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Why Learn how to Interview for my dream-job? It sucks to be employed! Next year, I will have started my own thing! |
Hey guys, it's Thursday again but before we fold up for the week with today's material...
(Allow me to get this off the table right away. If you are a new TEP reader; you are probably wondering: Is this a fashion blog? Because of all the funny changes and continuous disarrangement of the blog! I apologize to you specifically.
Kindly check my explanation about what’s happening and why; together with my deep apologies to all my readers on "this elite material")
Okay, now that we’ve got that off the table; let’s move on.
“Being employed TOTALLY SUCKS.” How often do you hear people use that phrase? The answer is: many times!
Yes, and maybe; you might have also used it too. I used that phrase too, a year or two after college. I also noticed some of my friends then, used it often.
But then, I grew up! Yes, and I will tell you what all that has to do with today’s elite material!
If you’ve been a TEP reader for sometime; you know that I show you ways; techniques; and strategies; that you can not only use to get your dream-job; but also ace the interview in on that material day; and get the hiring manager wanting to kill for you!
Yes, since the start of this year; I have been giving you elite materials that can help you not only take control of your career; but also dominate in your job. And for one month (the WHOLE OF February); we took a journey together into the dream-job INTERVIEWER’S MIND.
And the whole of this year my intention is not only to help you get control of your career; but to dominate in your job. So, if you have missed all those elite interviewing materials and my GYIH Free Mini Course then you need to update yourself.
Go check out this one "here"; and here. From there you can scale up to "this one here"; then read "this one" here and "here."
And then in this "Pro-interviewing mastery material" is where we cap-off the well of interview incompetency. Yes, in short, you need to explore all these Pro Interviewing techs to get yourself up-to-date with what is happening here.
“But Prince, I have an impromptu interview coming up next week; I may not have enough time to read and integrate all that in seven days! Can you help me?”
Yes, I can; and have already got you factored in! So, here is what you need to do: Go to this link here on "Interview Emergency material" to fix your situation; then come back; and master all the techniques I have shown you in my GYIH Mini Course—from Part I to Part VIII!
Guys, I’ve got your dire situations covered. I’ve got your backs. You cannot fail if you learn and implement what we have already covered and what we are going to cover by the end of this year!
Now that I have you taken care of, let’s dive into today’s material. I’m backing to my original statement that you hear from people… “Being Employed Sucks!”
Have you noticed how such blog post titles draw a lot of comments?
Unfortunately; these comments go along these lines:
“…Yeah…it sucks to work for someone else”
… “When you work for someone else; you are neglecting your dreams; and building someone else’s...it’s a dumb thing to do!”
… “Why would you spend years helping others?...you should go and start your thing!”
The Sad Truth
Most of these commenters haven’t started their own thing. They have the wrong mindset. They do not know that their comments are not helping anyone. They think they are contributing; but what they do not understand is; “They are just venting off”; and any smart reader can read between the lines and notice that!
Why Are We Even Talking About This?
I made a promise during the GYIH Mini Course. I told you we are not just focusing linearly on interviewing; but building a mindset of a winner. Yes, regardless of whether you have a boss; run a small side business; or in full time business; having the winners mindset is what sets you apart.
As the year progresses I will be showing you how you can use the career techniques I show you; and transfer them into business.
So, today we are talking about MINDSET! I will show you:
- How at times and UNKNOWINGLY; we DO THINGS MINDLESSLY which have no returns (and the HEFTY COST we pay for making that mistake)
- Why and how we stagnate because of buying into WARPED MINDSET (And WHAT TO DO instead)
- How and Why if you are the SMARTEST guy in the room; that is the DUMBEST THING to do!
(Hint: All this has everything to do with your career; business; and personal life. Yes, even relationships)
We are unconventionally starting off with the second point (who said we should always start with the first point?)
Most people who haven’t built any business; and yet out of control of their career; often by into the idea that… “Being Employed Sucks”. Generally; they are the majority commenters on such blog post!
Hint: Elite entrepreneurs and Top Performers have no time to comment on such posts because: First; it’s not true. Second; even if it were true, they won’t be reading such posts. Instead, they would be reading elite material (like the one you are reading right) now which teaches them how to make it work.
Can you imagine a top performer advising you…“It sucks to work for someone else”? It NEVER happens--they know better than the average!
The Point?
When you surround yourself with people who think in a certain way; you start thing the same way. Hang around people with distorted perception about what you do; people who are less intellectuals with LINEAR THINKING; and you will follow suit.
The Common Thread
You see, it’s easy for them to pull you down, than for you to pull them up. When you observe most people who poo-pooh the idea of getting a great job; and building your career; you notice a common pattern they share: “They are average at their jobs and lack the acumen of competency!”
And because they are not dominating; or at least learning how to; they then say… “It sucks.” Before someone reading this back-lashes at me—which I wouldn’t mind—let me show you in a very tangible manner how to confirm that; lack of competency!
Just check out for such blogs post; and read the comments. See whether you will find just three ‘action-oriented” advices on what to do “instead of being employed”. I guarantee you won’t! The only comments you find in such blogs posts are lamentations!
See whether you will find “action-oriented” advice on how you can make “Being employed” work for you. I guarantee you won’t!
The reason why you won’t find anything actionable advice to turn the situation around is THREE FOLD:
First: The commenters are just venting off; and have no advice to offer about what someone could do instead of being employed. They are not contributing solutions. They are commiserating.
Two: Those who could give actionable advice (elite entrepreneurs running their own businesses) are not commenting. And the reason they are not commenting is because they disagree with that warped opinion.
But most importantly; they do not hang out on such blogs which draw whiners; who never contribute to helping readers make a positive change.
(Hint: “People who “know stuff” hangout with people who “better Know stuff” or “who might not be great at stuff but want to”. They never hang out with people who only see problems with no solutions.)
Three: The third reason why there is no comment on actionable advice to make it work; is because the commenters do not know how to make it work (aka: they are not great in their job). They do not know any better!
Isn’t It Obvious?
And the phrase these lamenters use begs the following questions:
Isn’t it obvious that you can have a great fulfilling career?
Haven’t we seen people who are doing great in their career?
Doesn’t that starkly dispute the popular wacky idea that “Being employed sucks”?
Instead of SPENDING their time well; reading what is going to change either their situation (business oriented helpful material) if they think employment sucks—in which case they would be WRONG--these people keep reading what drives them in a rat hole; in resentment!
Misery loves misery!
Instead of reading materials that help them turn it around (because it’s obvious you can have a great fulfilling career); they mindlessly spend time with other commenters who are stuck like them—and do not know any better.
What You Need To Do Instead
As for you TEP reader; here is my advice:
Do the above “INSTEADS”! If you are stuck at something; leave the company of your friends who are stuck like you. Get guys who have a solution. Learn from them how to cut through your obstacles and move on! That how we grow!
Stop doing things MINDLESSLY! Stop spending your quality time with people who cannot see the OTHER SIDE of THE FENCE! (Hint: You will NEVER cross over!)
And most importantly; learn this one thing:
“VENTING OFF your problems does not equate to SOLVING YOUR PROBLEMS.”
The former gets you MISERABLE; and the latter makes you MEMORABLE. Get over it!
I am backing now to the first point. Mindlessness is a career killer. Yes, I know. No one wakes up one morning and says… “I am going to be mindless and unintentional today”.
But at the same time; few of us wake up in the morning and say… “Today, I will do ONLY those things that will get me ahead in my career!” And those who do it; start seeing results
There is a good reason why I walk you through systematic techniques; and show you specific ACTION-ORIENTED advice that you can take on daily basis to get better in your interviewing game. You need to be intentional; and systematic to get SPECIFIC RESULTS.
You Never Get To The Top By Being Unintentional
You never rise to the top of your career by being unintentional. The time most people waste reading venting off comments in unhelpful blogs; could be INVESTED in intentionally learning something that could doubly accelerate them upward in their career.
Allow me to show you some of the things that you can use in your dream-job; to enable transition into business over time—if you so wish. Yes, these are the great untold benefits that LINEAR THINKERS miss when they bug you; saying….
“…Are you working for someone? Ugh… you should join me and I will show you something we can get started up. You are smart enough. Why would you help build someone else’s dream?”
Here is what top performers know:
- Use Professional Network And Connections
It’s comparatively hard to start off when you know no one; than it is when you have a group of people who can help you out; or consult.
With a great career; you build that circle of supportive friends; who can help you out; when you make the switch. Part of the people you served at your earlier job could end up being your first clients.
- Building On Expert And Experience
If you start a business in alignment to what you used to do; then you can transfer that expert into you current business. Compare that to someone who is starting from the scratch; who says… “it sucks to work for someone…I will get out there and start my own thing”… as if businesses are built with mortar and bricks!
- Your Dream-Job Acts As A Bridge
I agree with the spirit of taking risks; and it’s true that is how men and women have transformed their lives. But I also know that there is something called “Blind risking” which only dumb people buy into.
I have read true story articles about people who left their jobs and blindly plunged into business; and ended up in pathetic and miserable life--because they could not feed themselves afterward!
Most people who says “it sucks to work for someone” will also tell you “You need to follow your passion…you need to step out…and find your passion!”
What they NEVER tell you is the “HOW” to find that passion; and what you will be doing before you find it--because they do not know. Most importantly; what you never hear from most people is their REAL STORY—few of us are honest enough.
What if Seth Godin worked with publishing houses for quite some time before he went his way; to become the successful guy he is today?
What if Henry Ford worked under Thomas Edison before he established himself; and become the first AMERICAN BILLIONAIRE?
Most great entrepreneurs will tell you that they first learnt and worked under someone before they took the plunge. Your dream-job acts as a bridge-job; to support your business start up!
And that is not being coward. As far as I am concerned; that is taking calculated risk. That is being smart!
- Your Dream-Job Endorsement
You can spend years doing it yourself; and introducing yourself to people who don’t know you; or you can ride on someone; or a company that is more powerful and established than you are; and shave off years and years of trying to introduce yourself in the competitive market place.
Key technique to cutting your niche into the market is getting a known business organization or a person to endorse your brand. PEOPLE TRUST YOU; WHEN PEOPLE THEY TRUST; TRUST YOU!
Having worked with a dream-job company; you can easily pull off that feat of ENDORSEMENT. Having interacted with exceptional high achievers easily positions you to get endorsement and built trust with your ‘to-be client’ faster than anyone else.
- The Law Of Complementary Accomplishment Kicks-In
People already know you. They know your records; and they know what you are capable of doing. It’s easy for them to believe you; if you tell them what else you can; and are willing to do for them.
The “Law Of Complementary Accomplishment” basically underpins this truth:
“It’s easier to succeed on something else; if you had a great success on something else before”
You can use the pillars of the earlier success; plus the strategies you learnt; to accomplish something else with much ease and faster; than someone who is just starting.
That Is Just a Fraction Of The Ice-Berg
These are just but a fraction of the pay-off you gain by taking control of your career first. Guys; let’s be realistic. Over 90% of those who graduate from colleges do not have the stamina; plus the required experience and knowledge base to start a business.
But if you have that stamina; kudos! Go ahead and start. Yet if you sit there and say; I would rather start something for myself; than working under someone else; and you’ve been saying that since college and now it’s five years; the you are under delusion!
The easiest way and quickest method is to fix your career first; then you can later transition to business; which shall be a lot easier then.
Smart people say:
“...I would love to become my own boss in the future; but before that; I’ll get to work with someone so I can get to see the ropes. Learn what to NOT TO DO; and the BEST WAY to do what needs to be done; to build what I intent to build X years from now!
...And I also know that as I do this; I can get to discover what my passion is!”
See, how that is different from the other idea of plunge into it?
My aim is to show you the easiest way to get to the top; get to earn/paid what you are worth; and short-cut the long and normal process everyone else follows. I show you how to do that in an ethical way.
And if you are running a side business; planning to set up one soon; or even in full time business; I have already shown you some key strategies that you can use to get started; multiply the income; and even increase referrals.
So now, let me show you why being…
When I tell you and teach you how to aggressively build your career; I don’t do that to make you feel good. WHY? There are so many things you can do to ‘feel good’ like eating chocolate and pizzas!
Neither do I do that to make myself feel good—there are millions things I can’t do to achieve that feat, without using much of my time (Yes, I don’t just sit and concoct a post for you. I take my quality time to give you not only content-rich elite material, but one with actionable steps to take; so you can get real results)
The point?
The REAL REASONS as to why you must move aggressively; and build your career are LESS OBVIOUS; than the one that drive people to do that in the first place.
It’s okay to start with the obvious: So that you can earn more!
The problem is “MORE” is relative!
What if you were able to “earn more” whatever more means to you; at an entry level clerical job; would you still strive for anything else?
The QUINTESSENTIAL part as to why you should go for nothing but the highest level there is in your career is the INTELLECTUAL; EMOTIONAL; SPIRITUAL and DEEP PERSONAL transformation that occurs in your life.
There is something that you can never pay for; something that you can never gain; something that you can’t get anywhere in any way; except by associating with top minds.
The art of mastery in anything; is not something we buy (so the money is out of question). It’s is something we learn. It’s the results of working and brushing shoulders with rare minds. And WHAT RESULTS from mastering anything IS MORE THAN MONEY!
The essence of being the best is not so you can dominate; but so you can get exposed to possibility that you never thought possible. It enables you to assume a positioning that spills over to every area of your life causing enormous positive impact; not only to you as a person; but to the people who surround you.
This Is What Life Elite Life Is!
Imagine if you were able to hook up a friend to a job vacancy you know of; become you have high caliber friends working in that organization?
Imagine taking three days to complete process that would normally take months; because you have someone at your corner?
Imagine not rushing with everyone else for a reservation; because you know you can get it even in the last minute by speed dialing the manager of the resort?
Imagine being the guy who can get your relative the last ticket in that event—even if you are not interested in the event yourself--; because you once helped one of the event organizers at the nick of time a few years ago.
Here is the gist:
What makes elite life possible is not the person living it; but the people he has built; the things he did; and the value he gives; that draws an avalanche of opportunities that make that life possible. The inner circles of the top performers make it possible for them to stay at the top.
How would it feel having someone tell you: “You don’t ever need to do that by yourself. If you need X, just give me a call!”?
If you are the SMARTEST guy in your INNER circles; you never get to attain high levels that you currently hold. And that is the dumbest thing to do! To rise above; you need to have challenging minds around; and that’s why working with the best in your career should be your commitment for life
You Never Know Why They Get Preferences
It’s easy to complain and judge when we see people being treated with preferences than anyone else. It’s easier to say … “That’s unfair” …and resent them.
What people will never see; and know; is the discomfort and great work it took to earn those preferential treatments. They will never know the many years of HARD WORK it took to get that exec’s number on speed dial.
And so, they will never know why those people get special gate pass. They will never understand why those people NEVER QUEUE!
You often hear people use such phrase like:
“He can only do that because…[and then they mention preferential treatment the other person has]”... on other people. As if those privileges came by themselves without the other person’s effort.
You hear all these phrases in your work place. You hear them being used in relationships; you hear them in businesses!
The truth is; those who use such phrases are likely to keep on using them forever--and pass their superficial judgment about why the other person is treated better--unless they change their mindset.
High performers say:
“Hey, how could he possibly do that? He seems to have this special opportunity and connection. How and what did he do to build those connections; and draw those opportunities in the first place? ”
Can you see WHY being the BEST and interviewing for the BEST COMPANY; plus keeping the people who are SMARTER than you; around you has a multiplying effect in helping you achieve what was initially a dream life?
Not because you have done it all by yourself (which is never possible; and never the case); but because other great people have helped you achieve it!
Getting discontented; and setting unconventional standard for what you want—regardless of what others may think about you for wanting more—gets you to a position where you can help even those who might have resented you initially.
You get to help those who thought it was not morally right to want MORE and MORE.
Besides; what are we here to do anyway? We are here to get to the top; and its okay to get discontent!
And Now…
What is the one area of your life you feel discontent about; and you have resolved to take it to a higher level?
Did you have a time when people judged you for wanting more and more? What did they say; and how did you respond?
Leave a comment and let me know!
Enjoy your weekend and see you next week; right here!
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