The Dream-Job Search "Mental-Game" Of Top Performers

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Career lessons from restaurant's Disposable-Serviette!

Hey Elites! 

This is the Third material of the DJ Exclusive material series! 

But before we get into it; here is my awkward story...

….I usually visit this restaurant (not the one in the picture above). They have a great service—which I like—but there has been one BIG problem.  Guys, do you usually find yourself in trouble when your disposable-serviette soaks?

You look around; and every other customer has been served with only one serviette just like you. And they seem to be surviving with it; and doing ‘just fine’!

You wonder how they manage to use only that one serviette through their dinner or breakfast.

 As for you; you find yourself in trouble when your disposable-serviette soaks; and from that point onward; you no longer enjoy what you are eating because the serviette is no longer serving its purpose!
(Hint: I’m talking about myself)

Or maybe I am the one who sucks at using these disposable-serviettes! I can’t seem to pull through a breakfast with one!

So, the BIG problem in this restaurant is; they only serve you with one serviette—you look around; and no diner gets two!

You can’t ask for extra; because no one asks. Plus, you wonder why they serve their customers with just one disposable-serviette--maybe it’s their long-standing tradition; or that is just the way it is!

Besides, if customers who have been visiting there for years and years NEVER ASK FOR EXTRA serviette; who are you to ask? And why should you be the first customer to ever ask for EXTRA?

Until I Got Tired…
So, when I got tired of surviving through my meal every time I visit this restaurant; one day I decided to ask for EXTRA serviette. I had to muster the courage to be the first one to do that!

When you want to do something that no one does--even though it’s obvious they should be doing it; yet they don’t; and you don’t know why--it takes great courage to choose to be the different one.

And by doing that: You risk getting a negative response. You risk getting negative results. You risk being ridiculed. You risk failing; and making a fool of yourself!

You risk having people question… “Why You Think You Are So Special.” You risk disrupting people and having all their eyes; and fury on you. You risk being hated. You risk being misunderstood!

It takes courage. And that day; I mustered enough of that courage; and I politely asked for extra serviette!

They did bring me extra. When I visited there the other time; they brought me “just one” again! I mustered the courage and asked for extra. And they brought me extra.

Today; when I visit there; I don’t ask for EXTRA SERVIETTE; they just bring me enough serviettes!  And I enjoy whatever it is that I happening to be eating—more than the rest of the customers who are served with ‘just one’; and survive through their meal!

“What? Prince; I am disappointed by you! Tell me you are such a coward! How could you hesitate asking for simple stuff like EXTRA SERVIETTE? I do it all the time”

Well, before you put a period/full stop on the above statement about how disappointment you are with me (Notice I’ve left it WITHOUT a FULL STOP; and that is not a typo); let me show you the point of my story; and then you can come back and put a period at the end of that statement.

The Point Of My “Soaked-Serviette” Story
While my restaurant serviette story looks very trivia from the surface level; there are deeper lessons that relate to your Dream-Job career. And as trivia and ridiculous as my story might sound; we all do it--all the time!

How often do you see people doing the same things; everyone around them is doing; and “claim” they want DIFFERENT results?

It’s like me wanting to ENJOY my meal; yet could not ask for extra serviette because no one was asking. And it was impossible to enjoy my meal; when I was using “one soaked-serviette” just like every other diner in that restaurant!

How often do you see someone fearing to take a DIFFERENT APPROACH to their career; because no one has ever used that different approach?

You see it all the time; people being hesitant about asking for what they t “TRULY WANT”; because no one has ever asked?

How often do you hear people use the same phrases like “surviving” in their job; or “doing just fine” and yet do nothing about it; because everyone around them seems to be “Surviving” or doing “just fine”? And they just put up with it like everyone else?

How often have you feared to be different; because those who went ahead of you seem to do things the same way; and you fear you are not smarter than them? Or you fear they will question “Why You Think You Are So Special”?

How often do you follow “other peoples’ Scripts” with regard to your career; because you fear to disrupt their routines?

Yes, you fear questioning the EFFECTIVENESS of their approaches; and the infinitesimal RESULTS they get; yet deep down within you; you know if you follow them; you will end up like them!

And even though you know you will end up like them if you follow their path; you follow it anyway!

It’s Time You “Flip Around” Your Internal Fears And Change Your Mental-Game!
 People, it’s time we stop the “monkey see; monkey do” games. It’s time we conquer our internal fears; and change our “mental-game”!

It’s time we stop fearing that… “They will judge us if I come across as different”… “They will probably HATE me”… “They will look at me with an attitude”.

You want the truth from me? “They are already judging you anyway; and they have had an attitude about you for some time now. Yes, and they will continue with it; as long as you live.”

I will tell you this:  “It’s better to be HATED or LOVED; than to be TOLERATED”

It’s time to do the “RIGHT THINGS” versus the “COMMON THINGS”; or else you will be getting the RESULTS you are “claiming” you don’t want to get--in your career.

It’s time you get in control of your career; and life or else what are you doing with your life? Why are you reading this? Why are you even here?

It’s time you choose between “building a life for yourself”—by having the courage to “go against the grains”—or “living other peoples’ scripts” about “how you SHOULD BE”; and grinding along a stalling career like they do!

And for those who are TIRED about “Soaked Serviettes” (notice I have used “Soaked Serviette” metaphorically here; and you guys are smart to know what I mean); I am going to show you what to do about it.

But learning what to do about it is not enough.  I demand you to take action. Or else what is common between us? I believe you are here; and reading this because you want to know how to get in control of your career; and are ready to take action!

See, when you come to realize what most people say doesn’t matter anymore. When you understand that their judgmental attitude towards you about “what you should be doing” doesn’t matter as long as you are doing things right; then you start taking a different approach from theirs; to build a career that will shape your future!

(Hint: You think everyone who reads my materials loves me? You would be wrong to think that! And I don’t care about haters—they will always be there. What I care about is helping you! I care about my readers like you; who want to take control of their career; and are ready to TAKE ACTION. And I am here to help you WIN. When you WIN; I WIN)

So, let me pull off –from my soaked-serviette story--two key; and very deep career-shifting; mental-game lessons; that you can apply immediately to your career; and life; to start driving positive change.

Remember how I told you in the last DJ Exclusive material series that “1 year "ONE year of your life in the wrong job is not a joke?" I meant it!

And as I said in the beginning of this year: "This Is The Year We Take Charge Of Our Careers"

 You NEVER know the dimension we will be taking next year; so, get on board with this; and together; let’s get our careers on the right track this year!

And btw; if you are not in my Elite Inner-Circle; you should get in today. Enter you email in the subscription form and click “GET ME IN”!

The Two Mental-Game Lessons
  •  Ask Even If No One Seems To Ask What You Are Asking For
We fear to ask! I feared to ask for extra serviette!

We fear to ask; partly because no one seems to ask what we want to ask for. We allow self-sabotaging thoughts like…“Why should I be the first one?”…stop us from taking a step that would dramatically change our career and life.

And if you thought you fear to ask because you “Don’t want to be the FIRST ONE”—as you convince yourself--you are wrong. And just so you know; let me “flip around” that question and shoot it direct to you:
 “Do you want to be the last?”

I don’t need to be there to hear your answer; I already know the answer is, NO!

So, why is it that when you get an opportunity to be the FIRST you dither; hesitate; flounder; and dilly-dally until the opportunity is gone?

I will tell you why? The problem is not: “You do not WANT TO BE THE FIRST!” You want to!

The “Why should I be the first?” …question; is a cover-up for a deep feeling of... “I do NOT DESERVE it!”

That’s why most of us never ask for something. We choose to “survive”—like everyone else—even though we long for something better! We are held back by “deep psychological scripts” in our heads.

We say things like: “I don’t want to bother people”; which is not ACTUALLY true.

The truth is: It’s not that we do not want to “bother people”; the fact is we are held back by a feeling of “I do not Qualify”…or “Why should they help me?”…invisible scripts.

I have said this again and again; and it’s time you wrap it around your head:
“People love to assist; if you ask it the RIGHT WAY!”…without disqualifying yourself.

(Hint: I have shown you "How To ASK the RIGHT WAY")

Until you learn that; and beat your self-sabotage talk in your head; you will always get the “scam of the earth” or at best the “left-over jobs” not because you can’t get the “best”; but because you don’t ask. And when you finally ask; you screw it in the way you ask.

And the reason why you do not ask; is because you feel you do NOT DESERVE IT.

It’s time you destroy the “invisible scripts” of UNDESERVINGNESS.  It’s time you start putting yourself FIRST in an ETHICAL manner! Or else no one will!

How this affect Your Dream-Job Search…
Top performers know that what most people do; and the things most people concentrate on when it comes to Finding their Dream-Job; or even the “mundane job” are wrong.

 Most people focus on the externals like: sprucing their resumes; shooting their resumes/CVs randomly to as many random companies as they can; and other WRONG things; that will NEVER get them RESULTS.

And if by any chance; they get a great opportunity; they dilly-dally until the opportunity is gone; or the just screw it by self-sabotaging themselves!

Guys, the Dream-Job Search battle is more of a MENTAL-GAME; than an EXTERNAL one. When the battle is lost from the INSIDE; there is no way WINNING on the OUTSIDE!

And this is what I mean when I talked about “mental frameworks” and “mental models!”  Elite performers have this “inside battle won” before they ever step out.

It’s possible someone’s reading this material; and they are in a job they don’t like.  They have someone who can “sale them up”. But they may not know that--because they haven’t taken time to do things differently—but even if they knew; they wonder where to start to get the other person on board with them!

And when you drill it down to the cold facts; it’s not that don’t know where to start—I have shown you where to start and how to do it in my "persuasion elite materials". The problem is “Mental barriers”. The problem is two-fold:

  • They think the person won’t assist them. (False assumptions)
  • They feel they do not DESERVE IT. (Self disqualification)

And no matter what else they do; unless they fix the “mental barriers” first; it won’t work.

High performers deal with their “mental barriers” first; and then step out for what they deserve! That is how they manage to get more than a job.

Think about this: For most of us; it feels awkward to face your boss and ask for a salary raise; but once you overcome that fear; and do it in the right way; you income changes for good!

It feels uncomfortable to; may be take someone out for a cup of coffee; and let them know that you are thinking of switching your job. And you would like their advice about the company you want to join; to see whether it’s a “good fit” for you before you make that decision—or even apply.

It feels uncomfortable to set an informal meeting with someone in the position you are eying; and ask them what it takes to get there. Yes, and let them know that you would love “insider information” about what they do; so you can match-up your professional skills to the position!

The truth is; smart people ask. They ask the right people. They ask the right questions. The gather the right information; and make informed decision. And that’s  how they manage to beat the average players; who make uninformed decision; in their Dream-job search and find themselves in the wrong job!

 The average performer fear to ask. So, they fail to ask. And so they don’t get!

  • Do The “HARD WORK” Upfront And Enjoy The Long-term Benefits
The next time I will visit that restaurant;  I will be served with EXTRA SERVIETTE!

I won’t need to ask them. NO! They already know; and will serve me differently than they used to!

WHY? …Because I did the “HARD WORK” beforehand. I ASKED and let them know how I would like to be served; and now they know. So, I do not need to ask anymore; I will be enjoying the benefits.

(Hint: We are not talking about restaurant stories here; we are learning deep lessons about wining!)

Other people will see me served with EXTRA SERVIETTES—without ASKING—and they will wonder why they are only given “just one”.

If they are COURAGEOUS; they will ask for EXTRA serviette. If they are COURAGEOUS+ SMART; they will probably come over to me; and ask me why I get served like that without asking.

I will not only tell them WHY; but would be glad to tell them how they can use the “Serviette Story” to change their lives and career! And that SMART+ COURAGEOUS person is you; because you are learning exactly that!

How this works in your Dream-Job search…
Smart people do the “HARD WORK” upfront; and know that they will enjoy the benefits not only later; but in the long-term.

For instance: They refuse to “keep comfortable and survive”; but rather choose to go for “personal discomfort” as they step out of their “familiar zones” to: ASK; PREPARE; LEARN; and INVEST in their CAREER!

They do the “HARD WORK” upfront by being honest with themselves; and their abilities.

They do that by taking a REALISTIC Approach to their Dream-Job; and performing SELF-ANALYSIS about where they want to work; and why. Notice they don’t just “take the plunge” as most people do!

They closely look at what PROFESSIONAL SKILLS they do have; and how those skills match-up; in offering VALUE to their Dream-Job company. They do all that before they even drop their resume/CV to the company.

 Meaning by the time they are submitting their resumes; they can pin-pointedly show their potential employer why they are the “right fit” to solve his/her problems. They can show and demonstrate how they stack-up to the position.

Notice this is unlike most candidates who; when you ask them: “…Why should we hire you?”…they look at you blankly; or at best tell you “…because my mum always tells me I am hardworking!”…as if you are employing them to wash their dishes!

Seriously guys, you don’t just get out their into the job market; and think that you can just wing it; and make it. You’ve got to do 80% of the job before hand. And that is what I call the “Front-Loading Technique.”

Doing the “HARD WORK” first gets you UNCOMMON RESULTS!

True performers “Front-Load”; before you ever see them in the limelight.

And because they do their “HOME WORK” they have come to the conclusion that they are paid for the problem they solve; and not necessarily the DEGREES hold.

Btw;  I once heard a guy complain that he should be paid more; because he was more learned. He had “MORE EDUCATION”! Guess what? That dude got fired after a few months!

I will tell you the bare truth. And I will NEVER allow that to happen to you!

Examples Of A Long-Term Benefits
The truth is; when you do the “HARD WORK” upfront; you enjoy the LONG-TERM BENEFITS. Let’s take a real example of how this works. Take for instance:

You read my interviewing elite materials—or even someone else’s--and practice to hone your interviewing techniques before you are ever called for any interview. You are now able to interview like a pro.

Your peers look at you as you practice and they ask you: 
“…Why are you even doing this? Why should you expend your energy; devote your time; practicing this and you don’t even have a job. Or are you having an interview coming soon?”

You say, NO! They look at you and wag their heads. They think you are nuts. They boast that they ‘have a job’ and did not spend time doing what you are doing.

You get scheduled for an interview with them a few months later. They start panicking and practicing; but it’s too late. You “knock them out of the park” in the interview room—because you have practiced this interview-game over and over again.

You get a better position over them. You get to earn more than them. You thrive in your Dream-Job; while they go back to their ‘old job’. You advance past them in your career; and leave the ‘surviving’ in the mundane job.

They may never catch up with you again; because you are going to enjoy the LONG TERM BENEFITS of having a Dream-Job like: GETTING PAID TO LEARN. Getting paid to learn? What? How?

 Well, when your dream-job company provides employees training to sharpen their professional skills; they are literally paying you a salary to learn. Only great companies do that; and your peers in “mundane jobs” will never have that opportunity!

But were you lucky? Not exactly! You “Front-Loaded”! And just because you did the “HARD WORK” first; soon or later; your peers will no longer be in your league. You get to walk toe to toe with the best; for the remaining days of your career!

And then comes the freedom…
While everyone wonders why they have submitted 100 resumes/CVs in a month—to random companies--; and none of them has gotten them a job; top performers know their DIFFERENT APPROACH will get them ENVIABLE RESULTS.

They know that:  “HARD WORK may take some time; but the BENEFITS are LONG-TERM!”

And that is critical because…
When they have fixed their career; they can focus on something else more important; more fun; or even a hobby they have wanted to engage in—because they are not helter-skelter applying for jobs.

See, when I get to this restaurant; I will not be focusing on feeling horrible about “soaking Serviette”; much like feeling horrible when in a horrible job.

 I have that taken care of; because I “Front-loaded” it. So I can focus on other things like: “Why people put tomato sauce on their plateful sliced-potatoes (they call it CHIPS); while they have a lot of tomatoes in their houses”

And btw; I was dumbfounded; and almost looked like a dummy; when I went to a certain restaurant last year December; with a lady friend of mine. I asked her what she would like to take; and she said:

“I prefer FRIES!” …FRIES? I almost wondered loudly—because I have never heard of such a dish; in my life. So, I said… “I’m sorry. I meant , would you like to eat something or have a drink”…thinking she hadn’t got me right.

“I will do okay with fries!” she said again.

And right there I knew I had to get schooled; because I didn’t know what “Fries” was. I came clean; and admitted that I was in the dark. And then she told me… “Fries is chips”…sigh!

And as I always do; when people tell me things that fascinate me; I could not withhold my “Whaaaat...!” exclamation!

 Ladies; tell me why you baptize potatoes?

So, the truth is; when you take control of your careers by nailing our Dream-job; we can focus on other things we love. You can focus on leveraging your Dream-job position to; move up the ladder!

That is what growth is all about. That is how a predictable future is build!

Predictable future is not built on wishes!

Doing the “HARD WORK” right now—not tomorrow--matters! Getting yourself to TAKE ACTION right now is critical. Risks are taken today; not tomorrow. Tomorrow we enjoy the benefits.

If you are not going to start implementing everything I have shown you—and I will be showing you--to master your career-game today; when are you going to?

Send Your Questions Direct To Me
Together this year; we are getting rid of “SOAKED SERVIETTES”? I would love to walk you through it; so, go right ahead and subscribe to my Elite Inner-Circle and then drop me an email at: .

And I will get back to you; so that together; we WIN!

It's time we beat our own "Mental barriers"; flip around our "invisible scripts"; and build the right "mental frameworks" as we systematically move us toward our Dream-job.

Go do what I have shown you today; and until later...

 …See you in my Elite Inner-Circle.



P.S. Seriously? Fries….?? So, what is the ‘NEW’ name for the “smashed raw-tomato soup--the one they call 'tomato sauce'!


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