…One of the things that make great engineer is the ability to: Streamline processes to get maximum output with minimal effort and time.
And this is something you can apply directly in your career—no matter which industry you are in—and reap great rewards.
I call this the concept of MINIMUM EFFORTS For GREAT RESULTS.And by the way, it’s not a new concept. It goes back to Henry Ford and Assembly Line.
Turns out there a few concepts from the 1840’s you can duplicate now, and not only make more money, but also advance your career.
Not familiar with Henry Ford and Assembly Line?
Don’t worry! Because that’s not important for now, and you don't need to, to understand and apply what I’m about to show you right now, so you can start making more money.
What is important to understand now is this: The better you get at the Concept of Minimum Efforts for Great Results, the GREATER the RESULTS you get from your daily efforts.
…The more EFFECTIVE you become (Note: effective is not the same as efficient, and engineers goal is to become effective first, then efficient).
So, let me explain it…
Process Streamlining is looking at something you want to do, then, being able to IDENTIFY the CORE ELEMENTS that MATTER in delivering the results you want. Then, ALIGNING those CORE ELEMENTS in a way that MAKES THEM WORK together SEAMLESSLY to deliver the HIGHEST RESULTS in the SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE, with the LEAST AMOUNT OF EFFORT POSSIBLE.
But notice the 5 key things here….
• Identify Core Elements
• Align them to Work Seamlessly
• Produce Highest Results
• Use the Shortest Time Possible
• Apply the Least Amount of Effort
This process includes ELIMINATION, as opposed to ADDITION.
Elimination of the unnecessarily ELEMENTS—or least important elements
Elimination of TIME—so you get results in less time
Elimination of EFFORT—so you apply minimal effort
And this is what makes not only a great engineer, but it’s what makes engineering one of the most interesting fields to work in—unlike other fields.
It changes the way you approach almost everything—in life and career.
Here’s an example:
While others are thinking: “I need X and Y to achieve Z-results” …and feel helpless when they cannot get X or Y
...Great engineers are trained to ask themselves: “How can I ELIMINATE the NEED for X or Y (or possibly both), and achieve 2 times Z-results”?
And they always find a way!
They’re trained in critical thinking, as opposed to merely using their memory!
But what if you—as an engineer or not—could use this Engineer’s Approach to Make More Money, and even advance your career this year?
First, is it possible?
Answer: Yes, it is.
Second, if it’s possible, why aren’t most people using it? And how can you use it to your advantage this year?
Well, this is exactly what I’ll be showing you, so you can implement it right away, and get the highest best results (MORE MONEY and CAREER GROWTH), in the shortest time possible, with the least amount of effort.
And you don’t have to be an engineer to do this!
So, let’s dive in…
How To Use Engineer’s Approach to Make More Money and Advance your Career This year
It’s important to grasp that, because it gives you permission to eliminate some UNPRODUCTIVE THINGS you’ve been doing, thinking or in hope that they’ll make a difference in your career, or help you make more money.
NOT all of them take the same AMOUNT OF EFFORT—most can be very frustrating, with very minimal results.
NOT all of them take the same AMOUNT OF TIME—some take long time, and the results aren’t guaranteed.
NOT all of them PRODUCE GREAT RESULTS, even when you’ve succeeded in them. The time, money, and effort spend, in comparison to the results produced ISN’T WORTHY IT!
Unfortunately, no one shows us which ELEMENTS MATTER (the ones we need to focus on) when it comes to our careers and making more money. And which ones are not worth trying (the ones we need to eliminate).
Most of what we are taught doesn’t work, or take too much to implement, or produce dismal results!
I’ll not dwell on what most people talk about--when it comes to advancing your career or making more money. No!
Instead, I’ll show you only 3 elements you need to focus on, to make more money and advance your career this year. And if you are proactive and ambitious enough, you can start to see the changes after a few months of implementation.
These are things you and I can implement right away.
They’re things you and I have control over, and aren’t frustrating or foggy. They’re clear, simple to implement.
You can learn them today. Implement them in a few months, and start making positive change in your earning.
Even more interestingly, you don’t need to implement the 3 of them. All you need is implement 2 of them, and the 3rd one automatically falls into place.
(Note: The 3rd one is a by-product of the first 2!)
When it comes to making more money or advancing your career their certain things that matter—without them, our efforts wouldn’t really matter.
And when you know, what THOSE ELEMENTS ARE, and then MASTER THEM, you can SAFELY IGNORE what everybody else tells you…and grow your career, or side-business, and make more money.
And my goal here is to help you:
- Identify what those FEW ELEMENTS are,
- Show you how to implement them to get the highest results, with the shortest time and least amount of effort.
So, here are…
The 3 CORE-ELEMENTS To Earning More Money And Advancing Your Career
Growing your career and/ or making more money boils down to these 3 Elements:
- Developing an IMPORTANT SKILL (not necessarily rare); and knowing how to apply it extremely well to your advantage. Example: Writing great CV that land you job interviews, learning how to interview like a pro and land great jobs. If you’re looking for great job, you need this.
- Developing a RARE SKILL in your field and being great at it. Example: if you’re an engineer in Civil, Electrical, Building & Construction or Architecture, Mastering ArchiCAD is a ticket to earning more money, and growing your career or side-business. Works for both getting a great job and starting side-business.
- Serendipity/Luck: Yes, I like being real. And so, I’m not the kind of people who will tell you: “Learn this ONE SKILL and tomorrow you’ll be making a ton of money, your career will grow instantly”. Because that’s not true! When it comes to making more money/advancing your career, there’s always some element of serendipity involved.
Instead, develop # 1 and #2 above, and the last one will find you. (Note: Luck is when an opportunity meets you prepared—and that preparation comes by developing the first 2 elements.)
Interestingly, some of you reading this already have number 3 in place. How?
Well, if you already have a job with potential for growth, all you need is develop rare skills required for the next position, then show your boss you have what it takes to deliver and land the nest position.
“But how do I do that?” you’d ask.
Well, last year, I wrote an entire book on how you can turn your career around in just a few months. In this book, I show you unconventional techniques and strategies to:
- Land job interviews
- Win job interviews
- Get promotions and salary raise
The favorite part? I’m giving it to you absolutely for free.
When you’re done reading this post, come back and Click here to access: YOUR CAREER TAKE OFF SYSTEM EBook
Ok, to cap this, let me give you…
The 2 Key Mistakes Most Professionals Make When Developing the Above Elements
I’ve spend over 5 years helping hundreds of professionals--not counting over 1000 graduates and undergraduates students—develop the above 2 elements.
But here are 2 Key Mistakes I’ve observed—both professionals and students make--when it comes developing the above 2 elements:
- Focusing on wrong skills: Most people focus on the wrong skills. They spend a ton of time, money and efforts developing those skills, only to realize later that it wasn’t that important for their market skills. And that it didn’t make any difference. That it was a waste of time, effort and money!
- Inability to clearly articulate the value of their rare skills, even though they have them: They do have the Rare & Valuable skill. But aren’t able to clearly articulate the value of those skills for the market. For instance, in their CVs, and Job Interviews. And because of that, they aren’t able to land great jobs when the opportunity (serendipity) presents itself. Truth is, having the rare skill is not enough. Learning how to articulate its value to your client (boss if you’re employed or customers if you’re running side/full-time business) is what will get you to reap its benefit.
And just like I WROTE HERE, we are all into business—whether employed or running business.
If you are unable to communicate your value to your customer, whether that is in a CV, job interview, or face-to-face with customers, then they’ll not be willing to work with you or pay you more, if they’re already working with you.
To eliminate the above 2 Key Mistakes, and start making more money this year—whether it’s with side-business or getting higher salary at your work place, here are the 3 things you need to do:
- Research to UNDERSTAND the RARE SKILLS for your market: Before you waste time, money and effort, developing any skill; research your job market to find out what kind of rare skill your market is looking for, otherwise adding “NEW SKILLS” doesn’t really help. (Click HERE to see WHY MORE SKILLS/EDUCATION is not the solution)
- Go for the RARE SKILL with SWEET-SPOT where possible: There are certain rare skills that have what I call Sweet-Spot. These are the skills that allow you work both for your employer (if you’re employed or choose to be employed), and for yourself (if you choose to employ yourself or run a side-business). It means you can use this skill to add more value to your employer and get paid well for it. Or/and you can use the same skill to either run a side-business while keeping your full-time job, or just quit your job a go full-time business using the same skill. Finding the SWEET-SPOT skill is what enables you to double or triple your income with almost the same amount of time effort. (I wrote about how you can do all that HERE—you can click here to read it)
- Learn how to ARTICULATE YOUR VALUE: when you’ve done all the above, the last thing to BULLET-PROOF your making/earning more money is to master how to communicate your value. If you can show your boss how your skills are/would be offering them more value—in your CVs and Job interview—they’d be glad to offer you the job, salary raise, promotion etc. (I’ve shown my readers and students how you can do that HERE—click here to learn how). And if you can show your customers how your services/products are offering them more value, they’d be willing to pay you more money for it.
It’s all possible to start earning/making more money this year. And I’ve just show you how—including the 2 key mistakes to avoid.
We’ve seen how it boils down to only 3 elements. And I have given you links to my best materials on how to get good at 1st, and even 2nd element. Plus, a link into How to apply your rare Skill to make more money
But if you are professional engineer—or student--in Civil, Architectural, Building & Construction, and electrical--I developed one of the courses that’d help you with element 2 (developing a rare skill that pays you more money)
I developed this course based deep-market research (Yes, I do what I preach), to make sure the skills you’ll develop from this course lies under SWEET-SPOT RARE SKILLS.
And this is the ArchiCAD Training Course Program.
This course gives you the rare Architectural Design skills that enable you to earn more money on the side—as you keep your full-time job.
Or get higher pay at your current job as an employee; because it’ll render you with rare valuable skills your employer would be willing to pay you more for.
I packaged Mini-Training Course, so you can check it out for yourself. And it’s absolutely FREE!
Click 👉 1-WEEK ArchiCAD Training Course Program.
In the 1-WEEK ARCHICAD TRAINING COURSE, you’ll get Video Lessons from me, where I walk you through everything you need to develop keys skill for Designing Floor-plans. When you join the course by clicking the link above, we kick the lessons the following day.
Click here for INSTANT ACCESS to the FREE COURSE.
Plus, here’s your link to access: YOUR CAREER TAKE OFF SYSTEM,…my FREE EBook where I show you:
- How to Writing Compelling CV that land You Job interviews
- How Dominate Job Interviews
- How to Negotiate Your Salary and Get Paid More
- How To get Promotions in months
- Even how to switch industries
- Plus much more powerful tactics, techniques and strategies for ambitious professionals
And it’s ABSOLUTELY FREE for you--for being one of my readers!
If this post--and the wealth of resources I have included in it—insightful, share it with your friends on social media. Together we can make what seems almost impossible possible this year!
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