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Answering interview questions is a skill. One that you can learn! |
One of the common and prodigious mistakes most interview-candidates make in the interview room is to answer the “Surface-Level Question” asked by the interviewer.
Sounding contradictory? Maybe…
But the truth is; when an interviewer asks you any question during the interview; he is not just seeking an answer to the “straight question” he just asked.
He’s asking something else. There is another question behind the “Surface-Level Question”; which is the EXACT question he’s asking.
I call this: “The Question Behind-The-Question”
Great interviewees are able to “decode” an interviewer’s question. And rather than answering the “Surface-Level Question”; they know their job is to answer the “Hidden Question”.
And that’s what differentiates them from the average interviewees. That’s what makes them win interviews.
Today, I want to show you how to “decode” interview questions. Learn and uncover what the interviewer is asking for; and concisely respond precisely to the “hidden question.”
But first, let’s look at three categories of interviewees; and then we’ll dive deeper into “decoding” interview questions.
Most job-interviewees go into an interview room when they have not prepared at all. They expect to get in there; “wing it” and “win it”!
Classic rookie mistake.
They go into the interview-room; knowing “almost nothing” about the company and job-position they are interviewing for.
They know nothing about the company challenges; and do nothing prior the material day to prepare. They NEVER prepare on how to answer any of the interview questions.
They NEVER think about how their EXPERIENCES; SKILLS; KNOWLEDGE match to the position.
Which is not a surprise because again: how could they do that if they never research to know anything about the job position?
But there is one thing they do better. They try and “Dress appropriately”.
Their idea of “Preparing for an interview” is “dressing smart”—which is a cheesy advice.
Of course these candidates never come close to winning in any interview. Sadly, they NEVER ask themselves why they failed the interview.
And if they do; they never take action to be better. The circle of losing repeats itself. This is not a wise way to approach job interviews.
Most times they chalk their failure to: “The interviewer was not fair”; or; “It is about whom you know”
The most important question is: Are you in this category?
I guess it’s most likely you are not—especially because you are reading this material.
But if you are; it’s time to learn to approach your job interview questions differently! And I’m here to help you do that—today and for years to come.
…Because again, who wants to be in this category anyway? Who want to lose job opportunities?
These categories of interview-candidates are good. They try and prepare. They get to learn a few things about the company prior the material day.
They have vague or average understanding about what the job-position they are interviewing entails.
They go online (or even ask 'friends') and try to gather some shallow information about the position; and company. They are usually aware of company products; and services.
They also go further and do "On-surface preparation” about answering interview question. They “cram” some answers to “standard interview questions”.
These candidates are good; and know that “exuding confidence” in the interview room is critical. They also know that it’s vital to make good first impression (because they have read about all that).
Chances of them winning are 50/50.
And by good luck (which is rare in the competitive job market); if they happen to be going up against category #1; they may come close to winning.
But that rarely happens because it’s a competitive job-market.
These are good interviewees; and with help and commitment on their part to become outstanding interviewees; they can take their C-Level Interviewing game to A-level.
I would like to point out a few things WHY this C-level Preparation RARELY CUTS-IN.
- You Become a commodity: All your peer-interviewees in the room are just like you—average.
Meaning even if you win the interview; you will not be treated like a valuable hire; because the interviewer can get someone else—just like you--instead.
- You Never Win Interview questions by ‘cramming answers': You can “cram” answers to some random interview questions; but the situations are different for different job position.
And by “cramming” answers to interview question (without “decoding” the “Question Behind-The-Question”); you give “Surface-Level-Answers” which do not address the real interviewer’s question.
- You rarely win the interview: There are a few job-interviewees committed to mastering the interviewing game.
That boils down to “lost opportunity” (the job position) and “wasted time” (the time you spend doing the surface-level preparation)
Think about it this way: Your job is one of critical area of your life; WHY not commit to High-Level of Preparation about it? Why not commit to WIN?
These are great candidates who choose to go beyond being average interviewee. They do a high-level of preparation prior the material day; and differentiate themselves from their peers.
And I show you how to do ALL that.
They separate themselves from being treated like a commodity; thus raising their standards as valuable hires.
In their preparation; they deeply research the company. Covering:
- Company general information; products and services etc
- Company clients (the direct receiver of their results); and challenges relating to the position they are interviewing for.
- They identify and analyze what: Experiences; Skills; Knowledge they have that matches to the interviewing position.
- They ‘craft” how their unique blend of talent matches the job position and ADDS VALUE to the company
- They thoroughly practice: Uncovering the Question-Behind-The Question” and how to answer those questions
With this high-level of preparation; you can always tell a great interviewee and unprepared/good interviewee.
This third category usually prepared 80%; before they come in for the interview. They almost always win the interview
I want to help you take it from “good” to “great” interviewee; by showing how to: Answer “The-Question-Behind-The-Question
And so...
Uncovering "The Question-Behind-The-Question"
Let’s dive into unearthing the “Hidden Question”. We are going to pick a standard yet tough interview question that you’ll almost always be asked in the interview room.
One that most candidates get it wrong. Yet one of the “Best-Selling Interview Question” (BSQ)
(Note: Best-Selling Questions (BSQ) are those questions that “Best Sell You” when you answer the correctly in the interview room)
We’ll then “decode” this interview question; and uncover what the interviewer is EXACTLY asking for. Or WHY he’s asking the question in the first place.
Note: Interview questions are not asked for formalities—even the standard interview questions. And so they don’t have the same standard answer; but there is a “shared Systematic framework” you can use to answer those questions.
Decoding the question:
“Why should we hire you?”
The above is a “standard interview question”. But the answer to that question is not “standard”.
Meaning; its answer varies depending on: 1) the position you are interviewing for 2) What the job entails 3) The challenges the company is facing.
And what that means is; if you “cram” or “copy” someone else’s answer; you’ll be giving:
1) A “standard answer” and will get it all wrong
2) It will show that you did not do your “homework” (aka: you NEVER did research to know anything about the company). Thus, you are incompetent candidate
3) This is a BSQ (Best-Selling Interview Question); and when you display the previous two incompetency you lose the interview.
Yet I will show you a “Standard Framework” you can use to answer and win in this question.
This Systematic Framework works regardless of the job position; company challenges or whatever the job entails; that you are interviewing for.
It is a THREE-STEP process. And it’s very simple:
Step #1. Know the “WHYs” of the question
Step #2. Uncover the “Question-Behind-The-Question” (QBQ) from the WHYs
Step #3. Respond to the QBQ by addressing the “WHYs”
Let’s dive into it and use this framework to respond to our standard interview question.
Step #1: The “WHYs” Of The Question.
Before I walk you through this; here’s my…
Interview Rule 101: Companies don’t put up/advertise job positions because they want to “hire you”. No. In fact; no company wants to hire you because it is an expensive; time-consuming; and hectic process.
So why do they do it? ...They do it because they have challenges they cannot solve. They REALLY NEED someone to solve those challenges.
If you get to know those challenges; and then “SHOW” plus “DEMONSTRATE” how you are going to address the challenges for them; they would be glad to hire you!
Notice; they will be hiring you NOT for YOURSELF but for THEMSELVES.
What that means is: The challenges they are facing have VERY HIGH STAKES and UNAFFORDABLE; than the hectic expensive process of hiring you.
So they would rather hire someone for “themselves” to solve those problems; rather than PAY the PENALTY of not hiring someone to resolve the PAINFUL challenges.
That very subtle “Mental Framework” of understanding the “Hiring-Game” differentiates the Winning Interviewee and the Average Interviewee
Simply said: Companies DON’T WANT to HIRE you; but companies are DESPERATE to HIRE you
I call that: “The Paradox Of Hiring”
So, what “The Paradox Of Hiring” means with regard to our today’s question is: The answer you give to that question “MUST have NOTHING to do with you; and EVERYTHING to do with the INTERVIEWER.”
The WHYs
In this standard interview question; the hiring manager is expressing his fears. That’s WHY he’s asking the question in the first place.
He fears that by hiring you:
• He will have WASTED his time:” which he should have invested doing something else; if you are not the right candidate (he’s a busy guy)
• He will have INVESTED in the adverts and hiring process only to lose in the end; if you are the wrong candidate for his PROBLEMS
• He will have gone through the HECTIC process and EXPENSES of acquiring and interviewing you for NOTHING, so he might as well figure-out that early in advance; to cut his losses.
• He will keep on PAYING the HIGH PENALTY of his unresolved CHALLENGES, even after getting you on board.
• And if the fourth fear happens to be true; he will have to repeat the same Expensive; Time-consuming and Hectic process of hiring again; after a few months of hiring you,-- because you could not hold up.
Can you see the deep “WHYs” of this simple question?
(Note: Every single question asked in the interview room has a “WHY”)
When answering that question; those are the fears/reservations you need to ELIMINATE for your interviewer/hiring manager. Anything else shorter than that doesn’t cut-in.
Vague Answers That NEVER cut-in for This Question:
“…Because I would really work hard and I really need this job”
“…Because I would be a VALUABLE employee to your company and this job would offer me financial support which I really need”
“...Because I am committed to this position; and it has been my dream to work with this/your company since I was in college”
Do you notice how ALL the above answers (which is what many interviewees give); are NEVER addressing the hiring manger’s fears we outlined on “The WHYs”?
When you look closely into those answers; what do you notice, that they have in common?
You will notice two things:
1) Those answers are “ALL ABOUT THE JOB-INTERVIEWEE”; and not the employer (which is WHY they never cut-in.) They violate our Interview Rule 101.
2) You will also notice that those answers are VAGUE.
Do you know who else says…“I will work hard and I really need this job? …Everyone.
And that makes you a commodity. It’s time you stop framing yourself as a commodity before the interviewer/hiring manager.
Who says… “I would be VALUABLE employee to your company and this job would offer me financial support…”?
I will tell you: It’s those candidates who do not understand what VALUABLE means (so they are not going to be of any VALUE); and who are selfish; ONLY thinking about their FINANCIAL NEEDS.
Again they NEVER understand the Interview Rule 101 and have not taken time to conceptualize the “Paradox Of Hiring”
Notice I am not trying to be mean here. I’m showing you how the interviewer/hiring manager see’s those answers.
I want you to see where most interviewees go wrong; and how to respond like seasoned interviewee.
And who answers that question with the cheesy phrase… “Because I am committed to this position/role; and it’s been my childhood dreams to work with this company”?
Guess who?...those candidates that are not committed at all.
Plus; who cares about your childhood dreams anyway—except you? The truth: No one. Not your interviewer/hiring manager!
But if you follow this THREE-Step process; you will position yourself as competent interviewee; and make that dream happen.
Step #2: The “Question-Behind-The-Question”
So, what’s the one single “Question-Behind-The-Question”?
Well, when the hiring manager asks you: Why Should We Hire You?
Here is what he is asking:
“How HIGH are my risks of a hiring you?”
Or in another version: “What risks am I involving myself into; by hiring you?”
Once you unearth this question; you can confidently move to the third step.
Step #3 Giving Your Answer:
So, in your answer; you MUST:
1) SHOW and DEMONSTRATED no risks; or very minimal risks involved on the hiring manager’s side; when he gets you on board.
2) HIGHLIGHT and DEMONSTRATE the MORE REWARDS the hiring manager will get by hiring you; versus when he fails to.
3) HIGHLIGHT the “HOME-RUN PLAN” on how you ELIMINATE his challenges. This is demonstrating your plan on how you hit the ground running—this one works like a charm.
That’s how you differentiate yourself from every other interviewee; and get the hiring manager hiring you right away.
That’s how you WIN interviews!
Interview Mistakes You MUST NEVER MAKE!
Before we cap today’s material; allow me to show you three rookie-interviewee mistakes you should NEVER make in front of the interviewer/hiring manager.
- Mistake # 1. NEVER PROJECT your own needs as the hiring manager’s needs.
That’s why VAGUE ANSWER #2 is off the chart!
But if you demonstrate your value to him first; if you eliminate his fears; if you show that you do understand his needs first; and have a plan resolving them—then later you can talk about your salary.
- Mistake #2: NEVER PROJECT your own dreams as the hiring manager’s dreams
The hiring manager has NEVER dreamt of hiring you. So you might as well keep those dreams to yourself.
But there is something that keeps him awake throughout the night. He has a dream. A dream of hiring someone who can solve his company challenges.
That’s the only dream you can share. Otherwise you are out!
So, if you can show him how you both share the same dream; by ELIMINATING his fears; solving his challenges; ONLY then can he HIRE you.
- Mistake #3: NEVER TRANSLATE other Companies challenges to be the same challenges for the one you are interviewing for.
That’s why you cannot afford to “cram” or respond to interview questions with “standard answers”.
Your “RIGHT ANSWER”…or someone else’s right answer (for the same exact position) in a previous/another company you (he/she) worked for; are often TOTALLY WRONG for the next company you’ll be interviewing for.
That’s why I show you “Systematic Standard Frameworks”; versus “Standard Answers” to tough interview questions.
That’s why RESEARCHING the company and position is critical.
Pay attention: While the interview questions might be “Standard” –and often times they are—the answers are NEVER standard.
The Systematic Framework shows you where to focus on—regardless of the company; industry and job-position.
There you have it; a Systematic Standard Framework you can use to:
1)Know the "WHYs" of interview question 2) uncover the Question-Behind-The-Question; and 3) respond with precision like a competent interviewee.
What We’ve Covered Today:
1) Have the right “Mental Framework”: By following Interview Rule 101
2) Follow my “Systematic Three-Step Standard Framework”:
• Uncover the 'WHYs'.
• Unearth the REAL question (QBQ).
• Respond to the QBQ by addressing the 'WHYs'
3) Never make the THREE Classic Rookie-interviewee mistakes
Tell Me Two Things
What’s the No # rookie-interviewee mistake you’ve ever made? What’s the one thing you’ve learnt in this material; about interview questions?
Leave a comment; and share this material to anyone whom it can help.
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