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I sat here...all the weekend waiting for you! |
Hey guys!
The weekend is over; but…
What’s wrong with everyone here—except me!
You see, in the How To Unapologetically Dominate Your In Your Dream-Job Interview elite material; I invited you for a cup of espresso over the last weekend; on me. But none showed up!.
I had even told you what we will talk about as we kick back at one of my favorite restaurant (aka: Why Bottled water has an EXPIRY DATE; if really it’s that FRESH!)
But no one turned up!
I know some of you did not see that invitation. Yes, it was at the P.S. (That is how many people miss on something; that only few NEVER miss! And that is what creates all the difference in career the career world)
Now that you guys demurred my invitation; this is how I spend my weekend...
I sat in this restaurant for hours and hours...biting my fingers... facing the door.....and hoping I would see you come in! The waiters questioned me; but I told them I was waiting for a friend—YOU!
When you failed; I even changed the venue and sat here (see the picture picture above) with my bottled water; ready to talk about: why they have EXPIRY DATE on it!
I was hoping you will come. You didn’t. I even had your seat right there—you can already notice your seat just next to mine! I was in delusion; and denial; believing even as late as 9:00 pm, that you are on they way coming!
I should have consulted an astrologer to know whether you would come or not—but I didn’t. So when I got tired; I went to my house. Disappointed by you; I fired my laptop and watched one of the WORST movie I ever seen since I stopped using teething ring!
They called it “A WALK OF SHAME”—and for real it was a walk of shame. I will never watch that movie again! (Hint: I deleted it)
But before the damn movie went crashing on the Recycle Bin; there was this lady who was being interviewed for “News Anchor" position.
Here was the interviewer’s first question:
“Tell us about yourself!”
This beautiful lady went into all chronicle narration about her personal life; about what her hobbies were. She rumbled on and on…and even said she was married! That is when I deleted the movie--when she was still rumbling!
I was infuriated by a sheepish beautiful lady who did not have the slightest inkling about what the interviewer was looking for; plus I was also commoved by your failure to show up. (This is a true story about that movie: In fact; the lady has a very beautiful but useless name that I can’t even remember)
Anyone who has watched this movie? You can tell us this character's name!
The Point Of My Infuriation And Damn Movie Story
How many of us already know that: “Tell us about yourself” is usually the first question in the interview room?
The answer: All of us!
Yet, like this movie character; we give cockamamie answers to the interview about this question!
We know it will be the first question; yet we have never mastered how to respond to this. What do the average candidates do? They just respond like this lady! At the best; they chronologically narrate from where they went to grade one; to them being sat in that room!
Here is the truth: your interviewer is not interested in that. He has already gone through your CV; and already knows that! Unless you want him or her to start yawning—which would mean you have lost the game—you MUST NOT commit that rookie mistake!
Btw, this is the question that gives you the opportunity to up-sell yourself right away; and the way you respond to it can instantly elevate your credibility to 7 or 8!
Top performers know what the interviewer is asking for; and they immediately nail that question; and build their credibility immediately. And for the rest of the interviewing; they build around that first question; and before their competing peers realize what is happening; they have the job!
Come Out Of Your Delusion And Stop Living In Denial
Most interview candidates operate under delusion at the interview room. It’s like me ordering the espresso at the restaurant; and hoping because I send an anonymous invitation; you will show up! I was wrong! And just like I was wrong; we think because we have more experience; we will get that job. Only to realize later that we were wrong!
We rationalize; because we have great grades on the papers; then that is going to impress the interview. After all; isn’t that what we were taught in school? Then we realize later on that is not how things work!
We say things like… “He/she shouldn’t have got that chance. I was more qualified than him/her!”… “The interviewers are not being fair”… “How could she beat me?... this is not how it should be!”
And then we forget that those are just loser’s wishes; and it’s not going to change anything!
When a frog says… “This is unfair; these cows should not be making the waters muddy!” Does that change anything?
The fact is; cows will keeping on stomping into the pool and enjoy drinking the water!
So, what should the frog do? Two things:
- Stay There And Keep Ranting: until all the cows in the world are slaughtered—it’s NEVER going to happen!
- Move Into The Deeper Waters: where the cows never get to; and enjoy clean water—that is possible 100% of all the times
Like the infuriated ranting frog that tries to tell the cow what to do; most people focus on “HOW THE WORLD SHOULD WORK.” We expect; and think THE WORLD WILL CAVE IN and SERVE our WISHES. We think we ‘SHOULD BE’ taken in because we have more experience than anyone else.
We think we DESERVE the chance because we can even do better than the other! When that does not happen—because it won’t--we sit and rave.
We then live in DENIAL when it comes to our career. We try to dictate to the world how it “SHOULD BE” versus understanding “HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS”. And that’s where we err!
Elite performers study how the world “REALLY WORKS” and use that to advance faster in their career; business and personal life; as the rest of the world stands aside and whine… “That’s unfair…how could he?”
Like the proverbial frog realizing it can move to the deep waters; Top minds focus on “WHAT THEY CAN CHANGE” versus “WHAT SHOULD CHANGE –but won’t because they have no control over”! They then take action and change what they could. As they do that; a world of possibilities opens right in front of them.
So, today; like a hard-backed surgeon; I will drive the scalpel a little deeper; and show you not only how to focus on what you can change; but how you can change it. You will learn what to focus on; so you stop rooting about in the interview room!
And you will notice that there is no need to focus on what you may not have control over in the interview room: Things like not having enough experience; trying to tell the interviewer who she/he should hire and who not to hire! All those efforts are futile and you can focus on a host of other things that will get you an upper hand.
Driving The Scalpel Deeper
Let’s dive in. Last Thursday; I showed you how to Dominate Your Dream-job Interview using a social skill that few of us use; yet, cost us nothing! Then I made a promise: We are entering into a higher level phase.
So, this is the week we start to take it to a CEO level. We will be uncovering how to answer interview question like a seasoned performer. I will not show you how to just answer interview questions; I will show you more than that.
In this CEO-Level phase; this is what we are going to unearth:
- The mindset of the elite performer (Hint: Right mindset supports your competency)
- The Simple Systematic framework to answer interview question and nail the questions almost all the time! (Hint: One that gets your potential employer drooling for you.)
- The one thing that happened to me which changed my career life forever.
It’s ALL NEW from this point forward; but if you have missed out on this Elite material and this one here it will be better you read them first. Remember we have been practicing powerful social techs here before we came to the CEO phase.
And I got you this one here just in case of an impromptu interview. Yes, I want to make sure you are all covered and equipped with less known interviewing ARSENALS!
Notice; we are starting at a low pace; then we are going to accelerate as we move forward to the winning line. By the time we get there; you interview game will be at elite level. So strap-up; and don’t miss any of this GYIH Mini course ELITE MATERIAL!
Taking It To The CEO Level!
Most of you guys are great—yes, I know that regardless of how I poke fan of you. But in today’s material I want to show you subtle things most good candidates do UNKNOWINGLY; and dramatically under-sell themselves in the interview room.
These are so subtle; and almost no one ever told you about them. And many of you probably are not aware that you commit these mistakes. What is even worse is; you do not know whether they are mistakes; and that they impact negatively in front of your interviewer
- The ONE Mistake Highly Capable Candidate Make
We went even deeper into the magic of your proper hand-gesturing; so you come across as highly accomplished candidate. We explored the power of Lean-in to build connection with your interviewer and add to your credibility.
We brought to surface the importance using highly subtle social techniques like “telling stories’. This makes your answers astrologically engaging; versus DRY and BORING.
Yes, interviews are not about answering questions after questions. There is more into that. It’s a game and once you know the game; you can ace your dream-job interview. And by now you know how to play the outside game.
We are now equipped and ready to answer the questions. But how do you do it? Pay attention as I show some subtle mistakes that most candidate commit; and even though they have done everything we have covered in the previous elite material; the very mistakes I am about to show you can destroy all you chances.
These mistakes can cost you a job. In the best scenario case; these mistakes lowers your credibility as a competent candidate. Plus, they have other baneful side effects; even if you get the job.
We will cover all that; I will show you the UP-SIDE and the DOWN-SIDE in every step; so that you will never have to FAIL in your dream-job interview—if you follow what I teach you.
Why Am I Taking My Precious Time To Show You All This?
It’s because my intention is to give you a COMPREHENSIVE Pro Interviewing course in the GYIH mini course; so that you can alter the direction of your career. Here is what I DON’T WANT to HAPPEN TO YOU.
- You to JUST TAKE WHICHEVER JOB life throw your way.
- You to be TREATED like a DOOR MAT at your work place.
- You to wake up on a Monday morning; and wish things could be different because you are heading to a JOB you HATE.
- You to feel like a zombie; doing some clerical entry-level employee job for years and years.
- You to be held back by the fact that you are a fresh graduate from college; and not able to get your dream-job because you have no experience.
Here is what I want for you:
- Dominate in your dream-job interview and get the job
- Get paid what you are worth
- Have multiple job offers; so you have the freedom to choose where and who to work with.
- Be able to switch jobs if you so wish
- Get promotions and move up the career ladder
Follow through what I show you here; and you will achieve all this. I am introducing you to a world of possibilities that most people never thought existed. I am debunking many of the career advices you have heard that are not true; the antique advices that do not work; and then I will be showing you what works. And why it does!
Yeah, I don’t just tell you “Go do this. It will work wonders!” as if getting control of your career is a magic thing! But like a finesse career advisor; I tell you why you should do what I teach you; why it works; and by not doing it; what would happen.
Unlike most career advisors; I prefer to get very specific with you; so that you are not fumbling in the dark; following some generic advice that you wonder why you have to follow them in the first place.
The GYIH Mini Course is like no other Pro Interviewing course. It beats most PAID online Interviewing Courses being offered; yet I am offering you this for free. I want you to interview better than you do currently; and then we can take it to the next level from there.
Notice this GYIH Mini course is NOT just about interviewing. It’s not for ONLY people seeking for jobs fresh from college. The techniques I show you here can be applied by executives to move up internally in the company.
You can even use these techniques almost directly; and negotiate a higher pay. You can use it to influence people; build business and a professional network; so you surround yourself with the right people.
You can use them to get people to follow you as a trusted advisor; especially if you are a consultancy field.
You can use all these techniques to close more sales; and get your customers to trust you more; build credibility; and have everyone who listens to you take you seriously.
Remember: If you can get people to buy into you; then you can influence them and together build anything you have ever wanted; so that it’s a win-win situation. You win and they win!
This is the quintessential part of any career and business success. It’s the Prince’s First Rule to success
(Hint: The same techniques you use in front of your interviewer are the same techniques you need to use in front of your potential client. And you can use these techniques to influence people to take action as a keynote speaker)
I’ve got all of you guys covered!
So, what’s the ONE Mistake Highly Capable Interviewees Make?
1. The Voice UP-TURN At The End of Your Statement
Few people rarely notice that they tend to Up-Turn their voice at the end of their statements. This is a lethal mistake that even highly competitive candidates commit. What is even worse is when we NEVER realize that; just that very subtle up-turn of our voice; does dramatically under-sell us; in front of a seasoned interviewer.
Ever spoken to someone; who ends their statement with an up-turn of their voices as if the statement was a question? (NB: Read the before statement loudly again; and listen to the way you up-turn your voice at the end).
That is exactly what up-turning your voice is. Very subtle; but it can sabotage your chances in an interview.
Why You Should Not Do It: The DOWN-SIDE
The core of winning in an interview is presenting yourself as a powerful and competent professional. When you up-turn your voice you come across as a rookie; less accomplished and one who is lacking in experience. You sound weak!
You sound like an inquisitive little 9-year old! As ridiculous as that may sound; that is what your interviewer picks from your voice. Interviewers don’t need a 9-year-Old wearing their father’s job suits in their company.
What they are looking for; is someone who is not only competent; but a candidate who can take charge. They need someone who can take control; and get things done. They are looking for someone who will be there in their absence; and one who can make decision with no or minimal supervision.
They are seeking for highly accomplished candidate who can handle conflicts; speak for the company; hold meetings where necessary; and built trust with the public. Someone who exudes competency and represent the company!
A 9-year old cannot do that! And with Voice-Upturn; that is how you sound! Regardless of how competent you might be when it comes to execution; that very voice wart changes how the interviewer perceives you!
More Sabotaging Effect Even If You Get The Job
There are two side effects to that Verbal snag. One: You may FAIL TO GET HIRED. Two: Your interviewer may decide to ignore that strategically; and hire you. But then he will take it to the next level; and execute his/her strategic plan even when he/she hires you.
Here is what follows:
• You Will Get The LOWEST SALARY-RATE In The Market.
Your interviewer will FIX YOU on the WALL when it comes to SALARY and other compensations. Yes, you will be hired you for a piece of candy! Isn’t that what we do to a 9-year old; when they are pestering us?
When your interviewer realizes that you are inexperienced (which is what voice up-turn communicates no matter what experience you might have); they are so happy to hire you for one reason: They know they will save a lot when it comes to your salary. They will get you at the lowest salary-rate in the market at best.
• You Will NEVER NEGOTIATE Your Salary In Future
In the future you will never be able to negotiate your salary; beyond what they will give you! And even if you do; you will never get paid what you are worthy. Not because you employer is being unfair; not because the organization does not offer salary increase; but because you do not come across as worth that much.
Remember the reason why they hired you is because they noticed; they can pin you down; and give you the minimum wage possible. Yes, because you are a rookie—even if you are not!
• You Will NEVER Rise Above Your Entry-Level
Chances are; you will never rise above your entry level; unless something changes. Ever seen people who remain at entry level employees for years and years? Yes, some of the commit that error.
Other people will join the company and by-pass you. They will be employed even when they have less experience than you; and get paid better. We have all seen that! That is how the “WORLD ACTUALLY WORKS”. You have to show that you deserve a lot more! If you don’t tell and demonstrate that to the world; nobody cares; people respond to what they see!
Do you see all those negative effects for a simple voice up-turn: LOWEST salary rate; NO Salary Increase in future; and NO rising above entry-level. Notice the NO…NO…NO and LOW…LOW…LOW! All of those spelling doom; as a result of rarely known social incompetency!
But here is the GOOD NEWS: there is something you can do about it!
What To Do Instead:
Take time and listen to the best of the best at any interview—in a national TV morning shows or when the presidents are giving their speeches. Listen to African Leadership Dialogue on Citizen TV; as these highly accomplished guests respond to the interviewer. Here is what you will notice:
- They End Their Statements With Power
These guys never end their statements with an UP-TURN of their voices. They end their statement with power. That is why we take them seriously when they speak. And that is what you should do.
In fact; socially competent people end their question statement with almost flat leveled voice. Here is a quick challenge; plus exercise:
Just try the following question statement. Say it the way you would normally say it. Then try it with a leveled voice at the end; with no voice UP-TURN; and notice how powerful you sound!
Here is the line:
“Isn’t that right, Mr. Interviewer?”
Do you notice that even when you are asking a question; you do not have to up-turn your voice at the end? Without up-turn your voice you sound more firms; confident; and sure of what you are saying or asking.
You don't come across as someone seeking affirmation for his/her question; but one who is given the right answer; and expecting the other person (interviewer; your boss; your audience or any other party) to see the sense in it; and have no option rejecting; but only to agree with what you have just previously said.
The Psychology Of FIRST AGREEMENT Technique
Notice a slight tweaking on the way you ask questions; can cause people to first agree with you; because in the way you ask it; you give them no chance to disagree. I call that FIRST AGREEMENT TECHNIQUE.It is a POWERFUL PSYCHOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE to get someone to Agree with you FIRST.
Here is the psychological trick: Even if your answer is not correct; they will first agree (because you have given them no option to outlandishly disagree); then they will correct you later. And that very act of FIRST AGREEING with YOU (even if you were not 100% right) brings the interviewer on YOUR SIDE!
The subtlety in FAT (First Agreement Technique) is; even when they come to correct you later; their perception about you has changed; and at the back of their mind; YOU WERE RIGHT--because they first agreed with you!
That is a tremendously POWERFUL technique; that no one uses--except CEOs. It's Psychological Conditioning. It power is based on this two underlying basic psychological principles:
1. If I FIRST AGREE with you on anything; even if I make some correction about what you said later; I will remember the AGREEING part; NOT the improvement I made on your suggestions or answers later on. And you look like an authority to me; and more accomplished.
2. If I FIRST DISAGREE with you on anything; even if you convince me and I come to agree later; at the BACK of my mind; I will remember the DISAGREE PART.
Socially skilled people are aware of that; and they end their statement with power. That is how CEO manage to have everyone buying into them. By leveling their voice at the end; they are taken seriously; they come across as powerful; competent; accomplished; and credible. That is the kind of a person you want your interviewer to notice.
Start Practicing This Social Skill-set From Today
From this day forward; that is what you should practice; everywhere you go. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking with friends; clients; or in the interview room!
Notice how people tend to first agree with you more often; and argue with you less often. Observe how they pay attention to you; trust you more; and look up to you as an authority in your field! That is how CEOs respond and build trust. And because of that; we tend to trust their guide; and buy in!
Go do it!
What Is The Two Things?
Leave a comment; and tell me key lesson you have learnt and how you are going to specifically apply it to change your career.
Second: Tell me one more area--outside the interview room--where you can apply this social tech; to advance personally and professionally. Do that before Thursday!
In the next Elite material I will show you how you can literally take this social skill-set and apply it in other areas outside your interview. How you can apply this social skill-set; to dramatically change your professional life; build credibility; and get people to trust you more; and desire to work with you.
Yes, that, plus weird story about how I used this social tech to gain gate-pass without scrutiny by security guards. (Hint: I was in college by then; and desperately needed internship with this company)
See you on Thursday, Mr. CEO!
P.S. Sorry this material came a little bit late on Monday!
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