My Deep Appreciation Gift To You!
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Hone Your Social Skill-set With Your Friends Over The Easter Holiday! |
Hey Elite Performers!
(Hint: This is the SHORTEST VALUE-LOADED elite material I have ever written)
Today is 2nd of April 2015; and what that means is the first quarter of the year is over. I have one question for you though: What significant progress have you made; as far as your career is concerned?
Are you in the same spot you were last year?...spinning your wheels in the same place and still dreaming of a better job?
Or are you part of the 20% of the top performers who have taken all the career advice we have been covering since the start of this year; and implemented then to make the necessary change they want to see in their career?
See, it's easy to read blogs after blogs; and gain the intellectual knowledge, but RESULTS are gained mostly by IMPLEMENTATION of what you learn. 'Knowing' doesn't transition to RESULTS.
What Are You Going To Do?
There are only 8 months left and we wrap up 2015 . What are you going to do? Same things you have done this past quarter of the year? ...And get the same results you have always got?
Who are you going to listen or turn to for career advice? Same people you have listened to; in the past?...which resulted into you getting stuck where you are?
Or maybe you are going to "WORK HARD" as 'they' advice you!Yet, if you are honest with yourself; you already know how that doesn't cut in.
(Hint: I have already covered how ''Working hard' is NOT the SOLUTION in a dozen of my elite material this past quarter of the year.)
Here is the truth: If something doesn't work; you don't keep DOING MORE of it. You CHANGE it.
My aim this year; is to help you make that necessary career change; so by the end of this year; you will be proud you took action--based on my advice--and changed your career.
Remember how I told you in the previous elite material; that you and I are not special in anyway; and if you keep on doing the same things everyone is doing you will end up like everyone 20,30,50 years from now?
Well, that was and is the truth; but I was being lenient with you.The fact is; the next quarter of the year will just be like the past quarter of this year; if you change nothing--just like the past quarter of 2015 has become like the last quarter of 2014 for most people who did not take action
Guys, I am not trying to be all gloom and doom; but I am nudging you to take action; because if you don't nothing is going to change!
Top performers know that; and that is what they do to drive change in their lives; and alter the direction their career takes.
Are you going to TAKE ACTION and get in control of your career in the next 3 quarters of this year? Or are you going to do NOTHING and become NOTHING? You decide!
But for those of you who are ready to learn and take action ; I am here; and will always be here for years to come; to help you make those BIG career changes. I will be here to show you what to avoid so you do not make stupid career mistakes; and follow unfruitful career advise.
And by the way; you don't have to make MOUNTAINOUS CAREER CHANGE. The truth is; just a SLIGHT CAREER CHANGE in the right direction; can turn into MASSIVE POSITIVE RESULTS over time; because it compounds over the course of your career.
My Deep Appreciation And Gift To You
And because I want to help you; that's why today I chose to put together in one elite material ALL that we covered in the GYIH (Getting Into Your Interviewer's Head)Master-class mini course. We covered all these interviewing techniques the whole of February and part of March.
Yeah...I know life can get busy; and at times we can miss out on something critical without our intention. So, I figured out that you might have missed in one of this a month+ Value-Loaded materials; and it would be great to be able to access it ALL in one material.
I wanted to make sure 'NEW TEP readers' have a handle of what we covered "while they were away"! I also wanted to save you some time; so you don't have to try and access each GYIH Master-class mini course material independently.
But there is MORE than that into it. and that is...
This High-Quality Package is my Appreciation to you for:
- First: Being a part of the TEP reader's community!
- Second: Bearing with me and the CONSTANT sporadic changes that were taking place; when the site was going through RE-DRESSING. The Good News is: We now have a better site; than before!
- Third : My Easter Holiday Gift to you!
...And to ice the cake for you; I have just added into this High-Quality Package; another Elite-level
Interview Emergency material; in case you have an impromptu interview in your pipeline and don't have enough time to get everything together. Yes, we start with the "Ice" and then delve into the "cake!"
Enjoy The Elite-Level Interview material...
Just click the link below to head there and savor your 'Ice':
Interviewing Emergency: How Elite Performers Win The Toughest Interview questions
...And Below is your 'Cake'
Your Full GYIH Master-class Mini Course
Click each link at a time; and enjoy your 'cake'...
Part I: How To Interview Like a Pro For Your Dream-Job
Part II: How Top Performers Write Their Own Ticket Into Their Dream-job Company
Part III: Getting Into Your Interviewer's Head
Part IV: How To Unapologetically Dominate In Your Dream-job Interview
Part V: How To Interview Like A CEO For Your Dream-Job
Part VI: How To Become Irresistible Right In front Of The Hiring Manager
Part VII: How To Differentiate Yourself In Your Dream-Job Interview
Part VIII: How To WIN The Hiring Manager For Your Dream-Job
Looking forward to helping you not; only make the right career change; but masterfully take total control of your career; this second quarter--and throughout the year!
Enjoy your Easter Holiday; and see you on Monday; right here--and don't forget to bring me you Easter Hangout Stories! (You can let me in, on those stories by leaving a comment on this elite material)
(Hint: You can use those Hang-outs with your friends to practice the social techs you will find in the above GYIH Master-Class Mini course)
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