option to chose which one to attend.
- Or whatever else you want!
I want you to have all those options!
Which is why I want to show you how to write a CV, that gives you that freedom. One that generates for you job interviews, almost every time you submit it.
Okay, before we get started, let me make one thing clear. We'll be analyzing a REAL CV from a REAL candidate; submitted for a job position.
But note that the personal information--in this CV--does NOT represent a REAL candidate's personal info. But the content and key sections are true representation of most generic CVs--which average candidates submit when applying for jobs.
DISCLAIMER: The name and personal details—including the college, secondary, primary education info--in this CV does not belong to anyone in particular. They were picked randomly for the purpose of learning. If they resemble anyone’s details by any chance; this is not you.
Okay, so, let's get started...
I will show you the original CV. Then I will tear it apart; and show you the KILLER MISTAKES this candidate made.
And by the way, I'll be playing the role of the mean, no-nonsense hiring manager. I'll come across as tough, edgy and abrasive--because oftentimes, you'll come across hiring managers who are like this.
But don't be offended, I'm not like that. I'm very considerate and understanding human being. Just for today, allow me to play the role of mean, no-nonsense hiring manager.
So, let's do this...
How the Generic / Average CV Looks Like
First, here is the original REAL CV. Look at it, and just ask yourself, "Does my CV look like this?"
Name: Johnston Peterson
Date Of Birth: 1984
Gender: Male
Religion: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: KENYAN
Cell Phone: 0723 xxx xx5
Email Address: johnstonep@yahoo.com
Language: English, Kiswahili
• Well organized in my work and highly flexible
• Ability to cope with challenges at work place
• Capable to work with or without supervision
• To carry out my duties as related to my job with strict adherence to professional standards to always exhibit reasonable competence and be responsible, accountable and loyal to all my obligations in order to drive accountability and transparency in the most privileged organization.
• I have great passion and potential in the field of Accounting. I aspire to be an all-rounded and detail-oriented professional with wide range “problem solving skills” mainly within the field of accounting.
College: Cape-town College
January 2003 – December 2003 ATC I & II
January 2004 – June 2006 CPA section II to VI (CPA-K)
Secondary School 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
Primary School 1989 --1997 Soweto Primary
April 2015 to date Timeko Institute Of Technology—Tutor
March 2006 to December 2006 Sport Captain--Cape-town College
January 2004 to December 2005 Student's Council General Secretary--Cape-town College
Playing football
Swimming and reading motivational books
Mr. Lawrence Emacha. Head Of Sports--Cape-town College
Mr. Armchair Oliso. Dean Of Students Cape-town College
Any hiring manager, or HR reading this would be nodding, saying… “Yes, I get this type of generic CVs almost all the time”
Is your CV similar to that?
By the way, there's no shame in having a CV that resembles the one above. that. My first CV after college, was not even close to the one above. It was worse!
If fact, I just copied a horrible CV format from a friend, and slapped together something that looked like a CV. It was was a disaster!
Am I ashamed of it? No. Because no one teaches us this things at college. They just expect you to know, which is ironical because, how do you know when no one teaches you these things?
So, if your CV resembles the one above, no shame about it. Just pay attention on what next, as I (playing the mean no-nosesense hiring manager) point out the 7 fatal mistakes in this CV.
CV-TEAR DOWN: The 7 Fatal Mistakes in this CV
Mistake # 1. He gives me UNNECESSARY DETAILS on the TOP
E.g. Marital Status; Religion; Nationality and language
He’s not applying in the tourism industry—where FRENCH and other languages might be necessary--so, as the no-nonsense hiring manager, I don’t care about his language. I already know he can speak English--he wrote the CV anyway!
The HM (Hiring Manager) doesn’t care about your religion—except in rare certain job-placements for specific organizations. And if he does want to know about your religion, he will ask you if he’s impressed by your CV.
If they want to know about your marital status; they will ask you during the interview. They NEVER read all those things. ELIMINATING the UNNECESSARY stuff gives the space to put in what matters.
Note: Don't waste hiring manager's time. They already have less time and a lot to do. Reading your CV steals more of that little time left. The best thing they can do when they come across such unnecessary info, is to toss your CV away and get another one.
Mistake # 2. He Put Something He Calls ‘PERSONAL PROFILE’
What does PERSONAL PROFILE even mean? Is this a Facebook account? Who cares about your PERSONAL PROFILE--if at all it has a meaning?
But let me cut this job-candidate some slack; and assume this 'Personal Profile' thing has a meaning. And let’s look at what they've put in there.
Notice what constitutes this USELESS section:
• Well organized in my work and highly flexible
• Ability to cope with challenges at work place
• Capable to work with or without supervision
Notice his PERSONAL PROFILE is basically PERSONAL OPINIONS of himself. He doesn’t show me ANYWHERE he probably was exposed to; and had to cope with challenges in his CV. He just lists some platitudes there—wasting my time.
Plus, no job-candidate ever writes in their CV that… “I am completely disorganized and completely incapable of working without supervision”…
...even when their CV clearly shows they may need a baby-sitter to accomplish anything worthwhile.
His CV is not WELL ORGANIZED. For instance: How could you feature your PRIMARY EDUCATION first; before your ACCOMPLISHMENTS?
Meaning; personal profile point # 1(where they say they're organized) is NOT TRUE.
Mistake # 3. He Gives Me CAREER OBJECTIVES
I have said this before, here, and and I'll say it again. If your CV contains that section we all call "CAREER OBJECTIVES", and, in this section, you put things similar to what you're seeing in the above CV, getting job interviews with that kind of CV is going to be an uphill battle, you'll rarely win.
Your CAREER OBJECTIVES may sound 'cool' to you, but it's a TOTAL WASTE of hiring manager’s time.
WHY? Again, most of them are SUBJECTIVE and PERSONAL OPINION of yourself.
A WINNING CV is meant to impress the hiring manager (wrote a whole post about that here,--you can click that link and read all about it later), not a personal lullaby of how great you think you are.
Who EVER says in his CV that: “…I am lazy incompetent candidate who is passionate about nothing”?
Yet, we have these co-workers whom, we tried to avoid working on a project together with them because, you have to keep on pushing them to complete their part of their project on time. Otherwise, they'll derail, and the whole project will fail to beat the deadline.
Yes, they're our co-workers, but they're just plain lazy!
Did they indicate in their CV that they are lazy? NO!
Take a look at what is in these OBJECTIVES:
- To carry out my duties as related to my job with strict adherence to professional standards to always exhibit reasonable competence and be responsible, accountable and loyal to all my obligations in order to drive accountability and transparency in the most privileged organization.
- I have great passion and potential in the field of Accounting. I aspire to be an all-rounded and detail-oriented professional with wide range “problem solving skills” mainly within the field of accounting.
Notice how these objectives are a COLLECTION of ENGLISH VOCABULARY, mindlessly put together, communicating NOTHING.
Sorry to say this, but when you try TOO HARD to sound like a professional in your CV; you come across as an idiot. That’s what hiring manager will notice when he sees such objectives.
And if he’s SCANNING this CV; he would stop right in the first objective—throw it aside and pick another one. You can tell enough about this candidate’s INCOMPETENCY by reading this objectives.
There are even MISTAKES in what he calls CAREER OBJECTIVES.
For instance:
First, as the hiring manager, I want a top-performer not someone who is REASONABLY COMPETENT. And in any case, how do you measure your competency?
The ONLY way to communicate about your competency is to SHOW it--in your CV. Not TELL it.
You aspire to be ‘DETAIL-ORIENTED’? And you are a CPA-K holder? Are you kidding me??
CPA-K-holders deal with financial details of a company; plus other critical information and being DETAIL-ORIENTED is a REQUIREMENT. NOT an ASPIRATION!
As the hiring manager, I see these subtle details as red-flag, and this candidate's CV is going to "DO NOT HIRE" file. (Yes, there is such a file in hiring manager's office!)
If you are reading this material, you are smarter than this. It means you are smart, ambitious, and want to improve your chances of landing jobs! Congratulations!
So, here's my advice: if such self-sabotaging mistakes in your CV, get rid of them. STOP putting MINDLESS “info” in your CV--just because you saw it in someone else's CV--without even knowing what you are communicating.
By the way, this happens when we start copying other people's CV. Are you that lazy? I bet you're not. So, stop it!
If your CV is DISCORDANT with the competency requirements for the position you are applying for; you should forget waiting to hear back from the Human Resource Manager!
Mistake #4. He puts PARAGRAPHS In His OBJECTIVES
Hiring Managers DON’T READ such paragraphs—in fact they don’t read your CV at all.
When they see such long paragraphs; they toss it away, and pick another one (remember they've dozens--if not hundreds of CVs--to go through)
But let’s assume I was very, very nice hiring manager and I choose to read your career objectives...
The blunt truth: As the hiring manager, even if I were to read those objectives; I would not finish the first line. These are lengthy paragraphs--I have no time for--and are NOT COMMUNICATING anything.
The key to a head-turning CV is being concise; simplicity; and brief.
Mistake # 5.Gives MORE Of His PERSONAL INFO. Rather Than What HELPS The HM
Notice after his CAREER OBJECTIVES ; which by the way; are FULL of MISTAKES that screws him-- NOT to mention that they are PERSONAL OPINION of himself and should NOT BE THERE in the first place—he shows me his EDUCATION.
There is a complete lack of strategic positioning here!
For example:
• His education is placed in the WRONG place.
• He gives me details I DON’T CARE ABOUT. E.g. Primary school info. and Secondary school.
NONE of these—especially the primary education level—has anything to do with the job. It’s a total WASTE of SPACE and complete waste of my time as the hiring manager!
Hiring managers NEVER even look at those irrelevant details.
Notice how, so far we haven’t seen ANYTHING that would make me, as the hiring manager, or Human Resource Manager, want to call this candidate for an interview yet.
And we are heading toward the last section of his CV. As the HM I’m yawning and bored to DEATH!
No hiring manager cares about your previous RESPONSIBILITIES, if they don't show any deliverables. They DON’T MEAN ANYTHING!
Look at these:
• April 2015 to date Timeko Institute Of Technology—Tutor
• March 2006 to December 2006 Sports captain Cape-town College
• January 2004 to December 2005 Student Councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College
When the HM reads any one of those responsibilities—if he’s too cool to do it--his response is: “…SO WHAT?”
No one cares about what you were in charge of! Anybody can be in charge of something; but not everyone who can deliver RESULTS.
Besides you could have been a total failure in that department.
The HM cares about what you accomplished; and what you can accomplish for him. Period!
Digging deeper; notice how this candidate indicates that he was a 'TUTOR' at the Timeko Institute of Technology”.
Real talk people. I have always railed against being dumb on this site. But being dumb and lazy--at the same time--is taking the loser's game to the next level!!
The fact that this job-candidate CAN’T even show what he taught at Timeko Institute, not only shows that he is LAZY (cannot take a little time to put that)...but it also implies that he is INCOMPETENT.
As the hiring manager, I want NOTHING to do with him. He could have been a loser in all those positions. What shows me he was a success anyway?
Absolutely NOTHING!
And probably that’s why he’s looking for a job.
Guys, you don't want hiring manager or human resource manager to start thinking--of you as a candidate--along those lines!
Mistake #7. NOTHING Shows Me Why I Should Give Him The Interview-call
We have come to the end of this RESUME. But so far, NOTHING shows me WHY I should call this candidate for an INTERVIEW.I want to hire; but I can’t hire this candidate!
Notice how there is no TRANSFERABLE SKILL-SET. Plus, there are no ACCOMPLISHMENTS or experience whatsoever in this RESUME. Nothing is QUANTIFIABLE in this CV.
This candidate is leaving everything to chance—and will never know why no company calls him back--after submitting his CV!
The whole CV is VAGUE with nothing quantifiable; and shows this job-applicant didn’t know what he was doing.
Now, before I cap this material; take a moment—and probably go through the CV-tear-down again—and ask yourself the questions:
- Is that the version of my CV? Regardless of what you majored at in college; ask yourself…
- Does my CV look similar?
Be honest in your response to these question.
By the way, there's nothing wrong with your CV resembling what I've shown you. No one is born knowing everything.
So, don't even beat yourself up, if your CV falls in that category!
No one teaches us these things! (Hint: You should have seen my first CV. It was a complete disaster--to say the least!)
But do you know what's wrong? It's not improving your CV, now that I've shown you the job-killer mistakes that's keeping you from getting job interviews!
So, after asking yourself the above 2 questions--whether the answer is "Yes" or "No",...I want you to TAKE 3 ACTIONS today!
Your Today’s Action Steps
Here are 3 Action Steps I want you to take today. And this is important. Note: it one thing to read this material and just like it...and walk away feeling like you know how to craft a WinningvCV.
But it's another thing to implement what you've learnt, so you can start seeing results. So, here are 3 actions I want you to take:
Go pick your CV. And with everything we’ve covered; point out 3 – 7 MAJOR MISTAKES you can see in that CV.
It DOESN’T MATTER whether the CV got you an interview-call or not.There is always something you can IMPROVE.
Be honest with yourself in this exercise.
Correct those mistakes by RE-DOING your CV again; and changing those sections that look generic and strategically reposition them.
Just for being one of my readers, I have FREE GIFT for you. If you want to land amazing jobs, and get more jobs interviews, almost every time you apply...
...I have a FREE INTERVIEW-GENERATING TOOL, that will generate job interviews for you--almost effortlessly!
Here's your FREE GIFT...!!!
Click the access link below to claim your FREE GIFT! And I'll send it to you, right into your inbox!
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In the meantime, as I get your FREE GIFT on it's way, I'd like you to go beyond just eliminating the CV mistakes we've covered in this material, to constructing a CV that WINS!
And so, below is a link to 2 materials where I show you how to virtually guarantee your CV is a success before you ever submit it.
Click HERE and I'll walk you through The 2 Secret To Turn Your Current CV Into Dream-job Interview Magnet.
And then, HERE on this link I show you How To Virtually Guarantee Your CV Will Land You Job Interviews, Before You Ever Submit It.
When you've gone through these material, implement what you'll learn, and turn your CV into an interview magnet.
In the meantime, as I get your FREE GIFT on it's way, I'd like you to go beyond just eliminating the CV mistakes we've covered in this material, to constructing a CV that WINS!
And so, below is a link to 2 materials where I show you how to virtually guarantee your CV is a success before you ever submit it.
Click HERE and I'll walk you through The 2 Secret To Turn Your Current CV Into Dream-job Interview Magnet.
And then, HERE on this link I show you How To Virtually Guarantee Your CV Will Land You Job Interviews, Before You Ever Submit It.
When you've gone through these material, implement what you'll learn, and turn your CV into an interview magnet.
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