3 Unconventional Ways To Win In The Competitive Job-market

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On Saturday last weekend, I went to watch the secondary school ball games--and specifically volleyball. Okay, I have never been a volleyball fun to boot! But now I am--officially.

And there I saw:
1)    A volleyball team that has  NEVER featured  # 2 at national level—let alone # 1—beat a team which has been the East & Central Africa volleyball champions for the last 2 consecutive years
2)    A LESS COMPETITIVE team crash National Volleyball giants using almost ONE player.
3)    One little-known volleyball player withstand 3 East & Central Africa champion players, and score consecutively.

So, what does all that has to do with today’s material? Well, the use of “Unconventional ways to Win.”
Today I want to show you 3 unconventional ways to win in the competitive job-market—even when you feel everyone else is better than you. Plus, why competition in the job-market is a good thing.

(Hint: It presents the greatest opportunity to you).

 I will show you how and why lack of experience; ONE MORE degree; or even connections; aren’t the EXACT REAL barriers to competing in the job-market. Contrary to what most of us think!
Digging in…


3 Counterintuitive Ways To WIN—even if you are less talented/educated/experienced 

High competition in the job-market is a good thing; because it means there is a demand for your skills; experience; and valuable knowledge. Otherwise there would be no competition!
So, let me show you one psychological truth about human beings; which you can build on to win unconventionally in the job-market—and any other field.

  • Psychological Truth # 1: By Nature We Are All LAZY
This doesn’t have a good ring to it; but it’s true. We are all lazy—even top performers as well as workaholics. 
The only difference is the degree of laziness between top performers and the average performer. Plus, how each of the 2 responds to that fact; to get ahead.

(Hint: that’s why workaholics are not always the most performing guys on the face of the earth.To the contrary those who seems to work less—often times produce MORE)

So, how do you use the fact that we are all LAZY, to get ahead in the job-market? Well, by just being ‘LESS lazy’ than most people.

But let me clarify that preceding statement. Being ‘LESS lazy’ doesn’t mean “WORKING HARD” than everyone else. NO.

It means taking a little EXTRA time to “DO the HARD WORK”…then doing it in a smart way.
Notice that is different from ‘WORKING HARD’

Let me give you two SPECIFIC examples to illustrate that.

Take JOHN, for example: 
He spends two weeks submitting his CV tirelessly to different random companies. By the end of two weeks, he has submitted 50 to 100 Cvs. This guy is really HARD WORKING. 5 to 10 RESUMES per day is no joke!

But let’s take BEN, who uses different approach:
Ben takes two days (Monday& Tuesday) to UNCOVER his potential employers; and their challenges. He then takes ONE HOUR that Tuesday evening; to UNCOVER his valuable skills; experience and knowledge that solves his target potential employers’ challenges.

In the third day; he takes about ONE HOUR to custom-tailor his CVs to SHOW how he can solve his target potential employer’s needs. In the next 3 days; he submits 10 of those CVs to SPECIFIC companies.

Between these two; who’s likely to get a response? Obviously, Ben.

Why? Because he did the real ‘HARD WORK’ upfront—which almost nobody does.

He did that by:
•    Uncovering his potential employer(s); plus, their needs.
•    Taking EXTRA time to uncover his PROFESSIONAL VALUE.
•    Crafting Custom-Tailored CV SHOWING he can solve his target employer’s challenges.

That’s doing the “HARD WORK’! But he did that in ONE WEEK; because he was systematic!

What about John? Well, he worked for TWO WEEKS—and he’s likely not going to get any response. He submitted his generic CV to RANDOM companies—without even knowing what value to offer; or their real challenges.

Ben does the ‘HARD WORK’—and does it SMARTLY. But John is HARD WORKING—and will get almost zero response. Can you see the difference?

The truth is, both BEN, and JOHN are lazy.

(That’s why JOHN can’t do the ‘HARD WORK’; and why BEN—in comparison--isn’t necessarily HARD WORKING)

But BEN is smart; and uses the fact that he and John are both lazy; to get ahead.
 Notice here that, John represents MOST job-candidates. And BEN represents competent few job-candidates.

So, how can you use BEN’s approach; and give yourself a competitive edge in the job market...even if you have less experience/education or almost zero connection? How can you CAPITALIZE on the fact that we are all LAZY to get ahead?

Here are 3 ways you can do that and WIN unconventionally: 

  • Learn What The Top 20% Do That The Bottom 80% Don’t.
When you observe carefully in any given company; you will realize that the best performers are not necessarily the HARD WORKING. They don’t ‘KILL THEMSELVES’ in the daily grid--pushing papers.

Yet they generate 80% of the results; in their department—leaving the rest 20% to be generated by the bottom 80% of their peers. This includes in any area of life—not just in workplace.
So, here’s what you need to do to start WINNING—even if you are average right now.

Take time and look into  what the top 20% do—whether it’s in applying for jobs; interviewing; or at work place.
Study them; because once you learn what makes them come at the top; you will be way far much better positioned to win—even if you are not the most experienced—than anyone else.

So, here are some of the things you will notice about these top 20%:
1)    Ironically, you will notice they do FEW THINGS (they are lazy--just like you and I). But those FEW SPECIFIC THINGS they do; generate 80% of the overall RESULTS. 

Once they do those few things; they walk away! They don’t want to spend the whole day doing everything—which ironically, is what most people do; and hate at the same time.

2)    When given a task; they ask themselves one powerful question: “What are the EXACT RESULTS required from me in this task/project/role? Or what EXACT end RESULTS do I want out of this I am about to do?"

If they can’t identify the EXACT RESULTS for a role/task/ project delegated to them; they go back and ask the person who delegated. 

Until they get to know the QUANTIFIED RESULTS expected; they never jump into anything!

3)    Once they grasp the real RESULTS expected; they do one more thing. Instead of jumping into the task; they take time to look at all the elements of the task/role/project.

Then they ask themselves ONE MORE powerful question: “What are the FEW KEY ELEMENTS in this task/project/role that I can focus on; to get the HIGHEST RESULTS?”
Notice it takes TIME and DISCIPLINE to do all this. That’s why the average person will not do it; and that’s your WINNING EDGE.

Most people “DO THINGS”. WINNERS want to get results for what they do!

If they can’t identify the few KEY ELEMENTS--that will make the MOST IMPACT-- they ask someone to help them identify. Yes, someone who’s better at it.

They don’t mind even if that assistance would cost them. They know the end RESULTS will be MORE VALUABLE in terms of:

•     LESS TIME employed to accomplish the task—meaning they will have more time on their part.
•     GREAT RESULTS acquired—which could lead to better pay, recognition; a new job; new office etc
     New SKILL LEARNT—they know they can invest to learn something once and for all. And they will use those learnt skills; and techniques  for the remaining part of their career life

Overall they know the COST of that investment to learn; is worth the VALUE they will get over the course of their career
It would be ridiculous to expect such a person to fail—even if he is less talented!

And because most people AREN’T DISCIPLINED ENOUGH TO DO ALL THAT; the competition starts to drop DRASTICALLY--elevating this person even higher above the rest.

And that’s your first unconventional approach to WINNING in the competitive job-market.

Once you learn how the top 20% do stuff; don’t just start to do it scantly. It’s time to take it to the next level.

  • Focus On Doing What The Top 20% Do
We are all tempted to do MORE of everything. Because psychologically; we are inclined to think:

Doing More of Everything = More RESULTS. 

Well, that turns out to be true only for a few stuff! 
Often times LESS is MORE. This is a principle winners know and find every possible opportunity to apply it in almost everything they do.

Once you learn what the top 20% do—in your arena—focus on that and do it. Forget about what everybody else says you ‘SHOULD’ do—or thinks you ‘SHOULD BE doing.’

We often think:
“…What would they say if they discovered I paid someone to show me how…WRITE a WINNING-RESUME…INTERVIEW BETTER…LEARN how to ask INTELLIGENT questions…IMPROVE my SOCIAL SKILLS?” 

And then we recoil and desist from doing what we should have done years ago.

Do you know why competent job-candidates win? …Because that is NOT what they think!

 Here’s how and what they think:
“…How many opportunities will have I lost over the course of my career—and life--if I don’t learn how to: WRITE A COMPELLING CV and get interview-call? IMPROVE my SOCIALS SKILLS and interview better…master asking INTELLIGENT QUESTIONS in the interview-room to demonstrate competency; and WIN jobs?”

They know that’s going to cost them way more. And they do what almost nobody else does; to create their path—while everyone waits for things to fall in place.

So, on learning what the top 20% do; focus on doing that. Tackle the few MOST IMPACTFUL ELEMENTS—in your career--that will generate 80% of the overall results you want.

Here is what will change and the results you will get:
•    You’ll Enjoy More Time: You will have MORE time because you are not doing everything.

•    You’ll Enjoy the compounding Effect of More time: That extra time can be used to focus on even more IMPACTFUL work. Meaning even more time. And we all want more time to do other things—not just work.

•    You’ll Enjoy Great RESULTS: You are focused on a few elements that generate 80% RESULTS. You are not worried about being replaced by another job-candidate in your job-position. Plus, who doesn’t feel great about being a top performer?

•    You Enjoy More Opportunities: Being competent--or even demonstrating competency--comes with its own basket of rewards. 

For instance:
Show your objective Value in your CV and you get an opportunity for a job interview.

Demonstrate competency in a job-interview and you get the job.

Show you are a high-performer and your boss gives you more opportunities to excel.

Show you can deliver and you get more challenging work that you will enjoy—instead of getting stuck pushing papers.

•    Intangible Benefits: Only those people who show they ‘get it’ get recognized. They get promotions; awards; respect; earn more etc. Plus, they get introduced to other smart people.

So, instead of WASTING your time and efforts; trying to please everyone--and doing everything--be smart. Focus on what the top 20% do; and just do that.
Notice how; it’s EASIER to IMPROVE if you focus on one specific area of your career at a time; than when you try to IMPROVE in EVERYTHING.

Try to IMPROVE in EVERYTHING—much like DOING EVERYTHING—and you will be overwhelmed before you even start. That’s the best way to NEVER IMPROVE or be better at anything.

Besides; isn’t it freeing to know that you don’t have to do EVERYTHING?

Trying to improve in everything sucks—much like trying to do everything. How long are you willing to keep on doing that?

Now, you know better. Do only what the top 20% do. And you will start beating even the most naturally talented; and those who are more experienced than you.

But, then; let me show you the last unconventional way to compete in the job-market. This is more powerful than anything else. People know it; but because we are all LAZY; less people will do it.
And those who do; WIN!

  • Automate All You Can Of What The Top 20% Do
How many of us know that automating some/most of the things we do—can free us a lot of time? How many of us know that automating most of the repetitive tasks makes us more effective; productive; and our work easier?

The answer to that is: Every one of us knows that.

So, why is it that we don’t do it; and yet we claim to “have no time”?
The answer is simple: We are lazy! And that is a good thing for anyone who wants to WIN unconventionally.

You see, taking time to AUTOMATE a repetitive task calls for “HARD WORK” at least initially. But after that; the benefits are long term.
Taking time to SYSTEMIZE something--instead of doing it randomly--takes “HIGH AMOUNT of EFFORTS and TIME”. And most people aren’t willing to EXPEND that initial efforts!

They would rather do it randomly—in which case they get confused; overwhelmed; and “lost” because they can’t figure-out the next step.

And when that happens; they either stop halfway and say…“I shall do this tomorrow”--which means they will never do it again; or they push through; only to get mediocre RESULTS.
Either way, they lose!

I have noticed that when you turn most tasks into EXACT science—by systematizing—it becomes easier to tackle.  

Not only that; but you can always guarantee the outcome (Great Results). Plus, the task become less overwhelming because you have a step-by-step outlined method.

Let’s look at REAL LIFE example:
Interviewing:  Most average candidates think they can “WING interviews” and pass; until they get into the interview room and fumble through the first question. And ONLY then do they realize:

  • They DON’T KNOW what to say; or how to say it.
  • They DON’T KNOW what intelligent questions to ask or able uncover the “Behind the question” of what the interviewer is asking.
  • They DON’T KNOW the most IMPACTFUL ELEMENTS to focus on; to WIN the interview.

Same case applies to WRITING RESUMES. Average job-candidate picks a random format; and fills the paper with their educational and professional background stuff. Not exactly knowing:

  • What to AMPLIFY to get HM’s attention
  • The EXACT language to use that shows you are a HIGH-VALUE candidate.

After RANDOMLY putting a sloppy CV together; they submit them to random companies—and wonder why no one calls back.

What if they took time to learn the EXACT systematic step-by-step process of either interviewing or RESUME-WRITING? What would change?

Here are the benefits:
•    They would have a SYSTEMATIC process for writing a WINNING-CV--making it easy to write.
They would know which KEY ELEMENTS to AMPLIFY in that CV and why—to get interview-call
•    They would get HIGH response rates after submitting their CV—instead of nothing

And my favorite…

•    Every time they want to apply for job in a different company; they would just pick the AUTOMATED proven-CV structure; and just change the details.

 Meaning they will not feel overwhelmed looking at a blank paper; wondering where to start—or even what to put in there. It’s LEARN it ONCE; USE it FOREVER!
•    They would FORGET about CV-WRITING challenges--and focus on other areas of their career that matter
•    And the same would apply to their Interviewing game—not to mention getting jobs.

In learning and doing what the top 20% do, go a step further and:

  • AUTOMATE as much as you can about what they do.
  • DOCUMENT every step they follow to use it later—even 10 years to come.
  • SYSTEMIZE everything you can about their processes.
That’s a powerful way to create a predictable path in your career. Once you employ all those 3 Unconventional ways to WIN; you will:
  • Almost effortlessly WIN with LESS contribution on your part.
  • You will BEAT more educated and experienced peers in the job-market.
  • You will deliver BETTER RESULTS—without necessarily ‘killing yourself’
  • You will MASSIVELY and DRAMATICALLY see IMPROVEMENT in all aspect of  your career—and life
  • You will have comparatively MORE TIME to enjoy being LAZY than everyone else.

This is NOT EASY. This is ‘HARD WORK’.  But the RESULTS are long term—with less effort on your part.

And, because many of you are NOT going to AUTOMATE anything—even after reading this material; and still claiming you want to WIN—those few who will; will get ahead faster.

What To DO:
Here’s what I want you to do now.
1)    DON’T leave a comment.

2)    IDENTIFY a SPECIFIC IMPACTFUL area in your career you want to improve.

3)    USE the 3 unconventional Ways To WIN; to dramatically change that area.

One MORE Thing
Come back –after doing the above--and leave a comment telling me the chosen area; and SPECIFICALLY outlining how you are going to improve it (using the 3 unconventional techniques)

Don’t miss next Thursday’s material!

Great weekend.



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