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I Will Do It Myself. Why Get Trained On How To Do It? |
Guys, today is 16th of March 2015. Yesterday, we tipped-off the first half of the 3rd month of the 1st quarter of the year 2015.
As the TEP community we have only on goal this year. Yes, I IMPLICITLY announced the theme of this year to all my readers on 1/29/2015 at 10:49:00 am. in "this elite material".
(Hint: As TEP community we have no business focusing on; and making …“10 New Year Resolutions” which over 90% of people who make them never follow through). If you are a new TEP reader; see why we (TEP community) "Never Make NYR's here"—I talked about that!
Here we focus on ONE BIG WIN for the year; and then we nail it! That is how success is achieved!
Yes, that is how you get to look back at the end of the year; and in your bathroom mirror; splash water on your face; and congratulate yourself because you made!
Yes, while the rest of the world (aka: your peers; friends; relatives and neighbors) beat themselves with guilty for never being able to follow through on their Resolutions; and for being stuck in one place.
And guess what? They shall repeat the same cycle of mistake in the year 2016—unless they wake up to the fact that NYR’s are useless. And that is how people get left behind. That is how failure is achieved!
Get It And Pace-Up Guys!
See, TEP is not just about career, NO! As your true and brutally honest friend and career advisor; I show you how to "Differentiate Yourself"; and move faster; safely and comparatively easily; so the rest of your peers get to only see your dust!
I show you how to make QUANTUM LEAPS versus SMALL STEPS.
I show you how to ethically SKIP PROCESSES on your way up; versus FOLLOWING THE LONGEST CONVENTIONAL PATH.
I show you how to make EXPONENTIAL moves; versus INCREMENTAL steps.
I walk you through the kernel of STRATEGIC; DIVERGENT; REVERSAL THINKING (LINK VII) which yields DISPROPORTIONATE RESULTS versus LINEAR THINKING which yields conventional results.
I show you the HOW; WHY and WHAT TO DO to achieve great results; in a SHORT SPAN OF TIME! I don’t want you to do and accomplish in years; what you can do and accomplish in months. And you don’t have to!
We are moving very fast and aggressively. We’ve so far put under our belts; and covered strategies and techniques we can use to take control not only of our careers; but our lives too; since the start of this year! And we haven’t even completed the 1st quarter of the year!
Btw; if you missed this year’s theme; here it is:
Today We Are Putting This To Bed Forever!
Today, I am letting you in on my “profretionships” (yeah…I know; that word is not in the Webster Dictionary; so don’t look it up). Yes I made it up; and it means "profession & relationship”.
So, to show you that; I will tell you a about something that happened a few years ago. I will then show you why you should never struggle with your career. I will show you simple ways fix that for good. Pay very close attention to this; because today’s elite material is a prelude to world-class Thursday elite material where
I will talk about:
If you have ever thought of felt that you are not SMART ENOUGH; you do not have the INTELLECTUAL ABILITY; or the IQ to dominate; and remain competitive in your career; then don’t miss the Thursday elite material.
I shall talk about something I have never talked about before in this site. We shall demystify the myth of INTELLECT. Why you do not have to know everything; or graduate from Harvard University to dominate in your career.
In a nut-shell this is what we shall cover:
- How to get people to listen to you; even if you are talking about sensitive topic that makes them uncomfortable like: MONET MATTERS, CAREER ADVICE or even BAD RELATIONSHIP they stuck in.
- How to make them TAKE ACTION in YOUR FAVOR and to THEIR HIGHEST ADVANTAGE—notice this is not being manipulative; but you are both emerging WINNERS.
- How to get them to LOVE YOU for your ADVICE or REQUEST—instead of leaving the conversation feeling guilty; or hating the whole discussion altogether.
Ever had someone ask you for something and even though you give it to them; you are left with negative attitude toward them? Ever listened to people advice you; and you just sit their tolerating them? And even though their advice might have been right, they leave you feeling guilty; or you hate them for it?
I show you how to turn that around as the guy requesting or advising; so your audience loves you for it!
Did you notice that sequence? It’s systematic and applicable strategy in any area of your life. You can apply it in career; business; and relationships. That is the hub of every conceivable success in any arena in life! It’s the Strategy Of Dominance; even when you don’t have all it takes to dominate!
Guys, this is the deep psychology techniques behind any success. If you can just be that guy; or that lady who easily and naturally does the above three; then you can succeed in anything—career; business; and even relationship!
Here Is Why
How much do you hate it when you realize someone is manipulating you? Guess what; it’s easy to say “so MUCH!” But have you realized that’s also how everyone feels about you when they realize you are manipulating them—even if that’s not your goal? Even when you are not intentionally doing it? It doesn’t matter!
That is why they go; and never come back to you again! That’s why they shut you down before you start! And that’s why they turn down your request; or ignore your “well-intended advice!”
That’s why you both hit a snag during the conversation; and you look at each other with awkward silence; not knowing what to do next!
And that’s why you bomb it; when you get into your boss’s office to negotiate your salary. Your boss turns you down; even though you genuinely deserve it!
And that’s why they turned down his request; even though it was for a good course!
Can you see the elephant in the room?
Friends, it doesn’t matter how beneficial; genuine; or worth-listening an advice or request is. If you do it the wrong way; you are going to get a “NO” for an answer. Or at least the results will not be to your favor; and most importantly; the other person is not going to take the DESIRED ACTION for his or her HIGHEST BENEFIT!
The truth is: The inability to do the above; three things; is what get people stuck in a dying career; awkward relationship; and ‘me-too business’!
Today is the day we fix that for good!
They Turned Down His Noble Request
You want to know what people care about? THEMSELVES!
Someone is reading that; and probably making faces; condescendingly saying “That is not me”; but that’s the truth. And while most people will feel; say; and even tell you that’s a BAD thing; NOT me. I will tell you this: “That’s a GOOD thing.”
The bad thing; or even worse thing; is living in denial of that fact; and pretending it’s not true; or trying to dictate it otherwise. I have talked a lot about why you should never live in denial if you want to take control of your career and life.
In more than one elite material; I have talked more about how “smart it is”; accepting how the world really works; and leverage on that to change your game; versus commiserating. I even showed you “How You Can Break The Interview Rules”; and walk scot free.
But I also didn’t mince my word on showing you how “stupid it is” to try and DICTATE to the world how it “SHOULD” work; because that is what gets you in a rat-hole! Plus, it’s pointless and futile--a total waste of your time. It never works 100% of all the time!
The point?
If you want to get people’s attention; care about them—they love it---and they will give you all their attention! You can argue with that statement; and dry on the line by yourself; or you can agree with that statement; and get ahead. WHY do people pay attention to you when you show that you care about them?
The reasons are two-fold:
First: They love it. Who doesn’t love it when other people say something good about them? (except a SADIST; and that is okay because you should not be dealing with sadists in the first place!)
Second: You come across as different (the Art Of Differentiation applies anywhere). The people you are advising or requesting assistance; have seen too many people who care only about themselves—manipulative. And when you show that you care about them, you come across as totally different person; and they would love to work; talk; share; and walk with you!
See, how it is a good thing? When you know how to use; you can capitalize on it; and get past everyone else!
So, several years back when I was in college; a good friend of mine was raising some money for a good course. In fact; he was the chairman of a certain organization; and it was a worthy course to contribute to.
So, in this meeting, he asked members to contribute. He wasn’t being arrogant; but he didn’t get us (the members) on board; and even though it was a good thing to do; almost everyone demurred.
I wasn’t there in the first meeting; so I heard rumors about the meeting and a few grudges. When I asked my friends and members why they felt uncomfortable to contribute for such a good course; most of them told me:
“He was arrogant in his request!”
I attended the next meeting; and he made the same request. I then understood why people felt he was being arrogant. Even though he wasn’t actually being arrogant; you couldn’t help but feel like he is shoving you to do something; as if you did not have the right to decide for yourself.
And you think I am that special snowflake? If you do; you are wrong. Me too, I did not contribute; it did feel like I’m all into it. I felt ordered; and nobody wants orders without rapport first! Do you?
Can you notice what’s happening in that story? It’s a true story!
There is more into it; than just college students refusing to give their nickels and dimes. This is at the heart of every career; and professional failure. This happens when you cannot do successfully; what we will be talking about on Thursday!
As for this case; let me show you the big problems that are not obvious:
Would he have something good to say? Yes, but people won’t listen to that either; and won’t care; as well!
Notice the three-fold “FAILED” above; and observe it was instigated by something very simple; yet subtly unnoticeable. What is even worse is: This friend of mine will NEVER become a leader or succeed anywhere; because no one is willing to support him (even though he used to be on a tie on daily basis). And if he does; he will face unnecessary barriers; and take longer than usual to get to the top.
What is even worse; we FELT GUILTY for not giving into a worthy course. In fact; some people felt so conflicted; that they left the organization.
Here is the complete uncensored report; this organization did not fare well when he was in the office. The most terrible thing is: If my friend hasn’t changed; he will never know why he can’t get ahead. He will never know why he gets turned down.
(Hint: I haven’t seen him since college.)
I hope he has changed. And if he has not; maybe he will come across my material (specifically this one); learn WHY I did what I did more than four years ago; then take my genuine friendly advice and change.
But the question is: Would you want to be that guy? Learning why you have failed after five years; or even ten years? What if there is no one around you genuine enough to tell you why you are failing? What are you going to do? Wait for your college mates to start a career blog? You don’t have to! It doesn’t have to take all those years!
And I am here to help you shorten that long learning curve; and for those who will take action; you will be way too far; before your friends get to get inkling about your secret to career dominance!
Why Are We Even Talking About This?
Again; the answer to that question is very straight forward. That is:
Your ABILITY to ADVICE/REQUEST for something sensitive successfully; and get people to TAKE ACTION in YOUR FAVOR; and to their HIGHEST ADVANTAGE; and then be glad that you advised/requested them to do so—WITHOUT HAVING NEGATIVE FEELINGS DURING or AFTERWARDS--is the key; not only to career dominance; but to success in any area. (business; relationship; selling; marketing etc)
If you can do that; then you can get all the support you want ethically; from anyone to accomplish all that you have always wanted to accomplish.
Do It Yourself (DIY) Is A Loser’s Game
DIY is a dead-end. You want to know the guy who will NEVER make it in career? Check out for the guy who plays DIY (Do It Yourself)! That is why DIY is a loser’s game!
I showed in the previous elite material (LINK previous post) what elite life is. And not just what it is; but what makes it possible. It’s not for loners!
Yes, you NEVER single-handedly create that elite life. You have to master the ability to harness other people’s knowledge; ideas; techniques; strategies they have used to succeed; and their support and good will.
You have to ethically be able to harness and capitalize on their intellectual property; their reputation; and endorsement to get you to where you want to go; in a way that is profitable to both parties—not in a technical and manipulative manner.
The truth is; if you can just learn how to do this only one thing; you would never have to wonder why some people get ahead faster than others—even when they do not seem to be the brightest.
Success in career; and business has less to do with your IQ; and more to do with your COMPETENCY. And COMPETENCY has nothing or less to do with your INTELLECTUAL ABILITY; and more to do with you PEOPLE’S SKILLS—which are learn-able
Look; you don’t have to spin your wheels for ten years doing something; only to move from horrible to pathetic! That is LINEAR movement and the RESULTS are INSIGNIFICANT. It’s not worth your time; effort; will; and investment.
Instead; what you need to do is get someone who is great at that; and either: request the person do it for you; or show you how to do it; so that you shave off the years you would spend; only to deliver mediocre results.
You never get TREMENDOUS RESULTS by just WORKING HARD. If the problem was “working hard” most people would have been far in their careers by now—because they have been “working hard”.
EXCEPTIONAL results are got by working SMART. And that means getting the SHORTEST path to deliver the HIGHEST results in the SHORTEST time possible. And here in TEP I show you how to do that!
It’s SMART to master the Art Of Interviewing by using the techniques I teach you; so that you can take control of your career; and beat the rest of your interviewing peers; and nail that job.
Don’t Miss The Thursday Material!
Digest that for today; and leave a comment on a key insight you have learnt. And then, on Thursday; watch out for exceptional material on how you can request/ advice on a sensitive topic; or reach out to harness other people expertise and get ahead in the shortest time possible.
You shall get a conversational word-for-word script
…because that; is how you dominate in your career!
See you then!
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