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Few things feel so amazing, as getting your dream job! |
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Okay, so today, you'll learn 3 steps to WIN job interviews,
But first, the beind-the-story...
I thought this was the hardest part of the game. I was excited--because I succeeded in it.
I imagined and pictured myself enjoying the fruits of my hard work.
...Springing from my bed every single morning, excited, and heading over to do what I always wanted to do.
But, unknowingly, I was wrong!
This happened years ago, but I can remember the day vividly as it was yesterday. It was on a Monday, at around 11: 00 pm, when I received the exciting call--for my second job interview.
I was at work. Doing what I had always been doing for whole year, and pretending I loved it. Yet, hating every single day of my life, and wishing I had a way out.
After the call, I though to myself "Aha...Finally, the gates are wide open, and I can now walk away."
The company was great. The work environment was awesome. The to-be my co-workers were amazing (I interacted with some of them during and before the interview).
..The to-be my job was exciting,--with lots of new stuff to learn (which is the kind of job I've always wanted).
"This is it! " I thought to myself, "finally, I'm heading to where I belong. Will be working with people I love, in an envious job environment. Learning new stuff every day, and pushing my skills to the next level."
All this was true, and all new to me, plus very exciting!
Except I was wrong on one thing.
...What had just happened--getting the job opportunity, and this exciting call to interview for this capacity--was not the hardest part of the game.
But, what was to follow next was the hardest part of the game...which is, making sure I walked away with the job offer.
I recall the interview day clearly. It was on a Thursday. And lost the chance, in the interview. And on Monday morning--the following week--I trudged back my old job!
I decided this should never happen again!
And over the years, I've spent 4+ years of research. Invested thousands of money, and spent long hours, learning from the best of the best, what it takes to get virtually any job you want, in virtually any industry--despite your experience level, education, or anything else.
And today, I'm glad to share with you, what I've learnt. I want to share with you, 3 Simple steps you need, to get any potential employer to hire you even if:
- You don’t have enough experience.
- You don’t have any connection
- Your certificate…or diploma...or degree seems unrelated to the job offer!
Yes. You can circumvent all the above handles, and get jobs you thought you couldn’t!
I’ll show you how to exactly do that in a while.
But before that…
Have you ever experienced the anxiety that comes with scheduled job interview?
You're a few days to the material day. And when you think about it, that small little negative voice starts bugging you…
“…What am I supposed to say in the interview room?” … “What are they going to ask me?”
… “What if I am up against more experienced candidates?”
… “I only have a diploma. How can I compete with degree candidates?”
Then, you Google interviewing tips, and articles. You scramble for every book you can get on job interviews.
…You get all these assorted tips and disjointed pieces of advice on interviewing.
And then, instead of helping you, they just weigh you down; because…
1) Trying to follow all these assortment of tips and disjointed pieces of interviewing advice feels like a hell of a work to do. Plus, they leave you more confused.
2) You don’t know which of these gazillion advice you should follow
3) You don’t know how to piece all of them together in a systematic easy-to-follow steps
I’ve been there. I know that feeling!
So, what do you do? After wasting hours reading such articles—and books?
BEST scenario case: you pick a few here and there, and decide to TRY them—in the interview.
Possible results? You forget them during the interview.
…And the scanty ones that you can manage to remember, you don’t know how to piece them together. You lose the interview.
And so, the following day, you trudge back—frustrated—to your old job, which you don’t like!
WORST scenario case: you decide to use what you already know. Because what you read left you more confused.
Possible results at the interview? Same as above!
My advice? Forget about all those assorted tips and disjointed pieces of advice—on interviewing! They are a recipe for failure—in the interview!
Instead, Do This….
Understand that you ONLY need 3 Simple Steps, plus techniques to get any job offer—in virtually any industry!
And today, I will show you exactly what those 3 steps as well as techniques are. No more googling a bunch of useless interview tips.
I will show you the exact framework you can use—in job interviews—and get instant results!
And you can start applying these techniques as early as now—and start winning interviews as early as yesterday!
They are pretty simple! But not obvious
So, in today’s material, you’ll learn:
• The Single Most Important thing that would make every single employer out there—regardless of the field and industry—want to hire you.
And it’s not experience, or your certificates!
• How to prepare for an interview by doing ONLY 2 things.
Yes. Just 2…not more!
Screw the “21 interview Tips” blog posts!
• The 3 Simple Steps, plus techniques you can use to get any potential to hire you
…Even if you don’t have experience, or are up against experienced candidates.
Once you learn the above 3 things, you only need implement them, and you instantly start wining job interviews.
- If you’re tired of fragmented pieces of interviewing advice that get thrown around—like I am…
- If you want to master the few things that will get you virtually any job offer in almost any industry and position…
- If you want a systematic step-by-step approach to winning job interviews…
- If you want a framework that you can fall back to. And one that you can use and win in any job interview, right now and in the in the future…
…Then, stick around, because that’s what I’m going to give you, right here.
No more feeling lost, unsure, and overly-nervous in your next interview!
Just imagine yourself walking confidently in any job interview. And not caring about how experienced or learned your fellow interviewees are, because you know can get that job offer!
It’s possible. I will show you how.
No more wasting of your precious time trolling over the internet reading blog post after blog post—on interviewing. Looking for “the secret”...because, there is NO secret!
You can use what I’m about to teach you, not only to win your next job interview, but any other job interview for the rest of your career!
Okay. Let’s get into it…
#1: Uncovering the ONE THING Potential Employer Would Hire YOU for
The key to winning job interviews hinges on one principle: understanding what the other party is looking, then giving it to them!
It’s a mindset!
Change the focus from ‘YOU’ to THEM. Because fundamentally, it’s about THEM—not YOU.
Sounds simple? Yes.
But in reality, it's not.
…Because, let’s be honest…how many times have you walked into the interview room with that mindset?
Most of us enter into the interview room thinking about ourselves, and what we want!
Plus, we get obsessed with…“how do I give the perfect answers”…“what if I FAIL the interview?”… “what if my experience is not enough?”
…“What if my competitor candidates are better than me; and the interviewer doesn’t like me?”
All these “What ifs” make us self-absorbed. And lead to failure!
Having the right mindset, and thinking about the other party, instead of yourself, is how you ace job interviews.
Which is why I would like to ask you this: what do you think is the one thing potential employers look for, when deciding which candidate to hire?
…Because if you can nail down that specific question, you’d be way above the average interviewee.
Most of us would say: experience, right credentials, social competency, or whatever.
Truth is none of those things!
Think about this:
If all of the competing candidates in a given interview (including you) had the same credentials, experience, social competency etc. do you think the interviewer/hiring manager would still pick the right candidate based on those things?
Absolutely not!
So, how would he make the decision on who to hire?
Here’s the blunt truth that almost no one tells you: experience, the right credentials, social competencies etc. are all proxies to why employers would consider hiring you!
If experience and education is all that mattered, they wouldn’t invite you for the interview in the first place!
If they’ve invited you for the interview, it’s because they think you deserve the job opportunity.
Once you uncover why any potential employer would want to hire you, you are 70% way ahead of your competing interviewees.
…Because you can focus on what matters during your interview preparation and throughout the interview, and get that job offer!
All those forms of interviewing tactics like, body language, your interview suits and ties (I hate suits and ties), arriving 15 minutes early, firm handshake etc
All these are pointless tactics, if you don’t know what the potential employer is looking for!
But once you know the one thing he’s craving for, the above tactics becomes extremely powerful, and you can now use them to dominate the interview!
By the way don’t get offended when I say I hate suits and ties. Seriously…I really do! The last time I wore a tie was when I was in high school, during inspection--on Saturday. And I hated those 15 minutes of inspection!
I would immediately return the borrowed tie before the inspection master reached the other end of the inspection line (Yes. I gladly lost my tie first year in high school, so I survived on a borrowed tie!)
My recommendation? If you’ve an upcoming interview, put on a great suit and tie. It’s good for you! And I mean it.
Enough of my personal issues with ties and suits!
So, let me show you the one thing, and most important thing potential employers are looking for in a candidate, when deciding who to hire!
The single most important thing employers are looking for, when deciding who to hire, is VALUE!
Yes. Any hiring manager, interviewer, HR…all they care about--when making decision which candidate to hire—is whether or not the candidate is going to bring more VALUE to the company, than the cost of hiring him/her.
That’s the single most important thing any potential employer cares about.
Knowing what that exact VALUE is, is the key to playing a different game in any job interview!
But VALUE is an abstract term! What does it mean--anyway?
So, let me break it down for you, into its specifics.
Demystifying the Myth of what “VALUE” means
So, let’s break down the abstract term “VALUE’ into its specifics. By the way, most people—when you talk about VALUE—they think it only means MONEY!
And they are wrong!
See, it’s easy to get stuck with that myth because, when we talk about bringing employer more value, you would be thinking: “But my profession is not sales. My job position does not, in any way, have a direct relation with bringing more money?”
Money is just a small fraction of what VALUE can be. There are other forms, which VALUE can take. Again, this is mindset!
So, allow me to show you what VALUE means and the different forms VALUE can take.
First, here’s what value means: VALUE means the most DESIRABLE RESULTS; employer is looking to get—depending on the job position.
The above doesn’t necessarily mean money, it can take other forms. I’ll give specific examples of the most common, yet unobvious forms of value, employer can be looking for.
To give you a head start, to start thinking differently about VALUE, I've got a question for you: Do you think when Kenya Airways are hiring Air Hostess, they are looking for is a lady who can mint them money?
Absolutely not!
They are looking for a lady candidate, who can make all travelers to FEEL AMAZING, when traveling—among other things!
That’s one of the most desirable results, for that position.
Because, if the travelers don’t feel amazing—when traveling in KQ--, they would stop traveling with that specific air line. And that hurts the company’s profits!
Can you believe that your ability to make other people feel amazing is VALUE? One in which you can be paid for?
And it has nothing to do with credentials or experience?
Now, let me break down for you, different forms, VALUE can take—with specific examples.
Look at this:
• Saving Employer MORE TIME —can apply to positions where you directly assist your boss E.g, Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant etc
• Making Employer’s OFFICE WORK EASIER—works especially if you organize his files, set up meeting, do his correspondences e.g. Personal Secretary etc
• Keeping company’s/Employer’s REPUTATION—can work for positions like Public relations position. E.g. PR, conflict resolution positions, IT Officers etc
• Saving Employer MONEY—can work for positions like accountancy & IT. E.g. Accountant, Technical Engineers, Network Administrators, IT Officers
• Making Employer look SMARTER—can work for positions like Personal Assistant, Public Relations, Personal secretary
• RETAINING Company Customers—can work for positions like Customer-Care Desk, Customer Relationship, Marketing Execs etc
• IMPROVED Productivity—can work for virtually any leadership position—including being a team leader
• EARNING Employer More MONEY—can work for positions which involve sales. E.g. Sales Representative, Marketing Executives, Copy writing, even Product managers
• IMPROVING System Performance—this works for all technical support position and engineers.
The list is almost endless
All the above are extremely desirable results, for any employer based on the company and position.
But, interestingly, notice how EARNING your potential employer more money, didn’t come at the top!
You don’t need to be in sales to bring value.
Regardless of the position you’re interviewing for, there is always the single most desirable results---in that capacity.
And your job is to find out—way before the interview day—what that is, and then, use it during the interview.
Now, don’t worry about how to use it yet. I shall show you that, in a while.
For now, what you need to understand is:
1) Knowing the Most DESIRABLE RESULTS—potential employer is looking for--is the first step to winning job interviews
2) Value doesn’t have to be necessarily money. It can take other forms—all depending on the job position.
Okay. Now that we’ve learnt that knowing the single most important potential employer is looking for in a candidate (VALUE) is the first step, what’s step # 2?
Plus, how do you apply that knowledge to change your interviewing game?
It pretty simple!
Let me show you…
# 2: The Simple Laser-Sharp Focus Interview Preparation
To take this knowledge to the next level, you need to take 3 practical steps. And this is done—weeks/days--way before you ever step into the interview room.
Here are the exact 3 practical steps you need to take:
1. Sit down and brain storm the most desirable results your employer is looking for—for the position you’re interviewing.
You can easily uncover this by:
- Carefully paying close attention to the job description advert.
Like we said, that’s just a proxy, plus a scare-tactic they use to make sure only confident desirable candidate attend the interview!
- Do some research on the company and specifically, the open position.
…or the person who just left the position, or just a former employee,
…to know the exact desirable result, anyone in that position, for that company, is expected to deliver.
People would be glad to give you the insider-info, as long as you are
not reaching out to the top executive who’ll be interviewing you.
2. Research the company’s 3-5 Key Paining Points—relating to the position
You’re uncovered the single most desirable results from step #1.
Step 2 is to uncover 3-5 key problems the company is struggling with which relates to the exact position you’ll be interviewing for.
Use the methods in step 1, to uncover 3-5 key problematic issues that hinder the company from achieving its most desirable results—in that position.
Put those pain points down in writing.
3. Come up with solutions, and put it down in writing
Sit down with a paper and a pen/your tab/ your phone/your lapi (laptop) or whichever tool you use, and come up with 1 -3 solutions for each of those key pain points.
Think of a time you resolved such issues in your former job, in your internship, attachment etc.
How did you resolve such challenges? What did you do? What results did you get? Put all that down in writing.
DON’T have the answers in your head. You have to put it down in writing.
Alright. Once you completed these 3 practical simple steps, you’re ready for the big day!
(Hint: the reason why you have to put everything down in writing in the above 3 steps is because, we HARDLY FORGET anything we put down in writing. But we EASILY FORGET any information we cram in our head.)
That has been proved scientifically!
Now, truth is, almost no interviewee does that high-level of preparation we done above!
… And by just doing the above simple HOMEWORK, you’re way ahead of 80% of the candidates who will be interviewing for the same position—with you!
See how simple, focused, practical, and systematic that preparation is?
The emotional energy, time, and effort you waste reading blog post after blog post on interview tips, is way more, and counter-productive, than the constructive time you’ll need to do the above simple homework!
Great! You’ve completed the above 3 steps. And now you’re ready for the material day.
Next, I will show you how to use what you’ve got, and take your interviewing game to a whole new level—even if you don’t have the required experience.
This is going to be step # 3—which is the final step.
Enter step # 3—showcasing “why you”…
# 3: The Shift-Of-Power Technique: How to Instantly raise your credibility in front of the interviewer—and get the job offer!
Okay. You now know the VALUE your employer would hire you for. You know a couple of his key areas of struggle—relating to the specific capacity.
And you have a couple of solutions—to their paining points.
Time to knock things out of the park--at the job interview!
Because you did 80% of the work, way before you got into the interview room, this final step is simple.
You only need to take these 3-simple steps:
- Step # 1: Subtly mentioned to the interviewer—during interview—the company paining points that relates to the position you’re interviewing for.
- Step # 2: Outline how you intend to solve those problems if and when they decide to hire you.
- Step #3: Show the interviewer what VALUE you would bring on board by solving those paining points.
- Bonus Step #4: Shut up!
Yes. It’s that simple!
I will tell you this one secret. Regardless of how twisted the interviewers’ questions are, they are always looking for answers to these 3 questions:
Question 1. Do you know what we really need?
Question 2. Can you deliver that, and how?
Question 3. What would that mean to US?
And with the simple laser-sharp focus preparation you did, you can comfortably and confidently address the above concerns!
Now, let’s unpack the above 3 steps, so you see how they work in the room.
Unpacking the 3 Simple Steps: How to Make the Interviewer Hire you—right away!
I could have stopped there—after showing you the 3 steps you need to take. But, I decided to go further, and show you how to exactly do it.
So, let’s unpack them, one by one…
Step # 1: The Power Of Highlighting Key Company paining-points during the Interview
Most interviewees just go into interview room with no idea why the company is hiring, and the problems that led/triggered them to hire--for that specific position.
…Understandably, because no one teaches us how to prepare for interviews.
And, when the interviewer asks them why he should consider hiring them, the best answer they can come up with is: …“Because I have 5 years of experience”
…and at that point, the interviewer is thinking: “So what?"
Now, is that answer—above--wrong? No! It isn’t!
…Especially if this specific interviewee actually has 5 years of experience!
But, here’s the thing. When it comes to job interviews, it’s not about RIGHT or WRONG answers. No!
It’s about something else.
It’s about handling employer’s concerns and fears!
And that’s why, the above answer means nothing to the interviewer.
It presents no “common shared ground” between the interviewee and the interviewer.
Best scenario case, the interviewer will just look at you, and if you don’t add anything else—he’ll move on!
Translation? You’re out!
When you’ve done the simple homework I showed you—and this is what highly competitive interviewees do, --you just smile at that question.
And then, you pull out your arsenal weapon, and say something like this:
…“You know, I was doing a little research on your company, and noted that you are having some challenges on A, B and C. And that’s something I’m good at!”
And then, BOOM!
That catches the interviewer’s attention. And now he’s thinking: “you did some research on us? And you know our challenges?”
And you immediately start differentiating yourself from the rest of the interviewees—who have no idea of the company’s challenges.
See how powerful that simple answer is?
And you can deliver that with confidence—because you’ve done your homework. And you know what you’re talking about.
You’re not trying to CONVINCE the interviewer—like the rest of the interviewees. No!
You’re simply saying: “Hey! Look, I’ve noticed you’re struggling with a few things, and I can help you fix that! ”
Who would say no to that?
Here’s what that simple, yet powerful answer will do:
1. It makes the interviewer feel like the interviewee understands the company struggles. And that creates a common and shared ground of more conversation
2. It INSTANTLY elevates the interviewee’s credibility in the eyes of the interviewers.
3. It Demonstrate HIGH-LEVEL of competency on part of the interviewee—in front of the interviewer.
4. It shows high-level of preparation on the part of the interviewee.
5. It catches the interviewer’s attention and makes him want to hear more.
See how a little HOMEWORK can go a long way to make you stand out?
Do you think after giving such an answer, the interviewer will say “Oh, but you don’t have 10 years of experience”?
Definitely not!
Instead, he’ll be wanting to hear more from you.
“LOSERS try to convince. WINNERS create a common ground for WIN-WIN situation…to build trust and credibility!” (you can tweet that)
That simple answer acts as an ethical “bait”, which makes the interviewer want to hear more from you.
And that leads to step #2…
Step # 2: Outline How You Can Solve the Specific Problems You just Mentioned
You have your interviewer’s full attention. He’s interested in what you’ve got to offer. You’ve built a common shared ground with him, and instantly raised your credibility.
The interviewer is thinking “Wow, this interviewee seems to ‘Get Us’ and knows what we’re struggling with!”
He’s now eager to hear more.
Now, take it to the next level. Give solution—the ones you wrote down during your initial homework. Here’s how you can do it.
You can say…
“…For instance, in the case of challenge A, I’ve learnt that by doing Z and Y [X & Y being solution steps], you eliminate that bottleneck”
“…Also, in my current/previous job, we were faced with similar challenges. And I did X and Y to effectively resolve challenge B. I believe I can apply the same skill and solution-steps to resolve these challenges.”
Notice how, in these answers, you’re not trying to convince the interviewer. You are not even directly answering his original question.
You know the original question was not the real question. And so, you’re answering the “Question-Behind-the-Question”.
See, when the interviewer asks you: “Why should we hire you?”
…what they’re really asking is: “What VALUE are we going to get from you—if we choose to hire you?”
And that’s why answers like:
…“Because I’ve a degree in this field and can do a good job” …or “Because I have 10 years of experience in this area”…will not cut in!
They don’t mean anything to the interviewer. And apparently, they aren’t answering the REAL question.
But look at our answer above. It’s exactly reframed to answer the REAL question the interviewer is asking.
In other words, you’re telling the interviewer: “If you choose to work with me, for a start, we’ll do X, Y, and Z, to fix challenge A & B—which has been pestering you a lot. I’ve done this before, and I can show you how!”
Notice how that answer is so natural, authentic and powerful. It’s not a cooked-up answer crammed from some random “interview answers” you googled…or read from books.
It’s not FAKED-UP answer either. You’re being real!
Here’s what such an answer will do:
1. It will elevate your status INSTANTLY—in the eyes of interviewer--from a job-seeker to advisor/problem-solver
2. The above will cause an INSTANT Power-shift, where the interviewer starts to see you as co-worker (even before they hire you), rather than interviewee.
3. It will INSTANTLY elevate you credibility to higher levels, and build trust.
4. It shows high-level of competency, and professionalism.
“AVERAGE interviewee use faked-up answers. The best of interviewees respond naturally to interviewee questions” (you can tweet that)
At this point, the interviewer is already on board with you. They’ve bought in!
Even if you don’t say anything else beyond that, they already want you on board.
Yet, there’s one more step. But before I show you that step, I want you to think about this:
“If you were an employer, would you hire someone because they have experience or would you hire them because they offer to solve your challenges?”
As you think about that, let’s wrap this up!
Enter step #3…
Step # 3: Tell What All that Means in Terms of Value
In step # 3, you connect the dots for the interviewer. What this means is: wrap everything together, and show the interviewer what the company gains, by you solving their problems.
In other words, the value that will be realized based on your contribution. Make sure this VALUE is tied-up to the most DESIRABLE RESULTS we talked about in the beginning.
And it’s very simple.
Here are exact scripts you can use:
“And by solving these challenges, we’ll have SAVED/EARNED the company/boss an X amount of MONEY/TIME etc”
Or “…We’ll have IMPROVED/ENHANCED overall performance/productivity by X %--which indirectly translates to more income”
…Or “We’ll have SAVED company’s reputation which could be worth X estimated amount of money/ translate to X % customer retention”
Again, look at how natural the above statement are. Nothing pompous. No effort to try and sound convincing. You’re just being real.
Once you show the interviewer that “you get it”, your experience, education….and all those other stuff become secondary.
Employers want their problems solved. Period.
If you can show them that you know what those problems are. And you’ve solutions for them.
…And then show them what solving those problems would mean to them in terms of value.
It’s virtually guaranteed they’ll hire you!
Forget about all the humdrum, burdensome, pointless, and frippery tactical advice you here about interviewing!
Use my systematic, methodical and step-by-step approach to prepare for your next interview. And you’re virtually guaranteed to get almost any job offer you want.
Now, here’s…
What I Want You To Do…
Take these 3 simple steps, and apply them to prepare for your next interview:
1) Based on the position you want, brainstorm possible VALUE you can offer potential employer--in the related capacity.
Write down 3 of those, and choose the most desirable
2) Start to research the company you want to work in—present or in the future.
Dig out 3-5 major pain points in that company—for such capacity
Note:Use the methods I showed you in this material to uncover those company’s pain points.
3) Find 1-3 solutions to each of those pain points, and arm yourself with those for your next interview.
Come the material day, go dominate your interview, and walk away with the job offer!
Feel free to pick the EXACT Answer-Script I’ve given you in this material, and tweak then to fit your situation.
If you want to generate even more job interviews--almost effortlessly --every time you apply for a job, I have AN INTERVIEW GENERATING TOOL, that'd help you turn your job applications into job interviews.
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Go get that job offer!
And we’ll talk soon.
P.S. When you have used the INTERVIEW-GENERATING TOOL...with amazing successes, send me those success stories. I love to celebrate all the success stories with my readers!
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