SALARY NEGOTIATION TECHNIQUE: Getting Inside Your Employer's Head

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Hey guys!

There is nothing incapacitating as being out of control of your career. Slaving through years and years  in your cubicle; and hoping  the BIG BOSS will wake up one day; and announce a the mocking “Peasant-penny Salary raise” due to the increased cost of living.

The last thing you want to do in life; is to have the future of your career and entire life; hinged on hopes that predictably will never come to materialize. You can almost smell the doom of your life.

When our career is pegged on other people’s “good-wake-up moods”; then we know we are living by the whims of others. They determine our monthly income; they are almost in control of what we shall be earning 10 years from now. Yes, they take the driving seat of our lives and determine the trajectory our career.

I Wonder Whether He Will Wake Up Feeling Generous Today!

We all want to be in charge of our lives. We want to be able to plan; and predict our income 5 years from now, without having someone to “Pull the Strings” and control how much we are going to be earning. Yet many of us; even though we know this; continue to wallow in the mercies of our bosses.

We know we have been slaving through our 8 to 5 for the last more or few years; not much has changed; and yet we just sit-back and watch years pass-by. Maybe you’ve got a salary increase; but only at the end of year’s review – thanks to company’s End-of-year review-routine. But what if you can make a shift?

What If You Could Initiate Your Own Salary Raise?
What if you can have the power; and control of your career and earning? What if you can “Pull the strings” yourself? What if there was a way; to not wait for the end of year salary review; but you can negotiate and initiate your salary raise?

What if there were techniques that you can use to shorten your own salary review cycles? Well, the truth is; there is a way to do that.

If you have watched the top-notch performers; you have noticed that they earn more; than anyone else. They might have been in the company for a few years than the average performer; but they end up earning more; getting frequent promotion than anyone else; and enjoying perks that the rest of the team members don’t.

The ELITE PERFORMER does not wait for the end of year salary review; they don’t sit and hope that the boss will wake up one morning, feeling too generous to announce the long awaited cost of living salary raise.

They get in control of their career; they strategize and use salary negotiation techniques that get them to earn more; and rise to the top in their specialty. So, how do they do that? While everyone is being told there is no salary raise; and there are no promotions; how do they side-step those objections and get what they want? What is their secret weapon that gets them recognized?

In this post I am going to reveal to you; one of the Top-Secret of Elite Performer. A secret that you can use to take control of your career and join the Elite performer’s Club of earning more; getting more flexibility; enjoying special perks and getting promotion.

Yes, with this single technique; you will be able to bid good bye to peasant-penny club; rise to shape your career; and get in the driver’s seat of your future! You will be able to say “NO” to living on the whims of others!

Preparation Matters The Most
In my previous posts; I have shown you how sales profession is similar to interviewing; and the same similarity are present when it comes to salary negotiation. Do you just step into a potential client’s office without any preparation about your product and what you’ve got to offer; that would benefit him or her?

The truth is, the Best Value Givers; never do that. They know preparation matters the most; more than anything else. (I use the term “VALUE-GIVERS” to mean ‘Genuine-Value Adding Caring Sales professionals’. I HATE the TERM “Sales Persons” .I associate it with “Low Integrity Human Beings”; the "Unethical Opportunistic" slimy people who walk around in Suits and ties; even when the sun is too hot; seeking ignorant great potential customers to ‘Prey on’. Yes, that is what sleazy and typical sales persons are).

 So, VALUE-GIVERS prepare enough; they know what they got to offer to the potential client; that will solve his problems; before they ever talk about the price of their product/service. They know that GIVING VALUE is what comes first; and money comes later.

The same principle applies in Salary negotiation; and Value-Generators (aka The Elite Performer) have ALWAYS used that; they prepare before-hand! Eighty percent of the work is done before you ever step into your boss’s office and ask for a raise.

There are many techniques you can use to do your preparation; but it boils down to Generating Value. I won’t go into details about preparation in this material; what I want to show you today; is how to “Get Into your Boss’s Head” so you know what kind of preparation you need.

Without getting into your employer’s head; ALL your preparations are total waste of time. I have seen employees try to negotiate for a salary raise using baseless arguments. Arguments like these:

# 1. “I have been here for long years enough; so Mr. Boss; I need a raise”

It’s true you have been there for years on end; so what?  Your boss does not care about the years you’ve worked in the company. That does not help him; the company; or any other person. And most importantly; it does not help you to get a raise. If you want me to tell you who cares for your years; it’s NSSF.

So, wait until you retire; then go and negotiate your salary raise with them; and they would be glad to listen to you - then give you your Retirement Benefits

But, I know you don’t want to wait until then; that’s why I am here to help you. So first lesson; never use that # 1 argument to negotiate your salary. So, save your ‘face’; you don’t want to come across as so dumb to your employer; they don’t even consider that when choosing who to promote.

You see why it’s very important to learn how to get into your employers head?

# 2. “You lately put me in-charge of [X Department] (Quoting a Lateral department. Not different from what the employee is doing - just an EXTENSION); so I deserve salary increase”

I see these mistakes with under-performers and average employees. You NEVER hear TOP-PERFORMER using that argument ever. “Yes, lately I gave you an EXTENSION of what you are currently doing. It’s still under our agreed job description”.

That’s the response you will get from your boss; if he is kind enough. If he is the “NO NONSENSE Guy”; you will be dismissed out of his office immediately!

WHY? Because...

You not ONLY come across as dumb employee; but you also come across as GREEDY and OPPORTUNISTIC; good-for-NOTHING employee to your TOUGH BOSS.

Here is the thing; there is a big difference between an extension of your present responsibilities; yet within the job description; and promotion to take “New Responsibilities”. The later deserves consideration; but the former does not.

While the average or under-performer see that as an added responsibility and do it grudgingly; the Top-notch team-player sees that as an opportunity!

He takes it on stride; “knocks things out of the park” in that department and proves himself as a reliable team-member. He knows he shall leverage that in the future to negotiate salary; but he never use that directly.

# 3. “I have been a "HARDWORKING" employee; so I deserve a better pay”

“Who has not? All those employees who were not hard working were fired a zillion years ago!” is your employer’s first thought when you present your case.

The 'hardworking' term is too ambiguous to your boss. It does not mean much to him or her. At best; he will give you a pat on the shoulder and thank you for being hard-working. Besides; that’s why he chose you over the rest of the candidates during the interview.

He knew you would be hard-working; and that is why he was kind enough to offer you the salary that you are currently earning!

If you were honest with yourself; you know that hardworking means nothing; and is not quantitative. There are no metrics to measure how hardworking you are! The prime movers NEVER use such generic terms. They know numbers matters to their employer; and no one cares about what is “amorphous” anymore!

So, why are we having trouble with all this “Salary-raise argument phrases” when it comes to negotiating our salary; yet they sound so valid? How is it that they can’t validate our case? Well, the reason is very simple…

“They are not what your employer looks for; when he wants to promote one of you. They are not at the top of his head when it comes to considering your salary increase. They are far-fetched arguments to him/her as ludicrous and UNFAIR as that may sound”

“THAT’S VERY UNFAIR!” you may say. Well, I understand how you feel; but it’s not! Here is the deal; you can continue with the underachievers and losers UNFAIR mantra; or you can follow what I am about to show you next; and get in control of your career; get promotion; and negotiate like and accomplished top performer.

Getting Into Your Employer's Head
If you would only pull-out what is in the mind of your employer as far as salary raise and promotion is concerned; then present that as your negotiation argument; you would be sure to get the raise. He or she would not only pay you more; but he would be glad to do so.

So, here I show you how to get into his head; know what guarantees a salary raise; then what to do after that; after which, you can now negotiate your salary. It’s very simple; and you don’t need master’s degree to do it! Let’s dive deeper…

The 3PR Technique

To make the right preparation for a salary negotiation; you need to use the Promotion Pass-Point Requirement technique (3PR). This enables you to identify what your employer values the most; the things he would consider when it comes to raising your salary. They are the only Three Things your employer cares about. Here is what you need to find out:

1. What are the things that he cares to be done?

2. How does he want them to be done?

3. What are the results that he would expect?

Let’s dissect these three critical things.

What He Cares Done
Your employer has things in his mind; that he desires to see executed; that will help the company to move forward; add to the bottom line; and accomplish the vision. In his head, he has a specific picture of what a prime mover looks like. You job is to become that!

If he can get someone who cares to know that; and ready to go and execute his mind; he will do anything that he can to keep working with such a person. It’s that person who will be promoted; it’s that person who will receive a salary raise – regardless of the short period he has been in that company.

That’s the employee who gets flexibility and ‘winners perks’, to keep doing an OUTSTANDING JOB; in pushing the company’s agenda forward.

How He Wants Things to Be Done
Most companies have a great flexibility; when it comes to execution; and as long as you operate within the parameters of the organization’s policies; you are free to “do it your way”. However; there are some great companies with tight structure about how you execute certain tasks; whichever company you work is immaterial; just make sure you execute within the parameters allowed.

Most employers; especially those working hard to build great brands allow a lot of flexibility and autonomy to their employees so they can innovate on themselves. Go innovate and do it!

If you have a great idea of how things can be done a little bit faster; deliver desired results; and your type of company follows strict execution routines; share it with your employer first.

Let him know what you have in mind; and why you think is a better way to do things. He would be glad that you first consulted; happy that you came up with an executable and more effective strategy; and you are ready to carry it out when given the permission to do so.

Sometimes your boss may point out for some changes; other times you may discuss the idea with him and realize that it’s not executable. Either way; the kicker is; your boss notices you as valuable employee; and one who is willing think (without being nudged to); and do things in a way that will helps in achieving company goals

Such employees are value generators; and no employers want to lose them; he would be glad to always work with them. The last thing any employer would want to do; is give instruction; and come to realize later that they were not followed! It signals incompetency

The Results He Expects
This is very critical; because ultimately your employer want specific RESULTS. Once you get to know what he expects as RESULTS; go to work! Execute with his End-Expectations in mind. Focus; concentrate and deliver. If it’s a long term results (For example taking more than a month); keep your boss aware of your progress. If you are stuck; step forth and ask for assistance. He would be pleased to assist.

Once you get the results; let your boss know. Top performers don’t wait for the boss to notice; he may never. They let him know that they are through with specific project; or keep him updated with their current improvement in their departments.

Why the '3PR Technique' Is Highly Effective

 # 1. You Do Less and Get More

It’s easy to buy all the books about salary negotiation and read volumes of them. It’s easy to hit at your office at 6:00 am and leave at 8:00 pm for years; and hope you will be rewarded as a hardworking employee; rather than do ONLY what you “Need To Do” to get a salary raise or promotion. The truth is; all that which is “easy to do”; is ironically the “Hardest Thing to do”. (You HATE yourself every MONDAY morning, for years and nobody will ever recognize you).

My technique focuses on “Doing Hard Work” versus “Being Hardworking”. Those are two totally different concepts; and ONLY the former is REWARDING. With “Doing Hard Work” you have a time frame; and you have metrics. You get tangible numbers in terms of RESULTS to present to your boss. Only numbers mean something to your employer.

That is a systematic scheme where you Do Less and Get More (elite performers do that); versus grinding for years just hoping; or negotiating based on arbitrary terms like “I’m Hard working”; which no one can quantify.

# 2. You Unearth the Associated Competency Triggers

The 3PR techniques forces you to unearth the competency triggers required to get the results expected; and execute the job required to qualify you for salary raise.

Let’s say for example that you realized that your boss values way more the ability to stand and speak confidently in a company meeting; embodiment of leadership skills to lead the rest of the team-players to achieve a specific goal. You buckle down to master those skills; so you get that job done.

What that means is; as you do it, you will discover that self confidence is critical to getting people to respond appropriately so you accomplish that task at hand.

Once you build that self confidence; you OWN IT FOREVER! You become a different person; and high competent person for life. That competency trigger remains with you; and you can apply it in any other aspects of your life; to keep leading; and remain at the top forthwith. By following this technique; you master the competency triggers employed by elite performers

# 3. You Save on Time

Nobody wants a promise of someday. Top performers have time-frames; and that’s what makes them high achievers.

Only the person who can determine what he will be earning 5 years from now; and have a strategy that’s sure to deliver that; can move forward confidently knowing he is in control of his career.

He has a strategy with which you can put a time-frame; and get the predicted results; versus one who uses random tactic; consuming endlessly; all the theory book there is about negotiation which have Zero Element of the practical steps to take; and just hopes , now he’s got the theoretical concepts it will work!

Don’t Follow This Dumb Advice!

I have heard this most dopey advice; especially from young graduates; they go something like this…

… “…meh…you work in that company; and this is how the much they are paying you?  Dude, you should be paid a higher salary than this! You are a Top-notch University grad; and your boss should be glad to have you on board. Go demand what you deserve!”

That is one of the dumbest advices ever. First, your boss does not owe you any money; second, he doesn’t care about where you graduated from (while they might have celebrated you as a top-notch grad, ONLY top-performers matter to employers).

All your boss cares about is RESULTS.

You need to do your “Home-work”; and prove that you are worth more. And that means doing 80% of the work before you ever step into your boss’s office. And that is what the 3PR technique demands from you; yet its positive results when applied correctly goes far beyond salary raise. Only Value-Generators gets a raise!

The Challenge
What are you going to do from now? A time like this next year; you will be a year more older; what plans do you have to step-up your earning?

Will you be earning the same salary; or are you going to get in control of your career; versus whining and slaving through your 8:00 to 5:00 waiting for a mythical “Golden Handshake”?

Leave your comment I would love to hear from you.What are the 'techs' you used to negotiate your salary? Did they work or you screwed up? What was the challenging part, to you?Let me know. Drop specific question concerning negotiation based on this post; and I would be glad to answer you!

 (NB: Don’t ask dumb questions)


P.S.  Get killer tactics on how to get in control of your career; negotiate your salary; and rise to become an Elite Performer; by signing-up at my Subscribers’ List!


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