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Here's how to handle the most toughest interview and win, |
This happens in life and in our careers too. Especially, in job interviews.
But imagine how it'd feel like, being able to walk into a job interview confidently; because:
- You are fully prepared and know what your interviewer is looking for in his questions.
- You know what to say and how to say it.
- You understand the QBQ (The-Question-Behind-The-Question)
Today, we'll talk about interviewing and how to handle one of the toughest interview questions, which puts us in a situation where we have to pick between 2 unfavorable options.
Here's one of the most dreaded interview question which most of us wish we could avade, because, either way we respond, we are bound it's going to hurt our chances of getting hired.
Here's the question:
“What’s your greatest weakness?”
Today, I'd like to show you how to competently handle this question, and rather than, feeling like you'll hurt your chances, you'll learn how to flip it around, and use it to instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate.
For today, we'll cover:
- How you should NOT RESPOND” to this “DREADED” interview question.
- The BAD ADVICE you must NEVER follow about answering this “DREADED” question.
- What DISHONEST and FLAKY ANSWERS reveal about you as an interview-candidate (these answers screw you and you lose the job-opportunity)
Let's dive in...
Usually, when the interview asks you: What’s your greatest weakness? ,
For most job-interviewees; it’s like finding themselves between two bad choices (the devil and deep sea).
And yes, it sucks!
See, if you say you have no weakness; then you are being DISHONESTY because every one of us has a weakness (no one is perfect).
And yes, you could go ahead, and tell the hiring manager you've no weakness. The problem with that response is, if you say so, the interviewer knows you are “LYING”.
He knows you are being dishonesty.
And you can guess what’s going to happen--no hiring manager would hire a dishonesty candidate.
So, that straight away, is a sure way to lose the interview.
On the other hand; if you blurt out a weakness that applies to the position; you are hurting ALL your chances of getting the job.
You are likely to lose it!
And so it seems like either way you respond, you're on the losing end!
So, you should never say you've no weakness. And you should never blurt out a weakness that hurts your chances of landing the job.
Now, before I show you how to tactfully and effectively respond to this question without being dishonest, and without hurting your chances of landing the job,
let's look into the conventional career advice we hear, around how to respond to this question, plus how you should not respond, and what each of the conventional answers we give to the interviewers mean.
Common Answers That Will Fail & What They Tell Hiring Manager About You
Response # 1. “Not One That I know Of”
Sounds good to say you aren't aware of any weakness you have! But whether or not you are honest about that, that type of answer will fail and you'll lose the interview.
It tells the hiring manager a number of negative things about you:
You Come Across As Cocky: you could be genuine about not being aqare of any weakness you have--though most candidate will five that response so they dont lose the job.
But whether you are being genuine in yoir response or not, you come across as "cocky", because everyone of us has weakness--including the interviewer who's interviewing you.
You come across as someone who’s stack-up and thinks overly highly about himself. And hiring managers would avoid such candidates like a plaque, even if they have great skills and experience.
You come across as dishonesty: you may be genuine about your reaponse, but to the hiring manager, you come across as dishonest. And they'd not want to hire you. You lose the chance.
You come across as not being “self-aware": the one thing that hiring manager look into a job candidate, is whether or not they're aware of their strengths and weakness.
By saying you are not aware of any weakness you have, you're telling the interviewer you don't know yourself. And straight away, you lose your candidacy.
Because not knowing your weaknesses means you do nothing to improve yourself. It means you're not proactive. It means you're not a top performing candidate.
It means you applied for the job so you can just get paycheck. No hiring manager will hire that type of candidate.
Notice how that one "naive" answer says a lot of negative things about you as a job candidate. None of which help you land the job!
So, you must never give such an answer.
Response # 2. “My greatest weakness is…[insert a weakness that DESTROYS your chance]”
The last thing you want to do in the interview room is to give an answer—to this question-- that DESTROYS your chances of getting the job.
Truth be told; if you give a weakness that directly applies to your job position; no one would hire you. Hiring managers would never take blind chances on you.
So, you must never talk about a weakness that directly applies to the position which you currently have. If you do, you lose the job.
What it tells the hiring manager is: you are not qualified for the job.
Response # 3. “My Greatest weakness is I’m WORKAHOLIC”
Now, job candidates give this kind of answers. And they comes in different versions.
Here are other versions of this king of an answer:
“…My greatest weakness is that I TRY TOO HARD!
“...My greatest weakness is that I AM A PERFECTIONIST!”
“…My greatest weakness it that I [insert any STRENGTH]”
Now, this answers stem from conventional career advice, where we are told: "Pick a strength, and present it as weakness!"
My advice is, never give such an answer.
And here's why:
# 1: You're being dishonest: that's answer is crap, and hiring managers know that. They've heard it like a million times, and xan see throufj yoir crap. You are being dishonest, and they know it.
They immediately disqualify you right away.
# 2: You'll get disqualified even if that's true: it's true some people are workaholic, or perfectionist. And that can be a great weakness. But that's not how the hiring manager will see it
What they see is, you've picked a strength and tried to present it as a weakness, which tells them you're not be honest.
They've hard such answers a thousands times, and they know they aren't true.
Avoid such clichés
Such flaky answer does a number of things:
You Are Not Genuine: Interviewers and hiring managers know how to size you up. They can tell more about you without having to ask you about anything directly.
And they start sizing you up; the moment you get into the interview room.
When you are not being genuine; they can tell it; from the way you respond to the way you present answers. They have heard that answer way too often and know you are pretending and being phony about it.
That’s a red-flag; and you are out!
It NEVER Differentiates You: onow, assume your were being honest, and that your answer was genuine, and that the inteeciewer knew that.
How many interviewees before or after you do you think will give such an answer? The truth: many of them.
By giving that kind of an answer; you look like every other interviewee. You become a commodity; and that’s not how you DIFFERENTIATE yourself from your peer interviewees.
This answer fails flat because:
- It's way too trite (no interviewer considers that as a response)
- It doesn’t reveal anything that “qualifies you” (workaholic people are not ALWAYS competent, and sometimes, being a perfectionist in certain jobs could lead to direct disqualification)
- It doesn’t give you an opportunity to demonstrate “Why you are the right candidate"
See, even if you were truly workaholic or perfectionist, that answer would still fall flat.
In every answer you give in an interview, it should be geared toward showing hiring manager WHY THEY SHOULD HIRE YOU, and not any other candidate.
By giving such a closed-up answer, you never achieve the above goal.
Do you see how all these responses fail?...even though some look "good'?
Here's something I'd like you to keep in mind,
You don’t go to the interviewer room to give “sufficient answers” to the interviewer. No! You go there to show them why they should hire you.
That’s the ultimate goal!
In other words; if keeping quiet in the interview--and never answering a single question-- could show the interviewer why they ahould hire you, that's exactly what you are supposed to to do. Keep quiet.
This is also why, knowing when to shut up during the interview, and when responding to the interviewer's questions is important.
Candidates who aren't sure about their competency talk and talk until the interview cute them off.
And interviewers and hiring manager can tell whether or not a candidate is competent, based on HOW he responds to a question, rather than the ANSWER he gives about the question.
Oftentimes, HOW YOU RESPOND matters more than THE ANSWER YOU GIVE.
At the bottom of this material, I'll give you a link to Part II material where we'll dive into:
- The “Question(s)-Behind-The Question”: in this, we'll uncover what hiring managers are really looking for, when they ask you the quesrion aboit your weakness, so we can have a framework to respond to this question effectively.
- The Systematic Response Framework: I'll show you the actual framework you can use to craft right answer for that question, without being dishonest, or hurting your chances of getting the job
- How To “Flip Around” This Question To Demonstrate Competency: I'll show you the actual answer your can give (with Word-for-word scripts), to show the interviewer or hiring manger why they should hire you.
Now, before we get into Part II where we cover the above 3 things, I'd like to make sure you get the best of my best materials and powerful interviewing techniques and tactics which I only share with readers, in my email list. These are powerful interviewing techniques and tactics which I never share on this blog.
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Once you're done clicking the above link,
Here's Part II of this material where I give you the exact "Word-for-word Scripts" on how to respond to this tough question and win the hiring manger and instantly raise your credibility as the right candidate.
When you've gone through the material, implement what you'll learn and improve your interviewing game.
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