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Use My Today's Technique And You Will Instantly Become IRRESISTIBLE To Your boss! |
Hey Elites!
Guys, you noticed that on Thursday, I did not release an elite material? …And I had promised you something cool!
The truth is; sure, I didn’t …and I couldn’t! Something cropped up and I had to step up to the plate!
So, before I get into anything; here are my apologies for not delivering in time… And just because of that; you are going to get ‘PAY OFF’ for what you missed! Yeah…I mean it; because one of the things I like doing is holding myself accountable to you and myself; plus keep high standards in keeping my word!
Here is the thing: In today’s material; as a “PAY OFF’ to you; I reveal to you one of the unknown techniques to Career Dominance (one that beat years of experience; and college grades). This is one of the VALUE-LOADED materials I have ever released in public.
So, let’s dive into it!
You Don't Need Extra Degree/10-year Experience To Nail A New Exciting Position
Ever wondered what differentiates the top 20% from the bottom 80% in any company and career? You might have heard of the 80/20 rule. If you haven’t, don’t worry.
Today, I will not only teach you the fundamentals of this principle; but I will go a little bit further. I will show you how to apply it in your career; so you can move up from less valuable and boring routine tasks; and entry-level clerical and routine paper-work; to HIGH VALUE TASKS that enable you to LEARN NEW SKILLS; and GET PAID and RESPECTED MORE.
I will show you how to do this even if you have no experience in the NEW ROLES/DEPARTMENT you want to switch to; yes, even if it's NOT WHAT YOU MAJORED in college. (Hint: You can even use what I will show you to switch to a totally new industry in your dream-job search if your current job is becoming stale).
Pay attention and learn. Apply it and leap-frog; plus side-step the long normal process everyone else uses to move up their career ladder. You do not need to add another degree; masters or 10 year experience to get promotion and shift to NEW ROLES that challenge you and make your daily job more exciting--not something you hate waking up to.
What I am about to reveal to you will enable you to get RECOGNITION; get COMPENSATED MORE; and considered one of the top performers in your company.
Yes, this is what makes my elite material better than almost any other material you will find anywhere on career advice. I show you how to smartly play your career game; so you can not only beat your peers; but dominate; and become irreplaceable to you employer!
The Fundamental Of The 80/20 Rule
So the 80/20 rule basically is the underlying principle that; in any give company; organization or any arena of career; you can always find that:
“20% of the top performers deliver 80% of the total RESULTS in that company; while 80% of the bottom performers deliver the remaining 20% of the RESULTS.”
The RESULTS could be profit; revenue generation; sales conversion; referral generation etc. …But more of that on a later material.
So here is what I want us to talk about today:
What makes 20% top performers 4X more productive; than the bottom 80%? How can you apply that in your own career; and unapologetically dominate?
The Two Secret-Weapons Of Top Performers
So here are two Secret-Weapons of Top Producers that gets them to unapologetically dominate in their career; leaving everyone else at the bottom to scratch the surface. Use it to dominate in your current job; make a career shift; earn more; change roles; switch industry; and masterfully interview for your dream-job; or even WIN QUALITY CLIENT if you are in business!
What is even ironical about these two categories of people is this:
We expect these top performers to take less time in preparation.
WHY? Because they are already considered SMART and always at the TOP of their game—yet paradoxically they put in MORE HOURS in preparation than anyone else!
We also expect the average performer to put in MORE HOURS in PREPARATION than the elite performers; yet they ironically put in FEWER HOURS.
What is happening here? What do you notice? Why is our practical assumptions and expectations WRONG? Do you see how the most logical expectations about how these two do their preparation is challenged?
This is a classic example of what I have always told you:
Learn How The World Actually Works on that previous link material; and you will advance your career faster than anyone else.
When these two categories of performers take the stage; the difference in performance is stark. So let me let you in on the game being played by the top 20%; that the bottom 80% NEVER realize--and will probably will never; unless they change their mindset
This is the MINDSET of the TOP 20% producers:
- I will take 2hrs to prepare; so I can get 4X more than anyone else taking 1 hr.
…Because that gives me a big breakthrough in my career.
To wit:
- By putting a little MORE HOURS in PREPARATION; I get DISPROPORTIONATE RESULTS; that enable me to RUBBER STAMP my AUTHORITY in that company meeting; interview meeting; meeting with a new client; event; position; client project etc.
- By RUBBER STAMPING my AUTHORITY I can draw MORE OPPORTUNITIES of the same or even HIGHER QUALITY projects; clients; and max my opportunities to meet with SMARTER people than I am. I can command MORE PAY; BETTER OFFICE; or/and even CHARGE MORE for that project.
- I can NEGOTIATE for HIGHER SALARY; gain MORE RESPECT and request for MORE FLEXIBILITY at my job; because I will have proved that I can deliver EXCEPTIONAL RESULTS.
- Yes, I will be in a position to ACE that INTERVIEW since most candidates haven’t taken time to prepare. I can position myself as the only recruiter’s choice!
- This HIGH LEVEL of PREPARATION will give me the opportunity to upgrade from clerical entry level project; position; work to are MORE VALUABLE WORK I love doing; plus open a door of PROMOTION.
Do you see how these elite performers THINK MORE STRATEGICALLY than everyone else? They see great opportunities in the common tasks!
Do you see how these people go past everyone else even though they all started from the same level? They not only see opportunities that the average person doesn’t see; but they think STRATEGICALLY!
They know things like: 10 years of experience; or being in a company for more years than anyone else doesn’t matter; or even qualify you for promotions; more opportunities; flexibility ;or salary raise.
They do the ONLY ONE THING that your employer CARES ABOUT: Delivering OUTSTANDING RESULTS.
And they get WHAT THEY WANT in return.
These are the top 20% that seems to gravitate upward in their career almost effortlessly; while everyone else is stuck to any entry-level job like preparing spreadsheet reports that your boss NEVER checks.
(By the way; he can hire a High-School kid to do that with less than what he is paying you. And that is a BAD NEWS because there is no way you can negotiate a higher salary when you are already overpaid for doing that boring spreadsheet)
Yes, you sit there and feel like a zombie; while your INTELLECTUAL ACUMEN takes a flat end!
If you do things;see things; and have the MINDSET of the top producers; you notice that most career advice you get are drivel and worthless. You realize things like adding more and more minutiae and useless experience to your CV; that your employer or potential employer doesn’t care about is worthless; and a total waste of your time--and his.
You also notice; the format; Font size and the order in which you narrate your objectives in your CV don’t matter to your recruiter.
See, I am here to show you what matters to advance your career, so you don’t have to follow useless career advice out there; from career expert whom the last time they interviewed a candidate was 1990s when few people knew how to use a computer. Things have changed, guys!
So, get a piece of paper right now; and candidly write these questions down; then answer them with complete honesty—yes, you can be brutally honest with yourself since no one is seeing you or reading your answers:
1. You are doing what you do in your career so you can gain what—apart from your end of month salary—in your present job?
2. How is what you are doing every day going to sharpen your intellectual faculty MORE than when you started? In other words; are you learning new skills in your current job/position?
3. Is your daily routine in that office cubicle you wake up to every morning; something you would love do to for the next 5, 10, 20 years from now?
4. In your daily routines; does what you do produce TANGIBLE RESULTS you can ANCHOR to negotiate your salary; or Pre-Qualify Yourself and ask for promotion?
(Hint: I showed you how to ANCHOR on VALUE you deliver to ASK for SALARY RAISE; FLEXIBILITY; CHARGE MORE; request for ANYTHING here on this elite material )
5. Does what you do push you to max-out your potential; or do you feel underutilized?
6. In that company you are working; are you seeing the potential growth for both your professional skills and the company?
7. Are you surrounded by average performers in your department or in the entire work-place; or are you working with people who are SMARTER than you; who keep on pushing you to be even SMARTER than you are?
8. Is what you are doing right now; in your current position STRATEGICALLY DESIGNED to help you expand your career 1 year from now; or are you just ‘doing daily office task’ for the sake of getting things done?
9. What does your boss CARE ABOUT MOST? (Be as detailed and SPECIFIC as you can on this one.)
10. How can you deliver that; even if it is NOT IN YOUR JOB DESCRIPTION?
The Straight Truth:
If you can answer the first EIGHT QUESTIONS candidly; you will be in a position to unearth several things you probably NEVER thought about with regard to your career.They are the guide to the DIFFERENCE between a Dream-Job and "having job".
To performer find and have Dream-Jobs not 'a job'
Here are the things you uncover about your career by clinically answering those questions:
- Other UNTOLD BENEFITS of having a great career.
- The difference between a ‘Job’ and a ‘Dream-job’ (dream-job provides POSITIVE and BENEFICIAL LIFE-IMPACTING ANSWERS to the first EIGHT QUESTION)
- Why you need a career change.
- Why a dream-job and taking control of your career is one of the SUCCESS PILLARS in every aspect of your life.
- Why a dream-job is not just about getting BIG MONEY; but about an holistic growth of your personal and professional development.
- 'Why' and 'How' your daily job has the greatest potential to shape or destroy your future.
- 'Why' and 'How' it is impossible to get some rare opportunities in life that you dream about; unless you FOCUS on IMPROVING your career.
Here is the STRAIGHT TRUTH: most people are WRONG in the way they think and perceivetheir career.
They think of: Waking up in the morning; getting ready and heading to that office where they do 'things' they were told they will be doing in exchange of ‘MONEY' is a job.
It’s not their fault; that’s what our parents and society tells us with good intention (which I find it IRONICAL and WRONG; because that very LIE has a dilapidating effects; not only on our present personal life; but on the future they tell us it will create)
- It's Effects On Our Present Personal life:
They even overlook the fact that the job might be taking toll of your health; and worst of all; they NEVER question whether you are LEARNING NEW SKILLS or your intellectual ability is taking a dip.
Then, you are not allowed to say anything; because they will tell you “There are no jobs. You should be lucky to have that job”
Guys, let’s get realistic for a moment! Wait a minute…are you kidding? When you are not happy with your job; that’s when they give you a lecture on how you should be happy! They want you to walk around with a BIG SMILE when you talk about your ‘job’!
(Hint: You see it all around when people FAKE half-plastic smile when they talk about their job!)
See, how other people (including your parents and the society) idea of a ‘job’ confines you into a present life of unhappiness?
Who wants to be unhappy? Who wants to walk around faking for 70 years?
You don’t have to; and I am here to show you how to turn that around; and screw that old-school warped idea of ‘having a job’. I show you how to make a career change; and what to do to get a dream-job which you love; and one that helps you build a better present life.
- Its Pernicious Effects On Our Future:
Think about this:
If all there was in our career was merely ‘doing something we were told is in our job description’; and getting MONEY in exchange at the end of the month; what happens after we are not able to do those things described?
What shall happen when you have spent 70 years doing those SAME THINGS and you are no longer able do them anymore? Or when they come over and tell you “It’s time to RETIRE!” Where shall you go?
The truth is; like everyone else; you will have to go home; and start growing vegetables!
GROW VEGETABLES? Yes, this is what those who tell you "...You should be happy to have that job"… and "...There are no jobs left anymore, so you should stick to what you have" do!
How do you know how you will end up BEING and DOING in the FUTURE?
Well, there is a very predictable way to fast-forward your life into the future; and see how it will look like! You watch what you do now; then look around at those people who did what you are currently doing; and whose advice you follow; and are older than you. And then that is how you end up being!
You may flip around; wag your head at that; and say: “I can’t end up like him/her!”; but here is the sobering question:
What do you think is special about you? If they stuck to a typical job—just like you are doing—and there they are 70 years afterwards; what makes you think you shall be in a different position; or any better?
The truth is I and you shall not be any better; if we keep doing the same thing! And that's why I show you unconventional way to take control of your life and career
And maybe I went too far about 70 years from now! Let me come home by asking you this question:
What happens when someone comes in and does better than what you do in your ‘job’?
You know you will be replaced, right? (What would be maddening is when you are replaced by that high-school kid)
So, what shall you do next? Of course that has simple though unpleasant answer: you shall pack your stuff and go!
The toughest question is: Go where?
Do you see why and how getting in control of your career; and finding your dream-job is so critical than ‘having a job’? Getting in control of your career; and acting now gives you the power not only to build a better life now; but to craft a predictable better future life.
And this only happen when you ATTACK your career STRATEGICALLY; not just TACTFULLY! That is what elite performers do.
They know 5 years from now; they will not be doing the same boring stuff. They will have gravitated to something more challenging and exciting; with more flexibility on their end.
They know how to find and interview for a dream-job that allows them to grow their skills. They are at peace because they know that they are not replaceable; and that they are in control moving forward—not dreading a lay off!
The Last Two Questions Are The Key To Career Dominance
Did you notice that the last two questions of the ten; reveals the simple key to CAREER DOMINANCE and the Art Of Being IRREPLACEABLE?
Stop rooting about and doing things that no one cares about. Formatting and doing “Center alignment” on your CV is not going to cut in.
“WORKING HARD” on ‘Cabinet File arrangement’ and FOCUSING on other unproductive tasks in the office is immaterial; if that is not something your boss CARES MORE about—even if it is in your job description.
“…But Prince; you do not get it! This is what is in my job description. My job description does not entail anything that can GENERATE TANGIBLE RESULTS. I am not in the SALES FORCE team. All I am expected to do is paperwork. I am just a secretary; that’s all what I did in college. There is nothing I can do about it?”...you might say!
Well, first of all; stop whining to me; before I help you!
Second: You need to change your attitude and mentality. You said in your last phrase: “I am JUST a secretary…There is NOTHING I can do!" …which is NOT TRUE because there is ALWAYS something you can do.
Third: Come out of your academic stupor! What you did in college does not matter anymore. You are already in that company. You need to understand that gravitating upward; changing your roles and responsibilities; or even switching to a ‘NEW' department to do something you NEVER LEARNT in college is POSSIBLE. And to do all that; what you learnt in college in immaterial!
Before I show you how you can exactly do that; let me show you some toxic CAREER WHITE LIES that gets peddled around; and perpetuated by most people.
CAREER WHITE LIES That Gets PEDDLED Around. Screw Them.
"...You need to ADD another degree to get promotion. ...You need to get masters in that [Insert career field] to warranty a salary increase.
My favorite and most ridiculous ones: "...You CAN'T get that job; there are SO MANY people with Masters in what you majored in college; and are still jobless."
See how ridiculous that is? As if when you go for the interview; your potential employer; or hiring manager will say:
"...Wait a minute...let's look at stats; and first see how many jobless people with better grades than yours are out there...and then based on that; I can decide whether or not to hire you."
I call those "invisible scripts"; and personal "Pre-Disqualification."
The truth: your potential employer doesn't care about those jobless degree and masters-holders. He has his own issues to deal with. And if you can SOLVE some of those; he will get you in.
... And that's why I show how to "flip all those invisible scripts around" and get into your interviewer/employer's head.
Another ridiculous one: "...What? How can you switch to that department; or industry without anything that indicates in our college grades that you majored in that at college?"
You know those friends of ours who use the above white lies and phrases.And have you listened to them carefully? ...They use those complains in their dissatisfaction from their current 'jobs' they--yet they do NOTHING about it!
Either their position has become stale; or they are stuck at the entry level and unable to move up. They are venting off; yet doing nothing.
The fact is: All the above phrases are WHITE LIES and HALF-TRUTHS and for most careers; they are immaterial.
It’s true there are certain professions and career Masters and Ph.D are required to move up the career chain. But the truth is: “They are very few and most of the people who use the above phrases are not in those specific professions”
I call that mentality and warped notions “Academic Stupor”; in which people still think GRADES speak better than RESULTS! This is the poor plight of academician and old-timers! I HATE it!
I show you how to screw that; and ethically take a 'SHORT-CUT'--I quote it because you should be willing to put in some EXTRA WORK!
How To Make The Switch.
So, here is what you NEED TO DO to make the switch from where you are; to where you want—even if you never majored in anything related in college.
If you answered the NINTH question above candidly; you already know what your boss CARES ABOUT. Pick one of those things and start doing them—even if they are not in the job description. It could be helping other team members in a different department solve real company issues.
Will it mean some extra work? Yes, but the PAY OFF is worth it.THINK STRATEGICALLY and put in a little MORE WORK; remember that?
Notice you are not going to neglect your paper-work. In fact; you should first knock your paper-work job out of the park. Then identify that area or department in which you want to switch to; and start helping out!
Follow these Systematic Steps:
- Every time you offer a solution to the team in that department in solving a real company problem; let your boss know--keep him/her updated.
- Build a good relationship with the team in that department; so they start feeling like you are part of them.
- Every time you solve a problem; document it; with STEP by STEP procedure on how you achieved that solution.
- Document precisely the RESULTS/BENEFITS the department/company got based on your solution.
WHY That Is Psychologically A Powerful Game-changer:
Here is the truth: most people do not have a documented REPORT on the solutions they offered to the organization; and the RESULTS which have achieved by their contribution. They expect the boss to know that—which never happens—and don’t even keep him/her updated.
What happens is that; most of their efforts is forgotten; and they have no DOCUMENTED VALUE to ANCHOR on; if and when they ever want something in return from their boss.
Results? When they face their boss for any request (it could be salary raise; promotion; bigger office; flexibility etc) they have nothing to show to Qualify themselves. (Hint: There is a good reason I showed you "How To Pre-Qualify Yourself" .
They might try and remind their boss of what they did. What they NEVER realize about the “Psychology Of Persuasion” and “Getting Into Your Employer's Head” is that; their boss has to use his little cognitive ability to try and remember what they did—which he will never do; because he has other things going on in his/her head.
See, we all are cognitive misers; and your boss would be reluctant to figure out all what you did. In other words; you are making your boss to DO the HOMEWORK for you. And he WON’T!
So, what kind of response do they do they/will you get if the boss is too nice? “Well, I will check on your request.” Which is actually a "code word" for “I am not convinced.” You will never know what happened!
Here is what you do after documenting all your CONTRIBUTION and the SIGNIFICANT VALUE you have brought on board for a period of time; and have been keeping your boss updated; it’s time to Strategically Strike.
Notice: The time duration could be six months or even less—it depends on the VALUE generated from your solutions.
Here is what you do: The Fifth Step
You make an appointment with your boss just to discuss your performance (make it an appealing meeting with him/her). Use the technique I showed you on: "Striking At The Peak Of Motivation" and "Strategic Timing".
On that material day; come in prepared with documented material about:
Notice you are not talking "About Yourself"; but about how you could "Bring More Value on board".
That is SWEETEST thing your employer will forever want to hear! And to cap the cake; you are showing him/her what you have already done so far; in your documented RESULTS! There and then; he/she cannot resist you!
As you present all that to your boss; here is what he/she would be thinking:
“...What a minute…I didn't know that this team member was being underutilized? What a genius! Who documents solutions for the benefit of the company; and extends to help in another department; yet still doing his/her job?”
There and then, you stand out above the rest –even the team members in that other department you helped—and your request cannot be turned down. And you WIN!
Can you see how; by doing that; you are taking full control? Do you see how that technique presents such an irresistible offer to your boss?
Compare that to the previous REACTION phrases of WHITE LIES; and the prosaic advice from superannuated career advisers…“You need to get another degree to change industry; roles; or get promotion”--which is a total BS.
See, how your boss will not say: “Wait a minute; can I see your CV again? What did you learn in college?" or "...Let’s re-EVALUATE whether you have these skills! How long have you had experience on this?”
What your boss CARES about is SOLUTION to HIS/HER or COMPANY problems; and you have PROVIDED THOSE SOLUTIONS.
You have helped the company. You become irresistible and your request for a department switch cannot be turned down.
You get it; and walk out of your boss’s office head high; NEVER to wake up on a Monday morning to CLERICAL paperwork again! Imagine how that would feel!
Guys, that’s how smart people do it. That's how VICTORIES are WON!
HIGH LEVELS of PREPARATION and STRATEGIC CAREER ATTACK; plus many other techniques I show you 1 on 1; are what gets your employer want to kill to make sure you get any request you make practically met.
I show you EXACTLY how to do that; and SPECIFICALLY what to say in that meeting.
Regardless of what you MAJORED IN at college. Regardless of your EXPERIENCE; and regardless of your JOB DESCRIPTION you can always switch to any department; industry; or even interview for any Dream-job; and WIN!
Your PAY OFF Delivered.
That's what top performers KNOW and DO; that the rest DON’T. That’s what gets them to remain at the top; get FLEXIBILITY in their job; and achieve MORE than anyone else. That’s what gets them jobs that no one thought POSSIBLE. That is the technique they use to get SALARY RAISE and other untold perks.
And I can show you how to masterfully employ all that; and other techniques you will never see on this site;to get what you want in your career; and not only from your employer; but from anyone else.
So, for today: tell me how you are you going to SPECIFICALLY apply those two techniques I have just shown you to change your career? Leave a comment.
I allow you to share this master-level elite material to your friends who are ready to TAKE ACTION and apply them to get unstuck in their career. Tweet it. Share it on Google+; send it out to your friends on Face book; and any other social media!
Remember to sign up to my elite material and join my inner circles. Hangout with me at Prince on Facebook Elite-page. And I made it easier for you guys to sign up to my elite material through the Facebook Elite-page--just click the "Sign-Up" button at the cover-photo.
Hook-up with me at Prince On Google Hangout and connect with me on twitter @PrincemulwaEric!
Most important of all; make the right career change; and have a Career-Dominating Week!
Miss no Thursday material!
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