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What if you could nail your drekm-job interview with ease? |
Okay, I hate to admit this, but truth is, I fumbled through every single interview question the panel of interviewers asked--in my second job interview after college.
…I couldn't answer a single question right! …And I lost the chance to work in the heart of the city!
(read the full story here--later)
By the way, this was a photography company. ...Funny, right?
…I mean, can you imagine, even for a second, me shooting a video????
(Hint: I didn’t even know how to hold a video camera!)
…But forget about the college dumb-me!
Truth is, most of us are smart, and can respond to interview questions fairly.
I know that how?
…Because, we’re able to get our first, or even second job after college, like I did.
It doesn’t matter what that job was, or is, right now. You got it… you have it; which means, you were able to navigate through the interview successfully.
Yet, if you’re like me—and most other people—after working in your first or second job for a while, you realize you want another better job. A dream job!
And a “dream-job” here, doesn’t necessarily mean one in which you are paid 10X more than your current job. A dream-job means different to different people.
…For one, it can mean being paid more. For another, it can mean a job in which you’re recognized, and respected for your contribution.
…To others, it could mean the kind of job that gives you a meaning where you know you are making impact and changing other people’s lives.
To others, a dream-job could mean the kind of a job where you work with young, smart, creative, challenging, and ambitious co-workers, plus the kind of a job that exposes you to connect with more important people.
...To some, it could mean a job in which you are being challenged to grow professionally, doing challenging tasks—not boring mundane tasks--and having the opportunity to move up the ladder.
So, when I talk of a dream-job, it means different to different people—not just about the pay check.
You’ve no idea how many people have quitted an extremely well paying jobs, because they were UNHAPPY doing what they were doing, regardless of the fat paycheck—at the end of the month!
The money is important…and you should go for it. But more often than not, satisfying job is not just about the money.
So, after getting your first or second job after college, often, you’ll want to move forward, and interview for better positions.
And as you aim to move forward, the stakes get higher…the competition becomes steep.
You realize that, interviewing for your first job was easier, than interviewing for subsequent jobs—especially if you are moving upward!
Now, the big question is, how do you get good at it—interviewing—so you can make a shift from your current job (if you so wish); and land your dream-job?
…Fortunately, it’s simple, if you’re willing to do what it takes!
And here’s why it’s simple.
For starter, most job candidates never try to master the interviewing game.
…They tend to reason that if they interviewed and got their first, second job, they can interview--just like they did in those jobs—and win their dream-job offer!
And they’re right and wrong at the same time.
They are right because if you intend to interview for the same position, same job, same tasks, there are slight chances that you will do just fine.
But why would you want to interview for the same job, same role, same position, in a similar company environment that’s not different from your current?
What they don’t realize though, is, if you want to interview for a better job, in a great company, for higher position, where you’re surrounded by amazing ambitious, and challenging co-workers, then stakes get higher…
…and you can’t interview just like you interviewed in your current job, or previous job, and WIN.
You’ll meet more challenging, competitive candidates who are applying for the same. And the company is also looking for the best.
…All that means, you’ve to play at a higher level in that interview room, to get the job.
Once you realize this, and decide to take your interviewing game to the next level, and do what it takes to become an A-level interviewee, then you can get whatever job you want.
You can go into the interview room, knowing that you can interview like the best, and get the dream-job.
And if that’s something you want to master, today is the day I show you…
…How to move from a C-Level interviewee to an A-Level interviewee.
This is the part 2 lesson material I promised. In the part I lesson material (click that link to dive into it, if you missed), I showed you how C-Level Interviewees responds to TOUGH Interview Questions .
Today, you’ll learn how to take your interviewing game to the next level—from C-Level to A-level.
But before we dive into it, in a nut shell, among other valuable lessons, here’s what we learnt we covered in part I lesson:
• The KEY QUESTIONS that give you a BIG WIN in the interview room.
• How to NOT respond to this Questions and Why
• WHY most interviewees FAIL job Interviews even when they’ve the right answers.
For in depth valuable lessons we covered, here's the part 1 lesson material. Check if for yourself!
That said, for today, here’s what you’ll learn in part 2 lesson material:
• The One Technique you need, to handle the TOUGHEST, MOST TRICKY interview question.
Like most job candidates who get concerned about CV formats, and CV samples...which is pointless, most interviewees think there’s ‘One-size Fits All’ answer to interview questions.
And they are wrong!
What you need is not the EXACT Answer. What you need is the technique that enables you to deliver the “PERFECT ANSWER”--regardless of how they twist the question in the interviews room.
I will show you that very technique, right here
(Hint: As far as I know, no career advisor has ever taught you this technique)
• How to overcome most of your nervousness. Respond to interview questions PRECISELY and CONCISELY with Confidence, and become memorable to the interview.
Even with the PERFECT ANSWER, with nervousness taking toll of you, all your great answers go through the window.
….Plus, with nervousness, you start sounding like inexperienced interviewee, sending all kinds of negative non-verbal signals of incompetency.
And when all that happens, you have no chance!
Most of us sound great, cool, composed when you are talking with our friends.
But what happens when we get into that interview room? …You start sounding like a rambler?
…But don’t beat yourself up for it. I will show you how to fix that. Once and for all!
The problem is, NERVOUSNESS!!
I will show you how to overcome that challenge…and nail the questions confidently and exude social competency—even if you’re an introvert!
• The EXACT ‘Word-for-word Scripts’ to use to give PERFECT ANSWERS to the TOUGHEST and MOST TRICKY interview question.
I will give you the exact words to use, so you can just ‘plug-in and play’. I will even go further and show you why these scripts work.
And don’t worry; you can tweak the exact scripts to suit your situation.
Okay, let’s do this…
From C-Level, to A-Level Interviewee: Crushing the TOUGHEST Interview Questions.
Right here, (click that link to see) we uncovered what John did WRONG. The GRAVE MISTAKES he committed.
Now, let me walk you through how to PERFECTLY respond to the interview question…
Interviewer: Mr. John, like I mentioned before, we are interviewing several candidates for this position. So, just in case I’m wondering, why should we choose you?
And we start with…
• The 'Secret Technique' you need, to handle the TOUGHEST, MOST TRICKY interview questions.
Like most job-candidates who usually spend their valuable time asking for, and looking for the ‘PERFECT’ CV formats, and ‘BEST’ CV samples, which is not only pointless but a losing game…
…most interviewees think there’s ‘One-size Fits All’ answer to interview questions.
And they are wrong!
Truth is, what you need is not the “EXACT Answer” to interview questions…which is why reading “Interview Q & A” books is not going to help much!
I know because I’ve done it.
...What you need is the technique that enables you to deliver the “PERFECT ANSWER” to tough interview questions, regardless of what the question is…
…and regardless of how they twist the question in the interviews room.
Remember how I told you…“the most important thing to virtually guarantee winning the toughest interview questions is not ‘Learning the EXACT Answer’, but learning ‘How to answer?’”
Well, this is it!
You’re about to learn the 'Secret Technique' …and the only technique you can use to respond to any interview question, no matter how tough, or tricky it is…without fumbling.
…The IAS Technique (Interview Answer Structure)
Just like great question have structure. Great Answers have structure.
…And, conversely, just like "Dumb Questions have no structure", lousy answers have no structure!
(Hint: if you want to know what a "Dumb Questions" looks like, so you NEVER ask one and look like an IDIOT…and EMBARRASS yourself. And how to ask "Intelligent Questions" so you look SMART and get RESPECTED, click here or either of the above links)
The point? There is an EXACT STRUCTURE, to answering interview questions.
Almost no one talks about this!
Most advice you hear about and around interviewing will revolve around being punctual, dressing professionally, and being confident, which by the way, I find ironical, because…
… when you fumble, and ramble in the interview room… because you didn’t know how to respond to the question the interviewer just asked, your confidence takes a dip.
And when your confidence tanks, your clothes won’t matter, and having showed up 15 minutes earlier before interview won’t help you!
…See, losers can be punctual too!
Look, I’m not trying to down-play the fact that you should arrive in time, and dress for interview.
But seriously guys??
Your clothes??...Your arriving 10 min before the interview???
…Is that all it takes???!!
Let’s be honest with each other!
You and I both know, we are more confident, if we know what we are doing.
…Otherwise, our confidence tanks when we start to fumble…and at that very point, your “interview-suit” don’t matter anymore!
It’s okay to put on those suits and that tie…and get their early, but truth is, what you need is a “Framework” to keep you on track when answering interview question.
…A “Framework” to help you bounce back with confidence, when you catch yourself starting to ramble and losing your confidence.
…A “Framework” to show that you are a smart candidate.
That doesn’t mean dress crappy, or show up late for interview. No.
…It means, be punctual, dress for interview, but there’s a level deep, into winning interviews, than the outward show…and the superficial tired advice we hear—all the time!
Here’s the level deep!
The “IAS Technique”, is an Interview Answer Structure: an “Exact Framework” you can use to give SMART, INTELLIGENT, CONCISE and PRECISE answers; to any interview question---however tough it is.
….Instead of RAMBLING in front of the interviewer, and confusing yourself even more…shooting yourself on the foot.
But why don’t career “expert” talk about this? Why do they not teach us these things?
…Because, primarily, they don’t know!
They will give you cheap advice about your CV. Pointless advice like: “the length of your CV, the font size” etc
But most of them will NEVER talk about “Beyond your dressing”!
…And even those who do, they will give you vague advice about being confident in the interview room, which, like I showed you here, it’s not that easy.
The IAS technique not only enables you to be concise, precise in your answers, but it demonstrates that you are socially competent.
Employing this technique in the interview--when responding to interview questions--you eliminate rambling…
… use short time to respond to any question,
…and be able to bounce back, when you’re lost along the way, in your answer.
When you follow this framework, it gives you the confidence you need to demonstrate that you are a competent candidate,
…and enables you to eliminate nervousness at greater degree,
…and empowers smile naturally (not nervously) in the interview room—without faking the smile.
Just doing one of the above—not even 3 of them—will dramatically improve your interviewing game.
Almost none of your competitor interviewee does any of those.
And if you apply the above 3 competencies, you not only become irresistible to the interviewer, but you beat your competition!
I a compendium, the IAS technique I’m about to show you, will help you:
1) STAY on COURSE with your answer
Often times—and I’ve seen this happen many times, even with smart interviewees--we tend to DEVIATE from the asked question…and get lost on the way.
Having an exact structure to follow and use in your answering, keeps you grounded…to respond to the exact question the interviewer asked.
2) "Pre-program" the Interviewer on what to EXPECT in your answer.
With this framework, you set the stage for the interview, to your answer, before you start answering.
This is important, as the interviewer will be paying attention, to specifics…rather than figuring out on-the-go, what you are trying to say.
Note, if he’s to figure out on-the-go, where you are heading with your answers, chances are, he will miss key points. You don’t want that to happen!
Plus, he will be less attentive, because he will be processing your answer as you go, at the same time trying to get the key points.
…And he will be reluctant to do that. Why? …Because we’re all cognitive misers!
We want know beforehand, where someone is heading with their response, so we can easily get the point, without having to think through, what someone is telling us!
That’s psychological…and is embedded in every one of us—including you!
3) Make Your Answer SHORT.
The IAS Technique will help you make your answers short. Our answers get long when we don’t know where we are heading, when we get there…and the point we want to make.
That’s the key reason why most interviewees ramble.
…We meander and trail until our answers—unknowingly—become too long than we intended. We even get lost about what we wanted to say in the first place!
That NEVER happens when you’ve structure!
4) Give POINTED answers.
The only way to avoid vagueness in your answers, during the interview…and give pointed, short and to the point answer, is to have a structure.
This technique I’m about to show you takes care of that!
5) Ending your answer with PUNCH You want to end your answer STRONG…and with a PUNCH to drive the point.
WITHOUT structure in your answering, you will meander and end your answer so weakly that there is no takeaway for the interviewer.
If that happens, you’re toast!
Do you see how important the IAS Technique is when responding to any interview question?
And because no one teaches us this framework, understandably, most interviewees respond to interview questions vaguely, like John.
Long, flat, vague and generic answers!
Good news? Today, we’ll put that to bed, forever!
Here, I show you the IAS technique, and how to powerfully employ it, to not only answer tough interview questions, but also to WIN job interviews.
IAS Technique: The Exact Interview Answer Framework
The IAS Technique is simple yet very powerful and effective framework you can use to answer tough, most tricky interview questions—and any other interview question.
This framework is a 3-step QA approach.
Here are the 3-step contained in the framework:
• Setting the stage.
• Giving the Story to drive the POINT
• Connecting the dots to end your answer with a PUNCH.
Let me explain each of these steps, so you get a better grasp of this simple, yet powerful structure, and then, I will show you how it works in real interview situation.
Pay attention to this...
Step # 1.
• Setting the stage
Think about the best of the high profile individuals whom you see being interviewed on national TV/radio shows, or international TV shows.
How do they start responding to the interviewer’s question?
Here’s what you’ll notice…
You’ll notice, they set up the stage first, for their answer. So the interviewer can easily follow through, and get the key points—of the answer--this high profile diplomat wants to give.
That way, the rest becomes easy. And that’s what you should do in an interview—with the interviewer.
Let me give you a specific example, so you understand what I mean by “Setting the stage”
Imagine a CEO of a big company being interviewed in a TV-show.
The TV show host asks him: “Mr. CEO, can you tell me the lessons you’ve learnt along the way, running your company for the past 15 years, which led to your great success?”
Almost all the time, you will notice that the CEO doesn’t dive directly into answering that question. He sets the stage first.
Often times, he will smile and open up by saying something like this:
“Sure. That’s a great question. I will tell you about 3 key lessons I’ve learnt, running my company for the last 15 years.”
Then, he pauses…and establishes an eye-contact with the interviewer/TV-show host for a while.
That’s setting the stage for his answer.
…The TV-show host or the interviewer is prepared, and given a brief of what is to expect in the CEO’s answer: 3 key lessons, in this case.
So, he (the TV-show host) knows that he will get 3 distinct key lessons from the answer the CEO is about to give him… and then, they’re done with that question.
Sometimes, this accomplished CEO can even decide to make it much more easier for the TV-show host/ interviewer to follow through…by bulleting the 3 key lessons.
So, instead, he might say something like this:
“Sure. That’s a great question. I will give you about 3 key lessons I’ve learnt, running my company for the last 15 years: 1) being Decisive 2) Taking Action 3) being Strategic"
Just pause, right there, for a moment, and let’s consider what just happened in that opening statement.
…Even if you were the TV-show host—interviewing that CEO—it would be very easy for you to follow through, in his answer, because the stage is set for you.
You are 'pre-programmed' on what you will be listening for! He makes it easy for you to get the points/lessons—right off the bat.
On the other hand, it would be very easy for the CEO to knock that question out of the park, precisely, concisely and without rambling…
… because they have the key points highlighted from the start.
That’s setting the stage. That’s what the best interviewees do. That’s what you should do in an interview room.
That’s what the best of the best do…and not only does it help both parties involved to follow through on the answer, it show that this interviewee know what they are talking about.
By setting the stage like this, it shows the interviewer that YOU have high degree of social competency.
So, what’s next after setting the stage?
Well, still on our CEO example, after he sets the stage, he does not dive into his key lessons vaguely,--a mistake inexperienced interviewees commit!
Neither does he start to tell, facts after facts about being DECISIVE--which is the second grave mistake most interviewees commit in the interview room!
We go in there, and give interviewer fact after fact, why they should hire us.
And we are wrong, even if those facts are correct, or right!
That should tell you why, even smart candidates fail interviews, even when their answers where factually correct.
So, what does the CEO do—after setting the stage? He neither does any of the above two mistakes.
He takes a twist…which is the next step of the IAS technique
Here it is….
Step # 2
• Give the STORY & drive the point
Yes, after the CEO sets the stage, rather than giving boring facts, about how being DECISIVE helped him achieve great success.
…Rather than giving vague, broad-stroke response on being DECISIVE, he dives into a story.
Yes, a story. A short success story about being DECISIVE!
We are bored by dry facts. That’s what we do all day in our jobs—dealing with facts.
…And so is the TV-show host. And so is your interviewer.
And this CEO knows that. And you should know that too!
So, instead of giving the TV-show host boring lecturer of dry facts, the CEO dives into a success story he had, about being DECISIVE, and the exact lesson he learnt.
…And because we all love stories, the TV-host kicks back, enjoys the little short story, and gets the key lesson of the story.
This is a WIN-WIN game!
…And that’s because of a number of reasons:
# 1. The interviewer/TV-show host is not bored; he actually loves the whole listening process, and at the end, gets the key point/lesson.
# 2. The CEO/interviewee gets his point across concisely, precisely and in an engaging manner which makes him likable, credible, easy to relate to, and trust-worth.
The interviewer/TV-show host likes him!
# 3. Now that the CEO/interviewee is giving his own success story—which he loves—he can afford to smile naturally.
We smile when telling our own stories…because it feels natural.
Notice how there is a total mental-shift from feeling like being “interrogated”, to enjoying giving a short success story, which he—the CEO-- loves to talk about.
So he can naturally smile, use positive body language: like voice intonation, radiate enthusiasm etc…all of those things we do in a ‘normal’ friendly interaction when talking with our friends.
And that ability to NATURALLY ELIMINATE NERVOUSNESS—through engaging success story you love--allows your social competency too shine through…and your confidence to radiate, in the interview room.
And that, to the interviewer, makes you irresistible. Yes, even if your answers are not to the par.
…And because the interviewer likes you, can relate to you, he can basically interpret what you say—for himself.
…He likes you. You win him. You get the job!
The use of story, is powerfully effective in eliminating nervousness, showing confidence, and smiling naturally.
And it’s different from the vague advice you hear people telling you: “Just smile during the interview”…or…“Just be confident…be yourself”
Truth is, we both know it’s hard to naturally smile, unless we are telling a story we love to talk about.
…You never smile when you feel like you are being “interrogated” by the interviewer.
Telling your own relevant story to drive a point/key competency flips everything, and the interview becomes a natural conversation.
There’s a complete mental-shift… and you become more confident, smile often—naturally—and you become relatable, likable, credible, and trustworthy.
And that… gives you a big score!
CEO’s do that. The best of the best interviewees do that. You should do that—in the interview room!
So, what does the CEO do at the end of his short story?
Well, he moves to the final step of IAS Technique.
Here’s what he does…
Step # 3
• Give the Point & connect the dots
The last step in this technique is to give your point, and connects the dots—for the interviewer.
And that’s what the CEO does. At the end of the story, he might say something like this:
“And that event/occurrence/disaster/ taught me that being DECISIVE is one of the key driving factor to building a successful business”
Notice how he ends his answer strong, weaving and tying back the key lesson he learnt--into his story.
Again, if you were the TV-show host/interviewer, you would never forget how “Being DECISIVE” can drive your success…based on the CEO’s/interviewee’s story.
It will stick with you for years, not because of, merely the facts given. No!
We easily forget dry facts!
… But because of two things:
# 1. The STORY: you will remember most, the story, and how it ties to being DECISIVE-- the lesson.
# 2. The PUNCH: so strong was the end of the story, that you cannot forget what it was all about.
And every time you’ll think of, or see that interviewee/CEO, you will remember him as the “DECISIVE guy/lady.”
He sticks to your memory!
And that is how you use the IAS Technique to masterfully respond to any interview question…and get the job you want!
When you follow the 3 exact steps, I’ve shown you, when responding to interview questions, you can’t help, but become irresistible to the interviewer!
Truth is, almost no interviewee uses this technique, because no one ever teaches us about it.
Now you know, start using it in your job interviews, and beat your competitors.
We’ve covered the 'Secret Technique' you can use to respond to tough interview questions…and any interview questions for that matter.
On the same note, I’ve shown you--within the 'Framework'—the one trick you can use to:
1. … ELIMINATE virtually all your nervousness,
2. …SMILE naturally…not nervously,
3. … Exude TRUE CONFIDENCE, not ‘fake confidence’
4. …and BECOME likable, credible, trustworthy, and demonstrate high-levels of social competency.
…All of those at the same time, without “faking anything”, or “working yourself hard”...even if you are not an extrovert!
Now, I want to take you to the final part of this material, where I show you how John could have responded better, and precisely, to the interviewer’s question, below:
Interviewer: Like I mentioned, we are interviewing different candidates for this position. Just in case I’m wondering, why should we choose you?
…using the IAS Technique you’ve learnt.
This is the “Word-for-word scripts”, you can use now, tomorrow, and in your future interviews…
…to respond unflinchingly, like an A-Level interviewee, not only to the above interview question, but any other BIG WIN interview question, for that matter!
Here’s your…
…IAS Technique in Action: the “EXACT Word-for-word Answer-script” to TOUGH Interview Question
I will show you, right here, how John should have framed his answer, using the IAS technique.
…But just so you get the whole picture of the before and after, let me give you John’s original answer, check it out below...
. ***********
Interviewer: Like I mentioned, Mr. John; we are interviewing other candidates for this position. Just in case I’m wondering, why should we choose you?”John: “…Well, I think I’m detail-oriented, I’m hardworking; and I know I’m very competitive person.
I have worked in other companies and I think I understand the duties and roles of this position, and I can deliver the required results .I have experience in this position and …yeah, I know I can do a good job.
I’m driven, I can work with minimal or no supervision and beat deadlines. I’m also responsible and a team-player who can easily work with other team members in helping the company achieve its goals and vision in serving the customers!”
. **************
John has some points, but they are vague, click this material to the GRAVE MISTAKES he made in his answers in case you missed the Part I Lesson material.
We assumed John, was interviewing for any accountancy position. Can you notice 1 or 2 key competencies covered underneath his numerous words?
... that he can use the IAS Technique and bring them out concisely, precisely and pointedly?
There are more of those competencies, but I will pull off just 2…based on his answer:
1) He’s “Detail-oriented” 2) He’s “Experience.”
Now, let’s just use those two competencies, and employ the IAS Technique, to take that answer from C-Level to A- Level answer.
From C-Level to A-Level Answer with IAS Technique
Interviewer: Like I mentioned, Mr. John, we are interviewing esveral candidates for this position. Just in case I’m wondering, why should we choose you?”YOU: That’s a great question. I would like to give you 3 major competencies that make me standout out from other candidates for this job.
First, I’m 'detail-oriented'.
Working with other companies, I’ve developed an eye for detail. For example; in my previous company, I was able to catch 3 errors in billing each worth Ksh. 70,000.
And I saved my boss Ksh. 210,000. …And that’s the same skill and experience, I would be bringing on board into this position to help the company, save more money.
Second: I’ve “exceptional experience” dealing with X.
[Smile] …my first job after college, I worked as [insert position] doing Z [insert role]. And what I learnt through experience was that, being able to do X is critical—especially in this position, for the companies to achieve A.
…I honed that skill, and experience, which I used to help that company achieve B and C.
With my accumulated experience in such a role, I think I can help this company achieve even better results .
Lastly, I’ve “specific knowledge” handling B.
[Smile] …it’s funny I learnt this by necessity! Here’s what happened in a company I worked in a year ago.
A co-worker left immediately, due to family changes. There was no one to take over her roles immediately…and no budget for a new hire. So the manager encouraged me to take on her tasks which I did—gladly.
I was totally green to it [smile and expression of enthusiasm]!
…But in less than a month, I became so adept at it, that I advised the management to make some changes—which I thought would improve performance—and we ended up making Ksh. 150,000 more due to those changes.
I haven’t backed-down from studying X since then!
…And I believe I’ve a wealth of specific knowledge in this, that I can employ in this position, to help the company achieve Y."
Boom!! ...Straight and to the point!
...Who doesn’t want to hire this guy?? He knows his stuff!
Do you see how clear-cut, precise and to the point the above answer is?
Let’s take a few seconds, to dissect that answer…
…Uncovering the Hidden Tactics, Psychological Techniques, and the Powerful Strategies used!
Looking into the above “Word-for-word Script Answers” you can see the power of IAS Technique at play.
I start my answer by setting the stage, for the interview of what to expect from me. I prepared him to expect 3 key competencies that make me stand-out out…
…and why they should choose me over any other candidate.
I’ve weaved in stories, to drive the point for each of the 3 competencies. And because I’m telling my own success stories, I can naturally smile, and…
…show some enthusiasm--either at the beginning of each story, or even in the middle.
The conversation is a natural one, I am comfortable telling this great but short success stories, I have had.
…It’s my own story. I own it…and so I can naturally exude confidence, and show enthusiasm.
You’ll also notice something very subtle. And that is: even though I’m telling my success stories, I’ve framed them in such a way that it’s all about the interviewer/the hiring company.
I’m showing them what they can get from me. The success they can have by hiring me.
…Not only do my story end with the rewards, benefits, and results they can get by hiring me; but I also end my answers with a PUNCH.
Yes, I end each point so strongly, that you cannot ignore, or forget what I said…or even argue it.
There is a back-up… or PROOF, for every competency I talk about…and that tells the interviewer I “know my game” in this role. And I can, and will knock it out of the park, if I’m considered!
...Finally, if you look closely to the last story, you will notice, there are about 4 competencies, but I wrapped all of them in one.
First, there is the obvious one that “I have specific knowledge” in a certain area; but there are 3 more competencies in this story.
The second is; “I’m a quick learner”.
To show that, I used the phrase “In less than a month I…”
…then went ahead to talk about how I learnt what my co-worker—who left abruptly-- was doing, ‘owned’ his office, and took his roles to the next level.
The third is, “I’m pro-active”.
…I’m pro-active in the sense that, once I noticed a change that we could make to improve the performance of the company, I went ahead—without being asked--and advised the management about it.
The subtle phrase I use to show this is…“I advised the management to make some changes—which I thought would improve performance…”And then I went further and showed the RESULTS my suggested changes brought into the firm!
And lastly, “I’m relentless”.
“…I’ve haven’t backed-down since then…” is the phrase I use, to show that, once I focus on doing something, there’s no wavering, or going back!
I keep at it, until I’m damn great at it!
So compelling is this last the story, that the interviewer cannot help, but notice all those other competencies, even if I haven’t explicitly pointed them out.
And that was both tactical and strategic at the same time. I’ve pointed out 7 key competencies that make me stand-out from the rest of the candidate…all of them with three points!
Pay careful attention the answer scripts, and you’ll notice they make you likable, enable you to exude confidence, empower you to smile along the way, make you more credible, trustworthy, before the interviewer.
…And that’s what you need, to make interviewers choose you, over the rest of the interviewees!
Guys, that’s how the best of the best interviewees respond to TOUGH interview questions.
…Go through those “Answer Scripts” again carefully and master the game of interviewing.
Use the AS Technique to knock out any job interviews--no matter what they ask you!
Here’s my capping recommendation for this lesson material for today…
…Don’t Sit and Wait, Start Practicing.
You’ve learnt how you can dominate job interviews. I’ve even gone further and given you the exact Word-for-word Script Answers with very specific examples…
…that, in my experience, you’ll probably never get anywhere else—whether online or in newspaper articles.
It takes me more than a week, to write a single material for you, because I intend to make these free materials more valuable, than most career advice you will ever get…yes, even paid career advice!
I want to help you WIN, and that’s why, even though I had promised to send this material to my email list ONLY, I decided against it—so I can help you.
My goal is to make the time you spend here on my blog worth it...in terms of the value I offer you through my free materials.
I can write wishy-washy superficial posts like: “Top 10 questions you’ll be asked in the interview”.
…But I would rather spend weeks, writing a single material, and release a 1 or 2 materials a month, that are going to help you get ahead in the competitive job market…
…than churn out banal posts that will not help you,…like many career bloggers do!
And what do I want in return for all these valuable material I give you?
…Just one thing. I want you to take ACTION.
So, do me a favor. Don’t wait until your next interview to start practicing the powerful technique you’ve learnt today!
I want you to start practicing it right now--in all your normal conversations with your friends, and co-worker--when responding to a question they ask you.
For instance, when a co-workers come over to you—after than company meeting--and asks you:
“Hey Tim. What did the manager mean, when he said X about that project/presentation/training…in that morning meeting?”
…Instead of rambling aimlessly about what you think the manager meant--which is what other co-workers do--use the IAS technique in your response.
Here’s how you might respond.
“…From that discussion, Jane, there are 3 things I got, which the manager communicated.
… There might be more, but here’s what I got: 1) being able to communicate effectively to customers 2) working together as a team 3) beating project-deadlines.
Remember how he said about that customer whom we lost? He was encouraging proper and effective communication, like doing A,B.C.
Then, there’s that thing he mentioned about John leaving before 5:00 am. He meant we need to work together as a team, like if John could have assisted Nehema finish Z, before he left.
And at the end of the meeting, he mentioned something about X…if you could remember. He was asking every one of us to plan our projects, manage our time well so we can beat client’s project deadlines”
Boom! Your co-worker walks away with key takeaways!
When you start to give such a structured answers, and articulate your points clearly in that manner, watch how people start to treat you.
You’ll notice a number of positive changes. Here are just but a few of those you will observe:
1) You will start winning job-interviews.
2) People will start paying attention when you speak…and stay engaged.
3) Your co-workers, friends will start coming to you for advice
4) Anybody who listens to you will take you more seriously
5) You’ll start gaining more respect at job, among your co-workers and your boss, and with your friends
6) People will start looking at you as a leader…which can lead to promotions, and delegation of new roles
7) You’ll start feeling good about yourself, and your confidence will start to soar!
8) More opportunities will start coming your way…
IAS technique is not just about dominating in the interview room…it’s much more. You can apply it in meetings, and with your friends.
…It’s about demonstrating social competency, articulating yourself with confidence and clearly, to get your point across, get respected for it, and elicit the positive response you want from the other party.
Go start doing it!
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If, you’ve found this material useful, share with your followers, co-workers, friends…and anyone else it can help.
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Go use the IAS technique with care, it’s extremely powerful!
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