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What if you could get this job? |
…A couple of weeks ago, a friend texted me.
Here’s how the conversation went…
How are you?
I’m still looking for a job. How can you help me?”
I replied:
“Hi [name],
I’m great.
Specifically what kind of a job? And where do you want to work?
Kindly respond to this question…and I’ll get back to you!
One more thing. And this is important… [I gave him some little EASY-To-Do HOMEWORK that will fuel and power him in the right direction to landing a job]
Kindly get back to me when you’ve done that little Homework!”
…Guess what? I never heard from this guy again!
Seriously, guys!!??...Are you kidding me????
Tough-love. Real-talk. Authentic, straight-up candid conversation between you and I…right here!
When we “claim” we want something. Like a job…promotion…getting recognition at the place of work…or whatever it is.
… And won’t do the most basic HOMEWORK toward getting it…
….Or take the first small step toward that direction when assisted…
…Or show an iota of “proactive-ness” (yeah I know. Not an English word. But it drives the point) toward landing the job we ‘claim’ we want….
…Or put the slightest effort to get the kind of job we purport to desire…
Honestly…what does that mean? Or tell about us?
Frankly, it means one of the three things. Either…
1) We’re not serious about what we ‘claim’ we want. And that’s okay, if we’re satisfied with where we’re!
2) Probably we’re serious about what we ‘claim’ we want—a job. But NOT WILLING to do what it takes; to get the job—and make our dream a reality!
3) We’re lazy people who expect others to do things for us. …Like give us jobs on a silver platter!
Good News? You and I both know none of the last two will get anyone anywhere!
…Because that’s not how the world works.
And especially in the job-market!
So, the question is: why are our behaviors discordant with what we ‘claim’ we want? …Even when we know pretty well, it’s never going to be rewarding?
I will tell you: Because it’s EASY to “Make CLAIMS”…but HARD to “Take ACTION” toward getting what we ‘claim’ we deserve!
I mean, to do the former, all you need to do is open up your mouth…and spit your “claims”!
Anyone can do that!
But to do the former? …Dude! That’s HARD. Because you’ve got to get up…and DO stuff!
And because we are all inherently lazy (I included), no one wants to do that! (Hint: given opportunity, we will never GET UP to do anything!)
Yes, even the best of the best are lazy. They just use their laziness strategically!
“Prince, I’m not lazy. I’m hard-working, Action-oriented person!” you might say.
My response? “Really?”
By the way, have you noticed how “YOU”; when you want to watch or are watching your best TV channel…like to send that friend of yours to get you the remote control?
…as you sit on that couch?
Think about it for a while!
I mean, you can’t even rise up and go get it yourself! Because that feels like work!
What? ...you just sit lazily on that couch, and wish someone would just serve you with everything you need…as you binge!
Is that what you did last night?
Look, we all secretly wish that someone would give us all we want….so we never have to do anything!
But we never say this out loudly—for fear of coming across as lazy and entitled lot!
By the way, it’s OKAY to be LAZY!
Did I just say that? YES. …Because we all are-- including those people you admire.
What you need to do is learn how to use your laziness strategically but ethically to get ahead!
Before you lynch me…let me explain…
I will NEVER do something for years, if there’s a short-cut to doing it in months…like getting someone (who’s spend those many years doing it and learnt through experience) to show me how to do it in months.
Truth is, I’m just being lazy…and avoiding all those many years, to short-cut getting what I want.
…And it’s okay. It’s ethical. In fact, it’s commendable laziness!
So, I encourage you to be strategically and tactfully LAZY. Seriously! …It pays off!!
But… back to my friend who text me... and then bowed out at the slightest push to take action. He’s a good guy!
The problem is, when it comes to competing in the crowded competitive job-market, being a “good guy” doesn’t cut the mustard.
It doesn’t give you a competitive edge!
You can be a ‘good guy’ –and many have been and are--and still starve in the job-market.
In the over-crowded job-market. The market where every job-seeker is clamoring for potential employers’ attention…
…Being a ‘good guy’ (aka: resembling every other job-seeker)…will not make you rise above the noisy of the hungry job-less crowd.
Not a tad!
You have to BE DIFFERENT.
You have to STAND OUT…or else, you will be drowned in the cacophony of the job-hungry mob.
…And lost in the resemblance of the job-seeking crowd!
Rather than do what it takes to get the jobs we want, we wait for other busy people to send us job opportunities!
…Now, that’s being lazy. And not in a strategic way. And I don’t encourage it!
This is a Complete Misconception. Abandon it!
Most job-seekers make the mistake of thinking: “The reason why I do not have a job, is because I haven’t got any job opportunity come my way”
…Just like I was thinking in my second to-be job--after college—which never materialized. (Shame on you delusional and naive after-college young Prince)
And they’re wrong!
See, I can send you dozens of job-opportunities right now…and you’ll probably not convert any of those opportunities into an ACTUAL job!
Ever wondered why—generally--those people, who usually have jobs, are the same people who seem to have most job opportunities coming their way?
…And those who desperately need a job are the ones getting almost no job opportunities at all!
I will tell you: those people, who seem to have a job when they need it, have learnt how to uncover, and get the job opportunities when they need them.
…And once they get those opportunities, they CONVERT them into ACTUAL job; because they’ve also learnt how to do that, too!
At certain point, juggling in the ruthless job-market, they realized the problem was not “Lacking a job”; rather the key problem was “Learning how to get the job opportunities” in the first place.
…Because once you nail how to get job opportunity trickling in—your way--, then you can master how to CONVERT those opportunities into ACTUAL job.
…And get your first paycheck!
In other words, they used the t principle of “First things first”.
They realized there was a game being played around them! …And they wana know what it is!
Up until, and unless you address the real problem: “How to get job opportunities flowing your way”… landing a job can virtually remain a pipe dream!
And I don’t want that to happen to you!
I don’t want you to keep dreaming—forever--about getting your first paycheck. Or landing your first brand new job!
We can make that dream come true!
And right here, I will show you how to make that dream a reality.
…Because you know what? …You DESERVE BETTER!
…Crushing Your Competitor in the Crowded Job-Market
Right here, you’ll learn how to compete at higher levels in the crowded job-market; and beat your competitors…and get the job you want!
We’ll cover some of the strategies and techniques you can use; and turn on the spigot…and get job opportunities trickling in.
Yes… so many opportunities, that you will have the option to choose which ones you want to commit to; and the ones you don’t want!
I know that may sound like a dream—for someone. And I get it.
See, it’s okay to think… “That will never happen to me! I will never have such many opportunities in such a competitive job-market to the point where I have options.”
But, trust me. And come along with me…and I will show you how to make that a reality.
You can have options…even in this very competitive job market. Especially if you are WILLING to LEARN HOW; and READY to IMPLEMENT what you’ll learn in this material.
When you start implementing what we’ll cover here, ultimately, you’ll get to the level where you’ve multiple job opportunities to choose from. Rather than just going with whatever opportunity you get.
Follow along. And I will show you how…
Your Job-Hunt Crash Program
Yes, I will be walking you through a Job-hunt Crash course, in a two separate materials.
First, this one. And second, another one after this.
So, let’s dive in this JC course…and get started…
…Getting the Job-hunt Fundamental Process Right!
We’re about to dive into a real “Job-hunt Crash” program, that will show you how to turn the cock…and get job opportunities flowing your way!
(But before we dive into this JC training program I would like to ask for permission. Permission to use the pronouns “he, his, him” throughout the Program. Permission granted? Great!)
We are going to be using a business analogy…or approach, in your Job-hunt.
Because this is the best way that not only empowers you in your job-hunt; but also the only approach that helps you keep the right mental frame throughout your job search.
In other words, this approach keeps you focused on your customer, rather than yourself…or your product/service.
And that mental framework is a prerequisite to WINNING; and DIFFERENTIATING yourself in the competitive job-market...as you will learn in a sec.
And so…
…I want you to think of your potential employer as your ideal customer.
And yourself, as a business owner, who’s selling his services or products to this ideal customer.
…Because in essence, we are all into business. We’re all selling something in life.
Whether we’re running a business or seeking for a job.
When you go to a potential employer looking for a job; you are selling him your “intellectual property”.
He’s the ideal customer, and…
…You are selling him your skills.
…You are selling him your knowledge.
…You are selling him your experience.
Now, to make a sale, which in our case means “GETTING HIRED”, there a number of critical steps you need to take.
And these are the “Fundamental process of Successful Job-hunt.”
Step # 1: you’ve to create a “Compelling Marketing Copy” (in this case, your CV).
This is the tool that gets your ideal customer’s attention.
…Letting him know you exist.
…And that you’ve got something to offer him.
…And that what you’ve got to offer him can solve his challenges…or give him the results he’s being looking for.
It doesn’t matter how great you are. …If your ideal customer doesn’t know you exist.
…If he doesn’t know you exist to solve his challenges.
…And by working with you, you can solve his problems…and alleviate his pains
…Then you exist to yourself!
And the rest of the world doesn’t care how great you are…or for how long you’ve been jobless! Sad but true!
You need to have a “Compelling Marketing Copy” that tells the above 3 things.
Notice, if your “Marketing Copy” is lousy (aka: doesn’t show the above 3 things)…then there’s nothing to expect in the job-market.
Step # 2: is to develop the most COST EFFECTIVE; yet MOST POWERFUL, timely marketing strategy to drive your “Compelling Marketing Copy” in front of your ideal customers.
(This is getting your CV in front of your potential employer WHO NEEDS your skill, knowledge, and experience.)
Notice the key words are “WHO NEEDS”.
Pay attention to this.
1) If your “Copy” is not ‘Compelling’, you’re a screwed—no matter what else you do.
2) If your “Copy” is ‘Compelling’ but remains with you, no one will ever know you exist. And that’s just about it!
3) If your “Copy” is “Compelling”, but lands in the eyes of the wrong customers who DON’T NEED your skills, knowledge and experience; either completely or for now (and that is very important), you are toast.
When this second step is done right. That is:
• … You’ve a “Compelling Copy”
• …It lands in the eyes of your ideal customer (at TIME of need)
…That leads to the third step.
Step #3: Ideal Customer calls to see whether what they are seeing on your “Copy” is true (this are now the job opportunities).
Notice two very important steps there: 1) Compelling Copy, 2) Timely, Powerful, Effective, Marketing Strategy.
If the above two steps are done right, then the ideal customer calls to determine whether what he saw in your “Copy” is exactly what you are offering.
Here’s the simple formula:
Compelling Copy + Timely Powerful Marketing Strategy = Job Opportunities
Step # 4: you meet the customer. Then you enter into a “Buying Conversation” with the customer; to determine whether your services/product serve his needs.
This is your job interview
Step #5: The converting conversation. Because your “Copy” did some work for you; and if you know what you can do for your ideal customer; step five is simple.
All you need to do is ARTICULATE the RESULTS you’ll deliver to the customer…and the BENEFITS he’ll get by working with you.
In other words, make the buying conversation all about him
…And you’ll CONVERT your ideal customer into ACTUAL customer.
This is where being great at Interviewing is important.
Notice, at its basics, interviews are “Buying conversation”. And to WIN, you talk about the RESULTS…BENEFITS and ADVANTAGES you will render your ideal customer.
Don’t talk about yourself!
…And they “Buy”! In this case, they HIRE YOU!
And you walk home with a “Sale” (a BRAND NEW JOB)!
Think about those 5 steps for a moment! They are all about your customer…and almost nothing about you!
Also, do you notice how clear-cut, easy-to-follow and systematic this process is?
Here’s the 5-step process in a compendium:
1) Create a “Compelling Marketing Copy” (your CV/Resume)
2) Develop the most timely powerful marketing strategy to get your “Compelling Copy” in front of your ideal customer (your potential employer)
3) The ideal customer gets interested in your product/services after seeing your “Compelling Copy” at the hour of need.
They start to call, or arranging to meet you for a ‘Buying conversation’. (Interview call for job opportunities)
4) You meet them. Get into a “Buying conversation” (the Job interview)
5) In the “Buying Conversation”, you talk about the RESULTS, BENEFITS, and ADVANTAGES you render the ideal customer to alleviate his pains…and solve his challenges.
And you turn your ideal customer into ACTUAL buying customer (aka: you GET HIRED)
That’s a very PRAGMATIC approach that makes the job-hunt simple, with identifiable steps to follow.
And you can always—following this 5-step process—identify the one element (or step) you’re not good at; and improve it.
Improving 1…or 2…or 3…of any of those step-elements, gives you a competitive edge in the job-market. Because very few people do that!
Systematically IMPROVING all of these steps (elements) makes you unbeatable…and gives you DISPROPORTIONATE RESULTS and REWARDS in your Job-hunt.
You know you can always get the job you want…where you want to work…with whom you want to work with…no matter what!
…And that’s the greatest job-security!
Yet most job-seekers want and try to SKIP step 1 and 2 to step 3. They think:
Job Opportunity + Dropping my CV = Job Interview Call
Even more, they delude themselves—just like I did with my second to-be-job after college—that they can SKIP from step 3 to step 5...
The self-delusional formula:
Job Opportunity = Getting Hired
Here’s the real formula if attention is not paid on the above 5 step job-hunt elements:
Job Opportunity = Anything but a job
Sometimes, you can get lucky! I mean, you can skip some of those steps and land a job—by sheer luck! But how often?
…And if by any chance you happen to skip to step 3, then to step 5, it will not take long before you find yourself jobless, canvassing and ‘tamac-king’ …in the streets again!
You cannot rely on luck, guys!
Here’s the uncomfortable truth though. What you need right now, is not someone to hand you a job opportunity on a silver platter (Skipping to step 3).
…What you need right now, is learn how to take step 1 and 2, right!
Because if those two—even just fixing step 1 only—are in place, everything else starts to change. You start to see opportunities come your way—that you weren’t getting before!
And I want that for you!
So, here’s how you take the first step…
…How To Create a “Compelling Copy”
Think about this: unless your “Copy” impresses your ideal customer you never get a sale!
In fact, they never get to contact you—no matter how many times they see it--to determine whether your services/products solve their problems.
You never hear from them, no matter how many “Copy” you sent to them.
Here’s the formula (sorry, as a tech guy, we spend better part of college talking formulas):
Job Opportunity + 1000 CV – step 1 = Joblessness
The above is just a mathematical statement meaning: “when you hear of job openings, and send your 1000+ CVs WITHOUT having a “Compelling Copy”, it results to NO JOB.”
It’s a total waste of your valuable time!
…And it’s not because your ideal customer doesn’t need your help.
Truth is, he’s spending sleepless nights wondering where to get the skills, knowledge, and experience you already have!
The real issue here is; … your “Copy” doesn’t show SPECIFICALLY; how your skills, knowledge and experience can solve their paining points!
…“Potential employers are not exactly psychics. If you don’t SHOW them ‘Why YOU?’ in your ‘Copy’ they will get someone else”
And while you may be the excellent and perfect solution for them, they will NEVER know that-- if it’s not in your “Copy”!
It all starts with our “Marketing Copy”…
… If it’s not ‘Compelling’; or different--from the rest, it could mean canvassing, ‘tarmac-king’, and being in the streets and trenches of the unforgiving job-market for a while.
…And “for a while” can mean 1 yr…3 yrs…5yrs…10yrs…or for the remaining productive years of our careers.
My guess is, you already know that!
In case you don’t, just look around…watch the news. Listen to the media.
And you’ll observe…you will see…you will hear…all sorts of disheartening stories of joblessness!
But it doesn’t have to be like that--for you!
See, your “Copy” matters.
Your “Copy” can change your career.
Your “Copy” dictates a lot!
Your “Copy” commands a lot of power and has tremendous influence on the direction your career takes!
Your “Copy” can ‘save’ you from the cruel job-market!
You “Copy” might be the only spigot you need to turn on…and get multiple job opportunities flood your way!
Your “Copy” is King!
Here’s the subtle thing though, and the reason why your ‘Copy’ is so powerful and influential weapon: Employers ONLY see what you put in your “Copy”. And that’s the thing that sets them in motion to want to deal with you!
…And the converse is true!
They can’t tell how ‘great you are’, until and unless they see it in your “Copy”.
They rely on what your “Copy” says about you. Or what they see in that “Copy” —to start wanting to have a “Buying Conversation” with you.
And that’s your LEVERAGE!
If it’s “Compelling” then they get in touch with you!
And things start changing.
You start getting job opportunities--which had always been there; but because of a “Bad Copy” or “Average Copy”; you could not get them before!
That’s how POWERFUL, INFLUENTIAL, REWARDING, IMPACTING, and instrumental your “Copy” is!
It’s a tool that can and will shape your career…if you learn how to employ it to do exactly that.
Now, that you deeply understand the IMPORTANCE and the TREMENDOUS POWER your “Copy” carries; I want to show you how write a “Compelling Copy”
Why? …Because if you cannot write a “Compelling Copy”…
…One that makes you stand-out.
…One that separates you from the rest (employers get overwhelming resembling CVs almost every day)…virtually nothing else matters!
But don’t worry! I am about to show you how to overcome that in a few seconds...
So, in a “Copywriting Course” we’re about to dive in, here’s what you’ll learn:
• I will show you how a “Below Average Copy” looks like—so you AVOID it like a plague.
(Trust me. I’ve reviewed dozens of job-candidate Copies, and most of them are “Below Average”—as you’ll learn)
• You’ll learn how to IMPROVE a “Below Average Copy” to an “Average Copy”.
(Hint: You might be surprised to realize what you thought was ‘Average Copy’ is actually ‘Below Average Copy’)
• We’ll cover how to take your “Copy” to the next level. From ‘Average’ to “Good Copy”.
By the way, if you can just get your “Copy” from “Average” to “Good”, you’ll be way much ahead than most of your competitors.
And you can start getting job opportunities. You will beat most of your competitor job-applicants—easily!
• Then, we’ll deep-dive even further, learn how to write a “Compelling Copy” that separates you from the jobless masses.
From ‘Good’ to ‘Compelling Copy’!
The ‘Copy’ that differentiates you from the rest of job-seekers, and start earning you multiple job opportunities and offers!
…One that no ideal employer can IGNORE!
At this level, the competition is almost ZERO!
Ever heard people say… “You cannot beat people with more job experience—than you--in this competitive job-market”?It’s a LIE!
You can!
And you’ll learn how. I show you how to write a “Compelling Copy” that will crush your more experienced competitor job-candidate.
(Hint: Employers are not just looking for EXPERIENCE. They are looking for “Something More”. And if you can show that ‘Something More’ in your “Copy”…and during the interview, you are in!
• The key elements of “Compelling Copy”.
The simple elements, yet ones that almost no job-seeker uses…that will stratospherically boost the VALUE of your Copy and earn you interview calls—almost every time you present your Copy.
• The real employer’s question you should ask yourself…and the one that MUST guide you, when writing your Copy.
This is key to writing a Copy that resonates with your potential employer…and make him want to meet you.
• How to Avoid Self-sabotage when writing your Copy.
The key phrases and statements you MUST avoid like a malady… and ELIMINATE completely from your Copy—because they disqualify you in the eyes of your employer
• How to break-down ABSTRACT and 'LAME' statements in your Copy; and RE-CONSTRUCT them to double…or even TRIPLE…or quadruple the VALUE your Copy communicates.
…So potential employer cannot help but call you for interview
• How to REFINE your current Copy without adding anything more info…and which right phrases to use, to make it more irresistible and shorter than it was initially.
Your Copy doesn’t have to be long. You can have 11/2 page Copy, but solidly value-packed.
• You’ll learn what segments of your Copy that sells you (Copy Selling Segments), and how to craft them to produce the MAXIMUM results in getting you those interview calls.
A selling Copy has structure, and I show you what segments of your Copy--in that structure—that gets you interview calls.
Plus how to AMPLIFY those segments for MAXIMUM results!
This is going to be value-packed!Sounds great? Let’s get started…
Look, this is a ‘Below Average’ Copy…
If your “Marketing Copy” looks like; and sounds like every and/ or any other “Copy”, your ideal customer (employer) will not choose you, over the rest.
He will not be compelled to get your services.
That means, he will NOT ‘BUY’ from YOU.
Don’t be deceived by the above statement, or misunderstand it!
…It doesn’t mean HE WILL NOT BUY.
It means… He WILL “BUY”. But NOT from YOU!
(aka: He will HIRE. But NOT hire YOU)
Instead, he will ‘BUY’ from someone else! ...Your competitor, of course!
Have a look at this “Copy”. And I want you to look at it from employers’ point of view.
Assume you—as an employer--are looking for an Accountant (or someone who’s done CPA) to fill a position in your business/organization/company.
In his “Copy”, you are looking for an answer to this one question:
…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”
(Hint: This is the question employers are looking an answer for, in any “Copy” they get)
See whether this “Copy” answers the above question--for you—as the employer.
Notice, the below is a REAL CV, send by a REAL job-candidate…to a REAL potential employer…looking for a REAL job…in the REAL crowded job-market!
. *** *** *** *** ***
• Well organized in my work and highly flexible
• Ability to cope with challenges at work place
• Capable to work with or without supervision
• To carry out my duties as related to my job with strict adherence to professional standards to always exhibit
competence and be responsible, accountable and loyal to all my obligations in order to drive accountability and transparency in the most privileged organization.
• I have great passion and potential in the field of Accounting. I aspire to be an all-rounded and detail-oriented professional with wide range “problem solving skills” mainly within the field of accounting.
College: Cape-town College
January 2003 – December 2003 ATC I & II
January 2004 – June 2006 CPA section II to VI (CPA-K)
Secondary School 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
Primary School 1989 --1997 Soweto Primary
April 2015 to date: Timeko Institute Of Technology—Tutor
March 2006 to December 2006: Sports captain Cape-town College
January 2004 to December 2005: Student councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College
. *** *** *** *** ***
So, let’s critique (offer CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK for IMPROVEMENT) on this “Copy”
Did this “Copy” answer your question…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”
…for you as an employer?
Apparently, the Answer is, NO!
You can’t tell the exact skills this candidate has.
Why? ...Because his “Copy” doesn’t show the exact “specific Measurable Transferable skills” he has...and can employ to deliver, or perform in the position.
I mean,…Can he process your employee’s payroll? …Is he good at budgeting?
…Does he have the technological skills of using software like QuickBooks?
What exact specific transferable skills does he have as a CPA-K holder?
It’s not indicated anywhere!
And you—as a busy employer--you don’t have the time to FIGURE IT OUT.
Pay attention to this: most job-seekers think that by indicating—in their Copy—that they hold a certificate/diploma/degree in the relevant field, that’s enough to show they are the “right fit” for that job.
And they are wrong!
Think like employer for a moment. If it were you, would you be convinced by a line indicating someone is a CPA-K holder…to work with that person?
You wouldn’t! I mean, that’s not enough. Anybody can be a CPA-K holder!
You want to know what specific skills this person has, in that field…that can and are going to be useful to you.
…And if you don’t see those skills in their “Copy”, you move on to the next…or keep looking for the right candidate!
When you are writing your “Copy”, think like the employer.
Something else; look at his CAREER OBJECTIVES…and notice phrase like “…in order to drive accountability and transparency in the most privileged organization”…what does that even mean?
Also notice a phrase like “…I ASPIRE to be an all-rounded and detail-oriented professional with wide range ‘problem solving skills’ mainly within the field of accounting”
This guy is already sabotaging himself in his “Copy”!
First of all, employers don’t hire ASPIRANTS.
…They hire candidates who can deliver in specific areas of the position hired for.
Second of all, if and when a potential employer read such statements and phrases…
…He’s thinking “…And you are looking for a job in my company so I can train you to achieve all this ASPIRATIONS? ...rather than helping me solve my own challenges?”
And he goes like: “Screw this guy! I need people who already have these skills--detail-oriented professional; wide range of problem-solving skills and all-rounded--not ASPIRANTS of such!”
By completely eliminating those self-sabotaging phrases and statements, you’re better off—by far.
Your “Copy” is not where you talk about your dreams! It’s a tool through which you show potential employer how you can help them. Period!
So, here are the 4 key things we’ve learnt about a “Compelling Copy”. A “Compelling Copy” should have these 4 elements:
1) It MUST show “Specific Measureable Transferable Skills” you have…because that tells the employer what you are capable of doing.
2) It MUST answer this employers’ question: “Why should I hire and work with this Candidate?”
3) It MUST avoid self-sabotaging phrases, and statements.
4) It MUST be about your ideal customer (potential employer). Not about you…your aspirations…you dreams...or whatever ‘personal attributes’ you think you have.
In other words, pack it with practical value that you can offer your potential employer
Blunt Truth: MOST “Copy” you will ever come across look like the one above.
Think of your “Copy” or better, go look at it right now. Does it have the above 4 elements?
If not, you need to change that from now, forthwith.
This is a “Below Average Copy” that will never—and should not--be considered by any potential employer. At all!
By the way, notice I’m not saying this to make you feel bad about yourself. No.
It’s okay to have a “Below Average Copy”, when you don’t know any better!
(Hint: You should have seen the “Copy” I had in that to-be job I failed miserably! It was pathetic.)
But now you know better. So, start IMPROVING your “Copy”.
Moving on to the next level…
…Look at this “Average Copy”
Now, let’s get to the next level where I show you what an “Average Copy” looks like.
This time round, you are looking for IT candidate—as an employer--to fill out an open position in your business/organization or company.
Your main concern as an employer is looking for the answer to the question…
…“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”
So you are looking for the “Copy” that satisfactorily answers that question…And you get “Copy” like this.
Will it pass the test? Does it answer the employer’s question?
. *** *** *** *** ***
Network troubleshooting Information Systems Management Systems Networking
College: Cape-town College
January 2003 – December 2005 ICT
Secondary School 1998 - 2002 Miami High School
Grade attained B
April 2015 to date: Timeko Institute Of Technology—ICT Officer
January 2004 to December 2004: Sports captain Cape-town College
January 2005 to December 2005: Student councils’ General Secretary Cape-town College
*** *** *** *** ***
Looking at this “Copy” –you as an employer-- does it answer the above question?
The answer: Yes, though a little vague.
How? Let’s ask the employer’s question again…and see how this “Average Copy” answers it—though vaguely!
Potential Employer: …“Why should I hire and work with this candidate?”
“Average Copy” Response:
…Because this candidate has “measurable transferable skills” you need for ICT position. Here they are: Network troubleshooting; Information Systems Management: Systems Networking
As the potential employer, you can see—from the “Copy”—and tell what this candidate can do for you…without having to FIGURE IT OUT on your own!
You can tell the exact transferable skills, which are important in this position that he can deliver on.
The problem is, you cannot prove that this candidate has used any these skills in real hands on experience…or even has these skills to boot!
Yes, the “Copy” says he was an ICT Officer. But that doesn’t mean he has ever used the skills he’s indicated.
He could have just been there, as an ICT Officer.
…Just a titled designation—but without having really engaged in the application of the skills the “Copy” says he has.
(We’ve all seen this—especially if you’re an employer/interviewer or hiring manager. A candidate purporting they have certain skills; only to realize he “Just thinks he has those skills”…but has never applied them anywhere)
But even though you as an employer might have doubts about this candidate, he seems to be aware…even self-aware of some very specific tangible skills required in his field.
Also, notice there are no self-sabotaging phrases and statements.
We’ve also ELIMINATED completely some of the irrelevant segments like PERSONAL PROFILE…and CAREER OBJECTIVES in your Copy.
I wish this one was different, but as it turns out, no one cares, or even reads what you think you are (aka: PERSONAL PROFILE)…it’s irrelevant to employers!
…Because that segment contains “WHITE LIES” and even if you were telling the truth in this segment, you cannot quantify it.
I mean, you and I cannot quantify...or proof…or substantiate these statements, if I say…
…"I’m well organized in my work and highly flexible”
… “I’ve the ability to cope with challenges at work place”
…“I’m capable of working with or without supervision”
These are attributes proved by actions, rather than ascertained by ‘saying’. And there’s a way to PROOF this in your Copy, rather than “TELLING” it.
So the “PERSONAL PROFILE” segment is functionally useless.
…And so is your CAREER OBJECTIVES!
Ultimately, this removal of useless segments—which are often times counterproductive—makes my “Copy” short.
…But, you as an employer. If you ONLY had the option between this candidate, and the other one who had a “Below Average Copy” you would go for the candidate with the above Copy.
He seems to know what he can do...and the specific tangible skills he has. Plus, he’s not an ASPIRANT.
But employers have options…and if a more ‘Compelling Copy’ comes around—you as an employer—will forget about this candidate.
Remember, you’re not fully convinced about him…and you are still looking for a better and suitable candidate.
But, in comparison, do you notice the progression here?
In a compendium, here are the 5 elements we’ve learnt about a ‘Compelling’ Copy:
1) It MUST show “Specific Measureable Transferable Skills” you have…because that tells the employer what you are capable of doing.
2) It MUST answer this employers’ question: “Why should I hire and work with this Candidate?”
3) It MUST avoid self-sabotaging phrases, and statements.
4) It MUST be about your ideal customer (potential employer). Not about you…your aspirations…you dreams...or whatever ‘personal attributes’ you think you have.
In other word, pack it with practical value that you can offer your potential employer
5) It needs to have a “PROOF” of application, of the “Specific Measurable Transferable Skills” indicated.
Your ideal customer (potential employer) needs PROOF. They want to know you’ve done/applied the skills indicated before.
They want to be sure these are not theoretical!
Our “Average Copy” has the first 4 elements; but lacks the 5th element.
Notice, the moment you add the 5th element (PROOF) to this “Copy”…
…And do a little bit of “Fine-tuning” and tweaking; this “Copy” will become very powerful…shooting immediately, from an “Average Copy” to a “Good Copy”!
It will be the kind of a “Copy” that handles almost all doubts and objections your ideal customer (potential employer) might have.
And I shall show you how to do that in the next material.
For today, here’s what I want you to do…
What To Do Today.
Take a hard look at your Copy. And if it’s not up to par with what we’ve learnt today, don’t feel sorry about yourself…instead do this to IMPROVE it.
1) Eliminate the irrelevant segments in your Copy--like we did.
2) Identify, and eliminate self-sabotaging phrases and statements (notice this can exist even for average c)
3) Think about the specific tangible skills you have—and have probably used them—and add them to your “Copy”
(Aka: make sure it answers the employers’ question.)
After you’ve done those three things, here’s one more challenging thing to do…
Think about how you can “show PROOF” in your “Average Copy”, to take it from “Average” to “Good” …before the next material.
…Then add that “PROOF” to your “Copy”. Don’t worry about not doing it right. We are learning…no judgment!
Better still, subscribe to my email list (if you're not yet in)…confirm the subscription, then send me your 'IMPROVED Copy' to: princemulwa@yahoo.com
…I will review your Copy--‘Behind the scenes’—suggest necessary changes...and send it back to you before the next material!
Go do that right now…and I’m looking forward to reviewing some of your “Copies”!
If this material was helpful, share it to your network …LinkedIn…Twitter …Google …Facebook …or where you hang out—it doesn’t matter!
(Hint: Clicking the above links you can connect with me in those social media networks)
...Plus, leave a comment in any of the above social media platform...and tell me the one thing you've learnt...from this material or what you think of it!
Keep you eye in here...don't miss the next material (aka: module II) of this crash course! It's content will be full-chocked with value!
To your Compelling Copy.
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