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How do I eat/drink this? Do I pick the orange slice with my hand or what? |
Hey guys! Thursday again; and today I am getting to the point right off the bat!
But before that: SORRY, you notice changes on the site? We are RE-DRESSING TEP for better; and I am not going to take it down just to do that; because I would want to keep giving you VALUE. So we are going to keep moving; and at the same time RE-DRESS the site on the FLY!
The RE-DRESS will be complete soon. Bears with me guys and thanks for you understanding!
So, let's get into it:
First off; I have two debts to pay you--my esteemed readers. And I am going to do just that; right now; right here! First debt: I promised to tell you WHY I HATE NYR!
Second, like a hard-boiled forest ranger; I am going to take you deep in the woods and show you what ONLY few people SEE; and KNOW; when it comes to taking your interviewing game to an A-level—and UNAPOLOGETICALLY DOMINATING in your dream-job interview!
I walk you through the things the average players NEVER employ to take total control of the direction of their career. Yes, I want you to beat everyone else; and take your interviewer by surprise. I will do that right here; and now in this today’s ELITE MATERIAL!
In the last ELITE MATERIAL on Monday this week; I promised to tell you why I HATE the New Year’s Resolution. (Hint: It has everything to do with changing your career game)
Here is WHY:
Yes, I HATE the NYR and don’t make them because it’s a total WASTE of TIME and ENERGY—I learnt that! It’s the WORST use of my precious time!
The truth is: most of us NEVER achieve them! And just so you know, how far are you with the ones you made this year?
I’ll bet for majority of people; they have already lost track—and we’re just in the middle of the second month of the year. For most people; many of those NYR have drifted into the shadows of the past--as if they did not exist!
I am not a prophet of doom; but many of you won’t make it to the end! Do you need to be a soothsayer to figure out…"If I have lost track within the first month and half; how on earth could I keep track in the next 10 plus months?”
Let me cut the NYR fans some slack; and just be a little bit considerate. So, tell me NYR fans: How did you fare in achieving the ones you set for 2014? Some of you can’t even remember how many or what they were! You can’t even track the paper or the journal where you wrote them!
See, how it’s a total WASTE of TIME? I sit down in my house on Dec 31st evening and watch “CASTLE movie series”; while the rest of the world is ECSTATICALLY putting down--at MIDNIGHT--their NY Resolutions. Resolutions they NEVER achieve!
It’s proven statistically that NYR have a failure rate of a whopping 92%; meaning only 8% of the people who make NYR manage to achieve them. I wasn’t’ that smart at math in High school; but I was good at ROUNDING OFF! (Remember those?).
And when I round off to the nearest… (I’m not sure nearest what!); the 8% becomes ZERO in comparison to 92%! Simple math; but I wonder why people don’t get it!
Why would I put my EFFORTS; TIME; ENERGY on something that has never worked in the last 20+ years? Do you remember who the DUMBEST guy on the plane is?
Why would I focus on something that has even been proved by world statics to have a success rate of 8%? This is like a bad joke; I don’t get it! Guys; if something doesn’t work; you ditch it!
So, I would rather have better use of my time—WATCHING my favorite MOVIE series—than ‘WRITE DOWN THINGS’ in the MIDDLE of the NIGHT (it even sounds WEIRD); driven by EMOTION and ‘Herd Mentality’ mindset; things that I will never accomplish. But I shall show you what I do instead; in another post.
What You Learn From The Damn NYR People Make.
• Most People Listen To Wacky Advisors In Life
Most people listen to wacky advice; and that’s why they fail. They tell you do to it; and you go ahead and do your NYR. When you go to the wrong people for advice; don’t whine when you get nothing. It’s like going to your next door neighbor who has never been employed for a career advice!
And then they tell you… “Ugh…why bother talk about career! There are no jobs left! If they were; would I be grinding coconuts for all those years? I would be sitting somewhere in a glass cubicle”
And then without realizing that they are suffering from career nostalgia; you take that as an advice. And you do nothing about your career; plus you start singing their song… “No jobs left anymore…we should all be grinding coconuts!”
• Most People Follow The Crowd
Yes, there is such a thing as the “Herd Mentality”! Most people follow the crowd and wonder why they are not headed anywhere. They tell you; “Jobs are hard to come by; so the best thing is to send out hundreds of resumes tirelessly; and indiscriminately. May be you might make a catch!”
You go right ahead and do just like everyone else. And what happens? Maybe you end up landing into that job you HATE; and get stuck there for the remaining years of your life. Notice I said “maybe”; because it is not guaranteed if you… Follow The Crowd!
• Most People Don’t Test For Results
Why would someone do something for years; something that has no ROI? It’s because most people don’t test things to see whether they are getting a return for their investment or not!
They get addicted to routines; even if they are achieving nothing; and keep on doing the same thing instead of channeling that energy; focus; and time to a few things that can give them a BIG WIN in life.
If you current job doesn’t seem to get you anywhere; you need to unapologetically make a switch!
And if your friends of 20 years haven’t helped; but have got you stuck instead; boot them—and move on! (Hint: You achieve; look and behave like the people you surround yourself with.)
• Most People Go For EASY Vs WORTHY
Most people go for what is EASY to do versus what is WORTHY to do. It’s EASY to remain where you are; HOPING and WISHING that one day you will be remembered! And that is a lie. The reason why we do it is because it’s EASY to do.
The blunt truth is: No one’s going to remember you; because they are also waiting to be remembered. And no one wakes up in the morning thinking about you—EXCEPT me!
Here is the thing: Smart people know that you don’t wait for people to remember you; because it’s not going to happen! You make people remember you; by solving some problems they have. Now, that is a WORTHY thing to do; but it’s not EASY! Yet, it will get you earning what you are worthy.
See how a subtle change in the WAY YOU THINK can drastically alter everything around you? And help your career—even business?
Here is the thing: If everybody else is waiting to be remembered—including your potential employer and interviewer--why not be that guy who remembers them; by solving their challenges and get them to pay you for that? It’s worth it!
Here is the secret; and it’s what I call REVERSAL THINKING: “It’s EASY to compete out there; because most people are AVERAGE!” A 10% improvement on your part can yield DISPROPORTIONATE RESULTS in your career and every other aspect of life
Most people think DOING THINGS is the END RESULT of their existence; versus ACHIEVING SOMETHING. “But Prince; you are wrong. Everyone wants to achieve something!” you might say.
Well, I am not going to argue that; but let me ask you something: “How do you what is TRULY IMPORTANT to someone?”
You will be wrong if what they say is what you go by. You know what is most important to people based on the ACTIONS THEY TAKE. We all can say…
“…I want to work in that dream company”… “I desperately want that promotion; career position… …” or whatever is you dream about. But if it does not get you off your couch; and do what needs to be done to make that happen; you are just building castles in the air; and you don’t really care much about it.
The truth is someone is going to read my material and the techniques I am showing you here; and interview for his dream-job and change the direction of his or her career forever. Someone else is going to use it and switch to a better organization.
A fresh college graduate is going to apply the techniques I show you here and get a job—while whiners are saying there are no jobs.
Some of you guys are so smart; and I know some of my readers are going to use my materials and get promotions; and even build other area of their lives this years.
Yet with all this possibilities I am showing you; there is someone who will read all this materials; and yet remain stuck in their career! Yes, and at such a time like this next year; when everyone else will be happy they took action; he or she would still be scolding and beefing!
Conclusion Of The Fifth Point Above: ACTIONS Tell What’s IMPORTANT!
So, ACTIONS tells you what is most important to people—and NOT WHAT THEY say. For those my readers who will take action based on what they learn in this elite class; RESULTS will soon FOLLOW.
For those who will say… “Yeah…yea I should probably do that!”; which is a code word for “I will never do it” soon or later shall realize that they lost is.
The truth is; if you want to take control of your career: get a job; interview for your dream company; get promotion; and work with the team of top minds; I am the guy you listen to. And I show you how to do that!
Btw; what do you notice so far; guys? We are deep into career; and we’ve drawn concise and valuable lessons based on why people still make NYR even though it doesn’t work! The Elite-Mindset is different; and top performers look at everything from the standpoint of RESULTS; they will get!
If you could only use the REVERSAL THINKING technique I have shown you; you would have a different story about your career. Go ahead and do it!
One More Step Into Invading Your Interviewer’s Head
Guys, we are several layers into the interviewers head; and last on Monday this week; I culminated my ELITE MATERIAL with the Psychology Of Smile social tech; and how you can use it to tilt the whole scale in the interview-room to your favor.
And then you asked said…
“But Prince, at the interview room; it’s a formal set up! It’s not that easy to smile; and especially if you are not the goofier type! How do you pull off that smile when everything is all professional around you? It’s easier to do it in my social interactions with friends; but at the interviewer-room…? It doesn’t come up that easily!”
My response: “I get it! I know; because I have been there; and you are right!
And today we are moving one step deeper. That is why I am going to show you how to use another powerful social-skill set; not only to make smiling more natural and an ‘EASY’ thing to do; but also become insanely irresistible to your interviewer.
How To Make Smiling In The Interview-Room Easy To Do:
Have you noticed that we smile often when we are talking about something that excites us? Yes, it occurs naturally. So, how can you bring that in the interview room? How can you be that natural and excited so that you smile naturally? Here is the secret:
- The Power Of Story-telling
The truth is human being cannot resist the power of a well honed story. Mastering the art of weaving personal and professional stories into your answers in the interview-room is critical. Let me show you WHY you need to tell stories (the UP-SIDE) and WHY you should NEVER fail to tell a STORY (aka: the DOWN-SIDE of not telling a story)
- Makes Smiling Natural
When you have well honed personal and professional stories weaved within you answers to interview questions; smiling becomes an easy thing to do. I don’t smile when I am deep into some professional jargon; but I noted that I can deftly weave stories; in between that make it so natural for me to smile—no matter who I am talking to.
That’s what top performers do. They can afford to smile as they tell a story about an experience they had with a customer; difficult co-worker; or a deadline they had to beat in their previous jobs etc. It could be a story about something that happened at personal level; but weaved in a way to respond the interviewer’s questions.
- Stories Make The Answers More Engaging
Remember part of being robotic; is giving DRY; and BORING right answers. Notice, the answers are right; but we all want to take a nap as you take the floor. In other words; you are not engaging and so we are bored to death! We are wondering: “Is this how you live your life?”
The socially skilled give the right answer; but they do something more. They make those answers engaging. They get it that interviews are not about answering questions; it’s about something more!
The mistake most candidates make is thinking that interviews are about giving the right answers. They go there; do that; and wonder why they are not taken in!
The elite know it’s more than that. They understand that it’s about showing high-levels of competency; even if some of your answers are not correct. They know an interview is both an art and science. They do preparation many months or even years prior the material day. They know it’s a game; and they play the game well.
- Stories Drive Points Better And Precisely
If you want to be in a better position; stop lecturing your interviewer! You think they ask those questions because they want your help with them? They are the ones who prepared the question. They have even better answers than the ones you are giving them.
Use stories to drive your points. It’s the best way to respond to any questions. That is how you show that you know what you are talking about. When you use a story; it works two way:
First, it helps you drive your point illustratively; versus explanatory. And that will save you tediousness and boring attempts to explain.
Second: People get it better when it’s illustrated versus when it’s explained. When you use stories; you easily drive the points into your interviewer’s head.
- Stories Shorten Your Answers
Counter-intuitively; stories make your answers short and save on time. Remember time is prime at the interviewing room. I have seen candidate meander and wind trying to drive a point; until they had to be stopped before they even say what they wanted to say; because they were taking too long.
Story creating mental pictures in your interviewer’s and are easy to use driving a point and saving on time. What did you feel when your interviewer had to cut you short; because you were taking too long; to say what you wanted to say?
The truth is: you felt like an idiot! (Yeah, I know; because it once happened to me.) And that negatively impacted the way you were going to; and responded to the next question.
Here is the secret: If you can answer it with an illustrative and engaging story; do it!
- Stories Make You More Memorable
This is the greatest weapon. If you are engaging; telling stories; and lively in the interview; you stand out. WHY? Because almost everyone else is flat; robotic; tensed and extremely professional.
There is such a thing as “The Art of Likability” (if that sounds contrived; it’s because it probably is); and top performers use it to outwit everyone else. When the interviewer remember the stories; you pop-up in their minds. You may not have all the right technical answers; but you can use The Art Of Likability not only to out-score everyone else with right technical answers; but even beat the most experienced candidate in the room.
Your Social Skill Matter Arguably More
Do you seen how and why your social skills matter?
Here is what you need to understand: your technical skills are critical; but as you move up the career ladder; your social skills matters even more.
You can be technically savvy; but flop and interview because of your social incompetency.
We are pushing even deeper into the waters; and as from next week I will be showing you how to exactly answer interview questions. Yes, how to do it like a top-performer.
But remember…
The gross mistake you can make when reading my material is thinking I am ONLY helping you with your career. You would be wrong!
At TEP we are not ONLY talking about career: What I am showing; here are social skills that you can not only use when interviewing; but even when dealing with your clients; as an entrepreneur. I am showing you how you can become irresistible to other people.
We are into the “Art Of Human Influence” using less known deep psychological techniques; and how to build connection. I want you to be able to meet and talk with people; and instantly built credibility for your business advancement. I am showing you social competency triggers to build your professional networking; as well as build trust with your clients; and your boss.
These social dynamics apply everywhere and they are quintessential in keeping the right people around you. And these are the people who help you to succeed in your business and career.
Taking It To The CEO Level: Next Week!
So, see you here next week and I will be showing you how to answer interview questions—and any other question like a CEO.
Yes, we are moving at a higher gear; and if you’ve lagged behind; here is where you get the first ELITE MATERIAL in the GYIH Mini course. Read the second one here. You can get the Psychology Of Smile in that link to get your interviewer to buy into you; upfront!
And just so I make sure you do not screw it on that day; here is How to NOT under-sell yourself in front of the interviewer.
You need to catch up fast; because next week; I will give you the framework; so you know how to answer any question; both succinctly and correctly—like a CEO. That is how the best of the best do it!
It’s not just about interview questions; it’s about being socially deft; so you can maximize your chances on any area who want to succeed in. I wrap up this social tech by telling these:
Smile and tell stories as you answer interview questions; because we are far way past Stone Age. Your stone-face is not a competitive advantage. It works against you!
Interviewers and potential employers are social human being; and that is one of the core things they are looking for in you!
Tell Me Only One Thing
Before I fold up; I would like you to leave a comment and today, tell me two things:
First: what specific technique have you learnt in today’s ELITE MATERIAL; and how are you going to apply it in your career to get ahead?
Two: what one social tech; you have started practicing since last week?
Awesome weekend!
PS: I will be going out to my favorite restaurant this weekend; if you come over; you have a cup of espresso on me!
And then we will talk about WHY bottled water has an EXPIRY DATE; if really it’s that FRESH!
What we will NOT talk about: What I scored in MATHS at high-school…
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