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Getting MBA will not get you the dream job 'they' promised you! Here's your alternative solution, |
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Okay, so...
If you've tried to follow most career advice, it feels like a mixed bag.
There is so much conflicting and confusing career advice on what you should and should not do, to grow your career and open yourself doors of opportunity.
The most popular?
"You should go do an MBA."
The idea being: when you do MBA, it will maximize your chances of landing jobs. It'll expose you to amazing job opportunities which will change your career.
...They'll tell you: MBA gives you the ‘competitive edge’ in the job market, over other job candidates.
And so, we enroll and embark into MBA program.
We pay hundreds of thousands of shillings, to get this MBA. The vehicle to the ‘promised land’--our dream job!
The exact shortcut to getting amazing job.
I’ve always promised to be honest with you. So, here’s the truth about doing MBA program:
The popularly propagated career advice about how MBA will change your career is NOT TRUE. Getting MBA will not get you those amazing jobs ‘they’ are promising.
However, there's one thing I can guarantee MBA program will get you...
You'll have loan debt. You'll need to raise and pay hundreds of thousands to get MBA--with close to ZERO GUARANTEE of getting your return for the investment.
I can guarantee you that!
Look, I don't care who says MBA is sure way of getting amazing jobs and expose you to great job opportunities.
This is twisted career advice dished out by--mostly-- academician. Who are totally detached with the reality of the job market!
Let's get real here.
Do you think most hiring managers have sleepless nights wondering…. “Where can I get MBA job candidate to fill this position?”...
...When they’ve management or business administrative position to fill out?
...When they’ve management or business administrative position to fill out?
Absolutely NOT!
That does not even cross their minds. It's ridiculous!
It doesn't take an expert to know that the “Get MBA” career advice is far fetched and wrong!
This advice is meant to “glorify” the academicians theories. Put more money in their pockets--as you pay hundreds of thousands go get MBA.
They over-look the reality in the job market. About what employers really look for in choosing job candidates.
They don't really take into account what happens after you’ve got your MBA.
Like, what do you do with it? Will those papers be your ticket to your dream job?
Like, what do you do with it? Will those papers be your ticket to your dream job?
Now, before I drill this deeper, let me be clear here: Furthering your education is important, and you should do it. By all ethical means. No questions about that!
However, you should do it strategically with target end goal to advance your career and get a competitive edge. Not as a clutch, or just because someone said you should!
Truth is, we’ve more than thousands of job candidates with MBAs.
And yet they haven't got the jobs the MBA program promised!
And yet they haven't got the jobs the MBA program promised!
And you know what?
Very few of these job candidates will admit that. Because, again, it feels uncool to admit you’ve MBA and haven't got a great job!
Very few of these job candidates will admit that. Because, again, it feels uncool to admit you’ve MBA and haven't got a great job!
The academicians theory is: MBA = AMAZING JOBS.
Which is a distorted theory that does not reflect the reality!
You and I both know that's not true!
You and I both know that's not true!
In fact, some of the job candidates who’ve acquired the MBAs are actually WITHOUT A JOB, as you read this!
Now, here's...
Now, here's...
The Reality About MBA Program That No One Tells You About. It Works Against You!
Let me tell you the reality about what happens when you go for that MBA Program--straight from the university.
And this is all from employers’ perspective, because employers are the ones who really matter, when it comes to your career!
The blunt truth about your MBA: having MBA tends to work against you, when you submit your CV.
Yes, I know this contradicts the popular career advice, and what you probably expected to hear.
Stay with me though, because I’ll show you how, plus the ONLY time you’d need MBA and it’d be helpful!
I’ll show you both sides of the coin.
I’d rather be honest with you, tell you the “hard truth”, so you make wise decisions. Decisions which will change your career--than play the “popularity contest”!
Now, in specifics, here's why and how MBA works against you when you apply for jobs.
Say, for instance, we are applying for business management or administrative positions.
Hiring manager gets 2 CVs for 2 job candidates.
One candidate has MBA straight from the university. And the other one has Degree or a diploma, but has been in the career field for a while.
One candidate has MBA straight from the university. And the other one has Degree or a diploma, but has been in the career field for a while.
Here's what the hiring manager will do: he’ll pick the diploma or degree candidate, and leave out the MBA candidate.
And here's why:
Reason # 1: Hiring managers know what ‘they’ teach you in the MBA program, and reality in the field of business execution are totally different.
Yes, you are theoretically good. But practically (which is what matters to the hiring manager), you have nothing to offer!
You’re not a “good fit” for the company and position!
Reason # 2: You are delusional about how you stack up.
Most straight-from-university MBA job candidates are delusional about their abilities.
And the reality of what needs to be executed practically.
And the reality of what needs to be executed practically.
They think now that they've MBA, they deserve all the money in the world.
It’s not their fault. It's what academician tell us. And then, they've this distorting perception about their value.
They get delusional about their true value, and that comes back to bite them.
Hiring managers know straight-from-the university MBAs will not only fail to deliver, but also, they cannot negotiate salary with them based on their true value.
MBAs want to be paid for just having MBA!
And that's being delusional!
And that's being delusional!
If you've MBA or any Master’s Degree for that matter,...just know that will never happen!
What these MBAs fail to know is, they just have 'nice papers'. But don't really posses the ACTUAL VALUE and ABILITIES those papers say they do.
...Because MBA program cannot and does not give them that value and abilities!
You only get that through execution in the real world of business!
You only get that through execution in the real world of business!
And so, they're unwilling to see that, and be flexible when it comes to compensation negotiation.
Put all that together, and hiring managers do not have time for all that in the interview.
They’d rather leave you out, and focus on those candidate who, "gets it”...not delusional…and one with fair perception of their value--when it comes to compensation-- and posses ability to deliver.
And so, you’re out with your MBA, and the hiring manager will go for a diploma of degree candidate!
And by the way, just to be polite with you, the phrase they might use is: “you’re way overqualified for this position”
Translation: Your straight-from-university MBA is of no value to us. You lack what it takes to deliver, are delusional about your value, and we know you'll not be willing to ‘get your hands dirty’! We are sorry for that, but goodbye!
And you wonder why, even when you’re ‘qualified’ you aren't getting jobs. Just read this comment...
“...I’ve been applying jobs I FULLY QUALIFY but no feedback. What could be the problem…?”
Reason # 3: They don't really need an MBA job candidate, unless they're are looking for SAFARICOM CEO, or top executive job.
Now, in the early and mid stages in your career, you aren't looking for CEO positions, and your straight-from-university MBA is not needed.
See how straight-from-university MBA works against you? It’s never the short-cut to landing great jobs and growing your career.
In fact, putting all the above 3 reasons, it contributes to keeping you out, during interview shortlisting!
It actually could be the reason other job applicants get job interviews, and you don't!
“That's is very unfair” you may say. Maybe, but that's the reality.
But don't worry, I’ll show you how to FIX IT, whether or not you posses that delusional MBA!
Why They ‘Sell’ You MBA Programs And No One Tells You The Truth
So, why do people not tell us this reality? Why do they not tell us the truth? Why do they keep on ‘selling’ us the MBA programs, and promise us that will solve our lack of great jobs?
Here's why:
# 1: Most people who propagate this advice are DETACHED FROM THE REALITY OF THE JOB MARKET, have no idea what hiring managers are really looking for, and so they're selling you all these pipe dreams of “get MBA to ignite your career”...not really knowing that's not the reality.
# 2: It’s unpopular to believe the cold truth that MBA has ZERO IMPACT, even NEGATIVE IMPACT at early and mid stages in your career. So, they keep on selling you that ‘glorified’ MBA program--because that's what trending.
Now, you need to ask yourself this question: are you really looking for what's trending--even if it costs hundreds of thousands of money, and put you deep in student-loan-- or do you want to land jobs, transform your career, and move on with life?
# 3: Those who sell you the MBA “pipe dreams” DON'T KNOW ANY ALTERNATIVE PATH TO BREAK INTO THE JOB MARKET, and land jobs. So, they think going back for MBA program, will help anyone and is a ticket to getting jobs.
And they're are wrong!
Reality is, you'll have just postponed what you should have learnt in the first place (positioning yourself to stand out in the job market)...
...and just buried your head in the sand, hoping when you come out with your MBA, things would be different, and hiring managers will be clamouring for you!
And again,that's not true!
You want to know how so? Look around, for your friends with MBA. Ask them to tell you the truth--if you’re lucky enough to get one who’s honest enough with you!
You go get your MBA, and come start where you left off!
The Only Time MBA Will Help You
Now, am I saying you should NEVER pursue MBA?...And that doing that is utter waste of time and money?
Absolutely NOT!
But at this stage in your career, if you follow what the “MBA peddlers” are telling you--as a clutch and shortcut to getting jobs-- then it will be exactly a waste of your current time, resources and years in your career!
Now, MBA is good. And it’s okay to pursue it. But here’s the only time MBA will help you change your career.
Go for MBA when you’ve been in the job market working for a while, and have advanced your career, and are eying top management and executive jobs!
By this stage in your career, you'll have build substantial experience to demonstrate you’re an accomplished candidate.
You'll have had track-record of career achievements, and tangible results you’ve delivered in your past positions.
At that point, once you have your MBA, it’ll have substantial back-up about your abilities, experience, and achievements. It will not be just another piece of paper saying you’ve MBA!
And that would point out to hiring managers that you're an accomplished candidate, not an “empty shell” holding papers.
You'll have substance that fills the gap between your MBA papers and your ACTUAL VALUE.
And that would signal--to hiring managers--that you're ready to take your career to higher levels, and can deliver tangible results. This is the stage at which getting an MBA matters!
Here’s something you need to know: when hiring managers get your CV, they don't look at whether or not you have an MBA; unless the job advert specifically asked for that. And even if it did, just having papers saying you possess an MBA doesn't put you in the forefront!
The first thing they'll check is your ability to deliver. That matters to them more than anything else. And if they see a past record that shows them that, then the rest comes!
You can compete and beat MBA job candidates, even when you don't have an MBA! And those are good news!
It’s totally distorted perception that if I get Master’s Degree, then I’ll be able to compete in the job market, get job interviews, and land jobs!
If that’s your strategy, you’ve already lost!
If you are competing ONLY on “Academic Papers”, your chances of winning are infinitesimal!
There are, and there will always be, more “learned” people than you. In fact, big number of them are!
And using “papers” to compete in the job market is almost guaranteed to be a losing game!
So, should you get MBA?
If you're eying top-level management and executive positions--and have moved up the chain-- go get it! It will matter!
Otherwise, forget about the “pipe dreams” ‘they're’ selling you on MBA. I’ve already shown you how it can and does work against you!
Your Alternative Path To Your Dream Job, Instead Of The Costly MBA
Now, the idea behind getting MBA, is so you get competitive in the job market, but that would just be based on “PAPERS”. Which is why it FAILS to get you the promised results. Just like almost any other Master's Degree.
We’ve all seen, heard, experienced, or read about job candidates who’ve Master’s Degrees, but are very frustrated, wondering what could be wrong with them.
...Because they aren't getting job interviews--let alone jobs-- even after making hundreds, or thousands of applications!
Just look at these comments from frustrated job candidates..
“...have applied for many jobs but no interview. What could be the problem and I GOT COLLEGE PAPERS and GRADUATED FROM THE BEST COLLEGE?”
“...anytime I apply for job I don’t get even a regret. What might be the problem?”
“...I have been applying for jobs for the last 3 years but all in vain”
“...I have applied for numerous jobs...only to get no reply”
So, rather than go for MBA, get out, only to compete on “PAPERS”, and get frustrated--because it doesn't work, and even works against you--there’s an alternative path that works.
Here's what you need to do: Master How To “SELL YOURSELF ON VALUE” and NOT ACADEMIC PAPERS.
This is the ONLY strategy that works.
This is the only thing hiring managers care about. And the ONLY criteria they use, when choosing who to engage for interviews.
“Grades” and “Papers” are the dominant language of academicians. VALUE, is what hiring managers and employers are looking for--not mere grades!
Let everyone else pursue MBA, thinking it’s a short-cut to the promised land of their dream-job, and great career.
And don't worry about them, because you know better!
When they're through with their MBA program, they'll come and realize they’ve to still learn how to sell themselves on VALUE, and their MBA cannot sell them.
Instead, you focus on mastering how to ‘SELL YOURSELF ON VALUE’ in your CV. This one document, is the most important personal document, that will land you jobs you’d otherwise never get, and drive your career growth!
You could have the MBA, but if you cannot SHOW hiring managers ‘WHY YOU’, candidates who know how to sell themselves on VALUE (without MBA) will beat you, and get the jobs, and you'll remain to wonder what happened!
Is the MBA your solution and a short-cut to landing job interviews and getting your dream jobs? NO!
Forget about the myth of “glorified” MBA programs! Focus on what hiring managers care about, and start transforming your career from today!
Do you know why TOP-LEVEL EXECUTIVES, still seek help with their PERSONAL MARKETING DOCUMENT--their CV?
These are people with years of experience, MBAs and beyond, yet they know, at their high level, where they are competing with other top executive candidates like them, they may not have a chance!
Look, you can get all the MBAs, and learn through the frustrating experience, how it's a waste of time and money.
...Or you can realize--from other people's experience, and what I have shown you today--that it's not the SOLUTION, and focus on mastering HOW TO CRAFT PERSONAL DOCUMENT THAT SELLS YOU ON VALUE.
Get the one personal marketing that matters right. And you know that you can beat all those--straight-from-university MBA candidates, and get the job interviews!
And then, when that time comes for you to get your MBA--when eying top-level management and executive jobs-- you know it’ll be able to open unspeakable doors of opportunities, not because you have the papers, but because you know how to sell yourself on value.
It's ridiculous how we waste time and money on things that don't matter, and try to avoid the very thing that will help us get what we want.
But again, it's EASY to sit in class and learn, holding to the ‘empty hope’ that once you are through with your learning, things would be different--even when you can tell from your peers (who've learnt what you’re learning)--that nothing would really change!
We love to think our case would be different! Until we realize later on--down the line, when we are frustrated--that it's never going to be different!
Top job candidates don't look for clutches or bandages--like taking MBA programs-- to cover what's keeping them from landing the job interviews and jobs they want.
...Instead, they find the REAL SOLUTION. They GET THE CV TO SPEAK FOR THEM, and get the chance to land jobs they’d otherwise never got!
And you can be honest with yourself, and do the same!
I don't want you to take the path of REGRETS, at least, not on my watch!
I’ll always be honest with you, and tell you the truth which no one will ever tell you, because it's UNPOPULAR!
I seek the best for you, and will always point you in the right direction, and show you what would work, and wouldn't.
Now, if you really want to PERFECT SELLING YOURSELF on VALUE, rather than PAPERS (which is a losing game), implement what I’ve taught you today.
And if you want even more in-depth help on HOW TO SELL YOURSELF ON VALUE, so you DONT ‘COMPETE ON PAPERS’,--which DOESN'T WORK--I’ve provided you with Access Link at the bottom of this material.
...Click that Access Link, and I’ll point you in the right direction.
Here are 3 specific things you’ll get to HELP YOU START SELLING YOURSELF ON VALUE IMMEDIATELY--if and when you click that Access Link:
- I’ll send you ‘QUICK-TO-IMPLEMENT’ FREE TOOL, that will help you start GENERATING JOB INTERVIEWS, almost effortlessly!
You get that for FREE, for just being one of my readers!
- You’ll Have Access To Exclusive CV-Writing Techniques and tactics to get hiring manger's attention:
These are exclusively ultra-powerful material--inform of emails--from me, that will show you how to sell yourself on value, and turn virtually every job application into an interviews. I even go deep and show you how to win job interviews!
You learn the exact techniques and tactics to ‘hook’ hiring managers, and the specific mistakes to avoid in your CV, to starting getting multiple job interviews.
Note, I never put such materials here in public--in this blog. Only readers in my emails list get this, which means you can only have access to them, by being in my email list.
- You’ll Have Access Details On My Course That Will Shows you HOW TO TURN YOUR CV INTO INTERVIEW MAGNET:
If you're tired of the rat-race, and the frustrating endless job applications with no interview calls, or with scanty interview-calls…
...and you want to change that forever, and master how to perfectly sell yourself on value, you’ll be able to get details on my email course...
..THE IRRESISTIBLE CV…my STEP-BY-STEP CV-WRITING Course that’ll turn your CV into INTERVIEW MAGNET….so you'll never have to worry about not getting job interviews.
To get even deep valuable materials that will help you turn virtually every job interview into a job offer, plus, secure your first job interview, clink the link at the bottom, and I will:
- Send you more valuable materials on interviewing--that you'll never get anywhere else, online or offline--so you start turning your job interviews into job offers
- Send a FREE GIFT of an INTERVIEW GENERATING TOOL, that will help you to start securing job interviews almost effortlessly.
See you on the inside, as I send you your FREE GIFT of ‘QUICK-TO-IMPLEMENT’ TOOL, so you start GENERATING JOB INTERVIEWS almost effortlessly!
Thanks for reading!
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