The Sixth DJ Exclusive Material series.
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You can waste your years reading this stuff. Or you cam learn how to get results! |
Hey guys!
You'll often notice there are three categories of job applicants?
We all know about SELF-DEPRECATING JOB APPLICANT—one who thinks he/she does not qualify for a better job. You don’t want to be that kind of candidate.
But it’s easy to be in second category—without actually knowing. And that is as equally disastrous as the SELF-DEPRECATING.
The only difference between this two is: for the second category you’ll be burying your head in the sand; ducking REALITY; lying to yourself; and chasing after the wind. Thanks to crappy motivational quotes.
The good thing about the second category though; is that; the candidate is positive minded. The downside of these job applicants is that they are UNREALISTIC; and NON-STRATEGIC—which neutralizes the good thing.
On the other side; there are TOP PERFORMER JOB APPLICANTS who are not only positive-minded; but also REALISTIC; and STRATEGIC.
let’s talk about these two for a while; and how they approach their Dream-job search.
The Irrational Job-Applicant
The Irrational applicant meets their friend—five years after college. They realize he has a great position in a dream-job company. They admire him. They want what he has—awesome job with great position.
They remember he was not as good as they were back at college--he even graduated with lower grades than them!
And then they think:
“Wait a minute; if this guy graduated with lower grade compared to mine. And he’s got a great job; in a great company; holding enviable position; why not apply for such a position too? I am even better than him!”
And then; they apply.
After waiting for years and years—with no response--and applying for a thousand companies; NOTHING HAPPENS!
Do you notice the problem here?
These applicants think because they graduated with better score; they qualify. Plus, they don’t take time to know the “Story-behind-the-story”.
They want to start from the top!
The Top Performer Job-Applicant
There is nothing wrong with admiring others who are doing great. It’s a sign that you have a dream for yourself. Top performers do it too. But they don’t stop there.
They refuse to be captivated by the “outside glamour”. They understand there is a story behind the glamour. They refuse the temptation to want to jump to the top.
They know that; “wanting to jump to the top” is not ONLY a loser’s game; but it’s also the mother of frustration. They deeply understand that there is great VALUE in STARTING FROM THE BEGINNING.
And so, instead of acting IRRATIONALLY and anchoring everything on being POSITIVE; they do something else.
Instead of being sold out on the superficial idea of PERSISTENCE—and applying for “the great position”--they take time to learn the “story-behind-the-story”. They learn what it took their admirer to get where he is.
And not just learn; but they do what 90% of people never do! They implement what they learn in their own career; and curve their own path to the top.
See how their dream-job search approach is both REALISTIC; and DIFFERENT from Irrational applicant?
And that drives me to what we are going to cover in today’s DJ Exclusive material…
The Unconventional Career Decisions Top Performers Make
Yes, I am going to walk you through one of the TWO Unconventional-Career-Decision elite performers make—that the average doesn’t.
They are counter-intuitive from the surface-level; but they work. Let’s get into it:
The "A Rank-Lower" Scheme
This is a Strategic Dream-job Approach; where a top performer consciously chooses to apply for a position A Rank-Lower than he’s truly qualified.
Notice; this has nothing to do with self-abasement; or doubting his abilities to deliver in his “true capacity”. NO! This is a strategic move.
And here is why top performers do it. They know:
• Realistically; chances of getting to the top right away from bottom are slim to none.
• Their First Job is to “Get their feet in the door”
• The Ultimate Career Growth is Optimizing On Learning—at least in the initial stages of one’s career—rather that clamoring for a PAYCHECK.
Let’s uncover the MINDSET behind the above three…
- The Slim To None scenario Case
What most job- candidates do; is look at other people in certain positions who have been in the job market for a while; and think that they “just applied” and were taken in. WRONG!
The reason why they see it that way; is because they follow the prosaic career advice from 19th century –which I have always ridiculed in this site--that says:
“…It’s competitive out there. You ONLY need to be POSITIVE and shoot as MANY RESUMES as POSSIBLE; to as MANY COMPANIES as YOU CAN. By doing that; one of those companies WILL RESPOND to your PERSISTENCE.”
…So they shoot as many resumes as they can; to as many companies as they can.
And what results do they get? NOTHING. They get ZERO response.
What is warped in the above antique career advice; is the failure to realize that:
In the best scenario case; these candidates waste years and years applying; hoping they would eventually be rewarded with the interview call for the PERSISTENCE—which most likely never happens!
In the worst scenario case; after several attempts with ZERO response; the candidate stops applying.
There is no way keeping POSITIVE if all your RESULTS have always been nada! Let’s face it. We are human! So they give up.
In the career-homicidal scenario case; their ambitions about getting a dream-job gets dampened. They forget about it; and take whatever job that comes their way!
I call this career-homicidal case; because; once they resign in their minds; that will be a start of their career-wreck.
Once their “mental game” is grounded; they hardly collect themselves up—ever again.
They will never think they can get a better job. They will never be open again to learn how they can change their situation.
Their beliefs that… “I can’t ever get a job”…calcify.
They develop a “closed-mind”; and never want to do something about their career ever again—even if they were given the best career advice in the world.
They write their own career-wreck verdict; and seal it!
But; why in the first place; does the targeted company fail to respond? …Because the candidate in question is FOCUSED ON HIMSELF rather than FOCUSING on the POTENTIAL EMPLOYER.
Rather than FOCUSING on FLASHY POSITIONS; and fantasizing of the BIG PAYCHECK they will earn when they get that job; high performers focus on getting their “Feet in The door”.
They focus on giving their potential employer an irresistible offer--one that he cannot resist. They focus on overcoming the potential employer’s IMB (Initial Mental Barriers); to having them on board.
So, how do they do that? Well, that in the next point…
- Get Your Foot In The Door. Proof You’re Worth More.
They are not AFRAID to start from the Entry-Levels or A Rank-Lower than they are qualified; because:
1) They believe in their ability to proof that they are worth MORE; 2) They know it is a SHORT-CUT to get to the top; and 3) It lowers the risks of the hiring manager; making it easy to say “YES”.
It’s doesn’t take a rocket-science to realize that it’s comparatively easier to be get a job offer; at a dream company; when you are willing to start at Entry-Level. Yes, rather than when you are directly applying for a mid-management position—based on your “on paper qualification”
Unlike the irrational candidate who thinks “My grades qualify me to shoot straight to higher ranks”; top performers know that is not how it works.
The Psychology Behind The “A Rank-Lower” Scheme
Let me show you the psychology behind “Entry-Level/ A Rank-Lower Scheme”; which ONLY top performers know; and optimize to get what they want.
This scheme is a WIN WIN for either party—the job applicant; and the hiring manager. I want you to be able to use it and WIN; in your dream-job search phase.
Let’s dive in:
#. 1. The Risk Mitigation Technique (The RMT)
Applying for an Entry-Level or A Rank-Lower; makes it comparatively easier for the hiring manager to say “YES!”
This is because; for an “Entry-Level”; the hiring manager rationalizes that the RISKS are low for the company; in case of your under-performance. Plus, your salary and other perks are not hefty.
In the case of “A Rank-Lower”; his rationale here is: you are slightly overqualified for the job—meaning you can deliver.
They psychological trick here is based on the fact that: “When you lower the risks for the hiring manager; you increase the chances of him/her saying “YES” to your application.”
And just in case you thought this is a novel technique; let me wield the sword back at you. Here is a simple question:
When you are about to make a BIG purchase; what would be inclined to purchase? That big TV screen with no warranty; or one with warranty?
Obviously; you go for one with warranty!
WHY? Because you want to have minimal downside; in case something happens to your big TV screen.
Let’s put it in another way. When you don’t have 100% guarantee of the performance of a “New” product /service you want to try out; what is the logical thing to do?
The truth is; you purchase a lesser quantity of it—which cost you less--to see how it serves you.
WHY? Because you don’t want to mitigate your losses in case it doesn’t work satisfactorily.
That’s why great companies give you services/products with TRIAL PERIOD; and WARRANTIES. That’s why smart companies will offer: Basic and Pro-level products/service to their clients.
There are two psychological reasons why they do this. We are covering the first “psychological game” here; and on the next; I will show you the other one.
As we cover the “Psychological game behind-the-curtains”; see yourself as the “employer”; and these smart companies as a “candidate seeking job from you”
The First Psychological Reason: These companies know it’s easier to get you to buy the Basic-Level product/service; because it’s is less costly—meaning you have a low downside in case it doesn’t work.
They know you are not sure about their product/service. They deeply understand the your psychology; which is: buying their product is RISKING—just like the hiring manager is RISKING getting you on board--and you want as minimal risk as possible.
So, they take it upon themselves to lower the risk for you! Notice on how they are FOCUSING on YOU!
And by mitigating the risks for you; they get your foot into their door; as their client!
Notice; if they ONLY sold you a Pro-level product/service; you would probably NEVER buy—even though you need of the service.
Your rational here for NOT BUYING would be: “It’s better I use what I have; rather than take a hell of a risk; and buy a Pro-Level product/service—paying hefty amount--with no guaranteed outcome”
Simply said: You have some REAL CONCERNS and GENUINE RESERVATIONS; and these companies know that they have to probe you; and help you overcome those reservations; into buying their services or products.
They know it’s their responsibility to BREAK THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS in your head; and get you on their side. Otherwise; you won’t buy.
The psychology behind all this is: “We are probed to say ‘YES’; if there is no; or very minimal downside; to what we are saying ‘YES’ to!”…and so is your potential employer.
In your employer’s head; the risks of getting you on board for a mid-management position are TOO HIGH; especially if you do not have a track record of having worked somewhere else; in such a capacity.
Your GRADES might say you are great; and that you really qualify for that position. But your potential employer has been around the block long enough to know that: “GRADES IS NOT WHAT IT TAKES TO GET THINGS DONE”
And like a smart company; when you lower your potential employer’s risks by literally applying for a Entry-Level positions—meaning he will not lose much in case you don’t perform—you get him to your side.
Notice; this is not about doubting your abilities to deliver. NO. It’s about making it easy for your potential employer to say “YES’—which is your responsibility as a candidate.
It’s about helping him overcome his INITIAL RESERVATIONS in his head.
It’s about getting your foot in the door!
This is an insanely powerful technique that works; if you do not have a track record of experience. Or you are taking on a bigger company than the former--in which your potential employer might have reservations about your ability to deliver.
Entry-Level Scheme doesn’t mean you take literally the MOST BASIC POSITION. It basically means; going for A Rank-Lower position than you would! By doing this; you get your foot in the door of your dream-job company.
This is true positioning. Your potential employer will be inclined to take you in; if you are slightly over-qualified for the position you have applied for; than when you are applying for a position he/she isn’t sure whether you can deliver.
Remember; you can argue how much you can deliver in your resumes with all your qualifications; but that may not cut in. Mostly; people believe what is demonstrated; not what is said.
When you get your employer to buy into you by going for rank-lower; then you get the opportunity to demonstrate you are WORTH MORE.
Notice; if you act IRRATIONALLY by trying to get the top position—in the name of being POSITIVE—over 80%; your potential employer will turn you down. And you are NEVER going to get the chance to prove that you deserve to be at the top.
And if you are not going to get the chance to demonstrate that; then what you can do will always remain a novel; to your potential employer! Regardless of how good you are!
If I ever tell you: “YOU ONLY NEED TO BE POSITIVE and PERSISTENCE and you will succeed”; here is a permission I give you.
…Just lurk for me one evening around a dark corner. Ambush me. Hold and shake me upside down! Then call me on my crap!
Mitigate the risks. Get your foot in the door. Proof yourself!
#2. The Upgrade Technique
When smart companies offer you Basic-Level product /service—mitigating your risks--their aim is not just to get you in their doors as their client. NO. They are smarter than that!
First; they do it to get you in; and then make sure they provide you with quality service/product.
After that; they do something more. They prove themselves; and DEMONSTRATE to you why you need to buy their PREMIER product/service.
Here is how they do it: they go a step further; and add some “Pro features” to your Basic-Level product/service. They will then let you use these features for a while and enjoy the benefits without paying more.
But why do they do all that pro bono work?
First, they are showing you that they are not acquiring you as a client for your money—by letting you enjoy Pro-level features for free for some time.
They are DEMONSTRATING to you that they are in; to give you the best experience. They are also DEMONSTRATING to you; what it would be like if you upgrade from Basic-Level to Pro-level services.
In other words; they are DEMONSTRATING to you; why it’s worth it to upgrade to Pro-Level; without necessarily telling you to. At this time; all doubts are already cleared; and you’ve already seen firsthand; the advantages of working with this company.
So you naturally upgrade to a Pro-Level product!
Elite performers use this similar technique. They get in; then they DEMONSTRATE to their employer why it’s critical to work with them. They show how they are in for the ULTIMATE BENEFIT FOR THE COMPANY; or employer.
They start DEMONSTRATING to their employer how it would be; if they were promoted to the position they could have directly applied for--initially.
ONLY at this time; they do not have to “Tell it”; their performance says more! The boss is already sold-out to this performer! And they get the promotion! And they end up where they wanted!
Compare that top performer’s approach to the one of the earlier IRRATIONAL, PERSISTENCE; and POSITIVE candidate; who’s trying to directly apply for “flashy” position! The truth is; that candidate has got no chance!
- Optimizing On Learning Versus Competing For A Paycheck
They know their career is something they are in; in the long-term; and especially if they are starting off. So, they know that spending their early days of their career learning is critical.
They understand that: ultimately; their CAREER GROWTH--including EARNING MORE--is a function of their “Learning What It Takes.” And so; they make conscious decision to start at Entry-level; in a company they can learn; versus get a higher position; in a company where they won’t be learning anything.
Notice, this is a conscious SACRIFICIAL CAREER DECISION many job candidates are unwilling to take. You see the classic demonstration of these all the time.
Like this:
…A candidate’s CV indicates that he has worked in a certain company; holding a certain position. You are excited to get the candidate on board; but after a few probing questions; you realize he KNOWS NOTHING about that capacity.
Here is what top performers know:
#. 1. Certain Professional Skills Makes You Irreplaceable.
In their Entry-level; they focus on learning certain indispensable professional skills related to their job. They put MORE FOCUS on what they are “LEARNING NOW” versus what they are “EARNING NOW!”
They know the best way NOT to worry about being laid off; is to become the guy or the lady whom the company cannot do without.
That is why they end up out-beating most people who initially were more experienced. Before everyone else realizes; they start getting recognized. They stand out sooner than anyone else.
They get more opportunity delegated to them—at times without even asking. (And they are happy to do the pro bono work; because they know it’s a strategic move).
They curve their own opportunity to work alongside the best in the company; even when they haven’t got to that position yet.
They are on their way to the top!
#2. Investing In Your Learning Positions You For Earning More.
The best of the best know that if they invest in learning now; they can use that in the future to earn more. They are not oblivious of what they are worth; rather; they focus on “LEARNING NOW”; as a STRATEGIC MOVE.
And because they know they are in this game in the long-term; they will soon turn that investment into a BETTER PAYCHECK. They know they will convert the professional skills they have learnt into FLEXIBILITY; and other perks that the average performer cannot get.
They know they can use those professional skills if they ever want to move to another company; and apply for a higher position.
They know they can use those EXTRA project delegated to them; to proof their competency to the hiring manager in another company--if they ever decide to make a job switch.
Or they can use them to earn a promotion in their current company—which comes with earning more.
They know that; by investing in learning initially; they are building their career muscles for a more robust upward movement; one year from now.
#.3.They Will Own Their Professional Skills For life
As much as top performers position themselves as IRREPLACEABLE; they know that anything can happen. They know; for reasons; you can lose your job.
But they understand that there is one thing you cannot lose: Your Professional skills. They know that the things you learn; are your only ASSET for life. They know what they are currently learning; is collateral for their future job positions.
While this Entry-Level Strategy may look unappealing to most people; it is actually a SHORT-CUT; to rising to the top. And top performers know how to do it. Counter-intuitive; but delivers results.
And this is just one of the Unconventional Approaches; top performs use to beat everyone in the job market. While everyone waits in the sidelines for FLASHY POSITIONS they will probably never get; elite performer get their feet in the door by starting low; then ramp up rapidly.
They earn their way to the top; leaving everyone in the waiting room?
What Are You Going To Do?
What would you rather do? Wait for years and years? Are you going to still keep on shooting hundreds of resumes to hundreds of companies for FLASHY POSITIONS with ZERO response?
Are you going to keep on wasting your time reading useless POSITIVITY quotes?
Will you keep on rummaging online for quotes about “BEING PERSISTENCE”? Or would you rather learn how to be make STRATEGIC and HIGHLY EFFECTIVE moves; that get you results you want in your career?
If you’re the former; then just go to Google and search for “POSITIVITY & PERSISTENCE QUOTES”; and I will guarantee you’ll get dozens of those in less than a split second. And then I wish you all the best in your career!
But if you are the latter kind of a job candidate. If you are the person willing to learn how to use the “LITTLE YET CRITICAL MANEUVER”; to get your feet in the door; and nail the opportunity to proof yourself; then I am here to help you do that!
Remember: No one knows your abilities until you demonstrate them. And you NEVER get to demonstrate your abilities unless you have the chance to. You NEVER get to have the chance; unless you offer your potential employer an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER.
In the next DJ Exclusive material; I will reveal to you another top-performer unconventional technique!
Don’t miss out.
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See you right week and have awesome weekend!
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