Today I want to show you what makes top-performers get invitation for their dream-Job interview almost immediately--after submitting their CV/Resume--while the rest are kept waiting for years and years in the dark! Or even worse; fail to ever get to hear from the company again. Remember that resume you submitted last year and they never even called you back? This year; you can change that; and get them to call you back almost immediately.
Yes, that is possible because I will show you what top-performers do; that an average performer does not. I want you to go and use the techniques they use to get their dream-job; so you can short-cut the waiting-cycle! And never have to be kept in that frustrating darkness forever wondering…“Did they ever see my CV/Resume??”
But before we dig into that; here is something that happened recently:
A few days ago; something very fascinating happened. I heard her say at the reception desk…
“I dropped my CV early last year; for a (vacancy position). I was just coming to see whether that chance is there” (Hint: That chance will NEVER be there)
I was asked whether I may want to talk to her; but I declined. “Kindly tell her if the chance will be there; she will be contacted” was my polite response (aka: she should go and wait some more).
Here is the back story:
This lady had dropped her CV early last year—around April 2014—if am not wrong. She then waited for response or a call for an interview for the position she had applied. After waiting for almost a year without being contacted; she decided to make a follow up—just to see if there might be any positive response. (Sometimes you need to make a follow up –because your CV might have failed to reach the relevant person; it might have been dumped and forgotten somewhere in the cabinet; or they saw it and forgot to give you a call)
So, following up was very smart of her--after all, they tell us we should make a follow up—right? WRONG!
The Questions And Frustrations:
Can you relate to that scenario? If you once searched for a job; or have been searching for a job—I know you can relate. Can you feel the frustration?
She has been waiting; and now she should go and wait some more!
…wait until when? What are the chances? What if there was no chance?
What is she supposed to do?
How To Separate Yourself In Your Dream-Job Search:
Today I want to show you how you can navigate through your dream-job search like the elite performer—they always seem to get jobs almost effortlessly. I will show you how you can separate yourself from the rest of the candidates. How you can reverse the role and have the guy on the other side of the table call you—not you coming to see if there might be a chance!
Yes, you can circumvent all those frustration and never be that dude who will have to “…wait some more” if you do things right!
The Barriers And Mistakes:
But before I show you what to do; can you see the mistakes this potential candidate is making? Do you notice what she is doing; that she shouldn’t? Can you tell why her way job-search will never work no matter how many CV she drops? Even if there was a vacancy; the truth is; more than 90% she will NEVER get the chance! Can you tell why?
If it were you what would you do? Now, before you proceed to the next section where I show you what she could have done differently; what you MUST do differently to separate yourself and stand out from the rest of applicant; I would like you to do something. And this is very critical!
Write down the mistake you think she is committing—and by the way; the mistake she is committing here are suicidal—in her way of trying to get this job. Then write down what you would do differently if you were in her position—and be honest with yourself.
Digging Deeper:
Here are several fatal mistakes this lady is making:
- Approaching From a Point Of Weakness
You never do that!
- Passively Waiting. Passive Follow Up
To get that call for an interview; you have to make your potential employer call you--not wait until he does. You need to do things differently from the rest of the waiters; that gets him/her pick the phone; dial your number and make that call—the elite does that!
- Sabotaging Her Interview before It Happens
Let's assume she will be called for interview; can you foresee doom? She has already has started failing . Interviewing gets started way too far; before you ever get in to dream-job interview room. It starts from the way you submit your CV/Resume; to what you do after that; until you get into the room for the interview.
In fact, 80% of the work is done before you get face-to-face with your interview. By coming from a point of weakness; she has sabotaged her chances before she ever gets interviewed; by the way she has approached her job-search/CV submission—interviewers are able to notice that incompetency!
What The Elite Does:
Here are few things you can do--and what she should have done--to push things forward faster; and demonstrate that you are highly competent and worthy the ‘phone-call’ for that position:
You want to show your potential employer; that you are worth considering not only for the interview; but worthy the job; right off the bat.
1.Do Your Homework Before You Submit Your CV\Resume
Do a research about your dream company: what the culture is like; generally what do they do—services and products. What are the things they struggle with? Then get specific: dig deeper about what is expected in the capacity you are applying for. What are the roles of someone in that position? What do they do?
Heads Up: Don’t be stupid: Forget about what you learnt in college—it applies less in the job market.
Smart people get a ‘feel’ of what it is like in the real position; before they go ahead and apply. What are the critical skills set for your targeted position; and what are the salient problems those skills are set to solve. What is your dream-company’s specific expectation for someone in that post?
I call that “The Inside Scoop”. Once you have ‘The Inside Scoop’; and got yourself ready; you can now roll the dice!
Notice, the research helps you craft your CV exceptionally well. Submit your CV/Resume—which should be crafted deftly; showing your specific related skills for that post! Most of your peers are not doing that—they never research (trust me I have read several and I know)—so your CV stands out above theirs.
2.Do A ‘Smart Follow-up
You have crafted your CV/Resume; and submitted—it’s outstanding, so you have already started to stand-out right off the bat! You also know; what those in the position you are eying do. You know the specific critical skills required; and what problems those skills help to solve.
You are now armed like a serial killer! Ready to launch your IRRESISTIBLE ARSENAL! Yes, if the TARGET does not BACK OFF!
If the TARGET BACK OFFS; and you get an immediate response—remember you submitted exceptionally targeted CV/Resume—that’s great; go knock the interview off the park. If they don't; that cool, it’s time to push things a little bit further. It’s time to make a follow up! It’s time to launch your MISSILE!
Notice; how you ‘LAUNCH YOUR MISSILE’ (make a follow up) matters more; than the follow up itself. Any loser can drag their feet to the company doors and ask “whether they ever saw his/her CV/Resume; and what did they think about it”! That should not be you!
Remember, ‘positioning’ and ‘re-framing’ matters more than anything else; and you can ask without asking—I have done that very many time; and almost all the times my request has been granted!
Here is why it matters:
“Positioning and Re-framing changes perception; and perception determines reception/rejection”
Simply put; people respond to you based on how they perceive you. You need to come from a POSITION OF POWER as you make your follow-up. You don’t want to come across as ‘JOB-BEGGAR’—there are no longer jobs for such!
Here is something simple you can do: prepare something (a solution) that solves a problem the company is experiencing/potentially experiences in the capacity you are applying for. You can take it to the company offices; or craft a great; yet very simple email and attach it; then send.
Notice: You SHOULD NOT ask about your CV/Resume response. NO! The purpose of this email is to let the relevant person know that you’ve come up with a something that you thought might be relevant in solving a bottleneck in that specific capacity (the one you applied for); and you’ve send that solution to them. DON’T ASK FOR ANYTHING!
Notice The Psychological Positioning Here?
Can you see what is happening? You are accomplishing more than a single thing here:
#.1. You are OFFERING VALUE without asking for anything in return. No potential candidate does that! You stand out!
#. 2. You show that you are aware what they are struggling with; and you could be of value to them. Notice how you do that without pitching yourself.
#. 3. You are coming from POSITION OF POWER. Only highly competent and powerful people help others without expecting anything in return. They are in control of their lives; don’t need anything from you; but let you know that you need them. And they do this without ever telling you! The power of re-framing!
#. 4. You are saying “Hey, I submitted my Credentials; and am waiting for your response; but before we even get to that; here is what you could benefit by hiring me. And that is just a piece of the iceberg. Think of what you could benefit if I were in your team”.
Do you realize that you are making a follow up; without “literally doing it”? You are becoming irresistible!
#. 5. You have SHIFTED POWERS.
Notice by positioning and re-framing you are making the other end to start wanting to work with you--without you asking. You have put their wheels in motion to start “seeking you out.” They are the one to call you; and not only that; but they already know you are highly valuable to them before they get to interview you. You have 80% passed the dream-job interview before ever stepping into the interview room.
What are the chances your competing peers over-throw you on the material day? The truth is, ALMOST ZERO; because you already have a professional relationship with the company before the interview.
NB: There are cases you might need to send several of those. But for how long can they ignore you? They can’t!
3.Show Competency In Your CV/Resume Submission
In this last technique; you submit your CV/Resume right off; with a prepared solution document that would help the company solve their bottlenecks—instead of doing it as a follow-up. By doing that, you show them that you know what they are struggling with; and you are the guy they need!
You instantly position yourself as an irresistible candidate who cannot be ignored. You short-cut the waiting duration; making the cycle shorter than it normally would. You gain an upper-hand above all your competing peers; even though you scored the same grade at college.
That is what top-performers do. When you do your ‘homework’; you make the work easier for the decision-makers; plus add to your credibility. As Harvey Spector in the Series Movie “SUITS” would say: “You show them you get!”
It takes HARD WORK and preparation? But it’s worth the fruits—the benefits are more than just getting the job!
Would you rather keep on waiting until--who knows when;--or would you rather do the “Hard Work”; and systematically tip-over the scale to your favor; and get that job? Go now, and do that; and you’ll no longer have to worry about…“What they think about your Resume!”
What are other techniques you’ve used to nail your "Dream-job Interview Phone call" or short-cut the waiting-cycle? Share them on the comments below.
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