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What if you could write a Cover Letter hiring managers cannot ignore? |
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Okay, so...
Are you tired of sending dozens of cover letters and not hearing back?
Well, that changes today!
In this material, you’ll learn:
• The Grave Mistakes Most Job Candidate Commit in their Cover Letter—which is why they never hear back from hiring managers.
Hint: This comes with a Complete Cover Letter Teardown.
Once you learn these mistakes, you can avoid them, and start getting more +ve responses from your job applications--than you’re currently getting.
• How To Craft Mouthwatering Cover Letters Hiring managers Cannot Resist.
Here, I’ll show you the only 3 things to focus on in your cover letter and TRIPLE or even QUADRUPLE the number of interviews you’re getting.
Notice, we’ll not be talking about minutiae tactics we hear every day, like checking your typos, or grammar or making sure your cover letter is ‘formal’.
For most of us, we’ve checked all those things before sending our application letters. Yet, we’re still getting very minimal +ve responses. And often times, we never hear back from the hiring manager.
So, instead of dwelling on the above minutiae tactics, you’ll learn the exact proven psychological techniques, and the tested tactics to employ, so your cover letter becomes irresistible to hiring managers.
• You’ll get FREE COPY of the Exact Cover Letter Template that got immediate response from a hiring manager.
This cover letter got positive response within 6 hours of submitting. And secured job interview within 2 days!
When I say 'Proven techniques' and 'Tested Tactics', it’s because I’ve proved and tested these techniques and tactics. With busy managers. Yes, even VIPs—and got results.
And the same techniques and tactics have been proven and tested by respected career experts too--and have guaranteed result.
At the end, if you put into action what I’m about to teach you, you can TRIPLE or even QUADRUPLE the number of interviews you’re getting.
You’ll be able to virtually guarantee, that every job application you make, turns into an interview. So I strongly recommend you follow through to the end of this material.
Genuinely in a hurry? And don’t have time to read the whole material?...No worries.
I can send you the FREE COPY of the “ENTIRE COVER LETTER TEMPLATE” so you can read it at your own convenient time.
…and I’ll send you your FREE COPY.
Otherwise stick around, because you’ll learn how to getting hiring managers to immediately respond to your job application letters.
But before we get into all that, I have a confession to make.
Years back after college, I would send countless job application letters to companies I wanted to work with. And for the 99% of those letters, I never heard back from those companies!
It was frustrating.
I paid attention to grammar. I ensured there were no ‘typos’ in the cover letters. I re-read the letters three times, before I sent them.
I made sure the letters were formal—short, concise and to the point.
But even after doing all that, I still got very minimal responses. That kept happening, even after my first job.
I knew something was missing in my application letters. Only that I didn’t know what--because I had done all what “career experts’ tell us to do!
“Make it formal. Avoid typos. Make it short. Check grammar”
Results? NOTHING! Even after doing all those things.
I googled all cover letter templates I could find. Framed my job application letters based on those templates.
…But still, what I got was not satisfying!
Then, I started to believe the FALSE NARRATIVE that the reason I was not getting responses was because there were no jobs.
Turns out that was not TRUE.
“It’s tough job-market out there. You’ve got to keep on trying. Keep sending more. It shall pay!” That is the advice you get from most career advisors.
I have had my share of that crap!
Turns out doing more doesn’t always pay. That was one of the greatest lessons I learnt, then.
I couldn’t buy into that false narrative, and bury my head under the sand anymore!
I mean, how could you rationalize that the reason you’re not getting job interview calls—after submitting your application—is because there are no jobs?
And then, you see someone else who’s just applied for the same position, same company—after you, and are called for interview?
And you know it’s not because they had special connections? Even maddening, you come to realize later, that they were not as qualified as you are!
The problem was with my cover letter. And I decided to find out what it was.
Now, before I tell you what I found, here’s a realization a came into. And this is important. It’s actually my second lesson that I learned.
“Your Cover Letter is one of the most important tools you can use to land your dream job--even if you have ZERO connections.”
Your cover letter is the powerful tool you can use to reach-out to a hiring manager-- whom you couldn’t reach otherwise—and show him why you could be the best candidate to work with.
When it impresses him, that open doors for in-person meeting. And when that happens, what follows is an interview. And that’s what leads to your dream job!
Unfortunately, no one really shows us what goes in a Winning Cover Letter, beyond the grammar and format.
And so, for most of us, we send countless cover letters and never hear back. And the only advice we get is “Keep on trying!”
So, we keep on trying for years and years.
That’s going to stop from today.
A time comes when “Keep on trying” is not worth the effort and the time. And that time came for me!
So, what did I do? I decided to dig deeper to uncover…
…How Top-performers Craft a Mouthwatering Cover Letter
I set out on a journey to research and learn exactly how top performers craft Cover Letters that virtually guarantee positive responses from hiring managers!
I spent time working closely with some hiring managers, to learn what really gets their attention—in a Cover Letter.
I learnt from respected career experts whose materials, advice, techniques and career training courses, generated the results I wanted to be getting with my cover letters.
And today, I’m glad to share with you some of the few things I learnt.
You’ll learn the psychological techniques. The tactical word-for-word framing. And the exact structure and positioning you can use to write a cover letter that gets you job interviews!
Then, I’ll give you the Exact Cover Letter Template you can use to virtually guarantee positive response from hiring managers. The one that got VIP’s response in 6 hours and an interview in 2 days!
Once you crack the code of a Winning Cover Letter, you can use it to get multiple dream job interviews, and drive your career growth.
I will show you how to do it.
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I tested these techniques just to prove that they work. I wanted to make sure they were not theoretical. So one day, I decided to prove them in one of the toughest situation.
Here’s what I did…
…I Cold-Emailed Cover Letter To VIP. I Got Immediate Response--within 6 Hours!
I decided to send a Cover Letter to a VIP. And that Cover Letter got positive response within 6 hours. The VIP emailed me back--within 6 hours—asking we meet in 2 days!
Of course I wasn’t surprised by the immediate positive response, except a little. This was not the first time!
I knew the techniques were powerful only I didn’t expect them to draw an immediate response in this situation.
(Hint: VIPs are busy people, and rarely response immediately—even to people they know. This VIP didn’t know me. We had ZERO connections! And, there weren’t any job advert of an open position.)
I want you to be able to do the same—get multiple job interviews for virtually any cover letter you send. Even if you have ZERO connections!
The problem with most career advice we get about our cover letter is that, they never go beyond formats, and grammar.
Today, we go beyond grammar and formats!
Really want to learn this, but running out of time? No problem.
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So, let’s get started…
The Average Cover Letter Teardown
The best way to improve on something is to first know how good it is presently. And what could be improved.
Once you see the unobvious mistakes or areas needing improvement, then you can take it to the next level. That’s what we’ll do here.
First, we’ll look at an average cover letter. This is the version of the cover letters I used to send when I was getting very minimal responses from hiring mangers.
Just compare to see whether your cover letter looks similar. Then, we’ll tear it apart, and you’ll learn the mistakes and the things that could be improved in this letter, to make it captivating.
So, here’s what an average cover letter looks like. Take a hard look at it!
Dear Sir/Madam,
RE: APPLICATION FOR [Insert job position/title] POSITION/JOB
I’m a lady/gentleman aged [insert years], and I’m writing to apply for a [insert job title] position in your company/firm.
I have a degree/diploma in [insert field], with 3 years of experience, and looking to work in a company that does XYZ. I came across your job vacancy advert dated 5th April, 2016, for a [insert the advertised position], which is my area of profession.
I’ve attached my CV and credentials to this cover letter.
I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.
Yours faithfully,
[Candidate’s Name]
Alright. That’s an average cover letter.
Of course there are many different versions or trends of the same, and while they may not use the exact same words, they bear the same theme.
Here’s the theme that runs throughout this cover letter—and in most cover letters I see.
• Who the candidate is: Most cover letters open up by telling who the candidate is--personal details, age, gender etc.
• Why he’s writing: After that, it follows with why this candidate is writing--applying for a job.
• What he wants & learned about it: After indicating why he’s writing—in the above letter—this candidate talks about the specific job position he wants with this company. And how he came to learn of the open position exists
• What the candidate in terms of credentials and experience: In an average cover letter, the candidate mentions her credentials, skill and experience.
• What the candidate expects/looks forward to: —Of course you look forward to a positive response when you apply for a job. And you can see that in our cover letter.
That’s the general theme of the letter. And it’s not a bad thing.
Now, take a cold look, at your cover letter. And while it may not contain the exact words as in our cover letter above, see whether it contains the above theme.
The above cover letter isn’t bad. Is it?
I mean, it’s formal. No grammatical errors. No typos. Its structure is clear and the purpose is well communicated.
Yes. It’s not bad. But it’s not a good either!
If this kind of a cover letter is submitted to a hiring manager, odds are against ever hearing back from him!
Yes, it may get you a few responses here and there. But who wants a few responses?
You would want to optimize your application letter responses, so you get multiple job interviews queued up for you. That’s what being in control of your career means!
You want to craft a letter that draws positive responses almost all the time. So you’ll never have to worry even if you lost your job today.
Because you know you can always secure another job interview almost immediately.
By the way, if you’ve been sending job application letters—whether hard copy or email—and never hearing back, let me show were they’re nicely kept…
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Could these be one of your cover letters? |
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Could these be one of your job application emails? |
It’s no wonder you never heard back!
To ensure that your cover letters/emails don’t end up in either of the above holes-of-doom, let’s do a teardown of the above letter, and uncover the grave mistakes in this letter.
If your cover letter looks similar, pay close attention. If yours is better than this average cover letter, pay close attention too.
…Because you’ll learn a few things you can tweak to dramatically scale the number interview calls you’re currently getting.
Cover Letter Teardown: The Grave Mistakes Most Job Candidates Commit.
Your cover letter should not just be another letter “asking” for a job. No! And that’s for one reason: NOBODY WANTS TO GIVE YOU a JOB.
I wish it were otherwise. But that’s the reality!
Yes, our parents could have got numerous interview calls with the kind of the letter above. But right now, —through experience, --you and I know that’s not the case anymore! And for those of us who have not realized that by now, you will!
The sooner you realize that “nobody wants to give you a job”, and learn how to circumvent that hurdle, the better you’ll be.
Just learning how to overcome that barrier can lead to better the jobs. Shorter time finding your dream job. And is the key to taking back control of your career.
Don’t worry. I’ll show you how to overcome that barrier-in a while.
Right now, I know you might be asking: “But Prince, isn’t that the point of a cover letter? Asking for a job?”
My response? Yes and No.
So, let’s rip this letter apart. And you’ll learn the grave mistakes in it, so you avoid them next time you’re applying for a job.
Pay close attention, as we dissect it—line-by-line, and uncover why this letter will rarely get you interview-calls.
The Line-by-Line Teardown
• 1ST LINE: [I’m a lady/gentleman aged [insert years], and I’m writing to apply for a [insert job title] position in your company/firm.]
This line starts with a good introduction, but then, this applicant proceeds to talk about what he WANTS.
He WANTS a job position and THAT’S WHY HE’S WRITING the potential employer.
Bearing in mind that nobody WANTS TO GIVE YOU A JOB, the recipient of the letter has no reason or any incentive to respond to this letter--at that point.
Knowing what you want is a good thing. Because, if you don’t know what you want, how could you ask for it? And saying what you want is something top performers do. If you don’t, nobody will ever give you anything!
But there’s way you do it!
Have you ever heard of someone who went to their manager to ask for a salary raise? And honestly they deserved it. But instead of getting the raise, they got fired?
Happens all the time!
There is an effective way to successfully ask for want you want. And get it. Including a job.
• 2ND LINE: [I have a degree/diploma in [insert field], with 3 years of experience, and looking to work in a company that does XYZ. I came across your job vacancy advert dated 5th April, 2016, for a [insert the advertised position], which is my area of profession.]
In this line 2, this applicant talks about what he has and what he’s looking for. He also indicates what triggered him to write a letter/email.
But the way he’s framing all that sounds SELFISH.
There is nothing in there; that shows the potential employer what he has to gain. A potential employer can read those lines and wonder, “So what?”
To write a winning Cover Letter, most of the work is done way before you ever write a single word. Put yourself in potential employer’s shoes.
Ask yourself: what do THEY want? What are THEY looking for?
Instead of: what do I want? What AM I looking for?
That small change in MINDSET is what differentiates a winning cover letter, and a losing one!
• 3RD LINE: [I’ve attached my CV and credentials to this cover letter.]
At this point, the applicant assumes the other party is interested, even though he’s been TALKING ABOUT HIMSELF ALL ALONG.
He tells the potential employer to check more about him (the applicant) on some documents accompanying his letter.
Here’s a key lesson you need to learn: Potential employers will not do things because you asked them to. NO!
They will do things because you triggered/motivated/impressed them to.
This is basic human psychology.
And your job, when writing your cover letter, is to make the potential employer to want to know you more.
And the way you craft the letter. The words you use. The way you frame it, can make the employer want to look at your CV right away!
And the opposite is true.
Here’s the thing. Potential employers receive lots average and boring cover letters—like the one above. And they don’t have time to read such letters--let alone going ahead to check the attached CVs!
If you don’t make them want to check your CV—by crafting a letter that triggers their interest—they won’t. And your communication with them ends there!
Some don’t even read to the bottom of the letter!
• 4TH LINE: [I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.]
The applicant tells the potential employer he’s looking forward to hearing from him. Just pause and think: do you think the potential employer—based on what’s in this letter—is looking forward to meeting this applicant?
Obviously No!
There’s nothing in this letter that would make the potential employer want to meet this candidate in person—for more discussion and possible interview.
No common interest. No common goal. No common ground. No nothing!
Up to this point, are you seeing why you should never craft such a letter?
Let’s wind this up!
• 5TH LINE: [Yours faithfully,]
Finally, the applicant signs his name at the bottom of the letter/email …and hit “Send” button, or submits the letter manually—whichever means he uses.
Truth is, he probably will never hear back!
Do you now see what happens behind the scene when we send and average cover letter? When you commit the above mistakes in your cover letter, you’ll wait for years!
Now, based on the mistakes we’ve uncovered in our letter, let me point out the 3 key things you can integrate in your cover letter to make it irresistible.
Key Takeaway # 1: The right MINDSET: Put yourself in potential employer’s shoes
Before you ever sit down and write a single word in your cover letter, the first thing is to have the right mindset.
Think like the potential employer. Put yourself in their shoes.
To put yourself in this frame of mind, here are 3 tactical questions you can ask yourself:
Question # 1: What do THEY want?
Question # 2: What are THEY looking for?
Question # 3: How can I SHOW THEM—in the cover letter--I can OFFER that?
When you sit down to write a cover letter with that mindset, it will not be about YOU, but about THEM.
Key Takeaway # 2: Show VALUE: Talk about the VALUE you can offer THEM 3-Quarters of the letter.
For 3-quarters of the cover letter, show the potential employer the value you can bring on board. Talk about the benefits they might get, if/when they consider working with you.
No one wants to give you a job. But potential employers are willing to work with you, and compensate you fairly, if you can help them solve their challenges. Or achieve their goals.
The way you overcome the “NO ONE WANTS TO GIVE YOU A JOB” barrier, is by showing the value you can the potential employer—in your cover letter.
Key Takeaway # 3: Build a Shared Vision: Share Vision with the potential employer.
People want to work with people whom they share the same vision. And the potential employer is not different.
You don’t have to know the grand vision of the company. NO!
But you can subtly show in your cover letter that you’ve shared interest with the potential employer or in what the company is doing.
That you’ve a common ground and shared interest in a specific area of what the company does—the one you are applying for. And you would be glad to help drive success in that area!
When you focus on the above 3 things, and integrate them in your cover letter, you’ll dramatically improve your response rate!
You give hiring managers a reason to want to meet you.
Now, the big question is: how do you piece all these together, and craft a mouthwatering cover letter hiring managers cannot ignore?
This is the last piece of the puzzle. And I just did it for you!
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