GETTING INTO YOUR INTERVIEWER'S HEAD Prt VI. How To Become Irrestistible Interviewee

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 Do these guys get bored to death when you start talking with them?

Hey, CEOs

(Yes, I elevated your status last Monday. And if you missed out; or you are confused about how guys here got new social status; you should check out that elite material)

So, it’s Thursday again and we are down to it as we cap off the week. On Monday this week, I showed you how to use the FA Technique  in getting into your interviewer’s head.

We also covered WHAT NOT TO DO with your voice at the end of a statement; and questions. Then I gave you a challenge statement to use; showing you WHAT TO DO; so you can build your credibility instantly right in front of your interviewer. With this you come across as highly accomplished and competent candidate—even if you do not have much experience!

But like we have said here again and again; The Elite Performer is not just about interviewing; it’s also about creating a great life in every way. And enjoying the privileges; and recognition that comes with being competent; respected; trusted and an accomplished person!

It’s about taking what we learn in interviewing and applying it in our social interactions. Using the techs we learn in that company meeting; relationships; building your professional networks; with your clients and other areas to get ahead.

So, I made a promise to show you other areas you can literally apply what we covering here—even if you are not seeking for your  dream-job—and take your profession to the next level. I am about to deliver on that promise; right now right here!

But before that; here is a funny story about something that fascinated me a few years back…

She Sounded Like My Inquisitive Little Niece
I once interviewed a lady candidate a few years back for a specific post she had applied. She was well dressed and from the outside looked great. When we started the interview; I was surprised.

 I wondered whether I was interviewing my inquisitive little  niece!” She would UP-TURN her voice in nearly all her statements—even the ones that are not questions.

 So, what happened after that? Was she taken in? You already know what happened. Your guess  is right…!

 Remember how I told you that Employers No longer Employ Suits? This was a classic example.

Point Of The Story?

Voice UP-TURN; as we covered on Monday is a NO NO; in the in interview room. It can sabotage your interview. And you also learn from this story that: dressing to the moons means almost nothing to your potential employer and interviewer (she/he is not fashion die-hard)if you don’t come across as professional and competent.

The thing is; men do the same Voice UP-TURN; but its more typical with ladies.

 Here is my advice:

You can use the Voice UP-TURN when you are taking your little niece out for candies and ice cream. And notice you can also use that to lull her to sleep; but when it comes to answering questions in the interview room; be the professional who ought to be!

How To Apply This Outside The Interview-Room
And I hereby come to deliver my promise. So, let me show you other areas you can literally apply what we learned on Monday. I will let you in on how highly socially competent categories of different professionals in different fields have used this social tech to:

1.    Crash the competitors in the last minute debate.

2.    Build trust and ethically win potential client.

3.    Move people to take action.

4.    Get promotion; negotiate; and drive your agendas ethically.

5.    Get Access to places (without scrutiny) you would not otherwise. (Hint: That was me!)

 And if you thought what I am showing you here only for those who want to up their interview game; you are wrong.

I am showing what Communication experts; world- renown presidents; High-End Business consultant; Top Executives; and Famous Keynote Speakers have used to remain at the top.(Btw: You don't have to be them; to start using what they use)

I want to open your eyes; and show a world of possibilities most people never thought existed; by doing a little tweaking in the way you use your voice. I want to show you all this; so that by the end of this year; you will not be “Scratching the surface” !

Yes, your friends shall look at you and ask you:

“What’s happened to you this year? How did you manage to take your career or [Insert any profession you are in] to that level? …Who is at your corner?”
And then you will look at them; take one more sip; gaze at the next table for 0.5 seconds; then look into their eyes and say:
“A few, yet simple systematic improvement on my social tech, dude!”

How To Sell Yourself At a Higher Price:

So, here is how to sell yourself at a higher price than you always have! These are other areas outside the interview room Top Performers have applied what we’ve learnt here to built an elite life. You can do it too:

•    Build Credibility Even With Less Experience
ENDING YOUR STATEMENTS WITH POWER is a social tech that you MUST apply in all aspect of your social and professional interaction. You can use it to build your credibility even when you are the youngest; and less experienced in the room.

•    Build Trust With Potential Client

You can use it to get a potential client to trust you more than your competitor who sounds like a song-bird. You can get votes from the public by employing this competent social tech. You can use it to win the right client in your consulting business.

•    Move People To action As A Keynote Speaker
Politicians are the best at this. They know how to amass votes and get people to buy into their policies during election campaign. We have seen politician/presidents WIN peoples’ confidence in their last debate before elections.
By just a change of their voice to exude power; they have crashed their competitor in the last minute!

You can use this technique to get attention of your audience as a speaker; influence them positively; and move them into action. Top keynote speakers have used this countless times.

Why would people want to listen to a certain speaker? Trust him/her more? And do what she/he says; and not the other?
You have the secret about how to get people to listen to you; like you; and trust you!

 (Hint: The next time I meet you suffering from REJECTION you’ll pay for this specific today’s elite material. I have shown you the cure here!)

•    To Negotiate Salary; Get Promotions and Move Your Agendas

This is how you get people to trust you; help and support you. This is what you use to influence and psychologically get everyone in that company meeting on your side.

Controlling your voice is technique you can use when talking to your boss; and negotiating to get promotions; and salary raise. When you control your voice; you are taken more seriously; and what you are saying is considered for implementation; versus when you sound like a 9-year old.
This is how you influence decision making.

•    WEIRD ONE: Gain Gate-pass Without Scrutiny!

Yes, this is my favorite-last (yes, I love the WEIRD ONES!). I did this when I was in college. I remember how I used this to gain a gate-pass without scrutiny (I was in college then; and was trying to get through the security guards into a company I wanted internship with)

I build instant trust with these guards and they allowed me in without checking my bag—other people’s bag was checked; and they wasted a lot of time waiting. I didn’t. I went in and went out.

(Hint: there is a way you ask the guards whether the boss is in; and they think you are the boss’s brother— I love you un-witty security guards)

 No one teaches you all these techniques. Not even in your MBA. But I show you all these. This is how the world works. This is how success is built.

You Need To Fix This.

Today I want to show one social tech, that you can fix; and once you do that; your interviewer can’t help but notice you. But before that; let me ask you a question:

How many categories of people do you notice in that End/Start of year’s company meeting?  or any social interaction?

 We have all observed these two categories of people:
•    There are those who take the floor; and everyone becomes attentive and starts to write something.

•    There are those others who take the floor; and everyone becomes jittery and starts yawning.

Among these two; who would you prefer? Most importantly; who among the two categories are you? (Tension…okay don’t answer me. I don’t want to embarrass you…sigh!)

Ever asked a simple question to a friend; then he/she took years and years to answer your question?

 I did it; and I know. You sit there and wait as your good friend rambles on an on…! You start to fidget; and regret asking him/her the question in the first place.

You feel that your time is being misused; and you also notice that this good friend of yours is not smart enough. And whether he/she ever ends up answering the questions or not; you get to know that they are not sure of the right answer to your question—even when they get!

You start to avoid asking any question to this friend; or even hanging out with them. And that is just in a social interaction! In the interview room; that is NOT ALLOWED. Period.

Being a rambler is problematic enough. What is WORSE is when you do not know whether you tend to ramble! So, how do you know that you tend to ramble; so that you can start to work on it?

How You Know That You Tend To Ramble

If someone came over to me a few years ago and asked me: Are you a rambler? The obvious question would be NO—even when I was.

 Who wants to earn that title? Plus it’s hard to know whether you tend to ramble; unless someone tells you; or you get bio-feedback that tells you so; as you interact with your friends.

So, how do get to know that you tend to ramble? Before I show you how, never expect some to come over to you and tell you, that you do; but from their non-verbal tech, you can know!

Here is how:  As you hang out with your friends in social interactions; watch out how they respond when you start to speak.

 Do they start looking at their watches? Do they give you a scrunched-face look that says…
“Oh…no! There he goes again…I hope someone would be gracious enough to stop him!”?
 Do they fidget and get restless?

If they do any of those things; then you have earned a title of a RAMBLER!

The HIGH COST Of RAMBLING And What It Tells Your Interviewer
Did you notice the THREE things I mentioned about how people FEEL about themselves and you;  when you start rambling in your social interactions? They feel their time is being misused—standing right there and having to wait for you to finish! They also notice that you are not that SMART—even if you are.

And thirdly; even if you get to respond to their question after years of meandering; they notice that you are not even sure of the answer--even if you are!

I did not even mention that they can walk away! In the worse scenario case; they can walk out of your life.

Notice; that is just in a social interactions ONLY!

If it’s that bad in social interactions; think of its pernicious effect in the interview room? Here is what rambling in the interview room tells the interviewer about you:

  •  You Have No Respect For Their Time
One of the places where every second counts; and time is prime; is in the interview room. Interviewers do not have that much time to wait for you! If you start rambling they automatically cut you off. And the problem here is three fold:

1.    You Never Gets To Say What You Wanted To Say
What that means is; you never get to answer the question; so you lose scores. Interviewers are not psychics; so they will NEVER KNOW whether you had the right answer to their questions; unless they heard it right from your mouth.

So, when you ramble; they cut you off; and so they never get to hear that right answer. And you know what that means: You’ve killed your chance of ever working with that dream-company!

2.    You Feel Like An Idiot Which Has A Negative Feedback Loop
If you have ever been cut short by someone; because you seemed not to know what you wanted to say; or knew but you could not say it precisely; you know how it feels. I have; so I know! You feel like you are an idiot; and that feeds into your failure about what else happens after that.

Notice this is totally different from what you feel when you give the wrong answer. You can give the wrong answer; and still keep your head high. Why? Because that is a matter of intellect.  It’s about RIGHT or WRONG—no emotions of personal feeling involved.

 Being cut off has NEGATIVE EMOTIONS involved. This affects has in social interactions; but the NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP is highly pronounced in the interview room (because it’s a Professional Set up); when you are cut off for rambling.

You want the earth to split so you go under. You become so self-focused; and from that point forward; chances are; you are going to screw it even in the simplest question. This is because you become self-absorbed; and you self-confidence takes a dip.

3.    Your Interviewer Cuts Your Session Short

What do you do when you notice you are talking with a rambler? You pretend you were rushing somewhere; or have an appointment--just to escape! In the professional set up it’s even worse.

The interviewer doesn’t have to pretend. They can’t walk away. So what do they do? They cut you off!

 Remember the interviewer has limited time; and probably a big number of candidates waiting. If you ramble twice or thrice; they just cut short your interviewing session. After all; are they not looking for a competent candidate?

And you have already shown you aren’t that candidate. So, why waste their precious time while the candidate they are looking for might be in the line?

Ramblers are never engaging; so the interviewer will even be disinterested in you. That is selling yourself short. Here is the first rule of winning in the interviewing game: Engage the interviewer; by evoking his/her positive emotions about you!

  •  Rambling Tells The Interviewer That You Are Not Smart Enough

Is it true that ramblers are not SMART ENOUGH? The answer is a BIG NO! Take for instance; most engineers; and tech guys (Yeah, I know because I have been) tend not to be able to communicate their ideas succinctly. (Notice I am not stereotyping here—some are great communicators).

Simply said; they ramble! But I will tell you this one thing: These tech guys know their stuff.

So, anyone telling you that all ramblers know nothing is lying to your face. You see, rambling is a lack of social aptness, and does not mean that you are dumb.

But the problem is: who cares? Your interviewer doesn’t care whether you are a tech geek or not! If you can’t tell the world; or show the world that you are the guy; it doesn’t care how techie you are!

That is how just things are. Your interviewers don’t want to use their limited cognitive ability to figure you out. They would rather go for someone who can articulate themselves—because that makes their work easier.

(Hint: There is a good reason I took time to show you "How The World Works" in that elite material)

  •  Even With The Right Answers The Interviewer Disqualifies You

When you ramble along; even when the interviewer is patient enough to wait so you finish; he/she will have noted that you are not competent enough. It tells that you do not know the right answer to the asked question—even if you get it right.

Who knows! You might have just stumbled into the right answer. And if there is someone who is not going to take chances on you; it’s your interviewer. Not when there are other candidate who are brief and to the point.

 Do you know how much it does cost your interviewer to bring you on board for interviewing? They can’t afford to take chances!

But here is something VERY SUBTLE you need to consider:

“They are not DISQUALIFYING you in this case; because the answer is WRONG. No! They are DISQUALIFYING you mostly because they have NEGATIVE EMOTIONS associated with you as they wait for you to finish your rambling journey. So, even if you get it right ultimately; they will still DISQUALIFY you.”

PAY ATTENTION TO THE ABOVE STATEMENT: It’s the secret to interviewing successfully.

What have you noticed in all that I have shown you? I am showing you how to EVOKE POSITIVE EMOTIONS of your interviewer; during the interview. Once you do that; you have got him or her!

Give the RIGHT ANSWER but most importantly; EVOKE THEIR POSITIVE EMOTIONS toward you. That is what separates you from the rest.

 Remember: we all can give the right answers; but the interviewer has to take only one candidate!

They will take that candidate they positively engaged with. I will iterate this again: Interviewing is not just about giving the right answers; it’s about getting into your interviewers head. Engaging their POSITIVE EMOTIONS does the TRICK.

So, while the average person thinks that interviewing is about answering questions after questions; and GIVING THE RIGHT ANSWERS; now you know it’s not. And you know what it is!

Learning How To Interview Like Top Performer Doesn’t Mean You Aren’t Smart
Can you see the thin line? Do you notice that learning how to interview like the best doesn’t mean that you are not smart in your field?

Most people would think that those who are not smart enough; are the one who need to learn how to interview like a pro. And they would be wrong.

In fact; the opposite is true. TEP is for the smart guys. The Elite Performer is for people who are already making it in their career; but need to master the social and psychological techniques; so they can use those techs to take their career to take it to the next level.

It’s for people who want to take their career from C-level to A-Level.

This is for those who want to rise from a C+ level performer to an A player. So, contrary to what the majority may think; my materials are not for those who KNOW NOTHING in their career. If you know nothing; then you have no business reading this. You should first go put your acts together; then come; and I will be here to help you!

There Is A Good Reason For That!

Guys, notice I am not being rude with you. I am being caring enough; and there is actually a good reason for why you should get your acts together first. I want to be very honest with you:  “I do not teach tech here;” what I do, is help you communicate concisely; how you can use that your tech skill you already posses to provide value to your potential employer.

This is why getting your acts together is critical:

Interviewing is showing the value you can offer to your potential employer. If you have nothing to offer; then you should get something first.

Interviewing is a game; and I show you how to play the game ethically; my techniques are not manipulative at all. You should be able to deliver; you should now your stuff!

I show you how communicate that value in a way that your interviewer can’t help but take you. I teach  you how to pitch yourself before your potential employer in a way that you become irresistible.

If You Can’t Do That NOTHING ELSE Matters

The truth is; you could be the best in the world: whether that is in tech; sales; art; entertainment; HR; Cooking; teaching or [INSERT your career field]; but if you can’t communicate your value to the interviewer; you are doomed.

People see only what they see; and if they cannot see anything; no matter how savvy you might be; they have no business with you!

What I walk you through in this site; is how to EFFECTIVELY CONVEY your VALUE—regardless of your career; and how smart you might be—so you can get the opportunity you deserve; and get paid what you are worth.

Do you notice how; when you cannot get into your interviewers head; what is in your head doesn’t matter? Guys; it’s about the Interviewer’s Head;  not yours.

So, to fix the rambling verruca; you need to learn how to answer interview questions with STRUCTURE. Most people do not know this; and if you can just master this one tech; you would stand out.

I will be showing you a very simple structure you can use to be both PRECISE in your answers; and BRIEF at the same time; plus be MORE ENGAGING.

(Hint: That is how you become interviewers darling—not kidding)

On Monday I will be showing you how RAMBLING:

•    Hinders you from earning more in your current job.

•     Stops you from getting promotions.

•    When fixed can open a new world of possibilities in your career

•    When fixed can help you move up the career ladder; even if you do not have enough experience

•    Weird story about how I was shut down for rambling a few years ago (Hint: How did you think I know all these? It’s because I have been there--I can relate)

The reason we will cover these is because: Once you learn the DOWN-SIDE of RAMBLING; you see what you are losing; and it’s easy to take action and fix it; once you know why!

Forget About What They Tell You

Who wants to have ten years of experience to start moving up the career ladder? That is what most career expert tell you, you need to do. The problem with this pedestrian  advice is three-fold:

1.    None of us wants to TAKE THAT LONG!

2.     You NEVER GET THE CHANCE to build that experience; if you can’t get the job in the first place.

3.     Even if you get the ten years of experience; you are NOT GUARANTEED the upward movement

Haven’t we seen them; people with more years of experience under their belt; yet stuck in the same level in their career?

 And what that tells you is: There is more to moving up your career ladder; than just mere experience.

If it was about just experience; some people would be at the top; but as it turns out; they are not.

I shall show you how to leap-frog some processes and ethically move up your career; taking half or even lesser time than it took most people to get there!

Tell Me One Thing.

Today I would like you to leave a comment and tell me a time you rambled; whether that was in your social interactions; interview room or responding to a question from your boss!

How did it go?

I read all your comments!

Go have a great weekend; subscribe into my inner cycles; but remember:  DON’T RAMBLE; lest your friends walk out of your life!

I’ll talk with to you soon on Monday



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