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Can I really be the one on that seat? Can I secure a job with this company?? |
Hey guys!
It’s Monday again and we are rolling up our sleeves for this week’s journey into the INTERVIEWER’S HEAD.
I am about to show you something that will change the way you approach your dream-job interview; and once you change your approach; everything else will change about how you interview. The interviewer will not help; but to consider having you in the company’s team.
But before that; remember the promise I made in the last elite material where I showed you how to “EVOKE POSITIVE EMOTIONS from your interviewer? And how that is the ultimate psychological tech to winning in the interview?
(Hint: You do not evoke those emotions by begging or crying in the interview room; so if you missed out click here to check it)
We talked about RAMBLING which is a killer mistake when you are face to face with your interviewer. I showed you how the "NEGATIVE FEEDBACK LOOP" makes you screw up.But I also promised to show you how RAMBLING; can destroy all you chances in other areas of your career apart from interviewing.
• Hinders you from earning more in your current job.
• Stops you from getting promotions.
• When fixed can open a new world of possibilities in your career; And
• When fixed can help you move up the career ladder; even if you do not have enough experience
• Weird story about how I was shut down for rambling a few years ago (Hint: How did you think I know all these? It’s because I have been there--I can relate)
And why can’t I head STRAIGHT to the INTERVIEWING techs of today? Two reasons:
Once you learn the DOWN-SIDE of RAMBLING in the interview room; you’ll see WHAT you are losing; and WHY you are losing. Then you will have a REASON to FIX IT; knowing WHY you are FIXING IT.
You see, I want you to TAKE ACTION knowing WHY. And as a friend; I want you to TAKE ACTION knowing what RESULTS those POSITIVE ACTION will create. I show you the DOWN-SIDE (what you lose by RAMBLING). Then I show you the POSSIBLE TREMENDOUS RESULTS you WILL GET; by FIXING IT.
While others will give you a wishy-washy career advice; (writing superficial post that will just waste your time reading—because there is nothing to learn; but antique advice) I take my time to write for you exceptional elite material. I go into details of what you can do. Why you need to do it; and changes you will see if you took action and implement just one of my techniques.
Yes, my materials are long; but they are worth reading; because they will give you far much better results; than the typical “Ten Things You Can Do If Your Job Sucks”; you see in most career blogs. You can follow through on what I show you; and alter your career--forever
TEP is not just about interviewing for your dram-job; it’s more than that. My aim and intention is to help you in every conceivable way; and to the best of my ability; so you can succeed; not just in your interview; but DOMINATE when you get into that company.
I am here to help you:
1. Build quality friends around you.
2. Get paid what you are worth and
3. Become a high performer.
4. Open your mind to new possibilities and rise to the top in your career
5. Meet and work with Top minds (using the techs and strategies we are learning in our elite class)
I am here to help you build an elite life; whatever being elite means to you!
So, let’s dive into it but first; my HORRIBLE STORY…
He Told Me To Cut The Fluff.
A few years ago, I guy I respect; and a friend told me to shut up; if I couldn’t say what I wanted to say. (Hint: That is what happens when you RAMBLE in front of honest friends). He told me I could either say it (he was willing to listen) or I could just keep my mouth shut until I learnt how to drive my point concisely.
I was shocked; up until then, I hadn’t known that I tended to RAMBLE; and I surround my ideas with so much fluff; that the key points drowned within the frippery of words.
I wasn’t just shocked; I learnt a ton of lessons from that predicament. Yes, you and I make many mistakes as we root about our way in career. The problem is not what you do WRONG. The problem is when we refuse to learn from our mistakes to make necessary changes.
And I learnt!
Sometimes; you get to learn some things through the hard-knock in your career and life; especially if there is no one telling you NOT ONLY what NOT TO DO; but also; WHAT TO DO; WHY YOU NEED TO DO IT; and HOW TO DO IT.
I balled up; I did the wrong things; and learnt through personal experience. And so I am not going to let you go through what I went through. Yes, not when it’s in my docket to help you!
So, the end of my weird RAMBLING disaster story; drives us to the next DOWN-SIDE of RAMBLING…
- RAMBLING Hinders You From Earning More In Your Current Job
However; here is the good news: While you may not be able to dictate what the WORLD sees; you can REPLACE what it is seeing with WHAT YOU WANT IT TO SEE. And just that very simple change and positioning; can channel all fortunes that seems to run away from you; and make them flow towards you.
Smart people control what they can; to harness possibilities that would never be a reality; if they tried to control or directly pursue those possibilities.
In simple words: You may not directly change what the WORLD or [INSERT your BOSS/ INTERVIEWER/ POTENTIAL EMPLOYER/ POTENTIAL CLIENT] sees; but you can psychologically position yourself; so they sees what you want them to see.
When you RAMBLE; the world sees incompetent team member –even if you have highly skilled. If you come across as incompetent to your current employer; why would he be convinced to pay you more? He sees from the outside; and makes judgment about what you are worth—and there is not tactic that can convince him/her otherwise.
The truth is; you could have generated more value than most guys in your organization. But how could you face your current boss; and articulate the VALUE you have brought into the company?
How can you; based on that VALUE; negotiate your salary if you cannot convey the value in the first place? He/she will get you out of the office; before you ever made your point.
Rambling evokes negative emotions in the person listening to you; and with that, there is no way you will get the person on your side; to see why you deserve the raise.
(Hint: That is why you see guys with enormous experience stuck in the same position. They deserve more; because they generate more; but they cannot covey that. So they sit and hope one day; they will be recognized—but chances are; they won’t!)
- RAMBLING Stops You From Getting Promotion
We all have great ideas that can positively impact the company we work in. And we know that if we can get to articulate them to our employer; we will earn instant credibility. Position ourselves for promotion. And we will stand out above the rest.
You know you deserve recognition; respect; and better compensation; because there are ideas you can offer to the senior guys; which can scale up the organization revenue. But you don’t know how to do it effectively; you stay where you are in your career! Because again; no one cares how loaded you are; if you can put across those ideas and help the company move ahead; you might as well have no idea at all!
What’s even maddening is when your workmates who have less experience; get to talk with the big guy. They give him their not so great ideas (compared to yours); and earn instant credibility. They start to be treated with respect; and get promotion sooner that everyone else.
Yes, even when they haven’t been in the organization for long. They leap-frog and by-pass others who have been there for year!
You look at them; and wish…
“If I can only do it the way they do; my life and career would change for better. I would EARN MORE; get MORE RESPECT; gain PROMOTION; and DOMINATE as a top performer in this organization”.
But that never gets to happen. Btw, when I talk about articulating yourself; I don’t mean you become Tony Robbins; president Obama or any other famous speaker, No. What I mean is just being able to answer questions; pass great ideas; and drive your points concisely; yet in an engaging brief manner.
The truth is; if you have no structure when it comes to saying what you want to say. If you go; east; west; southwest; and then north; by the time you say anything—if at all you get to--everyone will have gone to sleep!
They lose interest and stop listening. They are wondering… “What are we really doing here? Who is this wanderer; and why can’t someone tell him to shut up!”
And when someone stops you (because they are impatient with your meandering)—which is what’s going to happen if you RAMBLE--you know they have swept a great opportunity off your feet. And that you will never get to move ahead in your career.
- Fix RAMBLING Build Exponential Upward Movement In Your career
Your experience is good for the low of execution; not the high rank executive position.
Get this right: When your boss puts someone else with less experience than you in a lime light position; in the organization; he is not being unfair. He is not saying you are not good; No.
What he is saying is: “You are great for where you are; and that is where you deliver best!”
Here is the good news: You can REPLACE what he sees in you with what you want him to see. You can prove that you are competent enough (by fixing your rambling) to operate in the company lime light positions; and he will get you there.
Once you get to the lime light; you get exposed to other top minds; and high competent performers; and that avails untold opportunities for; and in your career. And that is when you start seeing NOT a LINEAR GROWTH; but EXPONENTIAL GROWTH in your career.
That is when the LAW OF COMPLEMENTARY ACCOMPLISHMENT kicks in. Then you wonder where all these career opportunities and EXPONENTIAL GROWTH had been; for all this time you were struggling with spreadsheet and data entry clerical work.
Top Performer Fix ONE THING And WIN BIG TIME.
Can you see the doors of opportunities that you have slammed shut right in front of you? Can you see the new possibilities; greater career opportunities; and EXPONENTIAL GROWTH your career can assume if you FIXED just ONE T THING in your life; that does not cost you a dime to fix?
Highly competent people see and realize that; and use it to by-pass process; on their way to the top. Here is their mental framework. They ask themselves:
“What is the one thing I can fix; to clear dozens of hurdles on my way to the top?”
You can do it too!
Imagine working in a company where you are respected; and your contribution is VALUED? Imagine getting paid what you are worth; and waking up to a job you love? How would it feel working in an organization where you are recognized; and intermingling with the top minds?
How would your life look like? How would your social life be like? How would your future unfold? Would you lie on your bed thinking…“What if I get laid off tomorrow?”
The truth is; just the mingling with the top minds; and your placement in the company lime light; is enough to alter every aspect of your life—NOT JUST CAREER!
Is it doable? Yes! Did I tell you that you need to have 10+ years of experience? NO. Do you need to CHANGE THE WORLD to achieve that? NO.
I will tell you this upfront: Follow through on what I show you here in this site; and by the end of this year’s; you will not only attain heights that probably never thought possible in your career; but you will have a totally different story about the possibilities of life.
I am here to show you what is possible. I am here to help you stop scratching for peanuts. I am here to show you SIMPLE THINGS that you can do (ones that no one tells you about); to get DISPROPORTIONATE RESULTS in your career and personal life.
I will be here this year; and many more years to come; not only telling you what you need to do with your career; but showing you how to do it; to get RESULTS that only FEW PEOPLE GET. Results that MOST people just DREAM ABOUT as far as their careers are concerned!
Yes, here is where we do it together—you and I!
The Mental Framework Of Pro-Interviewers
Today, I want to let you in; on the MINDSET of Top performers. I will show you the mental-inclination that enables them to seem so natural; engaging and witty in the interview room; when everyone else seems nervous; and fumbling for words.
Guys, I can show you a MILLION pro-Interviewing techniques; but if you do not have the SUPPORTING MINDSET; they will not do you any good. When you lack the mindset to support the techniques I show you here; this is what will happen during the interview:
• You Will Feel Like a Fraud In The Interview-room.
There is something called an IMPOSTER SYNDROME; you might have heard of it. It has destroyed many people’s career and professional opportunities more than anything else. Even highly competitive people do suffer from it; and when they do; at that very moment they bomb it.
IMPOSTER SYNDROME makes you feel like a FRAUD in the interview room. You feel like you are not the kind of person you are non-verbally conveying.
When you build the right mindset; you act so natural in the interview room; that the interviewer cannot help but notice that you know your stuff. And they would want to hire you because they will know; that you are the right candidate for that post in that organization.
• You Will Not Send The Right Signal
Once that feeling of “I am a FRAUD” comes up; you start sending ANTAGONISTIC SIGNAL unknowingly. What you say; and what your subliminally convey through through your social techs become discordant. You interview will see that; and you screw it.
Why Right MINDSET Ultimately Matters:
Ask anyone who has achiever great heights in anything. It could in career; business; spots or any arena; and they will tell you that: SUCCESS IN ANYTHING IS SUSTAINED THROUGH HAVING THE RIGHT MINDSET.
Without the right mental framework; it is IMPOSSIBLE to sustain success in anything. You may get a great opportunity; but you will screw it.
Think of it this way: If you took a fifteen year old; and give him a MILLION DOLLAR worthy company; can they sustain the business? The truth is; they can’t. It will collapse. Why? They do not have the RIGHT MINDSET to sustain it.
Without the ELITE MINDSET you will say the WRONG THINGS in front of the interviewer. They will be able to know; you are not well-backed for the job; then they will dismiss you. Yes, people naturally iterate their mindset in any conversation over and over again.
(Hint: They do that naturally; yet UNKNOWINGLY)
The way to keep high and engaging during the interview is having the right MINDSET before you get there. Let me show you the right mental framework.
The REVERSAL THINKING Mental Framework
Many candidates perceive their potential employers as people who are going to help them out with their joblessness. Notice; I say that with all due respect to every one of my readers who is seeking for a job. I want to help you; and so that opening statement is by no means condescending to any one!
The truth is; that very MINDSET pin you down during the interview; because it will keep coming over and over again in the interview; and when your interviewer picks that; you are out of league.
Simply said; this mindset keeps you thinking about yourself and how your employer should bail you out of your situation. And that would be clear even in your responses to the interviewer’s question.
Ever heard of the I-I-SYNDROME in the interview room?
This is when you keep talking about yourself in the interview room; and NOTHING about how you are going to help your potential employer solve their own issues.
(Hint: read on, I will show you one down the line)
Here is the gist of the REVERSAL THINKING. Your interviewer wants to take you in for ONLY one SINGLE REASON: To help SOLVE specific company problems; NOT to HELP YOU out with your joblessness.
I have said this blunt truth again and again; and I will not hesitate to say it again: Your potential employer does not care about you. No one cares. They are concerned about how you can help them and the company solves their problems.
Show them you get it; and you will win them!
My REVERSAL THINKING Mental Framework…
- Requires you change the way you approach your dream-job interview; so you come in as one to help the interviewer with their company problems; versus one who needs to be helped out.
- Says it’s about the interviewer and their Problems; and not the interviewee.
- Demands that you see yourself as the company’s consultant or advisor who is coming into the help the company out. (After all; that is why the company is hiring you; yes they hire you to assist them achieve a goal they want to achieve)
- Requires you come from the position of professional power; not weakness.
- Demands you come into the interview prepared and iterate; plus show the interviewer in all your interaction how you are going to:
1. Generate more for the company
2. Save the Company more money etc
3. Make your employer’s life easier.
The Power Of REVERSAL THINKING Mental Framework
Top performers perceive themselves as ones who are coming in to help the company out. So before they ever step in the interview room; they do research to know what the thorny issues are; that the company desperately needs solved for the position they are interviewing.
By the time they are stepping into the interview room; they are armed ready to help out. They are able to point out directly and precisely the problems they would solve when they get on board. Below is a simple technique and structure they use.
The Triple-S Technique
The Triple-S Technique follows three Simple yet Systematic Sequence when you are responding to interview questions. Let me show how it works; because this is what makes the interviewer drooling for you:
First: Point out the company/Employer’s thorny issues (Their PAINS).
Second: Show them what you are going to do to SOLVE the problems.
Third: Show them what the End RESULTS would be (CONNECT the DOTS for them)
See how simple that is? But almost no one use it.
How The Best Interviewees Differentiate Themselves
What you see most of the times—even with competent candidates is; they do the first two; but they assume that the interviewer will interpret the third step for himself. Then they are wrong!
Exceptional interviewees know that human beings are cognitive misers. Your interviewer doesn’t want to sit down and try to interpret what the END RESULTS would be if you solve their problems. CONNECTS THE DOTS for him. You need to tell him what it would be. You have to paint the picture of the outcome!
If you assume that your interviewer will figure out the OUTCOME of your contribution; someone else will beat you in the interview; when they CONNECTS THE DOTS for the interviewer.
The facts is; if you can paint the picture to your potential employer of freeing his time; and having him go for a vacation; and still have the company running and making profits because you are in the team; he has no reason NOT to get you in--if that is what they are hiring for.
He is not going to paint that picture for himself; it’s your job to show him how that could be possible; by having you on board.
Once you connecting the dots for him; you separate yourself from the rest of the candidates who; when the interviewer asks the classic question:
“Mr. Interviewee, we have so many candidates interviewing for this position. Why do you think we should hire you?”
These rookie candidates use phrases like:
“Umm…I think you should hire me because I am hard-working”…or …“Yeah, I think I deserve the chance because I really try hard; and will always be punctual!”
Do you mean the rest of the candidates waiting to be interviewed are lazy lumps? Did they ever tell you that they wake up at 10:00 am; and never get to the office on time?
And what does hard-working mean? What does trying hard mean? Who ever told you that being punctual solves any major problem; and besides; isn’t that what is expected of you?
Yes, I am here acting like a tough interviewer and a potential employer; just to show you what goes on in their minds when you give such answers! Can you see how ridiculous these pedestrian answers are? You never differentiate yourself in the interview room by using those phrases.
(Hint: Every other candidate uses those same phrases)
High performers and pro-interviewers never use any of those phrases; they know what to say to get the interviewers attention. They use the right approach to interview questions to get them what they want. And they get what others wish they would get.
I am here to help you do that too. Never again; by the end of this GYIH Mini course; will you ever “wish” you would interview like a seasoned interviewer. By the time we are through; you would be able to do that naturally.
What else did you notice in those mundane rookie interview answers? They are teamed with the …I-I- phrases. The I-I SYNDROME! And once the interviewers realizes there is NOTHING FOR HIM; he sends you home!
REVERSAL THINKING TECHNIQUE is a mental framework; that enable you to respond like a SOLUTION in the interview room; and NOT a LIABILITY to the company you are interviewing for.
To show you why the Triple-S Technique is so POWERFUL; let’s take a little mental journey together.
Think about this:
Have you ever met someone who deeply understood your challenges; then showed you pragmatically; what he could do to help you out? And then showed you the RESULTS you would get when you allow him to assist you?
What did you feel? What did you say? You wanted him to start right away! You were willing to pay what you could; to get him at your corner!
That is what the Triple-S Technique does! It is what makes it so powerful!
You get your interviewer to want to higher you before the interview is over. That is how elite performers differentiate themselves from the rest. That is how they position themselves as the ONLY SOLUTION. The interviewer cannot resist them!
But for you to position yourself this way; you have to employ the REVERSAL THINKING and start to see yourself as the one helping your potential employer; but not seeking for his help. Not like a job-hunter in need of help.
So, with what we’ve covered in today’s elite material; you can take your interviewing game to a higher level. You can position yourself as a solution they have been waiting for; and they would be glad to have you on board. Go do it!
Do Two Things
Here is what I would like you to do for now: Leave a comment and tell me just two things:
One: The one thing you’ve learnt and how you are going to use is to take your career to the next level. Specifically, tell me how you are going to apply it.
Two: Ever found yourself playing in the “I-I SYNDROME” in the interview room? How did it go? (Btw; we all make these mistakes early on in our career; so let me know what happened…)
I read all your comments
On Thursday, I shall show you how to take it further; from showing your interviewer how you are the ONLY PERFECT SOLUTION; to engaging him in your answers and have him contribute.
“What? How on earth can you have an interviewer contribute in answering a question he has asked you?” you might be thinking!
Well, exceptional performers do it all the time when interviewing. High-End Business Consultants do it all the time with their clients.
In today’s elite material; I have REVERSED THE RULES. Your interviewer is your client; and I will show how you how you can subtly get him on board; and engage him without his knowledge.
Notice we are taking control and full charge. We are no longer intimidated at the interview room. And we accelerating very fast here at TEP; and it is getting better and better. If you miss out on Thursday material you will have missed!
I shall talk to you then, Mr. Consultant!
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