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What if you could respond to tough interview questions with confidence? |
…So, the BIG DAY has come!
…You’re the second in line…about to meet a panel of interviewers.
You’re tensed a bit…a little nervous. Even, probably, very nervous!
But you try to gain your composure…
“…I did my preparation. So, I think I’m ready for this!” you tell yourself.
And just in that very moment, the interviewee who’s before you walks out of the door.
…And you’re next!
You walk in…
…Trying to stand tall; and wearing some smile on your face; you extend your hand to greet the panel of interviewers.
It’s happening!
...Will you blow it? ...Or will land this job?
This is your BEST chance. This is the job you’ve always wished you had. Your dream-job!
This is your defining moment!
You CAN’T AFFORD to lose this one! Or can you?
You’re the one to determine! This is your life! This is your career!
It’s time to MAKE it. Or, you can BREAK it too!
…This job offer is yours, if you play the game well—in that room. It will be given to your competitor interviewee if you blow it up!
Are you going to screw this ONLY CHANCE? Or are you going to make this day, one of the defining days of your life—and career?
This very moment…did you prepare for it? Or did you just hope that things will go well…and you get lucky?
Like all great interviewees, have you been doing a THOROUGH PREPARATION…all along, for WEEKS?
…Just waiting for this BIG DAY to arrive, so you can SHOWCASE why they should HIRE YOU, over other competing candidates?
…Will you make those 30 to 45 minutes—with the interviewer--count???
…The Defining Moments in Our Life Often Take few Minutes
Yes, this is for sure!
…And one of those moments is when you sit in that interview room….face-to-face with interviewer.
Yet, as few minutes as they usually are, you can change your career direction and life—forever.
Or, after those minutes…you can get back to your former job—which you hate!
Ironically—and this is why most of us get it all wrong—the ability to transform how your life turns out (personal and professional) in those few minutes…
But most job-candidates get it all wrong.
They think because it’s going to be 30 to 45 minutes in that room, a 2-hour PREP—which, by the way, they usually do in the last minutes before the material day—is enough!
Turns out it isn’t…when they don’t hear back, after the interviewer!
The best job-candidates realize and know pretty well, that it takes WEEKS of THOROUGH PREPARATION…if NOT MONTHS.
They also know, it’s a CONTINUOUS PROCESS of PREPARATION, even after you’ve landed your dream-job, so you can always be ready, if you ever want to switch to another job.
(Hint: Trust me. If you care about your career growth, what might be your dream-job today, will possibly not be, in 3 years…5 years…or 10 years from now. You will want to, either move up the career ladder…or switch industries…or land another job. And it’s okay!)
…And it’s no wonder; these very candidates always get the jobs they want…and use those 30 to 45 minutes in that room…and change their career path forever!
They know that the “DEFINING MOMENTS in our life TAKE FEW MINUTES”, and they PREPARE THOROUGHLY for those moments!
They also know that those defining moments, could be a simple decision they make early in their careers.
…Like investing to learn how to be great interviewees, so they can land the jobs they want!
Today, YOU will learn how you can change the PRESENT and future of your career…in those very defining moments, as you sit right across the table--face-to-face--with the interviewer.
You’ll learn not only how to never be forgotten--after an interview--but how to give the PERFECT ANSWER to the TOUGHEST interview questions, and get the job.
Notice, if the later--being forgotten immediately you walk out of the interview room—happens; it means you’ll be going back to your former job, which for some reason, you hate!
By the way, there’s NOTHING WRONG with you hating your current job. Seriously!
…I had one, and I hated the Monday mornings!
Truth is, for most of us, at some point, we find ourselves in such a spot.
So, not liking your current job doesn’t mean you are ungrateful soul. It means you are a human being.
…Even most important, it means you are ambitious…and want the best for yourself.
What is WRONG is doing NOTHING about it. …Because that will EAT and DESTROY your very own happiness.
…It means, you are going to be waking up Monday morning, hating yourself (like I used to), and heading to that office you wish you had option to not go.
It means going back to do the same old tasks you’ve always done…working with the same unexcited, un-ambitious co-workers…who makes you feel OLD --like you’re in your 50s!
Who wants that kind of a job??
…It means you’re going to be working in that job where you’re no-longer learning any new skill...where your professional skills are constantly deteriorating--day after day.
Don’t be deceived! Don’t lie to yourself! Don’t even comfort yourself…
“…If your job is not allowing you, and pushing you to learn new skills; you’re not being stagnant. NO. You’re DETERIORATING professionally.”
Your career is taking a downward path!
You’re DYING professionally.
…It’s the best way to set yourself up, for a layoff, demotion, retrenchment …and every other BAD thing most of us hope and pray that it doesn’t happen to our careers!
Sad, but TRUE!
But YOU can change all that.
It doesn’t have to ALWAYS be like that! …Yet, you’re the one to decide!
And, if you’ve already decided to escape those bad things from happening to you—and secure your present and future career…
…If you’re ready to learn how to interview for your dream-jobs…win the interviews…get the jobs…and grow your career…
…Then today, I will show YOU, how to do it.
This is going to be 2-part lesson material, on how to WIN in a job-interview.
YOU will learn how the best interviewees do it.
…How they respond to the TOUGHEST, MOST TRICKY interview questions…get the jobs they love…and escape the jobs they hate!
So, here’s what YOU will learn in the 2-part lesson material (there will be another material lesson coming):
• The KEY QUESTIONS that give you a BIG WIN in the interview room.
These are the questions to focus on most, when preparing for job-interviews. Fortunately, they’re COMMON…yet sadly, most interviewees haven’t perfected answering them.
• How to NOT respond to this Questions and Why
You will learn the common and average answers interviewees give the interviewers with regard to these questions.
Why those answers are WRONG, and what’s WRONG with such answers.
Pay attention, chances are, you might be giving such answers to the interviewer.
• WHY most interviewee FAIL job Interviews even when they’ve the right answers.
You might have the PERFECT ANSWER in your mind, and still FAIL job interviews.
You will learn the “SECRET Technique” to use, so it doesn’t happen to you.
By the way, just think about this for a moment: you’re a smart guy...why aren’t you winning those interviews?
I will show the mistakes you could be making.
• The One Technique you need, to handle the TOUGHEST, MOST TRICKY interview question.
Like most candidates who are looking for CV formats, and CV samples, most interviewees think there’s ‘one-size fits all’ answer, to interview questions.
And they are wrong!
What you need is not the EXACT Answer. What you need is the technique that enables you to deliver the “PERFECT ANSWER” regardless of how they twist the question in the interviews room.
I will show you that very technique.
• How to overcome most of your nervousness. Respond to interview questions PRECISELY and CONCISELY with Confidence, and become memorable to the interviewer.
Even with the PERFECT ANSWER, with nervousness taking toll of you, all your answers go through the window.
….Plus, with nervousness, you start sounding like a rookie interviewee, sending all kinds of negative non-verbal signals of incompetency.
And when all that happens, you have no chance!
Ever noticed how you sound great, cool, composed when you are talking with your friends—usually with your confidence high? …Only to get into the interview room and start sounding like a rambler?
I will show you how to overcome all that…and nail the questions confidently and exude competency.
• The EXACT ‘Word-for-word Scripts’ to use to give PERFECT ANSWERS to the TOUGHEST and MOST TRICKY interview question.
I will give you the exact words to use, so you can just plug-in and play.
You can tweak the exact scripts to suit your situation.
After you’re through with the 2-part material lesson, YOU will be able to respond to virtually any tough interview questions, and nail them with the right answer.
Here’s something I would want you to know first hand. Winning in a job interview is SIMPLE. Notice I say SIMPLE…not EASY.
All you need is; do a high-level of preparation, focusing on those questions that matter.
I call them BIG WIN question. These are the question that will pocket HUGE SCORE in your pocket, during the interview.
…They’re also the question that demonstrate your VALUE…COMPETENCY…and UNIQUENESS as an interviewee, when responded to PERFECTLY.
Listen, you don’t have to get all the questions right…or have perfect answer for every question interviewer fields to you.
You focus on those questions that matter, and you are good to go…because most interviewees are average…even below average.
…When you master the questions that matter, and nail them perfectly in the interview room, your credibility—as a candidate--shoots instantly. And you stand out from the rest of the interviewees.
You walk out with the offer!
So, in today’s material, we’ll cover the first 3 things—as I outlined above. And in the next lesson, we will cover the last three.
…Forget About These FUNCTIONALLY USELESS Advice!
Forget about the tired, functionally-useless advice you hear often, from people, telling you…
“…You need to just SMILE in the interview room”
…Because you and I both know, it’s almost IMPOSSIBLE to do that. I mean, how do you smile, when you are NERVOUS?
Would they—themselves--smile when they’re nervous? When was the last time they interviewed anyway??
…But, let’s assume you follow their advice…and you try very hard and FORCE a smile through your nervous face.
What then? ...What will you achieve?
…At best, a nervous smile!
And, seriously, how does your nervous smile help you WIN an interview?
…Because I will tell you this; everybody…including interviewers… can tell the difference between a NERVOUS SMILE…and a SMILE of CONFIDENCE.
…And an attempt to follow that BAD advice gets you nowhere! If anything, it tends to work AGAINST you!
Listen, you can only smile…and I mean CONFIDENTLY SMILE when you’ve ELIMINATED most of your nervousness in the interview room.
What you need is a technique that eliminates most of that nervousness, so you smile from a position of confidence—not nervousness.
Here’s another banal advice they will give you. They tell you…
“…You need to be confident in the interview room. Just be yourself and SHOW CONFIDENCE!”
When I hear that crappy advice, my usual question is: “Well, and how do you really do that?”
In my experience, the above is garbage of an advice. And I say that respectfully!
…Seriously, people??
How many of you have tried the above “…Just be confident” …advice?
…And how many of you have found it to work?
If all we needed to do in the interview room is ‘be ourselves’ and ‘Just be confident’; we would all be entering in that room FULL of CONFIDENCE!
Let’s be honest with each other. We get nervous, even when we know we should be confident.
..You will get nervous…everybody gets nervous!
Yes, even CEOs get nervous. …And when you are nervous, your confidence takes a dip!
…And being told, and intellectually knowing you SHOULD be confident, doesn’t work! It’s never worked for most people. And will never work for most of us!
And by the way, even these people who give us this sort of advice, they—themselves--DON’T and CANNOT implement the very advice they peddle around!
I mean, they CANNOT be “just confident” when they are nervous.
In real life, when you are face-to-face with that interviewer, it’s totally different…and you need a more practical technique, to ignite your confidence!
Listen, you CANNOT IGNORE… or OVERLOOK your nervousness…and try to be confident. That’s a losing game!
My take is; getting nervous when you enter into the interview room is okay!
It means you’re normal…and normal people get nervous! Even top interviewees get nervous.
I get nervous, in some situations! We all do. No one is a super-soul!
The question is? How do you ‘flip around’ that nervousness?
…Which practical tactic, technique do you use, when you get into the interview room, to flip that nervousness into confidence?
That’s what you need to learn. That’s what I show you.
…Instead of following a nonsensical, theoretical “Just be yourself…just show confidence” …kind of an advice!
By the way, eliminating nervousness is the same reason interviewers ask the simple introductory question like … “Tell us about yourself” …to get the interview started.
So, forget about all the above useless advice, and let’s dive into something that will help you WIN BIG, in the interview room. And get your dream-job!
…How to Confidently Nail TOUGH, MOST TRICKY Interview Questions and get the Job
Like I mentioned earlier, in this part I lesson material, you’ll learn:
• The KEY QUESTIONS that give you a BIG WIN in the interview room.
These are the questions to focus on most, when preparing for job-interviews.
Fortunately, they’re COMMON…yet sadly, most interviewees haven’t perfected answering them.
…which means if you nail them, you’ll almost have no competitor in the interview room.
• How to NOT respond to this Questions and Why
You will learn the common and average answers interviewees give the interviewers with regard to these questions.
Why those answers are WRONG, and what’s WRONG with such answers.
Pay attention, chances are, you might be giving such answers to the interviewer.
• WHY most interviewees FAIL job Interviews even when they’ve the right answers.
You might have the PERFECT ANSWER in your mind, and still FAIL job interviews.
You’ll learn the “SECRET Technique” to use, so it doesn’t happen to you.
You know you’re smart, right? ...Why aren’t you winning those interviews?
…I will show the mistakes you could be making, so you start winning.
This is going to be a “LIVE” –in scripts—interview segment…with real candidate. We will call the candidate John.
…Let’s get started…
…KEY Questions that give you a BIG WIN in a job interview
If I asked you: what are the Most Selling interview questions? (meaning those interview questions that will score you high--in the interview room--if you answer them correctly)
…Or, what are those specific interview questions, that tend to be common in most interviews, yet one which give YOU the HIGHEST SCORE when you nail them perfectly?
What answer would you give me? Can you identify at least 3 of those questions?
If you cannot, that’s the start of FAILURE in job interviews!
Yes, you cannot tell all the questions the interviewer will ask. And fortunately, you don’t need to.
…But you can identify those questions that are common, and the ones that give you a BIG WIN, when tackled perfectly.
And that’s your first job, and key step to preparing for, and wining job-interviews.
...I won’t go into much detail about this, but here’s at least 3 of BIG WIN interview questions:
1) “…Why do you want to work with us?”
2) “…Why should we hire you?”
3) “…What’s your greatest weakness?”
Oh…and one more as a bonus…
4) “…Tell us about a time you FAILED.”
There are others, have just given you a few to get you started!
Blunt truth: “these questions—among others-- are strategic, and are meant to reveal more about your competency for the job. If you cannot nail them, forget about winning job-interviews.”
Fortunately, or unfortunately, they are also the TOUGHEST!
As simple as that first step is, to winning in job interviews, it makes all the difference!
…Because once I know the question that matters most to the interviewer…
…once I know the question that will help me pocket HUGE SCORE in the interview room…
…then I can focus on that, in my preparation for interviews…and WIN BIG.
The good news: You will never find and interviewee or job candidate who’s great at nailing these TOUGH, yet BIG WIN interview questions…who is mediocre at any other interview question.
So, here’s the secret to nailing interviews…and walking away with the job-offer. You need to:
1. Identify the BIG WIN interview questions
2. Prepare THOROUGHLY to nail those questions.
Unfortunately, most interviewees never do any of the above two!
… Which is a fortunate for best interviewees (who take the above two steps)…because they’re guaranteed the available job opportunities!
Now, that I’ve shown you a few of the BIG WIN questions, which will put you ahead of the pack when you master them…
…and told you what to do once you identify them…
The next question is: “How do you respond to such questions?”
Even better, “how do you NOT respond to this question? ...And WHY?”
Well, here’s…
…How to NOT respond to these Questions and Why
To learn how to NOT respond to this question, and WHY, we’ll dive into a real “LIVE” interview—in script.
The interviewing candidate is Mr. John...who represents most average interviewees. So, let’s see how he spins it…
…Mr. John arrives 15 minutes early. …That’s what career ‘pundits’ tell us to do.
He’s been listed for interview…and this is his dream-job interview. He’s interviewing for an “Accounting” position.
He walks into the interview room. Meets a panel of interviewers all sat, ready, just waiting for him.
After the greetings…the game starts!
The interviewer preps him with the first 2 simple introductory interview questions.
Then, he starts to get deeper…and field this question:
Interviewer: Mr. John, like I mentioned before, we are interviewing several candidates for this position. So, just in case I’m wondering, “Why should we hire you?”
Mr. John: “Well, I think I’m detail-oriented, I’m hard-working; and I know I’m very competitive candidate for this position.
I did CPA at college, and I also have a degree in Finance from Nairobi University. From experience, I think I understand the duties and roles of this position, and I know I can do a good job.
I’m self-driven, I can work with minimal or no supervision, and beat deadlines. I’m also responsible and a team-player who can easily work with other team members in helping the company achieve its goals and vision!”
Interviewer: Great. We appreciate your coming Mr. John. We’ll definitely give a call next week after the hiring team makes the final decision, and we’ll let you know what the next step is.
Mr. John: "Thank you."
John walk's out of the room...
Follow that interview segment again. And allow the conversation to sink for a while.
Do you sound like John, when responding to such a question? Be honest with yourself.
Now, put yourself into interviewer’s shoes and ask yourself: “Is Mr. John’s answer compelling enough, to make me want to hire him?”
This is the typical conversation interviewers often get with most interviewees.
…And truth is, there’s NOTHING COMPELLING that would make you want to hire John.
He sounds like every other candidate. There’s nothing in his answer that make him stand out!
So, let’s dissect John’s response in details.
We want to uncover the GRAVE MISTAKES John committed…so YOU learn what to AVOID, when responding to this interview question.
…Dissecting the Interview Segment
GRAVE Mistake # 1: Long Answer
John’s answer is very long.
Listen, there’s nothing as bad. There’s nothing that hurts your chances… as rambling when responding to interview question.
Even worse, is when you ramble on and on…until the interviewer cuts you short!
Interviewers have other tasks to do—just like any other employee. And they want to take considerable amount of time with you…not all day long!
So, your answers should be short and pointed. If you ramble until they cut you short...that impacts your interview outcome negatively!
Here’s the time-frame. Your answer should be roughly 30 to 45 seconds. If the interviewer wants to hear more, he will probe you.
But why do we ramble…or give such looong answers?
Well, here are a couple reasons:
1) It happens when you DON’T KNOW how to answer the interviewer’s question.
If you haven’t learnt how to answer interview question, you will always ramble.
Notice, I’m not saying “Knowing the Answer”…but “Knowing HOW to answer” interview questions. There’s a great difference between the two.
See, what YOU need, to WIN interviews is NOT “Knowing the answer” to interview questions. NO!
…Because there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer, to interview questions. The questions vary.
What you need to learn is “HOW to answer” interview questions.
2) It happens when you HAVEN’T PREPARED:
This is the second reason why we ramble until the interview gets bored.
See, the average candidate thinks they can just walk into the interview room, wing it, and WIN!
….WITHOUT having to PREPARE.
And they’re WRONG!
By the way, when I talk about PREPARATION, I’m not talking about just reading books on interviewing. Or online articles. NO!
If all you do—in your interview preparation--is read books about responding to interview questions; you will always ramble! Guaranteed!
Reading books and “Daily Nation ‘Job articles’” about interviewing tips will NOT help.
…CANNOT help! …Has NOT helped!
…And, is NOT the SOLUTION.
How do I know that? Well, because I followed that same delusional path…and I learnt, through personal experience that it’s pointless!
…And now, through other people’s experience…it’s proved to be useless.
Look, if all we needed, to WIN job interviews, was read yet another book about interviewing, everyone would be crushing job interviews…and getting that job they really wish they could.
But as it turns out, that’s not what’s happening!
…More about preparation in part II lesson!
Here’s how BAD rambling can be: I once cut short an interviewee, (and this has happened more than once) when he responded to an interview question, taking more than 1.5 minutes.
It felt like 30 minutes of waiting!
And this candidate is not what you think. He had a degree in Finance…and was not fresh into the job market.
…He had had a job…and had interviewed for other jobs before!
After rambling several times…and taking too long to answer simple questions, I never wanted to ask him anymore questions. I was ready to end the interview immediately!
And I did exactly that. I ended the interview session…I cut it short.
…He’ll never know whether that’s what happened…and that it was as a result of rambling!
Translation? He was not a suitable candidate for the job!
Sorry, but that’s what happens in the interview rooms!
…Now you know!
By the way, most interviewers are very, very, very nice…and will always wait patiently as you ramble on and on... But they’ve already DISQUALIFIED you.
…They might ask a few more questions…even after noticing your rambling tendencies (I wish I was that patient)
…But they’re just ‘Playing nice’. You’re already gone!
Rambling and giving long answer—unnecessarily-- works against you by all standards!
Here’s how:
• You’re cut short before you conclude and QUALIFY/cement your answer
• When you’re cut short, it ADDS to the NERVOUSNESS you feel in the interview room
• The rise in nervousness affect NEGATIVELY how you respond, and perform in the interview—for the remaining part.
• Rambling shows you’ve NO Social Competency which is one of the competencies interviewers are looking for in an interviewee.
• The interview might decide to cut your interview short…and refuse to ask other questions he had planned to… because he doesn’t want you to take all the time.
When the above happens, it means you’ve KILLED your chance to prove yourself to the interviewer.
And it’s a signal that you’re already ELIMINATED.
The key take away here is: AVOID rambling. Make your answers pointed and short.
GRAVE Mistake # 2: Generic and Vague Answer
This is the second grave mistake John made. His answers are vague…and generic.
John didn’t give SPECIFIC and COMPELLING reasons why the interviewer should hire him.
For instance: when he says…“I’m detail-oriented…” or …“I’m hardworking” and… “I’m very competitive.”
…All these are generic responses.
Isn’t that what everyone other incompetent candidate says…or thinks about himself?
John speaks in broad strokes. And so his answer comes across as platitudes and meaningless fluff…which don’t mean anything to the interviewer.
And for most candidates, those are the kind of answers we give to the interviewer. …Then, we walk away hoping that we get LUCKY, pass the interview…and get the job offer!
Guys, listen to me carefully. I’ve said this before…and I will say it again: “It’s time you stop leaning on LUCK. It’s time you learn how to make it happen for you…not hoping to get lucky!”
We get frustrated a few weeks later, when we hear someone else…who’s probably less educated …and /or with less experience—than us--got the job.
…We seethe with anger and complain how it’s UNFAIR!
But, what if instead of spending your emotional energy seething with anger, and resentment…
…What if you invested your time…and even money, to learn how to: 1) Masterfully respond to Interview Questions 2) How to PREPARE and Interview like the best…
…so when you walk into the interview room you know that odds are, you will crush the interview…and get that job?
The time and money invested would pay off 10X more! That’s what the best interviewees do!
See, what most average interviewees never know is the amount of time, effort, and money top interviewees employ, to master the interviewing game before hand.
There’s the reason they WIN!
…They PLAN for it. They INVEST in it. They PREPARE for it! …And they WIN!
I mean, think about this: You are going to interview for a job position, and in a company you would love to work with.
This is your opportunity to change your career direction…and probably switch from your current job to a better job.
Why not take time to prepare?
…Why not invest your time and money, to learn how to compete in the interview room, and get the job…
…which will pay your more than 12X your monetary investment in less than the first 3 months?
GRAVE Mistake # 3: The I,I,I Syndrome
This is the third GRAVEST mistake most interviewees make. They keep on talking about themselves.
The “I,I,I Syndrome” is where you keep on tooting your own horn…not based on how you can help the other person…but based on “what you think you are and can do”.
This is where you self-qualify yourself throughout, without any SHOW of PROOF how you’ve used…and can use the competencies you claim you have to help the other person.
And it’s a losing game in the interview room!
...And unknowingly, this is the game John is playing.
This is very rampant with most interviewees!
Your # 1 goal in the interview room must be to AVOID this mistake.
And by the way, just for the fun of it, let’s count the number of “I’s” in John’s answer?
One…two…three…boom! …A whooping 14 ‘I’s!
...See, the problem with these… “I’ms” and “I’s”…is; none of them end SPECIFICALLY showing the EXACT VALUE John will ADD to the company if and when he gets hired.
Like I mentioned in this material here, in the job-market, it’s about the employer…not you!
Your answers should be about the interviewer…the hiring manager…the company…the VALUE you will bring to them, if and when they bring you on board.
Mark all the 3 grave Mistakes we’ve uncovered in John’s answer, and NEVER make them when responding to interview questions.
Here’s the general rule of thumb and key take away: “When answering interview questions, make it about the 'THEM' not about 'YOU'".
...And there it is: “How to NOT respond to interview questions”…and the “3 most gravest mistakes” to avoid
Here’s one more thing though: even with the PERFECT answer, most job interviewees still FAIL he interviews.
I will show you how and why, then we shall drill into the SOLUTION in part II lesson, of this material.
…WHY most interviewees FAIL job Interviews even when they’ve the right answers.
In a nut-shell, here are the reasons you can flop job-interview even when you’ve the perfect answers on your finger-tips:
• Interview Saboteur # 1: Lack of Answer Structure
You can have the perfect interview answers at your finger-tips. But if you do not have a structure to frame those answers around, you will still ramble.
…If that happens, you come across as vague…and flat and you fail.
• Interview Saboteur # 2: Nervousness
Now, combine # 1 with getting nervous—which is an obvious job-interview killer--and you will never be able to clearly articulate your answers as you wanted to.
Even though you know and have them.
• Interview Saboteur # 3: Giving Dry Facts
The third reason is a counter-intuitive one. See, most interviewees think interviewing is about merely answering the question being asked by the interviewer..
And giving a fact after a fact why you are a great candidate.
And they are wrong.
...Even when those facts are correct…you can still lose the interview.
Interviews are more than giving facts. It’s a game, not just of facts, but of human psychology!
Not overcoming the above 3 barriers, even when you’ve the PERFECT ANSWER in your head, almost invariably, results to FAILING the job-interviews.
We will drill into the SOLUTION to the above 3 challenges in part II lesson of this material.
What we’ve covered-today--is a lot. Start implementing it, and you’ll be way far ahead, than most interviewees.
Now, in the next material (part II lesson)—in a compendium--here’s what you shall learn:
• The One Technique you need, to handle the TOUGHEST, MOST TRICKY interview question.
Like most candidates who are looking for CV formats, and CV samples, most interviewees think there’s ‘one-size fits all’ answer to interview questions.
And they are wrong!
What you need is not the EXACT Answer. What you need is the technique that enables you to deliver the “PERFECT ANSWER” regardless of how they twist the question in the interviews room.
I will show you that very technique.
• How to overcome most of your nervousness. Respond to interview questions PRECISELY and CONCISELY with Confidence, and become memorable to the interview.
Even with the PERFECT ANSWER, with nervousness taking toll of you, all your answers go through the window.
….Plus, with nervousness, you start sounding like inexperienced interviewee, sending all kinds of negative non-verbal signals of incompetency.
And when all that happens, you have no chance!
Think about this. You sound great, cool, composed when you are talking with your friends. But when you get into the interview room, you start sounding like a rambler?
I will show you how to overcome that challenge…and nail the questions confidently and exude competency.
• The EXACT ‘Word-for-word Scripts’ to use to give PERFECT ANSWERS to the TOUGHEST and MOST TRICKY interview question.
I will give you the exact words to use, so you can just plug-in and play.
You can tweak the exact scripts to suit your situation.
HEADS UP: This second material contains powerful techniques I’ve never shared in public before. And will be send to the readers in my email list ONLY.
I will NOT post it here.
So if you want to learn the one technique you need to crush TOUGH interview questions,
…and how to OVERCOME NERVOUSNESS in the interview room…
…the EXACT psychological technique you can use to dominate in the interviews…
…plus get the EXACT word-for-word script you can use to give PERFECT answer to TOUGH interview questions…
…Enter your best email at the subscription form at the bottom of this page, now.
Then just tap the “GET ME IN” green button.
…Once you tap the green button, a “Complete Subscription” form will pop up, and require you to enter a code that will be provided to you.
…Just enter the code into the form and click “Complete Subscription” button.
Then check your email inbox immediately for an email from “Feed Burner” in which I request you to confirm your email subscription.
Click the “Confirmation Link” in that email…and you will be subscribed into my inner-circle of readers.
…And I will send you the part II lesson material direct into your inbox.
So, give me your best email where I can send you the part II lesson material…by subscribing to my email at the bottom of this page, following the above steps.
Get to the bottom of this page, subscribe now, and then after that, below is what I would like you to do for today.
…What To Do
Today, among other lessons, you learnt the grave mistakes John committed…which, by all cost, you MUST AVOID in your job-interviews.
Then, you learnt how to NOT respond to BIG WIN interview question.
Now, here’s what I want you to do:
1) I want you to put yourself in John’s shoes.
Picture yourself in that interview room. And then, the interview fields the exact question.
And, with what we’ve learnt today in mind, —and putting yourself in John’s shoes—ask yourself… “If I were John, how might I respond this question better?”
2) Leave a comment with the exact response you would give, below this material or on my Facebook, here on my Linkedin wall, or here on Google +
No judgment about your answer. It doesn’t have to be PERFECT. At this level, we’re learning, not looking for PERFECT answer.
Remember, the best way to learn and becoming great at something is TRYING…even if you’re going to make mistakes.
So, I encourage you to go ahead, and leave your response as comment...I will review them.
…And then, in the part II lesson material, I shall show you how to take your answer to the next level, by crafting the PERFECT answer
Leave your comments here
Share this material to your friends here on Facebook; Linkedin, ...here on twitter, Google+ --or any other social media platform where you hangout-- whom it might be valuable to.
Remember to enter your best email at the bottom of this page…and subscribe to join my email list, where I will send YOU the valuable part II lesson, of this 2-part material.
See you on the inside!
Talk soon
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